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Impact Trainings

Impact Trainings review: scam and cheating 47

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11:01 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Family of 35 years wrecked by impact cult activities. Unreal the damages this institution causes although they say the opposite. My sister and her husband of 35 years are breaking up over this cult.

She has always been the family first person of all time, now she has no time for her husband, 5 children, and 13 grandchildren. she spends her ever waking moment at impact. she works their for pennies at best. on her days off she is working. when she is home, she is alway on the phone with some type of impact emergency.

she is divorcing, has little contact if any with her children, and grandchildren. call and talk to her and she well tell you she is doing awesome.

lets see, you've lost your husband of 35 years, denounced your religion, quit associating with your family and friends, but you claim your are doing awesome.

hope i can live to skip the awesomeness of impact cults.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Jealousy and lies from wannabe's
Vancouver, CA
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Mar 11, 2009 1:34 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I have been through impact recently and graduated through lift off. it is definitely not an cult. if you really want to go to a cult - go to church. your sister is probably in her heaven on earth - enjoying herself instead of being the one always servicing both her husband and all her brood with no time for her. she is accountable for living this way and now she is taking action within herself to be happy. this complaint is ridiculous - no one forces anyone to stay in impact unless they want to - everyone has a choice to leave and those who stay benefit greatly - they get themselves back. impact training is something that everyone should go through so that more love can enter this world instead of the blame, distrust, hatred and fear that is so polluting our communities and families. I say bravo to this courageous woman to finally embrace her happiness so she can live instead of most likely feeling invisible to the rest of the world.

Kip Eavenson
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Apr 05, 2019 4:25 pm EDT

I too have been through it and it is, most definitely, a cult. And I really felt sorry for the people like you who are willing to denounce all they hold dear to follow these people. There is zero question this is a cult. And no, I'm not religious. So I have no church you can call a cult back. And about not forcing people, bs. I was forced multiple times, with actual physical force, from walking out those doors. I finally had to tell one of them that I wasn't responsible for the broken nose he was about to receive if he didn't get out of my way. That was the first and last time I have ever talked to anyone like that. I didn't graduate, but I was there plenty long to know it's a horrible hoax for profit putting other people's lives and well being in jeopardy. Aka- cult.

And don't argue back, I don't bother listening to you guys.

Keep it real
Orem, US
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Apr 23, 2009 5:29 pm EDT

I've also been through impact trainings... and felt uncomfortable a lot. the comment before mine by "jealousy and lies from wannabe's" is the brainwashed result of the program... congratulating a woman for 'breaking her word' to her family. isn't impact all about 'keeping your word'? hypocrisy is the 'word of the day' at impact.

Especially hans, the [censored] who cares more about his business than people. it's no wonder the first presidency denounced these things back in 2001.

If you've been to impact, does this look familiar? yeah, no particular religion involved... a cult is about psychological tactics.

A blog that summarizes my feeling on the whole subject is found here: each post is well thought out and worth a read.

Somebody, fill me in!?
South Jordan, US
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May 13, 2009 9:43 am EDT

Had a family member go through impact. I am really bothered by the secretcy. I mean, this person has been gone for days until late hours of the night, and can't tell me a thing about what is going on. I feel like the impact family is replacing our own family. can someone please tell me what is going on?!?!?!?!?!?! is this a cult? should I be worried about moral issues? I just want to know what? run me through a day at quest. what is soooooo important that I can't know about?

Maybe this program can do some good for those who go through it, but to the family and friends who do not go through... I feel sorry for them. they are the ones who are hurt most and made to feel not good enough. is it worth it? it seems very selfish to me.

The Truth
Provo, US
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May 13, 2009 3:17 pm EDT

You really never know what people are complaining about. this is one of the only comments where I could actually trace it back to who said it. most of them are anonymous and you don't have any idea of the truth of what they are saying. but in this case, i'll fill you in because I know the person they are talking about.
First off, she is not divorced. she is currently raising her brother's two children and if they were to split up (and they have talked about it), he would have to take them back and he doesn't want that. it is not impact that has gotten in the way of his family; it his drugs, alcohol, prostitution and prison that gotten in the way of his family. there are the facts, but notice how easy it is to blame others. and notice how convincing his complaint sounded. divorce in a complex thing. over half the couples in the us end in divorce and it’s can't be solved or blamed on a 4 day training. if people would start looking inside for the answers, instead of blaming everyone around them, maybe we could actually start to lower the divorce rate and heal families.

