To Whom It May Concern
Please read this full email. This email is a very serious complaint about a school based in Blairgowrie, Randburg.
A couple of days ago, i was called into the office of the principle at I.R.Griffith school in Blairgowrie, where both of my children attend school.
When the secretary called me the day before, she said to me that the meeting with the principle would be about my daughters progress in the school.
You see, my daughter has a learning problem since going to I.R.Griffiths. In the beginning of the year (before the first reports), one teacher called me into the office to say that my daughter will not pass the year because she is not doing well in her classes. She is taking very long to understand what is being taught in her classes.
I then called the head of my daughter's grade and told her that Jeanne needs some help with her work, because i dont want her to fail her grade. She (this teacher also has since left the school, but gave me her mobile phone number - she also told me some of the terrible things that Mrs. Lopes does with the teachers at the school and how she treats the students and the parents) then told me that they will get the teachers to do extra work with Jeanne after school hours to improve her grades and understanding of the lessons each day.
This never happened, ever! The school never assigned any teachers to help my daughter, even though the head teacher (as mentioned above), did request this from Mrs. Lopes several times.
Then a couple of months ago, i thought that maybe if i donated something to the school, that they might then give some attention to my daughter in order for her to pass her grade, by learning after school hours maybe. My husband bought a brand new TV and DVD recorder and donated that to the school.
About 3 times more i was called into the office to speak about my daughter not doing well and each and every time did i ask what are the teachers doing about this? But then came the last meeting that i had with the principle as mentioned above.
When arriving at the principles office, i was told that Jeanne will not be with us in the office for the discussion. In the office was a Mrs. Naidoo and the principle, Mrs Lopes. She greeted me and said that they had to lie to me over the phone in order for me to actually come into the office.
In the conversation, Mrs. Lopes accused my husband of sexually harassing my daughter. Touching her butt. She then cut me short in my response and said that i must just remember that she can have my husband locked up right now, no (she then said), actually i could have had him locked up yesterday already, but she felt (she said), that we needed a chance to explain our side of the story first, before she would make her decision as to call the police or not about this.
I felt violated and expressed my anger by talking in a loud voice. Mrs. Lopes then told me (like i was one of her students) that i must not look at her and talk to her, in that way. Her exact words, "dont make those eyes at me!". I then felt embarrassed for me and for her, for treating me as a child and even at the same time, while another adult was in the same office.
I just kept quiet. She started asking me about my husband and my sexual life at home. She asked if my daughter has every seen us having sex (she asked)? The whole conversation went about the sexual nature of our personal life. She was pinned on discussing only this all the time while i was in her office with Mrs. Naidoo present.
I then said to Mrs. Lopes. It is not at home where she gets these ideas, it is at school. I then told her about all the things that my daughter and my son tells me about things that happen on a daily basis at the school. My children told me that there are allot of children talking about sex, kissing and even heard some kids having sex (gr.7) in the class when the teacher was not there. So, i told Mrs. Lopes and her reaction to this, was "agh, things like this happens in all schools, everywhere!". I then told her that this is not true, i cannot believe that something like this would be going on and she is as cool as a cucumber about it, not caring even that this is going on in the school or not.
I then again asked her about the help from the teachers that i and the head teacher requested from her. Where she then just said that i must stop talking about wanting teachers to assist Jeanne in understanding her school work. Meaning, she just does not care if my daughter fails or not. Just as long as the monthly school fees are coming in at the beginning of each month.
By her reaction, i was the positive that she does not care about the education of the children, but about the money that they are all bringing in.
At the end of the meeting, i really felt like a truck hit me...but she was satisfied with my answers to her "interrogation", so she then said her "good-byes" and i left.
I went home and told my husband all about what was said. My husband and my daughter had a very, very good relationship before this whole event, but now, they basically cant stand each other. All because of all the nonsense of what Mrs. Lopes has said to my daughter.
