This "agency" that goes by many names (Indy Models, 1st Place Models, Statement Models), as does the owner (Allen Knauer aka Allen Longstreet), owes many models for jobs that were completed in early to mid 2008. When contacting the agency-- which now answer the phone "Agency Models" no doubt due to the fact that they have a difficult time remembering their multiple aliases-- you are never given an honest answer as to when the money is coming (that is IF you can actually get someone on the phone). They will tell you "the check is in the mail" and then three months later tell you that it's still coming. I don't think the mail was that slow even in the days of horseback delivery. Then I see online they've told other girls they were waiting on clearance from the courts to send out money because they're doing a restructuring? At the very least, pick a story and stick to it.
This company has owed me a thousand dollars for over a year. I completed the job and the company that I was contracted to work for adored me and told us when we were working that they had paid Allen upfront for the services so they were certain the turn around time for our checks would be quite quick.
Unfortunately that wasn't the case and Allen Knauer aka Allen Longstreet is a con artist.
DO NOT work for Allen Knauer (or any of his multiple personalities) or any of his "agencies" unless of course you like working for free or enjoy being harassed when you try to collect your fees.
Unpaid Model-- I couldn't agree more.
"Chicago Model" is obviously Allen trying to do damage control. Unfortunately for him the damage is done and his name and company are all over the internet on complaint boards.
Other girls should be warned against this man. He clearly has a spending problem as well as a problem with being honest. So sad to see how many girls he owes money.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Are you sure this isn't just a personal gripe? You may be having a problem but I never have. Yes, pay can be slow, but it always comes. If you want to complain about someone, try promomodels, 8 Days a Week, etc. They never pay, period.
Chicago Model, you must be Allen, owner of the agency. I think it's terrible what you are doing. You owe me and atleast 7 other models from across the US money. You need to quit googling your self and your terrible agency and then trying to say "All the models are lying and models always get paid". Keep telling yourself you have a good agency. Karma is a Bi_ch, it will come back times three. You will loose everything you have, I will pray for Statement models, because your world is about to come down on YOU.
I have also worked for indy models and have not gotten paid. I would love to know how many other models out there are waiting on pay.
Please email me and I will add you to the roster of unpaid models!
I was recently hired through Indy Models along with my best friend and have not been paid either. He keeps telling us that we'll get paid on a certain date and then when that date comes he just makes up a new date that we'll be paid by. His contract that he has you sign is very faulty and misleading. It even states that there is no specific date they even have to pay you by. I am going to report him because I don't think it's fair or legal what he is doing.
I was hired by 1st Place Models to work the Coverings tradeshow in Orlando Florida April 27-30. I was told I would receive my check by the end of May or beginning of June. It is July 6 and I still have not received my check. I have spoken with the other models I worked with and they havent received their checks either. We have all emailed the company the they keep giving us all different excuses as of why they have not payed us. I have emailed 1st Place Models telling them that I am prepared to take legal action if my check is not in my mailbox by July 12 (or before)
Without exception, anyone who has posted here has been paid or did not have payment coming. Those who post this nonsense never bother to come back and correct their libel once they are happy. What they really meant to say is that they didn't get paid as fast as they wanted or as much as they thought they should. Common reasons that lead to these libelous posts are:
- Poor performance that results in a reduction in compensation
- Violation of contract with results in zero compensation
- Misrepresentation that results in a reduction or zero compensation
- Not understanding the terms of the compensation portion of the contract
- Expecting to get paid 5 minutes after the event ends (contractor payment can take several weeks)
Most agencies that have been around for any length of time have ways to screen for potential problems and avoid contracting with them. Sometimes, however, they get through. When they do, they often end-up posting on scam Internet sites like this one.
Read the terms, do the job you've agreed to do (that doesn't mean showing up 25 minutes late each day and then expecting to be paid in full), and you'll be happy with the major agencies. If you have a poor work ethic, it would be best for all if you look for employment elsewhere. If you're desperate for money, and haven't the maturity to abide by the compensation portion of the agreement (it can take weeks to get a check), you also would do everyone a favor by staying out of the model contractor industry.
These sites make it way too easy for a spiteful, poorly-raised child to libel an honest business that simply held her to the terms of the agreement she signed. It makes working in this industry, both for agencies and contractors, harder than it should be. To the 98% of those who work as contractors and show up on time each day, do your job, get your check, and move on to the next job, thanks!
Let it be known that once again Allen Knauer is probably this so-called "Agency Models" in the last posting. I have 20+ models that have all not be paid by Allen Knauer (also goes by the alias Roger and/or Longstreet) and they will continue to purse the money that is rightfully owed to them for various jobs well done. Most models have even contacted the client directly that they worked for (after the contract had already been broken by Allen), only to find out that the client was very happy with their work ethic AND that they had paid Allen upfront. Please don't let him fool you into thinking we are all stupid lazy models who didn't deserve to be paid...this is the farthest from the truth. He thought he could take advantage and make some money off of this industry. Just google his name (or various companies he owns: 1st Place Models, Statement Models, Indy Models, and Circle City Photography) and you will find tons of factual reports claiming the same thing! And stating that the Complaints Board is a scam and that the models who have posted here aren't legitimate? How? You're ridiculous. Sites like this exists to warn potential other customers and employees to steer clear of fradulent businesses. Hopefully people do research on you and your companies before hiring and/or working for you.
