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ISO Web Works

ISO Web Works review: aka hit web design 1481

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7:26 pm EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

it looks like hit web design is now! Buyer beware. I checked out their web site and it looks like the last product that hit was selling is isowebdesigns only product... so, you hall have been warned!

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 11, 2011 2:22 am EST

Well Mr. Morill, it looks like you are selling the same product that hit was selling. the one where you can change your own pictures, etc. I pushed that every day and you are using the same product. So, did hit let you use that software? or is hit just starting under another name?

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 11, 2011 2:26 am EST

Also, you just made your LLC on March 8th of this year, the same day HIT closed their doors. How in the heck can you get sooooo many testimonials? Also, you are using the same girl in the photo that hit has used. Also, are the examples that you posted from hit as well? Im sure that we will find out... If all those testimonials are true, why not put what city they are from?
HEck, I can go put up 500 fake testimonials right now!

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 11, 2011 2:28 am EST


Did HIT let you have all the leads too?

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 11, 2011 2:44 am EST


Update by hitexemployee
Mar 11, 2011 3:34 am EST

You know that they will eventually start something up under a name that no one reckognizes. nor a web site that looks all too familiar. We can't police everything that they do. Atleast the Utah county attorney is doing something about it (I hope)at least that is what they told me. Everyone needs to fill out their form. The more the merrier...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 11, 2011 6:43 am EST

Im almost 100 percent positive that Tanner Wolsey is part of this hit web spinnoff isowebworks. He loved that program when it was called HIT EXPRESS, he loved showing people how it works, so yea, there is no way that dave aitken and the clan don't know about this new company. ITs a wolf in wolfs clothing, lol...

I am in for a protest at Daves house... Im dead serious. someone should set up a blog so we dont have to keep posting here. when it comes to what we will be doing, like protesting, etc. maybe we should keep it here, lol...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 11, 2011 10:10 pm EST

I actually worked next to TIMMY as Tanner would call him, I wondered how he hit 2-3k dollars in revenue a day.. He would tell every customer that their hosting is due and would give them 3 free month for paying for 2 years. Some people had already paid for 2 years and fell for this scam. I ACTUALLY heard him with my own ears and saw with my own eyes.. HE IS ALSO A SCAMMER Hit loved him because he made so much money. hey i could have done the same if i wanted to lie... The plot thickens

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 11, 2011 10:14 pm EST

Noticed how ISOWEBWORKS took out their form on the front page? i bet they were swamped with bogus info, lol

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 15, 2011 1:35 am EDT

I knew that isowebworks would take the client list and try to make money! BTW, KSL will have a report at 10 pm tonight! IT looks like they are going to be exposed. They also say that isowebworks is hit web design.. I just saw an ad for it a second a go... Dont miss it!

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 15, 2011 5:20 am EDT

How in the heck are they going to pay back the 20 million dollars owed? I bet ya anything that they are still collecting hosting and diverting funds either to the owners pockets or isowebworks...
Kevin Morril magically has an LLC all ready to go the day that hit goes out of business. It takes more than a few hours to put that info together. It looks like they were planning this for some time. Plus, all the products that hit owned cant be transfered unless a bankruptcy judge give his/her blessing. they shouldnt be using hits software...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 15, 2011 2:56 pm EDT

They were down to about 4 account managers. about 8 or 10 graphic design artists.Might have been more, but these are the ones that sat next to me. There were about 5 closers, 8 salespeople and and about the same tech support. then add managers and VPS etc..

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 15, 2011 6:23 pm EDT

I sent an email to ceo@hitwebdesign asking for monies owed to me. I hope these guys end up in jail, bankrupt and kicked out of their church. Also, to all those saying that the mormon church is letting them do this, KSL who did a great EXPOSE on hit is actually owned by the mormon church. So, that should stop those rumors...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 19, 2011 12:29 am EDT


I would love to see who is working for them. Is there anyway you can post that video/pictures? I bet everyone that is working there can be put away for fraud at hit, lol..

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 19, 2011 12:32 am EDT

Also, i think its great that isowebworks and hit web design are the top 3 of the top 10 subjects of wide speculation on That is awesome... Keep it up everyone. We can't let these guys get away with it again..

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 21, 2011 4:48 am EDT

which brother is getting his house foreclosed on tomorrow?

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 21, 2011 4:49 am EDT

I hope its jeremy, lol

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 21, 2011 7:01 am EDT

WOW, are you kidding me? can you direct me to the address? I want to be there...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 21, 2011 7:02 am EDT

But, I think that they actually do the auction on the county courthouse steps, right?

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 21, 2011 7:12 am EDT

I just looked up dave aitkens name and in july of this past summer, the IRS nailed him with a 3.5 million dollar lean. I wonder if that is included with the 17 million.. what are the other prinpiples? stone, and whom else?

