Hello my name is Shawn Whittington I began working for an agency name ICL (Institution for Community Living) on February 3rd 2010. Upon my interview and hiring I was informed that I would be getting paid 35, 000 a year, by Ms. Crystal Thomas. Which also became my supervisor. A little time later I realized that I was only being paid 32, 000 a year. I spoke to Ms. Thomas and Ms. Beverly Roper my other supervisor at the same time, and both agreed that I was not being paid my correct amount and that they would look into it. As time passed on through conversation I learned that other Case Managers had heard about this and were making jokes on my account. In any event it took almost a year and some months for Ms. Thomas to take my situation seriously. ( I would have done so myself, but the agency policy is that you go through a chain of commands first). Finally Ms. Thomas emailed the head of Human Resources, Ms. Angelyce Scott and informed her of my concerns. Ms. Scott then replied to Ms. Thomas stating that I was correct and that changes will be made immediately and that and would let me know if any retro is in order. Months later I received a check close to 1100 dollars, with the paystub stating retro. Which proved that I was due retro. I informed Ms. Scott of this and she informed that they still owed me 2800 dollars more, by her calculations. With this I went to my then director Ms. Dignit and explained the situation and she to agreed that it was unfair and that I should be paid for every hour that I worked like anyone else.
She said should would make some phone calls and get back to soon. Two days later she called me into her office and nonchalantly explained that due to the "fiscal year being over" I will not be receiving the rest of my money. I am asking that someone assist me for the rest of my pay, as I or anyone else that I know of works for free. I worked extremely hard on that job and have earned every penny that is owed. I have attach the letter that is admitting that I was being paid the wrong amount.
Respectfully yours Ms. Shawn Whittington
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.