The Truth
Provo, US
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May 13, 2009 3:58 pm EDT

Reply to somebody fill me in!?

The web is a terrible place to get this kind of answer. most of the people who would respond to questions like yours have an underling agenda (an ax to grind). and will use you and your family as a means to strike out. as I read your question, the concern appears to be how do you stay close to your family member and will this hurt your family. if that is your concern then the best place to answer that question is with your family, not on the web. go talk to your family member. let them know that you are concerned because you don't know what’s going on. let them talk and listen. if they don’t want to talk about what they did, respect that and ask them something different like what did you learn? what do you experience different after going through? how do you feel? (things like that) be careful to stay out of judgment. if you start regurgitating things from the web and they don't match your family member’s experience of impact, you will be making them wrong and will drive a wedge deeper between the two of you. but if you stay open, you may find out exactly what they are experiencing (even if they don't tell you what they did. besides, you probably are more concerned with how the program is impacting them then you are about what they did each day)

And as for my two cents (and it may not even be worth that because you don't know me) impact is a wonderful program. it is a for profit seminar business. it is designed so that people experience (not read or talk about, but feel) their feelings and emotions (both the positive and negative ones) and each person gets to take a look at his own responses, how it effects them and how it effects others. once they have tuned into that, they then have an opportunity to decide whether or not those emotions and feelings add or detract from the quality of their life. it is about letting go of the heavy, painful, victim feelings and replacing them with empowerment. impact is about change. and you are the only one that can decide what that change is. impact is not there to tell you what to feel, believe or think. they teach that you have your own answers (and mine probably wouldn't fit you because they are mine, not yours).

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May 20, 2009 9:12 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Wow, i'm amazed the "the truth" is so certain that he/she knows the individual in this case when the web is so large, and so many people goes through impact trainings — no, I doubt it.
I've had my wife, and her brother and sister attend impact, and you know, I would trust them, if they would tell me what happens and goes on in there! but because they don't, I can't. from the little bit that I glean from them, it sounds like the other accounts on the internet are true. as for my wife, although she seemed to be better person the first day or two after (by better I mean happier and more enthusiastic about life), it wore off after that.

Allen, US
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May 28, 2009 12:49 am EDT

Wow! i've been thru impact and it has only made me a happier, kinder, more loving wife, mother, sister, daughter and human being. I don't judge others like I used to. I am much more involved in service thru out the world and doing my part to end suffering. if those are the definitions of a cult, well... I don't know what to say to that. I was never asked to hand over my savings, or move up there to live with them. when it was over, it was up to me to go home and live a fulfilling and service oriented life. their greatest message is to love one another! that's it! the secrecy stems from not wanting to rob others of the incredible experience that it is! that's it! geez!

The Truth
Provo, US
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May 28, 2009 5:52 pm EDT

Reply to "person"

You are correct, I am guessing, but if you read it carefully, there is only one person who fits all of those things (yes I know that thousands and thousands of people have gone through impact), but only one fits what he is describing.

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May 28, 2009 5:56 pm EDT
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I would wonder if those around you would agree with your changes, lisa. I know my wife would claim the change, but then there really wasn't any change (past a couple of days).
I agree with the service and loving others are great things! but is that what impact is teaching? does the first couple of days of trainings feel like they are being loving to you?
Also how far have you gone through? quest, summit, lift-off, trainer-intrainings?
Anyways, a website i've found that has provided alot of information is where you can read their processes, methods, and doctrine.

Orem, US
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Sep 20, 2009 4:11 am EDT

What goes on in impact trainings, well here is some of what I remember. I was punished for not turning off my cell phone and was made to stand in the back of the room for 4 hours and I am 58 years old that was hard. People are broken up in groups and have to solve a problem, later broken in groups again and you have to sing a solo in front of everyone weather you can sing or not (embarrasing). If you were an abused chiled, raped or other things you are told that is in the past and has no bearing on your life today, you sit across from your chosen buddy and scream what do you want and you tell them this is repeated over and over again. You get to dance which was alot of fun. They play really good music which was great. You get a chair kneel in front of it and pound on it and yell, cry, scream, getting out your emotions on someone who has done wrong to you in your life such as a parent who abused etc. You tell the trainer about something in your life he responds to that. You get a notebook and are told to wright about a certain subject. Everyone wonders around the room and you tell them to their face I trust you, or I don, t trust you. This is some of the things you experience. The first class is Quest it is for 4 days, you are told to commit not to smoke, drink alcahol, coffee and nothing that will stimulate you for energy you cant .take any kind of over the counter medicines, you can take perscription medications you have to wright them on paper and hand it to them. The rason for this is so your mind is clear. The class starts at nine am and goes usually until one and two in the morning, you hardly get sleep (sleep deprivation).
You can't eat or drink during sessions, you do get breaks but they are filled with wrighting assignments. You do get to go to lunch and dinner which are also filled with assignments discussions etc. You learn that you can call on deceased ancestors, parents, brothers, sisters etc and they will come to you to help you do what ever you upon them for and whenever you call them, that they will be there immediately. In mastery they do healings for instance they go to mountains and heal them. This should give you an idea of impact trainings.