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 21, 2011 7:19 am EDT

Also they got a tanner wolsey for 120k from the american lending newtork. It looks like a foreclosure on realestate. it was dated this past october. Give me all the names involved and I can tell you what type of financial trouble they are in. Its all on the web...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 21, 2011 7:30 am EDT

Entry #: [protected] Recorded: 7/19/2010 12:37:55 PM Pages: 1
Instrument Date: 7/7/2010 Consideration:$3, 447, 085.98
Kind of Inst: N FT LN - FEDERAL TAX LIEN NOTICE Fees:$10.00
Mail Address:
Serial Number(s): 99:999:9999
Tie Entry(s):
Abbv Legal Desc: - SERIAL # [protected] - SERIAL # [protected]

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 21, 2011 10:13 pm EDT

I made another thread entitled HIT WEB DESIGN liens

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 21, 2011 10:17 pm EDT

I guess there was an auction today for Jeremy Aitkens home..

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 21, 2011 10:18 pm EDT

I sure am glad that Dave, jeremy and the other family members have a job with isowebworks, now people like you and me are without one. Good thing that there is a thing called unemployment...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 23, 2011 1:47 am EDT


Thats why I think a lot of their money is hidden. They made sooo much money, where did it go? I think its hidden somewhere...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 23, 2011 8:38 am EDT

Funny, I was thinking the same thing earlier today when I read the story on Ja Rule... I think that they (aitken clan) will end up in prison...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 24, 2011 6:47 am EDT

I think (as Ive said in other threads) that the money is somewhere. Off shore accounts, etc. But, with a company making 20 million plus a year and having a personal tax line of almost 4 million. Dave and some of the others have to have a crapy load of cash hidden somewhere. Im speculating in a childs name or a grandparent, or manybe just a friend. A good detective will find it... IT makes me think that they had a really good thing going, I was there for the good and the bad. During the good, I hardly got any hate calls, i mean, hardly ever, (Hell, I even won a very expensive computer when they were giving away cool prizes, like harelys, in fact in using right now, lol... Then they went straight to the toilet. I think that they didn't want to put more money into the company. if they would have set up a system where the cutomer diddn't get lost and made sure everyone was happy, they would be making 50 million a year today... Greed got to them.. may the burn in hell...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 25, 2011 2:58 am EDT

They thought that the cash cow would never cease! So, they spent like they were going to make millions all the time, except they forgot to pay the irs, employees, etc.. Im confident that the main characters will go to jail.. I can hope, cant i?lol..

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 25, 2011 6:06 am EDT

it took me a sec to figure out what you were trying to say...Yea, christmas is least its number 5, lol

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 26, 2011 9:05 pm EDT

Like I and others have said on these boards and others. We need to tell the authorities everything we know. Fill out the states paperwork and attach any other information.

IT will take time for this to happen, but I think the ship has finally sank and the Aitken klan will get their just dues.

Also, I am hoping the the VP's (especially Tanner Wolsey) will go down as well. He and others may not had a blank checkbook, but they for sure helped facilitate their scam..

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 26, 2011 9:10 pm EDT

Also, someone posted that a news channel in St. Louis is airing a story soon. If this is true, could someone please post the link?

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 27, 2011 4:34 am EDT

The thing that makes me really wonder what I was thinking is that I wasn't only an employee but I am also a client. I never got my site done. They had all my content, etc. I was too busy working and answering phones for them and didn't have time to push "their buttons" to get my site up.. I never really worried about it too much because I worked there. STUPID ME!

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 27, 2011 5:05 am EDT

I think that the most ironic thing is that when I first started working, they did a criminal background check on me. When I quit and returned they didn't do a background check.. Probably because they didn't want to be hipocrits if I did have a criminal background or they probably hoped that I did. That way it would be easier for them to get me to lie, cheat and steal..

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 27, 2011 5:42 am EDT

you guys, the main reason that i haven't said anything til now because they succeeded in scaring me. Telling me that I would be sued if I posted on this or other boards. Im sure other employees/clients will say the same. When you think hit has millions of dollars and I have none is a real scare tactic. I should have come out a long time ago. I regret it. But, we cant look at the past. All we can do is move forward and I think that all of us are doing a pretty darned good job..

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 27, 2011 7:53 pm EDT

I just went and posted a complaint on the board that they are trying to sell hit software. It hasn't posted, its in moderation. I hope it gets put up. I at least rated their product like it should be. but, the i couldn't go any lower than poor.

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 27, 2011 7:58 pm EDT

Also, how are they getting our posts bumped down? I think we are smarter than they are. I think getting a blog set up with a similar url? I think its great that our posts are at least in the top 5 so they will be seen.

