Received a notice from Corporate Headquarters International Award payment Center 1401 Armour Road North Kansas City, MO 64116 USA in regular mail. Has Id #ENV-188-FC also says computer tracked. Date on envelope is date 2012 time 10:08 Has check made out in my name Helen Cook 55 Slow hand Drive, Hughesville, Pa [protected] for 15K. I am unable to make out who signed it to endorse check. Requesting I pay a 9.00 fee and they ask what they call "a qualifying question" One bundle contains 450 $20 bills. What should be the total value of 30 bundles? check box below answers is either 270, 000 or 405, 000. Stamped on part that I am to answer this question is in large bold print "BLUE SERIES XII" AT THE BOTTOM OF THAT PART AS WELL IS A SERIES OF NUMBERS AND LETTERS: 17737COK [protected] U5-1A-1-1 N-U Signature is Arthur T. Lee Hope this helps to put them in prison for fraud. (my email is [protected] Thank you for your help.