Wellington, US
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Oct 13, 2009 4:05 pm EDT

Oh My Goodness, the world is so full of negativity.To call it a cult is laughable. But love and light to you all. All they profess is undiscriminating love! I wish I could afford to send everyone I know. Afford? Yes. Even Dr.s and Therapists are in business. Daryl

friend of chris
Orem, US
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Dec 03, 2009 5:04 pm EST

I have a friend entrenched in the poison of impact, two things come to mind. The philosophies of men, mingled with scripture, and eat drink and be merry. For a program that promotes personal accountability it's members sure seem to point fingers and look down on others, much like those in the great and spacious building. I pray for my friend and his family to be free from its selfish self promoting teachings.

richmond, US
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Jan 09, 2010 11:37 am EST

What I find interesting about some of these rants is that some unhappy consumers of the seminars evidently went back for more. Why would any rational person do that? I took the training twice. I thoroughly enjoyed the first seminar, so I attended the second. I disliked the second and never went back. I found some of the second training was bullying and silly, but I never saw any of the degradations described in earlier comments. I would have spoken up if any of the trainers crossed the line. It's called taking responsibility, for yourself and for others too. Anyone who felt abused or controlled, and chose to not leave, probably has serious issues unrelated to the happenings in these seminars.

It seemed to me that the kind of people who became most passionate about the organization were already very unhappy with their lives and were desperately seeking change. If we're honest, this is the state of many of us today. We often find ourselves living lives that lack meaning, and for the benefit of people who do not show care and commitment to us in return. For me, the training was about identifying who/what mattered most to me and restructuring my life appropriately. So I got closer to my family and friends. It's true, I saw other relationships die. But divorces happen all the time and almost none of those families attended these seminars.

San Clemente, US
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Feb 01, 2010 8:48 pm EST

Through the trainings you can learn a lot however the experience that one has will be different for everybody. it truly depends on where you are at in your life and what has happened in your life. it is the same for anything we do.. going to a restaurant, buying clothes, skiing. we all learn something but have different experiences. I have found them to be very beneficial to look at ones life and what they do and how it affects them and others. it is not easy and will definitely put you out of your comfort zone however that allows people to break free from many things.
One thing to remember this is not secret. if you family don't tell you anything that is their choice.. you can learn from the website what it talks about and what are the things they focus on each day. they don't tell you the process because let's say you decide to go or you hear something they do you think I wont' do that.. then you wont show up. they don't want to ruin your experience as well give you preconceived ideas. also all perceptions and experiences look different for everybody.
I know I was on the brink of divorce and had my husband and I not gone we would not be married today. was it a roller coaster.. oh yes.. did I find out things about his past that he lied about.. yes.. however this was far better than counseling as that got us nowhere and they only take sides... through this we repaired our relationship, forgave eachother, and it is better than I could have imagined however why.. because we made that choice... this outcome may not look the same for others as everybody is different but we wanted to make it change and work and wanted to be together.
People who leave their religion after this really is a choice. I never found it to be contradicting with any religion and even the lds one. the principals it teachers really are the fundamentals of any good values.
I have seen people change completely and keep the change. I have seen people go through it and not change and go back to the way they are.
How people react from the training is really nothing different from how they would act in any circumstance in their life. I don't think it is fair to blame the trainings or etc. as nobody is perfect. this is still a business that has a lot of benefits. if people don't like it and doesn't fit with what they want in their life then leave.
Their are many trainings.. steven covey and what not and this price is about the same range or cheaper with the main difference being it is experiential education and you participate in activities that create a change and way to see it. it is like going in a seminar to learn how to snowboard and hear how exciting it is... well.. the best way to learn to snowboard and feel that awesome experience is to do it!
This isn't for people who think they are perfect and don't want to change. let's face it we all have things we can improve on in life and do things that we don't realize hurt others or ourselves.
I have traveled a lot in the world, studied religions, been active in my religion, educated, seen war, starvation and many things. I can say that I don't see anything bad from the training.. yes it is a business and they want others to join but there is nothing that forces you to do it.. I enrolled others as this training truely taught me a lot in my life. I have choosen to stay a better person but yet I am not perfect but now recognize the things I do and how it affects myself and others.
If you truely want to expericne this don't follow everything people write on here as everybody has their own experience.. go to the training and if you don't like it don't do it.
If you are worried about the change in others and how they know don't "fit" into what you want them to be then maybe one should stop controlling how others lives should look like. impact specifically tells people to not make any major changes in their life until 30 days after the training.. if people make major choices they were not told to do so. I am pretty sure if they do make changes these are things they thought about but never had the guts to take the action.
Again this will never make somebody something that they are not... there is no force.. we all have a choice in our lives and remember this is a business... learn everything you can and you will know what feels good for you.. focus on the positive and not the negative...