This morning, the school calls me again (i think it was a Mrs. White). She said that the principle would like to have a meeting with me again. I then told her (because i own x2 of my own businesses and actually have no time now, because we are in "Financial Year End" and need to do allot of work on getting invoices together and so on). I just knew that they would like to talk again about Jeanne not doing well at school. I then said to the lady, that i will have a look at when i have time and then get back to them on this. She then said that it is very important for us to go and see her immediately...I then kept quite for a while and then said again that i will call them as soon as i have time. She then said, "i will then tell Mrs. Lopes that you dont want to come and see her". I then told the lady, that if she wants to be like that, she can do whatever she thinks is right. She just assumed that i dont want to see the principle, but i have told her that my husband and i are very busy each day and it is difficult for us to just each time, jump in our cars and go and see them when they feel like it...
For about more than a month now, my husband and i have been trying to find a school for my daughter, that will actually help her with her studies and help her learn what needs to be learned for her age and not keep on exposing her to sexual things at school and not caring about it...We have been spending allot of time and money by doing this for her, where the school (IRG) would not even lift a finger to do anything to help her. Jeanne has been tested by a Remedial Therapy Team (costs allot of money for the tests) and we will now on this coming Wednesday, together with this said Team, go to a school based in Rand Park Ridge (much further from our home - more traveling time), to see if they will be able to assist her with her schooling and studies.
Anyway, getting back to the request for a meeting with myself this week, by the IRG school.
After the call that i had from Mrs White, my husband then went to school (as usual each day), to go and get our kids from the aftercare, based at the school itself. My husband told me, that as soon as he arrived, he was bombarded by the Mrs. Lopes. My husband told me that she was very angry with him and started making threats to him. She told him, that she thinks, that it is best for him to find another school for our children, because they are no longer welcome at the school. We should remove our children out of HER school. My husband then raised his voice and said that she is not the OWNER of the school and that he will not do that. My husband then at the same time confronted her about the fact that she does not care about sexual things going on in the school and that she threatened me some days ago with wanting to lock him up in jail. She then got very angry and told my husband to leave the school premises immediately. She then said that it is people like him (being Chinese, which make this remark, a racist remark) that makes teachers feel that they do not want to teach children anymore. She said that we are not the kind of people that she wants in her school. My husband then told her to be quite and that he is going to report her about the accusations that she made to me earlier and the remarks she just made to him.
My husband then came to me at our one branch (business) in Randburg and told me that whole story. He then said that i have to report this whole matter, because this Mrs. Lopes cannot think that she will get away with doing things like this to children and/or parents of the students in the school.
Some other things that i can point out about this school, is that they dont really do any work at school, much. They dont really care about the education of the kids. The only thing that they actually care about, is making money out of the kids and their parents. For example, they always have "Fate's" (all money spent for the making of the food and/purchase of said food and money collected for selling said food, goes directly to the school). Then they have fun runs - bring money for the run to spend at school - the teachers would say. Then they have donations every other day...and guess what, all money again goes directly to the school. Nothing is given back to the kids for their efforts in helping the school collect said money for who knows what. Just, if the kids dont bake something for the fate or bring money for the donations, then demerits (points taken off your yearly mark) will be given to the kids for not participating in the activities (selling things to make money for the school or collecting donations for the school) of/for the school. The teachers also gives demerits for kids not make projects. Now when i say projects...i am talking about baking cakes for the ENGLISH class for points. Now you tell me, what does cake baking have to do with teaching kids the ENGLISH language. Anyway, all the parents ends up doing all kinds of projects for their kids and the kids gets the marks for them. It is not the kids that actually learn how to do the projects themselves. In anyway, why bake something for an ENGLISH class, where you are supposed to learn the language. I mean, if it was "home economics" class, then a project like that would make much more sense, would it not?
To me (and i have taught in China for many years), the way that this school functions, in handing out projects each week, is a way for the teachers to get out of actually getting a good learning lesson together for the students to teach them in the coming week. And also to give demerits for failing to do it the way the teacher said for the kids to do it. This is very embarrassing (will damage the children for the rest of their lives) for the kids in class to be told in front of the whole class that they did not succeed in making whatever needed to be done and then being told that they have failed the project request and that marks will be taken off for them failing to reach the target.
