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CB Credit Cards Review of Instabill

Instabill review: Fraud 7

Author of the review
11:41 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.


If people wonder how the Jason Field ripoff is working, here is the answer:

1. You sign a contract with ECS World Limited located in the United Kingdom

2. Instabill in the US is processing your charges (your money)

3. the payout will go to a Bank located in Mauritius or Latvia

From time to time (when enough money is held) Jason Field inform his clients that problems occured with the bank and the payout will delay several months. Of course he is very sorry about this! This is the time and date your money is gone. Gone to Jason Field. When you try to sue Jason Field he tells you that you have no contract with him but with ECS in the United Kingdom. So you have to file law actions against the company located in the United Kingdom. A company that has nothing more to offer then a letter box and 1 english Pound Sterling share capital. When we tried to visit Jason Fields at his Instabill Office in Greenland he locked the door, closed the windows and called the police.

If you wonder why Jason Field is still running his business instead of being in jail, this is definitely a failure of the New Hampshire State Attorney.

Update by nanoumaus
Feb 01, 2010 5:32 pm EST

Some people are asking why we do not take any legal actions. As we already explained in the complaint blog we have to sue ECS in the United Kingdom. A 1 Pound Sterling company. We hired several private investigators. USA (regarding Instabill), United Kingdom (regarding ECS), Mauritius (Standard Bank) and Australia (Edelweiss Cards). We also hired a law firm in the USA and United Kingdom. Jason Field is running several mail box companies and special offshore structures. It is just a waste of time and money to file legal actions against this. We lost a lot of money. Of course we got payout confirmations. In written from! Nothing happened. Jason Field has always excuses why money is not transfered. This is one of his basic steps to rip off people as long as possible.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Portsmouth, US
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Oct 06, 2010 11:33 am EDT

nanoumaus - what a name! anyone viewing any blog from this character should view him as a fraud and dismiss him! This shameful character either works for WSR Corporation or was hired by them to defame their payment processor for over 3 years. Not really sure what their purpose for doing this was since in the 3 years we processed their payments they were paid out each and every week, on time.

Instabill facilitated numerous merchant accounts for WSR Corporation as well as for some of their clients. Our point of contact was a Florian Bach. Though he is or was a part owner of the company(s), all KYC (know your customer) documentation were always provided by a 24 year old resident of Belize, Meghann Young. When reachable, Florian portrayed himself as an astute businessman with a kind, German demeanor. When googling his companies wsr corporation and csr corporation there is much dissent from their customers.

This website alone has numerous complaints from dissatisfied customers. Below is one such complaint:

WSR Corporation — Scam and cheating

The WSR Scam is bigger than most people realise?
I am in the process of accumulating as much information on them as possible and believe I am getting close to finding the real identities of at least one of the people involved.
So as not to take too much away from this article, I will just add links to other more detailed information I have posted about them (on another site) and will update this site again with more information once I have verified it. I have also set up a new website dedicated to tracking them down and will include the link for this as soon as it is functional, so needless to say I will participate in any law suit against them.

However, I will state here and now for the benefit of everyone following this Scam and for those who may be tempted to deal with them, that they are now using a new name; CSR Corporation and their website can be found at: It is the same people behind WSR Corporation - otherwise known as Whitherspoon, Seymour & Robinson Corporation – who also have, and WSR.BIZ.

WSR/CSR Corporation — The Long Term Sophistaced & Widespread Online Scam - How Do We Catch These Crooks?
/URL removed/

It is very difficult to respond directly to accusations from an anonymous person. We communicate with all of our merchants and make them well aware of any funds being held by our Acquiring Bank partners as well as reminding them of the terms and conditions of the signed merchant contract. Instabill have worked with high risk merchants for over 10 years. When either Instabill or our banking partners discover the business if committing fraud the merchants’ accounts are closed immediately, processing funds are confiscated by the acquiring Bank, Instabill may be subject to bank penalties and or fines, most of which are not covered by the merchants’ processing.

Instabill does not hold the merchants funds. If a merchant is shut down for high chagebacks, fraud or illegal items sold, it is the bank that holds those funds, not Instabill..

