First let me say that IREGA in Cancun is a lovely clinic. Dr. Myra and Dr. Adan are excellent, and Laura the receptionist is Amazing.
Sheri Burke on the other hand is unqualified to be doing anything regarding IVF. She will even tell you herself that she doesn't know a lot about it. Rebekka is knowledgeable, but gives medical advice without speaking with the Doctors. We visited Mexico because we were wanting to do IVF with a known egg donor and Gestational Carrier. We have been through IVF here in the United States twice, so we were very familiar with the process. Sheri made a lot of promises that were not true. We flew to Mexico specifically to meet with Dr. Adan, and were only told once we landed that he was unavailable to meet with us. We met with Dr. Myra instead. When we sat with the Dr. there was no information there for her. We had sent many documents from our physicians here in the states. We were ready for a true consultation with the Dr. and they were unprepared. We also went to purchase our medications to bring home with us, as we would be starting our ivf stateside, with initial monitoring here then flying to Mexico for retrieval and transfer. There was a lot of miscommunication between us, but we thought we worked things out. When we got home and were to start the medication, we realized that the Dr. didn't give us enough. We had to scramble to find more meds or fly back to Mexico for them. It was a nightmare. At some point along the way we began solely speaking with Laura at the clinic who is knowledgeable and on top of her game. She was the key to making everything work. We were promised by Sheri the condo to stay in as well as the travel for appointments. Sheri "the facilitator" was unreachable. Right before we flew to Cancun, she sent me an email stating that she gave her entire staff off for the holiday and that we would be on our own.
We stayed at a resort for two days. Eric picked us up and took us to the condo that we were planning on staying for 9 days. While driving to the Condo, he mentioned that he would be picking up people for the clinic the following morning. Whe asked if we would be going with him, and we were told that Sheri said no. So...I called her. Her reaction to me was truly the most shocking phone call I have ever had. She told me "I don't want anything to do with you. We got off on the wrong foot and i don't want any trouble from you." True! We did get off on the wrong foot! But two weeks previous, I explained to her our situation, and how it could be better, and she offered me Rebekkas job! She told me how much i would make and everything! We arrived at the condo and it was filthy! The bathrooms had pubic hair in the showers. The shower dripped into a bucket. There was a cat in the air vent crying too. It was truly a surreal experience. The kitchen was yuck, the pots and pans were horrendous. We couldn't believe it. How were we going to stay in this place. We were stuck. It was Christmas break and every resort was through the roof expensive. It didn't matter. We moved to a resort!
So... The clinic is great. The dr is very knowledgeable and we are now pregnant. In the end the process worked, but not without a lot of fighting. We met another couple who were also successful in getting pregnant, and they also had a lot of problems with Sheri.
My suggestions if you want to go to Cancun for IVF. Go! Because the Dr and staff are great. Just don't use Sheri or International Patient Facilitators. Call IREGA directly and speak with Laura. Be aware that timing of IVF is really sensitive and you may need to extend your stay. Happened to us and the other couple (they told us they were supposed to be there 10 days and were there 3 weeks. She also forgot to buy there plane tickets). Buy travel insurance! Be very proactive in the process. When you fly home, you are on your own! No clinic will give you advice on your meds, as you are a client of Mexico, and your meds are from Mexico. Also something they don't tell you. Your "support medication" is not included in the ivf price. So be prepared to pay another 500 (really cheap) for the progesterone, folic acid etc... In the end, because we flew over Christmas and because we had to move to a 300 a night hotel, we spent more than we expected, but the IVF was 7000.00 Amazing! The second try we only had to pay for lab fees around 1500. Unheard of!
We had a failed fresh cycle, because our carrier's lining wasn't ready. A problem that could have been solved but we learned from the mistake. She was monitored in USA before she flew to Cancun, and we should have had one more ultrasound so we could have upped her meds.
They froze three of our Embryos and all three came back perfect and we did a frozen cycle. We are now 14 weeks pregnant. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about IVF Cancun.
GO INDEPENDANT! YOU DONT NEED SHERI...Sheri is over her head with IVF and she is not nice when things go south. Cancun is very easy to navigate, cabs are pretty cheap, and the beaches are beautiful.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I had a disaster surgery with Sheri Burke. She messed up getting me from the air port to my room too. I was stuck in Mexico and could not speak spanish/ Sheri did not send me the right papers. When confronted, she goes insane and becomes abusive. She has no medical knowledge, but knows very well how to get your money.
Can some one help. I am in Mexico and need to go to the airport, but Sheri Burke has my papers and will not return them. This is done out of revenge as she went off on me last night.
No I do not know how to contact them and that is why I hired Sheri Burke and paid ahead for ground tranportation
Wow! This is really great information! My husband and I are planning our second round of IVF (first round was successful but thinking about #2 now) in Cancun. We are planning to use a company under the website of I dont think this is the same company you're referring to but they definitely use the same clinic and Dr.'s. I think the most important piece of information I took away from this (besides to NOT ever work with Sherri Burke) is to purchase trip insurance to know that we may have to stay longer than expected. Thanks all! Say a prayer for us in 2014 when we go there!
Cancun IVF ( is not the same company and should not be confused. They deliver excellent service from start to finish with people who really have been overseas IVF patients and care about their clients, not ones who pretend to have been and leave clients high and dry in their most vulnerable time. This kind of thing gives the entire industry and clinics she works with a very bad name.
Great thing that Sherrie Burk is no longer at IREGA. She can take all that bad PR over to FCC Fertility Center of Cancun. IREGA has a new staff that are sweet and eager to help. I had a failed IVF, and will go back for the Warranty.
Sherrie Burk is unethical. Bad experiences. Please be aware!
Sheri only cared enough to receive my money, with complications after surgery, she stopped responding to my emails regarding my concerns/complications. Save yourself the stress/money in the long run and don't go to Mexico for any procedure!, especially not IPF.