Not only that. Many of my friends (also has children in the same school), tells me (including my children), that the bathrooms in the school is very, very dirty. They have dirty words written all over the walls and fesses smeared on the walls. Now, this causes sickness in children and that might be the reason why more and more kids are absent from school. They say that the bathrooms almost never gets cleaned and the dirt just stays and gathers flies each day.
Mrs. Lopes and her ways of dealing with kids and their parents, has rechecked my home and my happy life with my children and my husband! She needs to be reprimanded for what she has done to us.
In order to get her to a level where we are now, I will be posting this complaint on each and every school/complaint site that i know of...
Kindly respond to this email and please let me know of what steps will be taken.
I really appreciate you taking the time to read this complaint.
Kind Regards,
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer's satisfaction.
The schools are bluffs
This matter has been resolved by the school, this parent has another child that is still attending the school this year. Please consider removing this complaint as it is not ethical to mention a child's name in association with such personal issues
you must be the one hired by the school
Mrs Lopez is the worst thing that ever happened to this school. She has turned IRG from being a top ten school into a dysfunctional school. The ANA results speak for themselves. Well done Mrs. Lopez you must be so proud of your achievements!
The ###ed parents must please remove their children from the school. Parents are not GODS and get to throw their toys whenever they dont get their way. Maybe if these ###ed parents put more effort into their own children (like the rest of us do) their child's ANA result would not be as bad. Maybe if these ###ed moaning parents gave the school some support things would also be different. IR Griffith sticks to policy and does what is best for the child. Take up your curriculum struggles with the department - they are the ones screwing up our children. Or take your child to one of the pathetic surrounding schools if you have such a serious problem! Or would you like to marry your holy Dr Hayward who allowed parents and teachers to get away with murder...? Highschool statistics clearly show that the learners who come from IR Griffith are MUCH better prepared for highschool and do MUCH better in highschool! A HAPPY IRG PARENT
Have to concur - Lopez has got to be the worst thing for the school. We too have had a run in with her (as have many other parents) and before one even gets the chance to reason with her it's almost as if her mind goes blank and nothing one does or says makes any bloody difference. She has her favourites and pets and treats them like ALL kids should be treated. The school is a disaster and the best thing would be to remove her and bring in someone who has passion and honesty.
As a past pupil of the above mentioned school, I'm a rather saddened by this and other events that have occurred since Dr. Hayward left. I have the fondest memories of my primary school days from Grades 1 through to 7. I do remember occasions of serious misbehaviour from the kids and always wondered how this gentle man could deal with such sensitive problems and still make the most people happy. I'm amused by the memory of the more rowdy ruffians trying to make an honest effort to be good on the playground, what a change!
I'm truly curious to know, what it was that Dr. Hayward said to the child and his parents to bring about such a difference? Whatever words he may have used, I'm sure his success had something to do with the immense respect all the parents (and pupils) had for him. This, I believe is what the current head mistress so sorely lacks.
I do see there is a problem with the text formatting in my post above. All the gibberish is ..I am..
Forget that. The text came out just fine
Was considering putting my child in IRG but after reading a few articles and complaints on the web. Im definitely not sending him there!
I am also seriously considering removing my child from IRG school, she also brings home a lot of garbage that she picks up from school, in my view, there is not enough of discipline, the teachers are really not interested in the well being of those children.
I was at the above mentioned school today to submit a late application form. The admin lady assisted as much as she could but upon stumbling across a tricky part on my lease agreement she asked the pricipal mrs lopes for her interpretation.Mrs lopes then proceeded to storm into the admissions office where I was seated and interrogated why I am submitting such a late application. I responded politely informing her of my fathers passing and ill health of my mother back in the eastern cape which prompted my decision to move my child up to Gauteng.she then stresses how late it was and went on to say 'if I really lived in blairgowrie' I would know the vicinity of all the other schools in the area and would apply there as well. Mrs Lopes in saying this was insinuating that I had faked my lease and proof of physical address.she also suggested that I apply to a school in which I responded that it's out of my way as I work in parktown north. There is a reason why the department which is still receiving applications at this late stage responsible to accept or deny's not up to mrs lopes to tell me where to apply or to suggest I dont live in the area where I live.your job as a school is to receive applications, send them to the department and educate kids...not me. IR griffith is the closest school to me but I am not stupid enough to apply only at one school at this late stage..Mrs Lopes, you should have just just kindly made me aware of the numbers of pupils on the waiting list and suggested that I also apply at other schools to increase my chances.