toni carter
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Mar 14, 2010 12:58 am EST

Impact is non-sense! I beg and plead with anyone who wants to attend this class to bag the idea and not go! it is a deceitful horrible my mind there couldn't be a more cunning, well thought out plan from satan. it weaves gospel truths in with their lies so you feel completely against what they're saying until they throw in a truth, in which the spirit cannot deny truth, leaving you feeling uncomfortable and confused. the trainers (who haven't known you or taken the time to know you) belittle you until you feel like you're a failure. the repentance process consists of you coming unto christ to tell your sins, and at impact you're emotionally beat down into telling personal information and past conflicts you've faced to everyone. it's very much forced. prophets and general authorities have warned us about these types of programs, advising us to stay far away! it is for our personal salvation to not come unto these things! if you feel the need to build up confidence and increase your self worth, there are plenty of other ways to do so! instead of trying to find yourself, throw yourself into service! service to others is the ultimate way to build up self confidence. it brings blessings upon those you serve and yourself. when you're selflessly serving others, that's when you're serving yourself the most and it is truely a freeing experience! as others read this some will disagree, I encourage you to stop reading after this blog and not take into consideration the "positive" remarks about impact! it is a tool of the devil and I hope you all will stay as far away from it as possible!-toni

Jay Slaughter
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Jul 26, 2017 4:47 pm EDT
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You have expressed my feelings and understanding of Impact completely! I went thorough two of those courses and came out of them completely disgusted! Too many contry things against my understanding of the church teachings! Thank you for such a well written statement!

Magna, US
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Mar 14, 2010 1:10 am EST
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yes you should be very worried! impact training divides families as you have already experienced.start looking for a good divorce lawyer.your wife is gone!

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May 18, 2010 12:13 pm EDT

It is amazing how many people on this blog have suggested that anyone who has anything positive to say about the impact trainings must be a tool of the devil. for, by stating that positive posts are a tool of the devil, the poster must necessarily be a tool of the devil.

I really enjoyed the idea of "scripture mingled with the philosophy of men" for any communication which the receiver does not receive directly from the creator - god, is just that, the philosophy of man, mingled with scripture.

Impact trainings, churches, religions, governments... none of them cause family seperations, none of them cause family discord, none of them cause a shift in priorities. it is the choice of the individual which makes these choices. sometimes, it just takes a little nudge to finally voice the choice though. the bible says that there are things that are to be acted upon, and beings that are to act. humans are to act. meaning we have the freedom of choice, others might have heard this labelled as agency, free angency or freewill and choice. we live by our choices. we die by our choices. but we choose.

Then, if the choice results in negativity, we act like victims. if somebody elses choice changes things for us, we act like victims. it is the human condition.

It is time to be accountable. it is time to be honest. it is time to stand and be counted.

All things, impact trainings, churches, religions, governments, serve the higher good. for they all in a special way wake people up to reality, and cause humans to prepare for the day when christ returns, however that looks.

May god be with each of us, no matter what we call him or her. god bless humanity, we are going to need it.