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 27, 2011 8:21 pm EDT

@utook Im sure we know each other. Lea quit a few months ago. They stopped doing training and she moved to accounting, customer service, etc until she got fed up. I really liked her. Also, Beth Anderson came back right at the end as well. Im sorry you went thru that. Im surprised that Beth would say that. She also was one of the few people in management that I actually had respect for. I wonder if she went to iso webworks..

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 27, 2011 8:33 pm EDT

We all need to get together and have a reunion.. @utookthewords I too as there when tanner got sworn in as a us citizen. I saw that illegal sales stuff go on. One of my good friends accidentally put in a sale the day before (as most of you know the pressure of selling was so great that im sure everyone considered putting in a bogus sale. not to get money but to get management off our backs.)

So many banana boxes and "puff" the employee was gone. I remember one employee whom had called in sick for like 4 days straight. came in and did like 3 to 4 k in sales and just as she put in the sale she was terminated. Granted, I think the girl probably just came in because she knew thats when the sale would go thru, but for them to wait and fire her after she brought in some money is rediculous..

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 27, 2011 10:41 pm EDT

wow, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed... iso webworks has a solid reputation, eh? give me one client that you have serviced that is happy, just one! oh, btw, im making more money on unemployment than i was at hit, since you guys didnt pay me...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 27, 2011 10:43 pm EDT

You are right, i was never employed by just some poor soul that wants to waste time by helping and warning others... I dont have to prove anything to you.. the utah county attorneys office has everything.. YOU WILL BE BEHIND BARS you soon to be unemployed/soon to be convicted/idiot...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 27, 2011 10:44 pm EDT

At iso webwworks ceo., So you just admitted that you used to be hit web design and now are iso web works.. looks like i know more than you..

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 27, 2011 10:50 pm EDT

Looks like our efforts are getting to them guys.. Lets step on the gas and give em hell...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 27, 2011 11:14 pm EDT

This is what "Iso web works-Ceo" messaged me:

I'm sorry you feel that way. Contact my lawyer. If you continue posting on this website you will regret what happens next.

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 27, 2011 11:15 pm EDT

Tnis is what I messaged him:

Are you really Kevin? I thought that you would be a bigger man than this.. but it states that you arent in utah, so who are you?

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 27, 2011 11:17 pm EDT

I messaged him first then he messaged me back.. sorry for the confusion.. So, do you think this guy is for real? I so no! because if it is Kevin or one of his associates why would he put that he lives in louisiana? I think its just an employee trying to do something, what? I have no idea...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 27, 2011 11:18 pm EDT

I want to know who is his lawyer? Is it Hits lawyer? if so, that would be a huge conflict of interest.

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 27, 2011 11:19 pm EDT

Im not worried! I have a concealed weapons permit and im always packing!

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 27, 2011 11:22 pm EDT

You have to be the worst hacker in the world.. If I am an ex hit employee, why in the heck would I be in Texas?

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 27, 2011 11:26 pm EDT

This guy is a troll. I am now not going to respond to him. I hope none of you do either...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 27, 2011 11:38 pm EDT

That would be great if someone could take a screen shot of those threats? I would hate to lose them when/if they get deleted..

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 28, 2011 12:08 am EDT

This kid is now truly scared.. He changed his name to "Im not Kevin- just a kid" Now thats funny!

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 28, 2011 12:20 am EDT

I think you are right utook... I think at the very least he is a relative of the Aitken Klan and probably an employee that got is hands caught in the cookie jar. Why would he put so much emphasis on his age?

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 28, 2011 12:21 am EDT

NOW back to the subject at hand!

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 28, 2011 12:23 am EDT

I was wondering about the person in St Louis with the report they are going to do on hit? Is that person a employee/sub-contractor or an ex-client. Also, when did they say it would air? I think she said that they are going to interview her tomorrow, am I right?

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 28, 2011 1:55 am EDT

I am going to complain the BBB. I know for a fact that they are a reincarnation and since they are listed with the BBB, Im going to file a complain. Since, 1. I am a customer of hit web design that never got what was promised and 2. I am an ex-employee of hit web design that never got paid..

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 28, 2011 1:57 am EDT

Well, they are not a BBB accredited business so, it looks like Ill have to wait til they are. I hope that they don't...I think that the BBB is smarter than that..

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 28, 2011 4:51 am EDT

Autum turchetta Is one that I would like to see go down. But, I dont think that legally will, she was low on the totum poll.. She quit/fired a few months ago. I do know where she is working now. But, she did have a girlfriend that worked at hit. Don't know her name. I wonder if they are still together..

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 28, 2011 11:32 pm EDT

"Also Sonny Olsen responeded to me today stated the following:
"Yes sorry to hear. I am their corporate counsel. They have hired new counsel."
That is all he stated."