And my child is doing Grade 3 this year.My child is not finishing his work she keeps saying Miss Mia at I R Griffith keeps telling them to hurry and gives them 10 minutes to finish their school could she do that because at the end my child will have to repeat that grade and this is not good at all. Regards Dunyi Baloyi
I am currently in the process of taking my daughter out of I.R. Griffith. She was in Grade 1 last year and got an excellent report throughout her year as a grade 1 pupil getting between 70-80%. I Attended all the parents evenings when reports were being issued. I always kept in contact with my childs educator and on numerous occassions asked the teacher if she has any concerns with my daughters school work and the answer was always the Same "Dont worry if I had any concerns, you would have been called in long ago for a meeting regarding your childs progress". When I went to veiw my childs work books in class I noticed the educator often commented work not complete in her books. I asked her educator if I should be concerned about so much of her work being incomplete. The educator said no and that my child is doing fine. So all thoughout Tthe year I Trusted that my child was a successful grade 1 student. She Was promoted to Grade 2 and made some new friends and was happy with her teacher, not even 2 months into the school year I was called in for a meeting with her grade 2 teacher to discuss her school work. Her grade 2 teacher proceeded to tell me that my child is way behind in her school work compared to the other children in her class. My question is how is it possible that the grade 1 teacher did not Pick up on My childs Progress in a whole year that she taught her. Does she not care about my childs education. I now have to take my child out of the school half way through the firST term and put her in a new school where she will have to repeat grade 1. I am Still waitinG for a Justifiable answeR to why this has happened as I find this has wast A YEar of my childs school career and is unfair on my Child. Oh and Mrs LopeZ is nEver avAilable to talk too. Good riddance to That school.
No not resolved and I never received any messages to respond to anything.
Update on comment posted on 14 february 2014:
Today I finally got a meeting with mrs lopez regarding the issue in the above post. firstly she was extremely disrepctful and very rude. she doesnt give you a chance to talk. anyway she asked me in the meeting if I adopted my child or am I her biological mother. you see I am white and my daughter is coloured. if my daughter was white would she have asked that question. by the way I am her biological mother
I am a former educator at this school and I personally think that both the teachers and Mrs Lopes are doing a FANTASTIC job. When I tell people where I used to teach, they usually answer That IRG is a very good school, and that it MOST certainly is. It's because of people like Mrs Lopes that the school still upholds this name. It's so easy for parents to have negative comments when things don't run the way they would like them to. There are two sides to every story and I feel sometimes parents need to take a step back and think before they write complaints on here.. Complaints that are not entirely true. IRG is a phenomenal school with exceptional teachers with an amazing principal!
In response to past IRG educator.
I am going to assume that you have never complained to a service provider before..Well I Feel that I am entitled to my opInion If I am getting bad service for something I am paying for. So If in future you do have a complaint please remember your statement that there Is aalways two sides to a story. Also your statement about complaints that are not entirely would you know? Unless you still are a teacher there or maybe one of these complaints are about you. And Judging by the amount of complaInts about the school I wouldnt say its phenomenal...its your average school and by all means send your childldren there If average is good enough for you.
