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indiana cps

indiana cps review: parents rights 10

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12:18 am EST
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I have to completely agree with the Fact that they are proffesional baby(kid) nappers.. Here is my story and any help would be greatly appreciated.. I am a mother of three boys and left a widow on Jan 14, 2009 by my husband of 24 years at age 39. I had never been in trouble for anything in my whole life. Not only did I loose my partner in life I found out also that year that I have coranary artery desease and had to have open heart surgery, a 5-way by pass. Along with a list of diagnoses like Diabetes, hypertension, thyroid desease and depression along with a few more.. Now with that being said, I was trying to rebuild my life from devastation and trying to figure out who I was and where I was supposed to go from there.. I was in the process of moving and had been staying with my Dad until new carpet was finished in the apartment I was to rent. One morning I was on my way to get the boys ready for school and started feeling strange and in my past I new it my bloodsugar and I felt as though I was gonna pass out so, I pulled over at someones house off the highway that looked safe so that I could get help and not risk driving down the highway and passing out and hurting my boys. Well I didnt get my car in park before I blacked out and it rolled into the garage, didnt cause damage thou.. But because I was sick and could not speak clearly enough to be understood on the phone I needed the woman that lived there to call EMS for help. But as it turned out they not only sent ems but also sent the fire department and police that thought I had crashed there... And I was the one who requested help! Before they arrived I had been eating 4 ding dongs 2 butter crumb cakes and a bag of m &m s' plus drank a cherry coke in order to raise my sugar so that it wouldnt fall again and black out.. well by the time the ems got there which was about an hour after it started they tested my glucose level and it was 138 therfore they assumed it was normal, not taking into concideration all the sugar substance that i had consumed.. And arrested me for Driving while intoxicated with indangerment, , Like I was a Drunk! (Even though I did a breathalizer that registered o.oo). I went to jail.. The next day I got out and CPS came and stole my children and I have been trying to get my boys back sence..And that was on March 4th 2010. I even went thro this thing they call IOP at Centerstone and they determined that I was not in a need for their services because I am not an alcohlic or drug addict, instead they determined that I was only in need of grief counseling.. And as far as I know there is no law about grieving over a deceased spouse..And I didnt feel like it was a reason for the seperation of my boys and me.. We were getting thru our tragedy together.. So now not only have my boys lost there father, They have lost all they had left "me" there mother...

Update by kellie_rocks2007
Jan 18, 2011 12:36 am EST

I hired one from an ajoining county but he doesnt do anything for that matter I felt as if he joined the lench mob. And after paying him I cant afford to pay anyone else, , But I am trying to find someone to hlep us.

Update by kellie_rocks2007
Feb 27, 2011 12:28 am EST

I must say thank you Curt for your comment.. For many reasons but mostly because it shows that they are hypcrits, As I and many of us already know.. You see they(cps) act as if they dont sin, dont lie, and can do no wrong.. We were even told such a thing by there own co-workers.. Obviously they all cover each others behind.. In one way or another.. Even if only to protect themselves from being caught in this conspiracy and mass kiddnapping rampage.

Update by kellie_rocks2007
Feb 27, 2011 5:20 am EST

I completely agree with Curt.. I mean look, I never even did anything wrong, I was sick and called for help (ems) myself.. I will never make that mistake again...They mistaked my diabetic problems for drunkeness.. by the time it was realised (proven) with blood test.. They had already stepped in and toppeled our lives.. and we are still being bothered by them.. Even though they said for themselves " I have good parenting skills and am a good parent"

Update by kellie_rocks2007
Feb 28, 2011 8:01 pm EST

First of all I would like to say its great to hear that your daughter and her children will be back together soon..! As a family should be...Now for the lies and misleading comments a cps headhunter makes, and tries to portrait. It is nice to hear of a judge who actually cares enough or at least appears to have not been bought out by them just for the sake of the evil greed of money. This is still America or at least I think so, And its my understanding that America was founded on Truth- Justice and the persuit of Happiness..And our own nationally known saying is "In God we trust" And God intened for us to procreate and try our best to follow his word. And I believe one of those rules is to "Not bare false witness".. I would also like to add for those cps workers who read this.. Remember you walk as I walk, You breath and bleed as I do and someday God will judge you just as he will me and ever single human on this planet..What do you think he will say to you? How will you explain yourself? You cant Lie to him, He sees' all and knows' ALL...