I wonder if the new attorneys are criminal? Since Sonny is their corporate counsel getting someone a lawyer that specializes in criminal cases would make sense...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 29, 2011 2:23 am EDT

Remember making an LLC is a separate entity. Kevin and the rest can file for bankruptcy, but most likely their llc's will be left untouched. You have to think that an LLC is almost like an individual. But, you are right, the mangers/founders of said corporation or LLC can be held liable for illegal behavior.

The money is somewhere. Filing bankruptcy disolves most/all of the indvidual debt...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 29, 2011 2:24 am EDT

Also, We should be able to find out who is filing bankruptcy. I believe that is public record. Anyone care to look around?

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 29, 2011 2:26 am EDT

I will file my personal law suit after their bankruptcies have closed.. That way, unless they have put me as one of their creditors (which I don't think that they can because Im an employee) I will have legal recourse and be able to sue them. One can only file bankruptcy once every ten or so years.

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 29, 2011 2:27 am EDT

I just read somewhere on here. I have only heard that Jeremy filed.

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 29, 2011 2:32 am EDT

Also, lets not forget that one of hits old managers, Tim Pennington (spelling?) defrauded people every day. I saw with mine own eyes and heard with mine own ears.. HE did anything and everything to get a sale, yes putting in sales when he never spoke to the customer..
I also saw and heard with my own eyes sales for year of hosting. He would tell a customer who is paid up for 4-6 more months and tell them that their hosting is up and get them for 1-2 more years. I would say this in court, too.. I hope that I get the chance...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 29, 2011 2:57 am EDT

Yep, I got that question all the time too! It is sad.. I would always say"we are int he in 500, yada yada" just paroting what the owners told me to say..

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 29, 2011 3:08 am EDT

I think what ticks me off the most is that we were selling multiple years of hosting right up til the end. You can't tell me that the owners didn't know that they were going to close doors at least a couple of months ago, if not longer. One of my customers sent in a check about 12 days before they closed. I tried to get them to pay with a credit card but wouldn't due to the fraudulent charges that Hit had done. Now, hes really screwed. Im sure that check got cashed.

I wonder if that for everyone that has happened to equals an extra criminal charge. that would be awesome. They would have thousands upon thousands of charges.. Im betting that If charges are to be brought, that they will be brought within a a few months.. Im betting sometime this summer..

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 29, 2011 3:55 am EDT

They knew that they were in trouble. Any reputable company would side on the err of caution and not take payments on the premise that they might shut their doors. I have owned a couple companies in my life and If I even had inkling that something was going to happen I would be cautious.. They milked that cow until it died...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 29, 2011 8:52 pm EDT

The ironic thing is that Candie Aitken was not there every day, day after day like most of us where. She was at home with blinder on. Believing everything that her BELOVED husband told her. If her husband and the rest were indeed honest, , why are there so many people that are telling it like it is? HIT, in the beginning, mostly tried to be honest but that changed the last few years.

If he is so honest, why does he have millions of tax liens against him and the company? Why are so many employees and sub contractors left un-paid? an honest man would have an honest answer. He doesn't...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 29, 2011 9:10 pm EDT

Do you guys think she is referring to this site as dragging them thru the mud? Or is there another site (other than the ones posted here) that i'm not aware of? Because everything that I've seen here has been pretty much spot on. I agree with some of your comments that the news sometimes like "make things up" or they stretch the truth. The problem is that when the news did stories about you, they gave you every opportunity to rebuff their claims. The problem is is that you (hit and the klan) couldn't...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 29, 2011 9:25 pm EDT

Check this link out... /link removed/

Even tho the person is defending Matt, she is saying that she, personally, put money into personal accounts.. THIS IS FRAUD!

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 29, 2011 9:29 pm EDT

@ myself


Update by hitexemployee
Mar 30, 2011 12:40 am EDT

I dont want to drag their children into it, but good grief! Their kids fell off the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down!... I know thats cruel, but its intended to be a stab at the DNA donors, not the kids. I wonder how long the haitian kids will be here to they start their own scam. Like father like scammer...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 30, 2011 1:05 am EDT

I am glad the Haitian kids escaped their situation. But, I am afraid that they went from one bad situation to another.. Yes, you are right, the little haitian girl is adorable and Im sure that the rest of their children are great... I, too, hope that the cycle ends. This is why the Aitken Klan and their shannanagans need to stop now!