m son is in grade 0 this year and i was looking to send my son to this school. where there's smoke there's fire and i will not risk it
I am a past IRG pupil, have a younger sibling who attended the school and is now in high school and currently have two younger siblings still enrolled at IRG. Many of my friends have also attended the school and a lot of them have also had younger siblings in IRG. As such, I feel I am more than qualified to say that the school has deteriorated a great deal since Ms. Lopes took up her post. I have had the misfortune of meeting her and speaking to her and in addition to her not being able to speak English properly, she is a very unpleasant lady who seems hell bent on running the school as if it were a dictatorship. I have to agree with Marianne, there are a lot of unnecessary fetes, civvies days (casual days), and 'charity' gigs where the kids are forced to bring money to school in order to participate. Ms. Lopes also schedules countless parent meetings where she insists on preaching endlessly about parenting and raising children - perhaps she should spend more time concentrating on and attending to her job as principal instead of reproaching parents. The children also get a 'prize' if the parents attend the meetings, in the form of being allowed to wear casual clothes to school. Dr Hayward was a phenomenal principle and I do feel sorry for the kids (and parents) who have been subjected to the new principal's poor educational and management skills.
I have to agree that the school does not do anything to help children that struggle with some of the subjects. I hear that the Grade 7 Maths teacher becomes impatient with students who do not understand after explaining the work. The EMS teacher cannot even speak proper English and there are spelling mistakes in the worksheets. The school is petty over things like being late and you get an annoying sms every time your child does something wrong. They should work on teaching the children and stop having this spite full attitude towards parents and children. Parents get treated like dirt! Once my school fees were paid, and they sent me a letter that I am in arrears with the amount that was due for the next month? I think Mrs. Lopes only cares about making money for herself with these damn fetes they have on all the time!
Please can you add your current contact detail as we are in the same boat now with the same thing happening again
Hi, I have my son who is in Grade 2. He has been in IRG since Gr 0. I am shocked at some of the negative comments made by parents and ex pupils. I honestly believe where there is smoke there as to be a fire. But having said this, I am very happy with the school and more so the educators. As many CONCERNED parents, I constantly enquire on my child's progress and behaviour. To this day i have had no complaints or issues with the Educators. All three of the educators that have taught and that are still teaching my child shows nothing but concern in ensuring that my child does not just do his best but excel in every area. As a parent it is my responsibility to ensure that I play an active role in my child's education. Yes it is the responsibility of the educator but it is also my responsibility as a parent, to ensure that my child is receiving the best education by coaching and encouraging him. Not to take it for granted that it is just the responsibility of the educator. As far as the principal is concerned, I cannot really comment has I have not had a run in with her. I have no concerns in the way she is currently running the school. If there are problems regarding the way Mrs Lopes handle parents and learners - why are these complaint's not taken up with the SGB? And mind you, the school has a very strong SBG.
I could disagree more with these posts.
Human nature once again prevails - we only SPEAK out when were unhappy or aggrieved.
When reading these posts and prior to acting quickly to absorb all these negative opinions, take these quick estimations into consideration. IRG has close to if not more than 800 learners, that gives us 1600 parents, I would assume no less than 500 siblings. Total potential pool (inclusive only of parents and siblings) of 2100 people that could post something negative to this page. You can never please 2100/2100 people - I say Well Done MRS LOPES, her Team and the SGB.
Firstly I would like to say that the school is by FAR one of THE best schools I have ever visited. State of the art technology and amazing facility’s - that are constantly being improved. More importantly a team of dedicated people committed to not only my children’s education but their personal growth. Starting with the headmistress Mrs Lopes.
I unlike Donovan Moodley have had the opportunity to sit with Mrs Lopes and hearing the passion that she echoes is inspiring.
Too often as parents we pass the buck onto teachers, principals and institutions to take the burden for our children; their behavior and performance. The reality is by teaching our children that the system and people (especially people in authority like Mrs Mia and Mrs Lopes) are the problem we are creating future citizens in our society that won’t take accountability for own actions.
I intend on raising children that work hard and strive to reach all their dreams and goals regardless of personal feelings about the people and systems around them.
I am confident that the parents of IRG have jobs and superiors that they report to and that hold them accountable. If you own your own companies you would have expenses to pay, suppliers to cultivate relationships with and clients to please.