Orlando, US
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Mar 03, 2011 2:54 pm EST

I am another unfortunate victim which got my money taken away by Instabill/ECS World

I don't need to write much rather than show you all my communication with Instabill. They never ever wired me the scheduled weekly wires even though I have the Finance Director Karin from Instabill/ECS World written e-mails confirming that I was going to receive them. Tanetra La Pierre which she is an Administrative Assistant for Instabill/ECS World had more respect at least with responding to my phone calls and e-mails at some points. I don't have to hide, I registered under my Company name and if anyone needs more feedback of my experience send me a PM. I'm willing, ready and able to give Instabill/ECS World a chance to see if they have what it takes to defense themselves here. As Karin, Instabill Finance Director she is not allowed to speak with customer/s on the phone, all I heard was "you have to e-mail her" always some type of justification. ALL LIES. PLEASE take some time and read below-

-- Forwarded message ----------
From: Intl Vacations
Date: Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 10:10 AM
To: Finance
Cc: tanetra

Dear Karin,

That is 100% untrue. You & I know this, I have written notification by you and all the communications that we have had throughout all this nightmare, please see what you wrote below- on February 16th at 1:47pm you Karin wrote that you don't see ANY reason why that amount wouldn't be paid and that I processed the required amount of the week of January 31-February 6th. So what are you talking about? The 2 transactions that weren't captured were the result of a faulty payment gateway. Not my fault, Intl Vacation Group has NEVER receive one single schedule wire transfer. NOT ONE ! and even you specifying in writing that I was supposed to receive a wire transfer you yet decided to wait some time, "gain" time to find a convenience solution on your end and throw the blame on me, FURTHERMORE about the VISA terminal that is not true either. We tried many different deals and we were advised by Tanetra that we couldn't process any longer using the regular payment terminal that it was issued to us in the beginning until the new bank will take place. PLEASE REFER TANETRA'S E-MAIL below stating and clearly in writing that in order to REGAIN PROCESSING YOU INSTABILL WERE RE-APPLYING TO ANOTHER BANK.

Karin, I have all the pertinent documentation and I have a SUPER valid case here, communication by communication. I've been misleaded by you, Karin you have not shown any interest in this super urgent situation as it has taken you almost 3 weeks to give me this poor response that doesn't support your facts. You wrote an e-mail on February 16th that I was going to receive the schedule wire transfer because I did comply with the minimum amount of weekly processing. The result from your e-mail sent on February 16th was that Instabill decided not to wire me the funds as scheduled in writing by you. Enough of the run arounds Karin, you're trying to find an excuse in order not to wire Intl Vacation Group funds when I have all the documentation needed for a valid case, granted yet I have seen one single schedule wire transfer. NOT ONE !

Also, why did it take you 3 weeks for a simple response? I've been communicating with Tanetra regarding this serious situation? you are NEVER available, you barely response to any e-mails ? this is a serious matter that needs to be rectify today. Go over all the e-mails below and if you don't think I have a valid case please advise me and I will take it further from there with my LAW FIRM. I've read enough negative feedbacks from Instabill and other companies which have lived similiar scenarios. I did comply, you wrote I comply and I never even received one single scheduled wire transfer to my Company Intl Vacation Group. I have everything documented, every conversation, every communication, every e-mail. PLEASE LET ME KNOW if I'm going to receive my funds this week or not. It's a simple yes or no. My Company Intl Vacation Group has been, ready, willing and able to continue the processing BUT Instabill hasn't provided us with a "working" payment gateway. It is not the Customers fault that Instabill decided under their convenience to change banks and leave the customer "stranded" without being able to process, lose thousands of dollars in Company revenue and simply then use the "easy way out" "Oh you didn't process then I can't pay you" The ball is on your court Karin, I need you to simply tell me now if I'm going to receive what we have earned, and written by you what we are entitled to receive or not. Then at that time I will take it from there. Instabill has NOT complied with the agreement and I can very easily prove so. PLEASE ADVISE


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: tanetra
Date: Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 5:39 PM
Subject: Instabill Payment Processing
To: Intl Vacation Group

Hi Jesus,

As we spoke about earlier; please find the invoice attached for the incorporation fee of $600. This will allow us to form you a UK company and re-apply to our bank in order for you to regain processing. Please be sure to note on the invoice that you wish for it to be taken from processing. We will form the company Monday and get the application moving as quickly as possible. I will be in touch if the bank needs further or update documentation from when we first singed you up. Please let me know if you have questions and I do apologize for the inconvenience.