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 30, 2011 3:15 am EDT

I never said any thing racist. The Hatian kids are without sin. They have parents that are thieves and liars. They will learn from their parents.. The Aitkens are trying to hide behind their good deeds. ie saving kids from Haiti. Not one thing I said was racist. Haiti is known for internet scams, it doesnt matter what color they are. White, brown, black. And they came from a bad situation to a bad situation. I feel for the Haiti kids. Judas Priest, cant you read? And I said their DNA donors. The Haitian kids cant be from their DNA, can they? You must be related to the Aitken Klan...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 30, 2011 3:20 am EDT

yes, exhidesigner, that is exactly to whom I was referring. I admit it was in bad taste. But, When someone has ripped you off for a lot of money, emotions get flowing... I was trying to leave the adopted kids out of it. But, they are still probably in a better situation here than over there, despite who their parents are.

Especially when you see Candice try to be holier than thou, I just wanted to put her in her place. She nor her family is perfect, like she think that they are...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 30, 2011 3:21 am EDT

Man, I wish we could edit these posts for grammar...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 30, 2011 3:34 am EDT

That blog of hers really ticked me off. She really does have blinders on. It's obvious that she believes everything that Dave tells her. She think that her husband and the other owners/VP's were honest. Boy, if she could have been there on a day to day basis.

I guarantee that Dave and the rest truly do believe that they are innocent. Why can't they stand up and tell the truth? Take their lumps like adults! I guarantee they will go to their death beds declaring them innocent. I can't wait til they have their day in court. Also, if they did nothing wrong, why are hiding? This whole thing makes me sick.

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 30, 2011 3:38 am EDT

We should tally up how much they owe us..
Me=$1200 in unpaid wages and another 800 or so for my website that they never even started... So, = $2, 000 (I know its a bit more, but I don't want to exaggerate it)

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 30, 2011 3:48 am EDT

I have filled out the form on their web site, I put my name in and say moneybackplease as my last name I send it like 50x day.. Im not spamming them, just asking for the money owed to me...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 30, 2011 3:50 am EDT

oh, btw, exhit, I love your last names on those recordings, quinones, ect.. it was funny on the one that it seemed like you gave 2 versions of your last name.. I laughed my butt off..

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 30, 2011 4:29 am EDT

Im in...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 31, 2011 2:32 am EDT

Things were quiet today. Did HIT refund and pay all their employees all of a sudden?

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 31, 2011 7:56 pm EDT

I think that it is totally appropriate to speak to Dave's Bishop. I certainly don't think that he is even close to living a truthful life. If/when there is criminal charges brought against him and he is found guilty, Im sure that he will be excommunicated. At the very least Im sure that they will find that he isn't worthy to hold a temple recommend. Even if he does slip thru the cracks. He knows, deep under, what the truth is and I know that he will be judged properly. I almost (I mean ALMOST) feel sorry for his family. They didn't ask for this. Im sure that he is bringing them almost as pain as he brought most of us..

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 31, 2011 7:58 pm EDT

-Almsost as much pain-

They really need to get an edit function. But being able to edit a post would defeat this boards purpose, i guess...

Update by hitexemployee
Mar 31, 2011 7:58 pm EDT

LOL, I cant even get it right the second time... -Almost as much pain- I really need to get more sleep at night...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 2:05 am EDT

I think I've figured out why they haven't filed for bankruptcy protection. They would not have been able to give the software that iso web works is selling. If they would have filed, all their assets would have been overseen by a court. I wonder how much they spent getting iso web works going?

Do you think that they ever will file?


Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 2:06 am EDT

I would love if they were to call me. I would lead them on for months... Wast their time, etc.

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 2:31 am EDT

I wonder if we (employees that were left unpaid and the customers that got ripped off) could file a lawsuit against iso web works because they are selling an asset of hit web design?I don't think that they can legally sell assets when they have so many liens against them. I think they just dug themselves a big hole when they opened up iso web works.

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 2:36 am EDT

Also, bankruptcy is mostly used for re-organization. I don't think that they ever plan on trying to set hit up again.. oh, wait, they already did!

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 4:34 am EDT

I have been a 1099 before and it really wasn't on the books til they sent me that 1099. Maybe there are legal forms that you can fill out at the beginning. Im just wondering how one can verify a 1099 status when they haven't even been open for a year. Im not doubting at all that he is a sub contractor and not considered an employee. I just wonder where we can find the proof, other than say-so..

Again, Im not doubting anything, It would ease my mind to know for sure and be documented..

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 5:07 am EDT

Doesn't one have to go thru the labor commission when its an employee not getting paid? I was advised to submit the claim with them. Im afraid if I file a civil suit, it would be like throwing money down the tube because I don't think that one would never see a cent due to hit not having any assets and the list with people with their hand out is very long.. Im not holding my breath with the labor commission.