Farmington, US
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May 18, 2010 1:36 pm EDT
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Impact trainings is a steaming pile. here are a few tasty "truths" you will learn from hans and sally:

— there is no such thing as good and bad

— "understanding" is the booby prize of life. now go search the scriptures and lds hymnbook and see how many times "understanding" is part of doctrine

— satan is the true savior — he lowered himself so we could experience opposition

— hans was a secret military agent who discovered ancient mysteries in the middle east

— ask the life mastery participants about their use of staffs, crystals and chanting

— ask the life mastery participants about their trips to mt shasta and the race of peope who live under the mountain

— impact trainings is simply the same as the restored lds gospel, but better and more full. but they don't sing hymns, pray in the name of jesus; they do not perform ordinances except counterfeit temple ordinances like foot washing

— you are responsible for all the bad things that have happened to you. if you were raped, it is your fault, you "attracted" the rapist to you.

— the is no right or wrong

— you are a failure unless you pay money to continue impact and enroll others

So, if you believe the manic, love-bombed and mind-numbed impact-bots who come here to tell you it is the greatest thing in the universe, just ask them about a few of these "truths" taght at impact.

Dave Peterson
Calhoun, US
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Jun 24, 2010 4:25 pm EDT

Impact training is a cult just like the lds church!

Saint George, US
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Aug 04, 2010 12:10 am EDT

For those of you who went to impact and took on ground rules of confidentiality and are on her breaking those ground rule. hello you are on here showing your lack of integrity, reguardless of wheather you agree or not. you did stand in there and choose keep the sacredness and symbolic things private. if I hadn't gone and knew that then, I would consider the source and any information from you would not cary any weight. beiliever or not who are you and what do you stant for?

Idaho Falls, US
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Sep 12, 2010 5:34 pm EDT

I am trying to understand this impact thing. I just had a some one very close to me call me crying because she feels she has lost her best friend because her sister and husband are so into this that they can no longer talk and they have lost interest in going to the temple and this has become more important than family functions. I thought that interesting as she told me this sister that is involved was the one that after their parents passed away was so much we need to do all we can to be with family. I have been talked to about this and have never felt comfortable with the money and that every thing is such a secret. this individual loves her sister and now the sister got the other ones sister involved. there is a lot of hugging and touching and odd stuff like that going on from what I understand. I have heard families are being broken apart because of this. something is telling my gut that something about this is wrong, evil and some one is getting rich off of good humble people.
Is this something to be concerned with like people trying to rip off old people of their life savings or is this a get rich quick deal for everyone but the mindless people sucked in.
What should I think of this and how should I council this person that I love as a sister?

<3 all we need is love
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Oct 04, 2010 12:06 am EDT

All there is to say about all of this is, you have a choice. you are not forced to agree or disagree with anything that is said on this post. you have the choice to decide for yourself what you want to have happen in your life. and you do not need anybody else to make a decision for you based on their experience. experience it yourself and decide for yourself. life is about learning and everything is constantly changing around us. do what works for you and don't be persuaded by people you don't know. not even me. just listen to your heart and make the right decision for you. everything can be looked at positively and negatively, it is you that makes that choice. just please do what works for you.

Salt Lake City, US
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Jan 03, 2011 3:07 pm EST

After reading some of these comments I can't help but comment. I had a teacher who went through Impact and these people have had problems since. The people I'm talking about were a bright talented couple, great with people and really capable of everything. Now, they have no friends and no close relationships including no close family relationships. This seems to be a pattern. Doesn't it? I don't want to ever have contact with them either and needed therapy after dealing with them. Huh? Follow your gut people!

Charlie Shagarilie
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Mar 30, 2011 3:26 am EDT

Crock of poop. Non refundable cult. Nobody that graduates is any happier than those that obstain from the debauchery.(I know several graduates) I walked over the control thing as that is what a " Cult" does when you are refused to make a choice. There is a "try" thats what we all "try" for success but we will or won't win ex: Superbowl Sunday... we would not watch if one team was not going to "try" and win? We all try to win...but we will or won't and the Impact Cult will not help you win more than making them richer. Save your money or buy a frisbee...that is money spent more wisely.

West Point, US
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Aug 04, 2011 12:37 am EDT

I have never been to an impact training, but I am concerned about the effects that it has on a family. My brothers ex-wife has been through several trainings and is extremely selfish and manipulative. My concern is that she wants to send my brothers young children through this "Impact Youth Training", I have seen the "impact" it has had on her life and in the way she deals with my brother and his new wife. She is insanely jealous and deceptive. Let me note, she took impact trainings after their divorce. She now claims that she is a "goddess' and her children are gods and goddesses as well. I am worried about the warped life lessons they are learning and that they will be furthering in this program. Though I have not experienced this training for myself, I have seen the Selfishness and relationship destroying side effects of its teachings first hand. How can this be good if it destroys families and warpes or discolors the fine line of black or white to gray. To teach people there is no wrong or right, it's a perception, seems like a rationalization for bad behavior.