Best Regards,
Tanetra LaPierre
Administrative Assistant
ECS/Instabill Corp
+[protected] - T
+[protected] - F
ICQ - [protected]
Skype - tanetral

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Finance
Date: Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 1:47 PM
Subject: RE: ECS Settlement
To: Intl Vacations
As I stated before, the amount that was held for this week will be carried forward to next weeks statement. I do not know the amount that the bank is paying out for next week. You processed the required amount the week of January 31-Febuary 6th so I don’t see any reason why that amount wouldn’t be paid.

Finance Director
ECS World/Instabill Corp.
[protected] - T
[protected] - F

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Finance
Date: Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 9:38 AM
To: Intl Vacations

Dear Jesus,

You were notified that on Wednesday, February 16th that there would be a 15 minute period of downtime on the gateway that no transactions could be processed. After the period was over, the gateway was back up and running. You had 2 pre auth transactions on February 15th, but were never captured. You were again notified on Friday, February 18th that due to an immediate change in policy by one of our banking partners, MasterCard processing was being disabled on your account. Visa processing was still available but you processed no transactions.

Per the terms & conditions of the contract, you must process the required weekly amount of $2, 500 in order to receive a payout. Since you began processing, there has only been 1 week that the required weekly amount was processed. If you wish not to process any further transactions on this VISA only account, please let me know and a payout schedule will be issued.

Finance Director
ECS World/Instabill Corp.
[protected] - T
[protected] - F

Good Morning Tanetra,

Today is March 1st 2011, today will be the day that I will get my final answer on what's going on with my last week scheduled wire transfer which I need this week and I need to have access so we can resume processing. Tanetra, at this point yet I have received one single wire transfer from Instabill since I started processing. I hope I receive this week everything that is being held as per the attached statement sent by Karin last week. (Please see attachment)

Also, I am not going to accept that Instabill keep "postponing" my weekly wire transfers because Instabill doesn't allow me to process and meet my weekly minimun. I supposed to be receiving this week the total of $8, 647.29 ( eight thousand six hundred fourty seven with twenty nine cents.) It's very clear, this is it...I need to receive this schedule wire transfer this week for that full amount. I can't continue losing so much Company revenue for the lack of processing and it's hurting my business tremendously. I need my funds wire this week as scheduled. I have never received one single wire transfer from Instabill how is that possible? I need my funds wire this week and also I need access to the payment gateway as well so we can resume processing. It's been 3 weeks with a "supposed bank error" with the gateway and I'm sorry I don't believe that justification any longer. No bank in earth will not rectify something so simple in 3 weeks...I need my funds wire to me this week as scheduled...the full amount is attached in the statement provided by Karin from Instabill-Finance.

Please Advise,

Jesus Rivera
Intl Vacation Group
March 1st, 2011 e-mail sent at 8:20am EST
On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 5:28 PM, tanetra wrote:
Hi Jesus,

The finance department spoke with the bank today and they are looking into the payout that was owed to you. They told her they would be in touch tomorrow morning. Please give me until then so they can determine what the issue is. Thank you!

Best Regards,
Tanetra LaPierre
Administrative Assistant
ECS/Instabill Corp
+[protected] - T
+[protected] - F
ICQ - [protected]
Skype - tanetral

Merchant Account Specialists

From: []
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 5:27 PM
To: tanetra
Cc: Finance

Tanetra, what's the update? Its already 5:25pm EST.

Thank you,

From: "tanetra"
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2011 13:15:10 -0500
To: Intl Vacations

Hi Jesus,

I am waiting to hear back on this. I will have an answer for you by the end of the day!