Be wary of teaching your children to badmouth teachers and other authoritative figures for they
will receive a written warning in the workplace for this. Be wary of teaching your children that their success lies in the hands of their teachers and Mrs Lopes for their colleagues will not share their burdens nor will that attitude pay their rent. Be wary of teaching your children that discipline and structure is something to rebel against and defy for without structure they will not be able to train for a marathon nor raise their own offspring one day. Be wary of fighting every single of your child’s battles for one day they won’t know how to fight on their own. Most of all be wary of teaching your child to
think in a derogatory manner for that is the same mind they think of you with.
I am delighted at the growth, quality of education, leadership and discipline my children receive at IRG on a daily basis. In response to Blackfrog4565, my children have been exposed to various different support structures the school offers and beyond (such as counseling, extra classes with the teachers, teaching
meetings before school, aftercare, extra resources and even a meal and clothing assistance at a point in our lives. I encourage you to give your class teacher a call.
In response to Concerned Sibling. We are given the reign in life to make our own choices, these are the choices that encourage our paths. You chose and continue to choose IRG, I quote from your text “I am a past IRG pupil, have a younger sibling who attended the school and is now in high school and currently have
two younger siblings still enrolled at IRG” I struggle to comprehend why your family keeps their children in this school FOR YEARS after such a” hellish experience”.
These are my personal opinions and views you should consider before posting these comments.
I am a past pupil at IRG I attended from 2001 till 2007. Mrs Lopes took over my grade 7 year and from there everything went downhill. IRG was on of the top schools in Gauteng due to the teachers that went above and beyond and Dr. Hayward whom was a wonderful headmaster. At this stage I think the teachers are leading from a terrible example and that Mrs Lopes should be reported to the GED at the Dept of Education and removed from her post as Headmistress with force if necessary. So heartbroken about the state of the school at the moment.
Its unbelievable how many parents feel the same way about the above school. It sickens so much to see how adults (teachers) can behave in such a manner. thank you for coming with this. Ms Lopes should be removed along with a few other teachers. One would think that because you have children of your own one would show some "love" for teaching children but they do the opposite... Calling our children uneducated, "don't want to hear any excuses etc " as if our children are dogs. All the school is interested is not having their name tarnished and not the well being of our kids! I don't have the bloody time or the money to keep sponsoring especially with the school fees being at what it currently is! If the damn teachers cant teach our kids with little bit of respect, get the hell out of the profession!
I agree totally with the complain, the principal of the school Mrs lopez is useless and needs to be replaced
As per Law we as parents needs to keep our SARS information Confidential. But why are we asked for this information when we apply for an exemption? we are treated like poor illiterate people when applying for exemption. Mrs Lopez walks and say we all have to pay we cannot run away from paying. The library teacher tells our kids that they are worst that her dogs. What the hell is this? that is our kids the are not dogs. parents if you think this is a lie ask all grade 3 and 5 students. I have 2 kids at that school both grade 3 learners and 5 learners is always in substitution because the teachers is always not in class.
The security guard was held up, keys was taken and was shot and beaten up badly. one security at this school at night and 2 during the day. one at the top gate and one at the bottom gate. with over 800 students. how safe is our kids?
they arent! my son played tennis in 5th in the courts at IRG. a beggar had walked into the school took my childs bag along with all his belongings - shoes etc... the people watched this and did nothing! when i called the school to let them know - they said that the tennis court is open to public? but they insist and extra murals!
Unfortunately I have to agree with some of the comments, the school is run by a principal whose main interest is raising of monies and not educating the students. It is not very easy to just move the kids out of the school, children have a right to good education so things need to change at the school to accommodate this.