Here's some other updated info on the companies that Allen Knauer:
1st Place Model has an "F" rating on the BBB website (with 9 complaints):
Indy Models has an "F" rating on the BBB website (with 8 complaints):
Statement Models and Circle City Photography have no reports on the BBB
*If links aren't shown please go to the Better Business General website (bbb dot org), click "For Consumers" (top left in blue box options), click "Check Out a Business or Charity" and type in either "1st Place Models" or "Indy Models" and you will see both profiles.
Also, the Circle City Photography profile on Model Mayhem was taken down by the administration of the actual MM website, due to the reputation of Allen Knauer and his businesses.
Please search around the Internet with key words like 1stplacemodels, 1st place models, statement models, indy models, allen knauer, allen roger knauer, allen longstreet, roger longstreet, etc. You will find TONS of helpful information.
Allen Knauer is a dishonest crook that seriously needs jail time. What he is doing is ILLEGAL and it will catch up with him eventually. I worked the FDIC show last year in 2010 and posted on this as "angry unpaid model" previously. HE HAS STILL NOT PAID ME OR MY FRIEND for our hard work. He blames the economy and blah blah blah. I have told everyone I know about his wrong doings, from fellow models to lawyers. We need to all get together and do a class action lawsuit against him, and once and for all close his business down. He needs to be held responsible for paying his employees and he needs to know that this is against the law and unethical. I guess maybe he has no sence of ethics or doing right though, seeing as how he continuously commits crimes. Allen is a freud and a lier. But a smart business man I must say, stealing money from young naive girls who have a hard time collecting their money? Wow, you must be so proud.
WOW! This guy is a total [censored]. Maybe it's time for a WAKE UP call. What do you think mr [censored]?
It seems like most/all of these posts are phony and are maybe their competitors just trying to cause them trouble? I know 3 girls who work there and they've never had a problem.
I did three jobs for them ... Got paid the first check the 2nd i had to beg for months then the third for 800 dollars i never got paid him and monica emails and emails of rude stuff and tellin me they are gonna pay me for a whole year and after the tear mark never heard from them i turned them into BBB ... They are a rip off rude the allen guy us crazy i know hes the one posting the "good" comments on here! And girls i would work with would tell me he would call them and yell at them i shoulda took the hint i am out 800 since 2010 do not work for him or that company and please if anyone is going to sue them please let me know i am happy to hop on and have all the emails and the people i did the shows for are all willing to partake!
I worked for this company for about five years. Generally speaking, I was always paid within the first month or so following my assignment. Sometimes the checks would take a little longer, but they always came. In fact, I recruited a friend of mine to work at on point and always spoke highly of the company, and of Allen. Until, that is, a job I worked two years ago this week that I still have not been fully paid for. I made multiple attempts to make contact and even offered to drive to the agency to pick up the check, and was finally paid HALF of what was owed approximately a year later. I have not yet received the second installment of what I am owed for that job. The thing is, I'm not even waiting on a huge sum of money from that job, which baffles me even more that I haven't received it. Obviously, working for him for five years, I am not a lazy or sub-par model by any means. In fact, the client I had worked for adored me, and I was requested to work for them multiple times. I was genuinely shocked that I hadn't been paid, as I had a very good (or at least I thought) working relationship with Allen, and had always been paid in the past. But, two years later, I am still waiting on a check. It is a really sad way to end a work relationship that I enjoyed for such a long time...
Just to update anyone searching on the Internet to see if Trade Show Hostesses is legit, please note that it is owned and operated by the same guy stated above (Allen Roger Knauer Longstreet) . He hires promotional models, gets paid by the client, and then never pays the talent. BEWARE!
Do not believe anyone posting a positive review or defending this man/company. The owner, Roger Knauer, of Trade Show Hostesses, Indy Models, Statement Models, 1st Place Models is a con artist and a misogynist. How dare he call us "spiteful, poorly raised children" when we did an awesome job working for him and made the clients "very pleased" (his own words from an email sent right after the event!)?
I worked hard, was on time, and had a smile on my face for the entire event (three days on my feet) and what do I get in return? No pay (it's been nearly 100 days since the event, not 5 minutes) and disrespect from someone who profited illegally from my labor.
I am pursuing this matter in every way possible so that Roger Knauer does not get away with it again.
I worked for Allen in spring of 2015. It's 6 months later and he still owes me close to $1000 for modeling work I did for him. He promised me this money about 7 diff times over the summer and never received one check.
i worked for Statement Models at the Fancy Food show in NYC June 28-30th and still have not received payment. I worked one on one with the client and he was very happy. I was always on-time, energetic, positive, put together...Its obvious this company is a scam. The only time i've been able to reach anyone was the morning of the job, since then I've called almost daily (to no response), just to have a record on my phone if/when it goes to court. This company needs to be extinguished ASAP
COLLECTING Info, prove, dates, clients/companies names, notes and ETC.
I didn't have a chance to work with Allen. I visited his office first time when I had appointment for taking my pictures in 2012 looking around at the disgusting environment for such a "big modeling agency " it was very clear to me he is an AH who is using young girls as a free labor. All what I wanted just to get my picture on the CD since I paid all the amount up front. Never got his call back after several message I left.
It will take a lot of time and support, not just comments and complaints to take him down. IWDIDN'T expect how many girls were treated this way for so long. I AM PLANNING contact my ATTORNEY for his opinion and discuss what can be done.
Let me know if anyone would be will to go through paperork, interview and maybe public to take him down. A lot of commitment!
Hey could this be the same one the indimodels from Western Australia I'm just worried I could have signed to the same one
@indimodels on instagram they contacted me it's different spelling but I just don't want to run into any scams