Best Regards,
Tanetra LaPierre
Administrative Assistant
ECS/Instabill Corp
+[protected] - T
+[protected] - F
ICQ - [protected]
Skype - tanetral

Merchant Account Specialists

From: Intl Vacations []
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2011 9:29 AM
To: Finance
Cc: tanetra

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Intl Vacations
Date: Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 8:39 AM
To: tanetra
Cc: Finance

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Intl Vacations
Date: Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 4:58 PM
To: tanetra
Cc: Finance
Hi Tanetra,

I'm e-mailing you today Sunday February 27th with the intention of you reading this e-mail monday February 28th. I -NEVER- heard back from you or Karin Friday February 25th. This is a super urgent matter that is bringing down thousands each day in Company loses, I don't understand why Karin which she is the head person in Finance or you one contacted me friday like you informed me below. This upcoming week is going to come and I'm by no means will accept any further excuses or justifications as of because we supposedly didn't process a "specific" amount we aren't allowed to receive any wire tranfer.
Furthermore, it's been two weeks without us having the ability to have a "working" payment gateway, as supposedly it's a bank issue and I know for certain it doesn't take 14 days for a bank to resolve such an important issue as a payment gateway issue.

I was supposed to received a wire transfer last week and it's really clear in Karin's e-mail below which I have a great history of all my conversations with everyone from Instabill, Tanetra apparently you have no idea how serious this situation is and I am receiving zero feedback in regards to that, all I receive is excuses/justification to gain time and give me the run around. I need to know what's going on and I need to receive the scheduled wire that I was supposed to receive last week as per Karin's e-mail stated below. What's going on? Why didn't I receive the schedule wire from last week? As I said, I have all the communication in detailed below and I don't see why my Company ( Intl Vacation Group) has to be penalized for an error in Instabill's end.

Tanetra, not you or Karin had the courtesy to communicate with me on friday February 25th 2011. I need to have solid, concrete answer by February 28th which is the last day of the month. I cannot continue with this informality of work with Instabill, no more run arounds, no more I'll find out and get back with you later, tomorrow. This urgent matter needs to be resolved NOW-TODAY and I need to receive MY Company's funds this week as the written agreed scheduled wire. I hope to GOD that I don't receive a disrespectful INVOICE this week stating the same as last week that we didn't receive our last week wire for the lack of processing when it has been an INSTABILL issue, like I said I have all the needed documentation here in e-mail to support my facts. PLEASE ADVISE-

Jesus Rivera
Intl Vacation Group
e-mail sent February 27th, 2011 4:59PM EST
On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 5:08 PM, tanetra wrote:
Hi Jesus,

Karin has left for the day but I will be sure to speak with her in the morning. I apologize for the delay in response.

Best Regards,
Tanetra LaPierre
Administrative Assistant
ECS/Instabill Corp
+[protected] - T
+[protected] - F
ICQ - [protected]
Skype - tanetral

Merchant Account Specialists

From: Intl Vacations []
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 5:06 PM
To: Finance
Cc: tanetra

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Intl Vacations
Date: Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 10:26 AM
To: Finance
Cc: tanetra
Hello Karin,

What's the update in regarding my inquiry from yesterday? Please advise as this is a serious and urgent matter that
my company needs resolved today.

Thank you,

On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 4:54 PM, Finance wrote:
Dear Jesus,

We are verifying some information on our end regarding your inquiry. I will provide you with an email response tomorrow.

Finance Director
ECS World/Instabill Corp.
[protected] - T
[protected] - F

Merchant Account Specialists
From: Intl Vacations []
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 4:18 PM
To: Finance
Cc: tanetra; Jason Field

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Intl Vacations
Date: Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: ECS Settlement
To: Finance
Cc: tanetra ,
Dear Karin,

This is not what you informed me in writing as per your e-mail below. You (" referred as Instabill") are and have been misleading me and more importantly lying to me by false written information, this is completely unacceptable and ridiculous. I feel like I'm being robbed. Last week we discussed that we did not processed because Instabill did not allow us because we were LIED TO in regards to the excuse of the payment gateway being under maintenance. Which is not the case here, you're not allowing me to process so the weeks continue passing by and you Karin from Instabill along with Instabill end up keeping my money. You're holding a serious amount of my company's revenue. We tried to process deals last week and we weren't able to because YOU Karin along with your Instabill team didn't allow us to. How come Karin you sent me a look alike "automated" e-mail asking me why I didn't process anything last week? In case you don't remember the e-mail please find it below for your records. When as Tanetra's e-mail below clearly states that it is "supposedly" a bank issue and not my issue, so how come my company is being penalized for not processing last week if the FAULT was on your end ? I've been reading a lot of negative feedback with Instabill and other companies, I really hope I'm not the new case because I am a handsfull and will not hesitate to have our lawyers firm to defend our hard working money. I will be waiting for a solid answer on why is my company Intl Vacation Group being penalized for this week scheduled wire when we couldn't process last week because an error on your end...Instabill's Karin..wrote me clearly that you don't see any reason why that amount wouldn't be explain to me...I need this resolved asap or if I don't hear from you very soon I will have my lawyers take it from here, I cannot believe that Instabill is pretty much STEALING my funds for an error on Instabill end and not allowing me last week to process. I'll be waiting for your response.