I wonder if the iso/hit employees were actually paid for their time at hit. That would make me even madder, if that is even possible...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 5:15 am EDT

On one of my last days there a salesman had 17k in sales and 50 percent of it was taken upfront. I believe that they were at least averaging 10k a day in sales. I think that the irs was taking every bit out of their accounts and im sure that they would have put all that money into one of the VPs personal account.

The only reason I think that they didn't do this is that they knew it would land all of them in jail Although, Ive heard that they did indeed deposit monies into the personal accounts of the owners and VP's.. Each time that they did this would be equal to 1 count of wire fraud. Im sure that we will see a lot of counts of theft by deception, outright theft, wife fraud, money laundering, ect...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 5:22 am EDT


That pisses me off to no end... I feel that I got suckered. I trusted them.

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 5:32 am EDT

So, Im assuming that you are implying the business year. I think the business year is up in July, or June? so, would we be in the 4th qtr now? or did they not file since the summer of last year?

The unemployment officer told me that they hadn't received unemployment for a while. Luckily, I am receiving unemployment due to an old case that I opened and never started receiving the benefits. The ironic thing is I couldn't receive the unemployment because I got a job at Hit... Im very thankful that i applied for them when I did. If I hadn't I would be really screwed...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 5:49 am EDT

Thats awesome unscrewed. Do you have an insider? (friend/family) I know that you have to be careful so that you can still get the info. But, I hope that you documenting everything. (Im sure that you are)..

I guess we are just waiting and hoping that the government files charges.

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 6:11 am EDT

I wonder what happened to GarrettR? He comes across as i nice guy, but in end he is just a big ### butt kisser. He was made a manager as soon as John left. Most managers at the end were nothing but followers that could be strung along by the nose...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 7:04 am EDT

Wow, This thing is deeper than i thought.. It looks like that Dave and the rest did more than turn a blind eye.. It looks like they "conspired" most of it..

I had a feeling that they didn't take a pay cut during "our hard" times. Hell, why should they. We were all suckers...

This probably why its taken so long for the government to get involved. They are probably finding a new charge at every turn.

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 7:07 am EDT


Dave already has a personal tax lien of well over 3 million dollars. I believe its close to 4 million... Im sure its a matter of time til the other owners get one/more as well...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 7:31 am EDT

Yea, , ive been looking at it looks like Mark got hit with an IRS lien for 1/4 million in 2003. Looks like the IRS also hit MArk for3.4million... Probably a lot more...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 7:42 am EDT

It looks like the urscrewed posted is the company that did temp staffing. At least that is what I deduced from their web site..

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 7:45 am EDT

Wait--I looked to quickly. It looks like barrett is a consulting firm... Boy, either Hit didn't listen or Barrett business is terrible, lol...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 7:49 am EDT

your right, it looks like a release. I looked at one lien that the IRS did a few months ago. The total was for a little over 500 bucks.. It looks funny when you are seeing liens for millions and hundred of thousands and then you see a little itty bitty tiny one.. I thought, "when they opened that, I bet they let out a huge sigh of relief"...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 7:55 am EDT

I don't.. Then again, I knew few people out of my area. I was too busy making the Aitken klan rich...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 8:01 am EDT

I guarantee he will seek asylum in Canada before that happens. Just like that actor who was in VACATION and Vegas vacation. He and his wife left for Canada to escape prosecution. (not in the movie, but in real life. This happened just a few month ago...)

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 5:24 pm EDT

I know that when it comes to white collar crime, etc, that it can take a long time til we see an arrest. There may have to be grand jury indictment, ect. Unless its a violent crime, I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't see anything til late this year, ore even early next. If they start questioning the principles and they lawyer up would drag it out longer, lawyers are known for delays etc...

I'm very anxious to see something done as well. The good thing that it does sound like the investigation has been going on for some time, So, indeed, we could see things happen any day...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 6:18 pm EDT

That was actually very smart of them to get a temp agency involved. They were able to perpetuate their scam even longer. They knew that the staffing agencies would pay their employees, etc. Chalk up some more felonies! Hit is a pseudonym for con...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 6:29 pm EDT

Also, someone made a post a while back saying that they didn't pay their hosting fee because they gave free hosting, ect with sites.. I never gave hosting away. ever ever ever...I did give fee sitemaps and stayntouch (if they had a big enough hosting plan) with their paid hosting. I made my living off selling hosting. Im sure they would claim that they gave it away.. We would give Sitemaps and stayntouch with a year or more of prepaid hosting. ((I think they just pocketed this money))It literally take 30 seconds to instal a sitemap And stayntouch about 5 minutes... The only thing hit had to pay was for manpower to get these installed.