Holladay, US
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Nov 28, 2011 2:13 am EST

I have been through all of the trainings and I am grateful for what I have learned, alot of my close friends have not gone through and we still have great relationships.. I am concerned that most of the people writing negative things have not been through. Also take notice how few of us who have gone choose not to be involved this exchange of misinformed people. I loved my training and it only served as a tool to show up to family and friends not to mention strangers in a loving, kind way. I really do send you all love.

Simply The Truth 197
Las Vegas, US
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Feb 13, 2012 5:44 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hello my friends,
This post proves that there is one thing in life that is true... that there will always be people who cross your path in life who simply do not get it. let me be clear. I went through the entire impact trainings program almost six years ago. it is very true that the impact program will take you places that you may feel uncomfortable with, they may even perhaps show you things about yourself that you choose not to see.. and many times this is not an easy task. you see, the bottom line is that impact is in no way a cult. and trust me.. not one person at impact will ever tell you what to do. you are always at choice and you are able to choose in or out of each and every activity at each and every level. how you react to what is presented is completely dependent on your state of mind and if you are open and ready to dig in and take on you. it completely amazes me at the number of people who take the time to sit and complain about the program.. but sit behind their keyboard and throw stones. look, I can promise you this... hans and sally berger have absolutely nothing to prove to anybody. they have been an amazing source of inspiration in my life, and I have seen them "off the stage" and they truly care about people... however let me advise you that they will never be taken advantage of by others, and they are surrounded by an army of people that could completely destroy your anonymous world (yes you...) because they have chosen to take a road that is on point and nobody will ever push them off that perfect path that they are on. now, one thing you should know is that there are over 100, 000 graduates of impact trainings around the globe, and I guarantee you that hans and sally know who is writing this. you see my friends, when you are enlightened, you enter into a whole different way of life that many people (even graduates) will never experience. before I conclude, let me simply say that the life that I have created because of my experiences at impact trainings is amazing. but the one thing that I get to do is continue to use the tools that I have learned in my life, with my family, with my peers and with my employees. because of the lessons that I learned at impact... I am a millionaire, and to be honest... I would not want to ever be on the other side of my peers at impact. I seriously doubt that impact will do anything for you if you are reading this junk on the internet... but maybe it will. so.. now it's your turn... are you living the life that you believe you deserve? if so... screw impact, but if there is something that you know you are missing.. then it may be the best investment that you ever you. I do not care what you have to say about this post, but please do not under estimate the power that this group as a whole has.. because we are always there.. and you can not post # on this or any other forum and remain anonymous... wanna play? all it takes is one call from hans or sally and your world will never be the same... something to think about.. call impact now and ask for david and tell him that you just read this... maybe you will learn something...

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Sep 22, 2012 8:47 pm EDT

I went through Impact Training in 1994 and I can say that it is definintely a dangerous cult. When I grew up psychologically healthy it left me with severe psychological trauma that caused such severe stress at one point in my life that it almost killed me with psychosomatic illness, and while I am almost fully recovered now at one point in my life I was so brainwashed that I could remember almost nothing from my younger years. I advise all to stay away from this group and all other groups like it!

Draper, US
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Nov 05, 2012 9:54 pm EST

For anyone to say they know who said what at impact trainings is ridiculous and is another example of impacts trainings that you are the center of the universe. you are not. to call impact a cult is a step up from what it really is. it is glorified multi level marketing, like most churches. but since there is minimal brick and mortar structure to support most money goes to hans and sally. from personal experience I can say that anyone who bails after liftoff should consider themselves lucky. if you are into fantasy, both spiritual and sexual I would say continue on to mastery trainings, especially if you have that kind of money to blow. if not hire a hooker and go to town - itwill save you money and some self-respect.

Salt lake, US
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Dec 02, 2012 9:13 pm EST

I went through this training years ago and I'm still recovering from the negative side effects. I was happy before I went (went because a friend paid for me) and left an emotional mess with psychological damage. This is brainwashing at its finest. If you feel that it "assisted" you then great, but later on you may see it quite differently. I am not who I was before and it was the biggest mistake I ever made. I "get" (speaking language that only a fellow member will understand) that it was my choice, but it wasnt a good one. "There are no accidents, right?" I will agree. It was no accident that I was conned, humiliated, and damaged by people who knew full well they were a fraud. This is just sad. Don't do it.