Jesus Rivera
Intl Vacation Group
Feb 23/2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Finance
Date: Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 1:47 PM
Subject: RE: ECS Settlement
To: Intl Vacations
As I stated before, the amount that was held for this week will be carried forward to next weeks statement. I do not know the amount that the bank is paying out for next week. You processed the required amount the week of January 31-Febuary 6th so I don’t see any reason why that amount wouldn’t be paid.

Finance Director
ECS World/Instabill Corp.
[protected] - T
[protected] - F

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: tanetra
Date: Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 10:33 AM
Subject: RE: Instabill Payment Processing
To: Intl Vacations
Hi Jesus,

I didn’t see a question in your e-mail…so that is why I didn’t respond. As we spoke about last week I need to incorporate you within the EU so we can get the bank to re-approve and enable your account. That is what I am working on now. Once the incorporation comes through I will send everything to the bank. If I need extra documents I will be in touch with you. In regards to the gateway it is a bank issue that we have not been able to overcome. I apologize for the inconvenience but I am doing everything to get you another solution asap!

Best Regards,
Tanetra LaPierre
Administrative Assistant
ECS/Instabill Corp
+[protected] - T
+[protected] - F
ICQ - [protected]
Skype - tanetral

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Tech Support
Date: Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 4:40 PM
Subject: Instabill Payment Processing | Short Maintenance Period
To: Tech Support
Cc: Jason Boyer

Dear Instabill Merchants,

Please be advised that the Instabill Payment Gateway has a brief has
maintenance period planned on Wednesday, February 16th in order to
update processing services. The payment gateway will be unavailable for
processing for approximately fifteen minutes beginning at 05:00 GMT,
resuming normal processing by 05:15 GMT.

This maintenance period applies to all accounts, 3D secure and non-3D
secure. Please email if you have any questions or
concerns, and we apologize for the inconvenience.


-Christina Rahaim

Client Technical Support
Instabill Corp.
ICQ: [protected]
Skype: christina-instabill

------ Forwarded message ----------
From: Finance
Date: Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 2:14 PM
Subject: MID 483 Instabill Processing
Dear Merchant,

The bank is inquiring as to why there was ZERO processing last week. Please advise.

Finance Director
ECS World/Instabill Corp.
[protected] - T
[protected] - F

On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 12:04 PM, Finance wrote:
Dear Merchant,

Attached please find the settlement statement for the period of January 31-February 6, 2011.

Finance Director
ECS World/Instabill Corp.
[protected] - T
[protected] - F

Merchant Account Specialists

Manjeet Aluwalia
Send a message
Sep 06, 2014 10:37 am EDT

I haven't used Instabill services so I can only recommend you the merchant services that I am using.
I am using the merchant service of CART PAY INC.
The set-up fee of Cart Pay is 299GBP which is little pinching otherwise the merchant account is very robust and can process all cards and all payouts are on time. Though there are more merchant account providers for payment gaetway for technical support but I had burnt my hand earlier with other provider but with Cart Pay Inc I am satisfied now.
Only 1 thing Cart Pay needs to improve, that is a good support for Canadian Dollar as most of the time Canadian Dollar sales gets declined.

Send a message
Mar 24, 2015 5:02 pm EDT

Donot even think to go with cartpay i have already experienced with them.

they are bloody scam.

sanjay thakurab
Send a message
Jun 09, 2015 7:56 pm EDT

motherchod cart pay come and see me iam going to fcuk you all and your mothers aluwalia

Karthick Selvam
Send a message
Aug 12, 2015 9:40 pm EDT

these fcukers are always do like that!

vikash malik
Send a message
Oct 09, 2015 11:22 pm EDT

Pls give me cartpay new address