Update by kellie_rocks2007
Feb 28, 2011 8:15 pm EST

I should also say that God hates Liers and his ten commandments are based on how to treat people, To love your brother as you love yourself. God ALSO SAYS you should not sell yourself to the highest bidder.. If you think you will get to Heaven when you sell your brother out, You are wrong.. To Hell you will go.. The essence of life is being true to yourself and to others. Raising your children in the rite enviroment and shot the feet of your children in the ways in which they are supposed to go. Therefore its not up to another person to tell your children how they are supposed to be, it would be better for a boat anchor to be placed around their neck and tossed into the sea. God also says " Dont worry about the malt in your brothers eye when you got a plank in your own.

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Curt Snow
Auburn, US
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Feb 26, 2011 9:00 pm EST

Here is something you may enjoy. This is cps worker Renee Hood of Kendallville, IN swinging from a stripper pole. I have more pictures of her drinking and partying if anyone is interested. She is the one in the red on the far left This ### needs to clean up her own back yard before she starts in on someone else's! Enjoy!

Curt Snow
Auburn, US
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Feb 27, 2011 2:57 am EST

My picture didn't come through, I'll try uploading it again.

Curt Snow
Auburn, US
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Feb 27, 2011 2:59 am EST

renee hood, kendallville, IN

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Curt Snow
Auburn, US
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Feb 27, 2011 4:40 am EST

The point is, this woman points the finger at others, over 21 and taking their kids away for doing the same thing. When she does it, it's called enjoying herself, when others do it, it's called "endangering the children". I have seen her drink herself to oblivion, then then stumble her drunk ### out to her car and try to drive home, thank God one of her friends stepped in and stopped her. As the cop told her when she cried to him about the pictures I have, " If you're going to be in this line of work, you may want to consider a different form of recreation." This person has a long history or over-stepping her boundaries. Hippocrites like this need to be stopped before they needlessly destroy more lives.

Curt Snow
Auburn, US
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Feb 28, 2011 5:14 pm EST

Went to court today to support my daughter in her fight with CPS. Renee Hood ( the ### in the picture above in the red hanging from the stripper pole) puked up her lies once again, but the judge got stern with her and told her that he wants to hear "facts" not "concerns" . It's nice to see a judge with a brain put these vicious child abusers (CPS) in their place. My daughter will be getting her kids back soon.

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May 16, 2011 5:50 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We are having a terrible time with a liar case worker playing god with a little boys life. She took him from a loving home with Grandma and put him with a father(not his real father) and an abusive step mother and a drug addict, drug dealing grandmother! She didn't like the mother or the grandmother, so she used her unfightful status to take this child away. She lied and held back information about court and would never return phone calls to the mothers side, I told her what I thought, my rights by the constitutions 1st. admendment and she stopped me, his grandmother who raised him, with her lies from seeing him. I raised a happy healthy little boy for 9 years and she got mad because I was upset that she took him. I wish her the worst life has to offer and the lawyers here in southern indiana are scared or lazy and don't want to help at all. I will pursue this as lonf as I can.Everything I said is easily proven, she didn't want to hear anything about the people she gave this child too.

Michigan City, US
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Aug 03, 2011 1:01 pm EDT