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Mar 21, 2014 1:34 pm EDT

We as humans have a tendency to spend thousands of dollars on our outer appearance. what if we were to invest in our inner self and our knowledge? can you imagine the beautiful changes that will occur. nothing worth having is easy, if you want to have the life you dream up you have to put your butt on the line and take risks. however that being said this training is not for everyone, I have never told anyone that they should or that they have to do this training. if people decide to do it, good! if people don't feel its for them, good!
It took me a lot of strength and courage to discover myself and to truly embrace who I am and who other people are.

The reason there seems to be a sort of secrecy about the training is because the training is never the same. the trainers who have decades of experience change the training depending on the attendees. my experience of quest was similar in a few ways as my boyfriend but there was also a lot of different aspects that he did not experience. also the training creates a safe place for people to talk about their past and the hard times they've been through. for example if someone had experienced any type of abuse they wouldn't feel comfortable sharing their experience if they knew anyone in the training could go out and say "jane was beat by her mother when she was young" or "john was incarcerated for blah blah" there is a lot of vulnerability in the trainings and it is important that everyone who attends knows that their experiences are only theirs to share.

I've been to a good handful of motivational conferences. I always felt motivated during the conference but as soon as I walked out I had no tools to carry that motivation out and into the world. however, impact trainings was a completely different story. I went through the first training june 2011. after my first training I felt more alive than ever and those feelings have never left me. I continued to take the other trainings and they are all just as powerful and life changing. impact provided me with tools to improve my relationships, my career and my over all well-being. me and my boyfriend both went through the trainings and now we have a beautiful relationship that works for both of us. we are supportive of each other and inspire each other to be who we are!

Before you take my word or anyone elses word go there and check it out for yourself, or give them a call. I know that if I had always listened to what people said I wouldn't be where I am today. if anyone is interested they do a free intro training in person or on the phone every tuesday night from 7:30 to 9:30. if you have any questions for me please feel free to contact me. I would be happy to answer any of your questions.

Augusta, US
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Apr 24, 2014 8:15 am EDT

I attended the first step of impact trainings (quest) as a relatively adjusted person. my childhood was normal, I was happily married with a young son, and although my life wasn't perfect, I was doing ok. my mother paid for it, and I was under the impression that it was an educational seminar for personal betterment.
It was one of the worst experiences of my life, and I ended up having to go to counseling to help me work through the problems that just a few days at impact had created for me. they yell at and deprecate you until you are completely broken down mentally, and then only after you are in a vulnerable state do they start teaching their twisted, spiritual-ish philosophies. many enter in a vulnerable state to begin with because of life traumas that have caused them to look for any healing in any place. these people seemed to be even more likely to get sucked into the cult.
Some examples of what goes on there: - one man broke down sobbing after revealing that his brother had recently committed suicide. the "trainer" retorted: "no wonder he committed suicide with a brother like you."
-you sit in semi-circles very, very late at night and are instructed to stand in front of the semi-circle one at a time while everyone else takes turns telling you every bad impression they have of you. even if you don't have social anxiety, this activity will leave you with a new paranoia about all the negative things people must be thinking about you after hearing the heartbreaking things you and others are told.
-you are taught that there is no right or wrong.
-everyone gets a partner, someone they've never met before. if you don't show up on time or at all, your partner is singled out and screamed at a publicly degraded for failing to get their partner to come. so, yes you can leave whenever you want, but you will be responsible for getting a stranger punished.
-you are taught that we are all already perfect, but that some chose to "lower their light" as a service to others to teach them things that a group of perfect beings can't learn. they said that in order to learn something like forgiveness, you have to be wronged, and perfect people can't commit wrongs without choosing to. they talked about how people should go and thank their abusers for "lowering their light" for them, that they'd actually done them a great service. a man who was a convicted child sex offender in my group really took to this idea.