Even if I sold a web site and I sold a ton of enhancements, I would never give them hosting. This is just another blame tactic for hit. They made a ton of money... They never gave refunds, well, maybe 25 percent back or if they were lucky 50 percent. (I wondered why we would still get commissioned even if they cancelled their service)I still believe that there is nice chunk of change that is sitting somewhere...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 6:53 pm EDT

I'll never forget when I was in training. The first 3 customers that I spoke with all purchased yoh in their welcome call. I thought, this is the easiest money in the world. Back during the good times, I would never leave work without 100 bucks in spiff money, sometimes over 200. Most of you don't remember spiffs, they were all too nice. I would make more money with spiffs than I would with my hourly rate.. Bowling for dollars and mystery envelope, lol...

Im not going to lie. I made a ton of money at hit. If I made a lot, don't you think the VP's and owners weren't making it too?

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 7:03 pm EDT

The only "free" items that I saw were. 1. Sitemap ( I would die when I saw that someone paid 200 bucks or more for a stupid sitemap that is usually free with every website).. 2. Stayntouch marketing tool (hit owned this item, so again it didn't cost them anything) 3 discounted blogs (that were done in the free word press). THATS IT.. HIT would never give something of "value" for free. And they would only give free stuff and discounted items if a customer paid for a lot of over priced enhancements.

At the beginning they would charge only 250 to 300 bucks for a flash banner. When I left, they wouldn't sell one for less than 650... I never figured out why the steep price increase..

Also, if you worked at hit in any department you were considered a sales person. At least the AM's where just after market sales. lol...

I did hear of some departments not care if you sold or not. But, if you were in sales(obv) or an AM or tech support, they pushed sales like no other. THis pitted employee against employee. Everyone accusing each other for stealing sales, etc...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 01, 2011 7:04 pm EDT

Also, this made un-authorized sales happen all the time. I don't think that any employee would put thru a bogus sale to line their pockets, they did this to get management off their backs...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 02, 2011 12:48 am EDT

What else should/can I do? I have submitted my claim thru the labor commission. I can/will testify to what I saw there. It looks like some of you have been able to actually go a bit further. They never issued me a bad check. They just kept promising me that I would get paid for weeks and I bought it...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 02, 2011 12:50 am EDT

oh, and I also filled out the form that they Utah county attorneys sent me.. Im guessing that is all I can do at the moment, correct?

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 02, 2011 9:26 pm EDT

IF you have his phone number, it wouldn't take much for you to ask him.. I really liked Steve. But, then again, Tanner, Steve and GarretR were the 3 amigos. I understand that GarretR has nothing to do with it. but since those 3 were so close, it wouldn't surprise me if Tanner conned steve into it. Promising to get back paid, etc.

Tanner had on his ring that song, from that movie, cant remember the name, but when the 4 guys went to vegas to have a bachelor party and the guy was on the roof the whole time.. and that guy with the beard sang." we are the best friends anyone could have" Tanner was referring to Steve, Garrett and himself.

Thats another thing. How are the iso web works folks getting paid? did HIT give them a bunch of start up money or are they getting unsuspecting customers? I wonder if all of those at iso have been either paid all their monies from hit or did they tell them that this is a new entity? Boy, would I love to be a fly on wall inside their offices..

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 02, 2011 10:58 pm EDT

I wonder why the IRS didn't work a deal out with HIT? DId the owners not want to work with them? It does not benefit the IRS or others by having HIT close their doors. I don't think that the IRS is that stupid. I do know that if one does have a lien against them that the lien holder can and will got into your bank accounts and take all the money in said bank accounts until the lien has been paid off.

1. Do you guys think that IRS tried to work something out and HIT just said "to hell with you"? or 2. Was it the IRS that didn't want to work something out? It wouldnt make sense for the IRS not to work out something. Im sure that they knew that there were very little to no assets.

The whole thing is perplexing to me... Maybe it was just easier to say "screw" you all and start up under another name, like they did? I wish I knew all the answers...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 03, 2011 4:45 am EDT

That posting is interesting. It looks like they posted it on March 30th of this year just before 8am.. I wonder if they are using Heritages account with them? With the leads that iso has and if they do some marketing, there is no question that they are finding unsespecting people every day.

They probably took a lot of the accounts that owed a lot of money to hit so that they can finish them an bring in revenue.

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 03, 2011 8:08 pm EDT

IS all this info making it to the proper authorities? Is there one person in charge of the investigation? Anyone know?

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 03, 2011 10:35 pm EDT

Holy crap! I just noticed that they have 3 different job openings. Flash designer, Tech support, and photoshop, html.. How are they getting the money to hire? Especially when so many people have been left un-paid? THIS MAKES ME SICK!

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 04, 2011 6:49 am EDT

I've reported regtr posts. Everyone, report regtr posts. They should be able to shut down his/her ip address so they can't continue to spam..