IR Griffith is not what it used to be. Its all about the image of the school rather than building their children. I also that the school fees that we are paying to way too much for the type of education that is being provided as of late. they have all the wrong people in their positions. the other day i called in to ask if buying a logo and putting on their dresses would be okay considering one dress is nearly R400.00, the response i got was that "oh no, the principal doesn't like it cos we don't put it on straight" is this even good enough? for people who cannot afford to buy such expensive uniforms? it is really disappointing how the school never takes into consideration the situation of child. they would embarrass a child in front of their friends with no care. in future, if a teacher has a problem with a child, i think it would be fair to call the child aside to discuss. not everyone is rich. have some compassion! Dont break down our children. Help them to be strong! we entrust them with u, have some kind of care. The teachers children who are currently in the school bully our little ones. It is also very sad how on awards day u find 90% of awards going to teachers children? u help your child try and excel and then u have to deal with a disappointment of watching only teachers children get recognized! Come one! we are humans beings first, treat our children as such. give them respect the same way u expect it from them. There are alot of unhappy parents who are afraid to come forward about how they feel because of the victimization of our children thereafter. Get the school back to what it was! Stop focusing on your reputation and how much money u have as a school. u are being funded by the government, stop trying by every means to extract money from us parents - we work hard and we try hard everyday but this school doesnt make anything any easy. I accept the discipline & i am all for it - but we not ruling in Hitlers days! consider how you would feel if you kids as teachers came home disappointed everyday!
Dear Mrs Lopes ( I really hope you read this)
I am a former student of IRG. I finished Grade 7 in 2010.
My father and my aunt were pupils at IRG.
For the majority of the years spent at IRG, the school was run by DR. Richard Hayward - the most incredible principle. He interacted with all the children, encouraged them in academics and sports and interacted with all parents. I can remember every last detail about primary school because he made the school a place of fun and play while getting a proper education from some of the best teachers. He rewarded kids with stickers and a signature (which at the time felt like you have accomplished the greatest achievement). He was the quietest, softest soul who always attended to the needs of the children and concerns of parents. Of course, the school had its problems but they were dealt with accordingly and addressed ethically.
He then resigned and students and parents were very upset. I gave him a teachers gift at the end of that year. And he sent me a personal card thanking me for the very small gift. Then you came and changed the entire schools system. I remember clearly disliking you because of the way you shouted and spoke to the teachers and pupils.
(My mother had a problem with one of the teachers. I had evidence of the teachers unethical behavior during class and my mother and I were sent to speak to you after an email was sent to that teacher. I was told to sit outside the office and wait until they were finished. My mother came out the office in tears and we never spoke about it again.)
I went home to my parents everyday complaining about you and the teachers. The school facilities were starting to deteriorate. The school built the Grade R section and the pool with all the money we had raised during our Fetes and Big Walks but there was never a thank you or reward to the parents and pupils for reaching these goals. The tennis courts were not looked after nor the soccer goals. The bathrooms were disgusting! I played tennis in Grade 7 but I stopped playing tennis at school because there was little encouragement to do anything after school. I went from loving school so much I never wanted to go home to absolutely hating it. Even the teachers attitudes changed before all the best teachers resigned due to the way you treated them.
The school went from being one of the Top 10 schools to nothing in the space of two years. My younger brother was taken out of IRG in Grade 5. He is now in high school.
I'm not going to tell parents not to send their children there because it was once a good school under the right management and still has potential.
Yours Sincerely,
Class of 2010
Check out eNCA news - 17th May 2017; Gr 7 boy/s rape Gr 2 girl/s at IRG school in Randburg. I took my boy from that school 2017- got tired of the many weekly donations. In 2013 I attended a parents and learners lecture on sex organised at the school. Explicit would not even cover it. from their then new psychologist, depth & size issues were covered - what on earth for? I learnt a few things about sex, even as a parent. I still remember that evening.
this school is just interested in money not our kids. get Lopez to resign. parents demand a new principle. as to the chair lady of the governing body, who voted for her? she cant even address parents properly in the meeting held on the 15th. we find out a month and a half later about a rape case at the school. the school fees at this school is not cheap. so what are we paying for? we are suppose to pay for education, teachers to take care of our kids. when we leave our kids in school we need to trust that our kids will be safe. i have personally had conversations with some teachers and school staff, where all of them feel that Lopez is the wrong principle.
we need an urgent meeting to clarify all these issues.
parents, we need to stand together, if the school cannot proof our kids will be safe or are safe lets not pay school fees for couple months, we do not partake in fete, no big walk donations. i am sure when the school dont get this money, they will be forced to do what our tax money and school fees are paying for.