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Jun 11, 2014 1:14 pm EDT

Qwest is a place where you can learn to love your self again and deal with past internal hurt, pain and issues but also do charity work and grow with a group and work through your life problems with buddy support. I went through. It's a beautiful place full of love. Don't "diss" it till you try it. It has saved thousands of lives and help people find new meaning for life again. It is nothing immoral, it is not cult-sih. it's pure learning and sharing and inspiration. They teach things like love, gratituded, self love, giving, forgiving, healing past bad relationships, finding value in your life again, about not giving up. That you're worth it. If this lady wants to leave her husband I can assure you it was probably what she and he deserved. She probably build up the confidence to not put up with his abuse anymore.. And I feel quite confident about that :)

WOW really!?!
Sandwich, US
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Jul 27, 2014 9:40 am EDT

No apologies — excessive gratitude — instead of having to clean up feces, an impact participant, ' gets to' clean the feces — "you're such a victim" — "you chose this" — spiritual elitism — minimization of others perspectives — excessive judgement of others — narcissism — verbal attacks...

Key words and phrases

Twin Falls, US
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Oct 26, 2014 4:18 am EDT

I was a complete non-believer of impact. I thought it cult-like and even more so, I thought it a gigantic hook-up love orgy. I said enough negative stuff before I actually went through the training. yes, it's tough. yes, I got to stare my demons down and come face to face with the impression I was giving the world. yes, I got some pretty harsh feedback and was yelled at more than once. those are tough things; especially when it's more comfortable to not change and believe that the world "needs" to change; not me.
I am still doing the trainings; i'm doing them at my own pace. I do not have to agree with every aspect of how things are done at impact. yet to me the money, time and trainings are still worth their weight in gold. I have learned new ways to show my gratitude; how to let people know that I care about them and now o can look in the mirror and actually say, "I love you" to myself!
Everyone will not have the same experience nor take with them the same tools. but, to judge the trainings based on another person's word isn't entirely fair. go find out for yourself! I did and am incredibly glad I did.

Twin Falls, US
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Oct 26, 2014 4:33 am EDT

Oops I wrote O instead of I. hello duh spell check.

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Aug 05, 2015 10:46 pm EDT

They trick lesbians into thinking they are wrong for bing gay and tell them to go on a date with a guy only to be tricked into sex. but it's okay because it's with another impact member. some are raped and one girl ended up going to an impact orgy. hmm sounds a little cultish to me.

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Aug 05, 2015 10:50 pm EDT

They trick lesbians into thinking their not gay. They tell them to go a on a date with a guy only to be tricked into having sex but it's okay because it's with another Impact member. I know one girl who ended up going to Impact orgy, she's a "teacher" but still brainwashed. Another girl was raped by her "friend" and she still can't get it. Hmm. sounds like a cult to me. I'm glad I saw the fake testimonies at orientations. Impact Training and Quest are a scam cult.

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Aug 11, 2015 12:29 pm EDT

It's all a lie. especially when it comes to relationships within impact. quite a few people date under the radar. there are people who have had parties with sex going on. there are a few lesbians who have been told they are confused with their sexuality and told to test men out by going on a "date". they usually go on the date with a member from impact. impact brainwashes straight and lesbian women thus making them more vulnerable and easy targets for men. just like the mormon church they are made to feel guilty for who they are. this environment is perfect for the christian grey types, easy to control and manipulate. I know two lesbians that where brainwashed into thinking they are confused and "test" men. one ended up having a threesome with two men from impact. the second had sex and was hurt, rape?, also getting an std. hopefully people will read these reports. people thinking about doing this, educate yourself and understand you are in control of you and these people make money off you by manipulating your vulnerability. they know the things to say to scare, trick, coheres you into this.

Taylorsville, UT, US
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Feb 26, 2017 5:11 am EST
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Replying to comment of Ryan321

I think to an outsider this post would sound pretty crazy but it is absolutely consistent with the things that I saw when I was involved with Impact Training.

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Jun 19, 2016 8:10 pm EDT

Impact may seem a bit weird to others who experience a loved one that is making sudden changes in themselves. Changes in a spouse can cause tough times as family and spouse try to keep a person the same as they've always been. Happens all the time in marriage. Marriages go through times of distance and space needed for partners to grow. If it's not given than the marriage may fail as one person is holding the other back. Family with dysfunctions and un healthy behaviors have a very hard time when a family member jumps off the merry go round and quits enabling and starts taking accountability for themself. This happens in AAA and in the 12 step program as well. My message to family- you either support them, give them space to feel the change and balance or go yourself to understand it but if you try to hold them in their past than they'll cut the cords because they are soaring to new heights. Don't talk bad about things you don't understand or haven't experienced yourself or your no better than the father on the Croods trying to keep the family in a "box" of false fears. Impact was the BEST thing I've ever done hands down!

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