I am so sorry for your loss and can sympathize with how depression and medical problems can add to the difficulty of raising several young children only. Though the loss of my partner (father to four of the kids), was a common occurence over 9 years, he had never stooped so low as to call cps the day after i had invasive back surgury. I unfortunately had trusted him to do the majority of the housework and care for the kids, ages 9, 7, 6 and 18 month old twins, for about 4 weeks prior, while he was home from work in the evening and weekends. I had also gone through 2 major surguries in October and November 2010, with a complete hysterectomy and thyroid surgury within 30 days of each other, the house had gotten behind. I did not believe that he was incapable of doing a little extra since I was still in the household, helping as much as possible, it didn't seem to be asking to much. The past 2 years I had thought that things were on track for us to really work together as a family, so little did I know that he was taking pics of messy instead of or before cleaning them up. Now looking back, knowing that I was sleeping with the enemy who was consciencely building a case against me after I trusted him enough to forgive $8, 000 in back child support. I was always able to handle the kids on my own while he went out with or lived with newer, younger, or almost any girl that gave him the extra attention that I was too tired find after caring for only our older girls. But after suffering a few back injuries by no fault of my own, in an MVA with a semi who ran a red light, which caused the end to a great career. I settled too soon with the insurance company to pay the ultility bill because I was doing it on my own as always, being the mother and provider, coaching the soccer team or paying for private school, getting them involved in swimming and gymnastics. My problems were less permanent involving their father, but year after year of termoil and domestic violence (which the records were supposidly mysteriously deleted), break up to make up. We ended up pregnant with fraternal twins, finally a boy and another beautiful daughter, I love them dearly and did not want to go through an abortion (which i went through the year before). It seemed like he had finally grown up and changed for the better it seemed; he started making dinners, helped to get me motivated on housework (cleaning as a family was actually fun) and spent more time at home. For him to leave the children and I at a time that I really needed help and support, for him to abandon us was bad enough. Left alone to care for the five kids on my own, without out phone calls or visits with the kids, was reckless I believe given all of my health problems. If he truely cared about them, he would have made an effort to see them rather than call in a false report of the kids standing on an end table playing with knives. I know that my situation is totally different, but I just wanted to reach out and say that I hope that you were able to prove your case and get the kids back. If there were only programs that proved a safe haven for those of us who are single parents by no fault of our own with documented health problems on ssdi, fixed incomes, to allow us a break on childcare for proven doctor visits, counseling, physical therapy and vocational rehabilitation (job search/training). Similar situations could be avoided before there was a need for false allegations or self defense. My children have been out of my house for almost a month now, all the information regarding my compliance and request for temporary help with my children has been completely false. They promised visits and one thing after another has cut me back to not seeing them at all. Each time I try to do what they ask and think that I understand what is going on, they seem to change the rules and wonder why I am calling all the time. Their fathers are basically holding them hostage and trying to make my life as difficult as possible, but drop them off constantly with my family or theirs. Anything they can do to have more money or food stamps, not pay child support and even take the small amount I was getting for the kids on SSDI which barely covered my monthly bills. Had their fathers just provided me with a constant and stable visiting schedule all of this could have and would have been avoided, he was able to provide a break for me, so that I could have made my appointment with my psychiatrist which is no kids allowed. Someone selfish enough to deny the mother of thier children with a fesiable way to attend a necessary medical appoinment, should not be allowed to claim that he provides the full-time care for children that spend most of their time with other relatives. And between cps and family focus, I have no idea why it is that I have only recieved a hand full of (at most) visits, since my kids have been taken to fostercare on July 6th, 2011.

jenette fairchild
Pierceton, US
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Sep 30, 2014 11:23 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Warsaw Indiana cps is a joke. I filed 2 tort claims against 2 corrupt police officers had charges trumped up on me.
My house was searched by 12 county officers looking for business records that they were told our attorney had, after searching 2 hours and completly ransacked our house they left laughing. They didn't even have a warrent. When my husband got home he was ticked. Called the police wanting a copy of the warrent they didn't have it. Two days later they got a judge to sign one. It was dated 2 days late? Cps has illegally entered my house and taken all my grandchildren. One granddaughter who was molested by her other grandmother or her dog molesting son were not sure which was found abandoned in a NYC crack house. Warsaw cps said this is fine.WHAT? Kosciusko county has a vandata against me and my grandchildren are the ones paying for the retaliation. Cps has only lied and made up things and continue to purge themselves in court. Elise mandaville has told 3 lies to judge huffer and my daughters court appointed attorney seems to be working for these crooks. My grandchildren were in a very stable and safe enviroment until cps fraudulantly removed them and placed them in danger. Our concerns go unchecked no follow up only cover up. My other daughter and her husband left Indiana when cps started harassing them only to have Warsaw contact Michigan cps and they harassed them one time and found Warsaw I'm sure there would have been trumped up malicious false aqusations to continue to harass my family

sandra sullivan-wood
Manteno, US
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May 29, 2015 6:57 pm EDT

My grandson was abducted illegally by a social worker in Indiana outta of revenge and spite by a woman who loves to drink and smoke crack just that no facts, no evidence, no due process, multiple rights violations. My daughter was visiting my grandsons father because he moves around a bit for work and was working at the time in Indiana. So my daughter went there so he could see and spend time witrh his son. They were in a motel which my son in laws boss pays for living arrangements. The evil manager after 2 weeks found out that my husband was coming to pick her and my grandson up to come home to Illinois where we all lived always and still did. so when the manager found out she was leaving she told my daughter " im not letting you get away" and called cps they were there within 15 minutes. My daughter called me and said she was scared they were bangin on her door I told my daughter DO NOT ANSWER! Well the cleaning lady used her keys and opened the door foe this evil sw and illegally entered she tricked, threatened, intimidated my daughter into signing a paper and took her son. Oh did I mention 2 police officers showed up 10 minutes later to just stand there and intimidate more. My daughter told her I don't live in Indiana the sw told my daughter tell me your address and I wont take him. Unfortunately we had just moved and she did not know it so than the sw said she was taking him to teach her a lesson. Two days later at court they said he was to remain in foster care now...He was at first in a home who brought him back 4 days later because they couldn't deal with a child who was ripped outta of his mothers arms and wouldn't stop crying. The caseworker Tashamme Woods is now denying that now..Why? I don't understand why she is saying that never happen I remember and I also have it on her papers! So the next accusation was they had a pile of dirty clothes and empty food containers in the room and he was in imminent danger so they took him. The truth of the matter was he was leaving and it takes 24 hours to get a search warrant if you have the evidence so than later on they had to throw drugs in the mix that would look better for them illegally stealing my grandson. At that first court hearing they had the manager lady there to testify against my daughter without a speck of evidence just her word and whatever lies she came up with. After court in the hallway she locked eyes with my daughter and winked at her and blew her a kiss. Inside the court what went on needs to be heard they made it into a circus and violated all rights they said my daughter waived her right to counsel. Not true I have their papers that say she requested council n was not giving anyone on her side or my grandsons. And not of factual piece of evidence just hearsay. The judge said when they came back for court next time they better have some facts! Well when Tashamme Woods (cw) came to my house in Illinois to see if my house was fit and that we actual lived in Illinois instead of immediately working on bringing him back to his homestate she did not. In her paperwork that I have she states the home is clean and spacious! I now believe she was just coming here to see if my grandson really lived in Illinois. While she was her we talked for awhile and I was still a state of shock that they could get away with this and told her you know I can sue you and that manager she was angered and told me you cant sue me but you could sue the hotel. Hmmm YWhy would she say I could sue the woman at the hotel if this was all legal. From that day on she hated me you could tell she refused to answer my questions and would say Mrs. Wood I don't have to speak to you! 1 month after being in foster home my daughter came home from a visit crying her eyes out and saying they took his pacifier away. My grandson has always had a pacifier and it made me feel like it was punishment to both me n my daughter he was given his pacifier back the following week.. Next incident was about 2 months into visitation my husband showed up my grandkids adore him and he is the best papa ever! My grandson seen him and ran real fast and jumped into his arms until he was told Mr.Wood Tashamme said no psysical contact with the grandfather...What? Why? My grandson was very confused as to why my husband wasn't picking him up n holding him he kept grabbing his hand trying to get him to pay attention like he always did. How is that helping my grandson. Once again punishment for us and Jace! Than there was an icpc meeting and we were told to bring as many people as we wanted to show that we love him and he has a family who love and need him. They said that was the most people they have ever seen at a meeting. We were all told that we had to sign a piece of paper saying that what was said in that meeting is to stay in that room. I did not sign it! But as the meeting went on I asked after trying over n over again to speak that I could when Tashamme was done! So finally I get to speak I started to cry as I was speaking about my grandson and I look over at Tashamme and she is laughing I said im happy that my misery makes you laugh. And than said this is not in your jurisdiction to be doing any of this my grandsons homestate is Illinois! She got very angered and jumped outta her chair told one lady to call security mind you never threatened or anything like that ive noticed when you speak up for your rights they get really mad! so as I get up I tell her their is no reason for security I was leaving but of course she had to make a big scene and had 2 security guards waiting for me wheni got off the elevator..Completely ridiculous! The last incident that I know about happened about a month ago my grandson showed up to a visit with cuts and scratches all over his face it looked like someone dug thing finger nails into his face. Tashamme told my daughter she has suspected abuse for awhile and that at first the foster mom lied and tried to say he came home from a visit with my daughter like that well the wonderful and sweet lady that drives him said Not true I picked him up from the foster moms house n his face was like that the mother would never do that. So she came up with another excuse that I don't even remember. Finally the third that she stuck too which was the dog did it. BS! No dog did that someone squeezed his face and dug their nails in his face. Tashamme said they were investigating it but nothing has been done about it! Also I just found out that the foster mom lets him go across the street almost everyday at a neighbors house. A baby who is not even 2 years old im sorry but that doesn't seem right shouldn't they have to be subjected to background checks too. What if their is a child abuser or a perfert there. Not only is my grandson in a home where he is abused he is also in a home with people no one knows. Never once have we been able to tell ourside just the fabricated lies and false accusations and no due process which makes everything void, no representation, slander, Kidnapping I could go on n on! My grandson has court June 11th n he needs to come home before I get that phone call that your grandson is dead! MY GRANDSON IS NOW IN IMMINENT DANGER!

aniessa gamble
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Jun 28, 2016 3:02 pm EDT

they have been call on my kids father then two and yet he still has my kids this cps has bee call on him and now be the three time and now that they have been call one again . now they cant find him or my kids . and is now question me o the were about of this man and the condition of my kids can someone tell how this work that a man how has no were to live can get away with this for cps or treat to talk a person .