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 05, 2011 6:07 pm EDT

I agree that there is a lot of unfair complaints against a lot of companies, especially on the net. But, with this isn't the case with hit web design. OVer the last few years, there were (what seemed to be a lot)of complaints of this board, but when you put things into perspective they were relatively few. Most people know that about this site, too. The main problem with HIT and iso webworks is that they are an outright scam. Hundreds of employees are left unpaid. Hundreds, if not thousands, of customers were left paying a lot of money with nothing to show for it.

Hit web design took all the money that they had and started a new company called iso webworks. This "new" company used the same url addresses, computers, and was started by one of their VP's. Hit also owes almost 20 million in taxes and 50k to their old insurance provider, 300k to one temp agency. They did all this and then closed their doors. Then they opened up a new company (ISo) They are at the very least dishonest and at the most criminal in what they did.

This is not a complaint that isn't deserved, trust me, im an employee that is owed a lot of money...

Hit aka Iso web works screwed a lot of peopl

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 05, 2011 6:10 pm EDT

ok, now its time to ignore you complaintboardisascam...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 05, 2011 6:19 pm EDT

OK, Ill just waste a little more time.. IF you guys check out complainboardisascam profile and check out the posts he/she has made you will notice that he copied the same comment that he posted here first to an actual praise of a company not a complaint. This just proves that he/she doesn't even bother to read the main complaint. He is assuming that its a complain.. what an idiot. I laughed for 5 minutes...

Ok, now im done, lol...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 07, 2011 2:55 am EDT


That is the question I have been asking all along... I think it somewhere. Off shore maybe? In the name of a close friend or relative? I think its almost impossible for them not to have a crap load of cash somewhere. Hit was bringing in tens of thousands of dollars a day yet employees werent paid, irs wasn't paid, temp service agencies weren't paid, sub-contractors weren't paid, the hosting company wasn't paid.. So yes, where did it go?

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 07, 2011 4:37 am EDT

@only guilty men

You should probably be careful when you say "we can't guarantee your safety" I understand what you are saying, but others might perceive this as a threat. You may want to clarify on what you meant..

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 07, 2011 6:00 pm EDT

How did they learn that they were under investigation?

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 08, 2011 5:12 am EDT

That is weird about saragellerman. She did post some very interesting info. But, I caught some discrepancies, i.e. giving away hosting with a web site, etc. If she is related to Kevin, what good would it do by posting some damming evidence?

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 08, 2011 5:43 am EDT

I've also been thinking about the claims that Dave Aitken was making concerning the economy and Hits problems. Right before the 1st round of pay cuts, he was telling us that we weren't hitting goals, etc but the most ironic thing is that all the people that I was associate with was hitting their goals plus! How can the company be in so much trouble yet the income was the same or higher as it always was?

I didn't pay too much attention to what sales did, but with the Am's, design, tech support, we always hit or superseded our goals day in and day out. Now, looking back, they just used it as an excuse to line their pockets..

Or maybe they were just the worst business people in the world and didn't know how to budget. I would put my money on their lining their pockets with our wages...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 08, 2011 5:52 am EDT

I went back to look at saragellermans posts. If she is with the Kevin and if its is true that all of what she said isn't true, Ill be really bummed out! I went and real all of her complaints that date back to the end of December.

Why don't you guys look up all her complaints and see if you think she is pro iso webworks.. I want to believe that she isn't, she has posted too many negative things.. Again, I will be really bummed out of this is true. I think she is the one that said something about having accounting back up files, etc. Go check them out and see what you guys think. If you dont already know how, just click on her name and then it will pull up her info..

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 09, 2011 12:47 am EDT

Hey, who has the video of the owners/workers? I need to message that person ASAP...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 09, 2011 12:52 am EDT

That Fox affiliate talked to me today and I told her that there is a video of the owners of hit/iso walking in and out of the offices. they are running the story on tuesday and would love to have any video/photo of the old building and the new building.. Like i said, they are running the story on Tuesday, If its any good, it may be picked up nationally.. So, if any of you have photos/videos please let me know..

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 09, 2011 6:47 pm EDT

All this wage info is confusing me. From my investigation a employer must pay an ex-employee within 3 business days from parting with the company. So, regardless, all employees should have been paid in full 3 days after they "closed" their doors. Also, the penalty is 5 percent per day up to 20 days. If im wrong on any of the above, please correct me.

Also, fox utah isn't doing the story, remember the post about the fox affiliate in missouri? I was contacted by the Bonita, the person doing the story. She would like any pictures/video of the owners/employees/building old and new..I don't have them but if you do I can give you the info. There is a person that is asking some posters to send them videos, etc from this board. She is sending a private messages to some people.

So, if anyone has any of the above, please send it to her or me...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 10, 2011 4:41 am EDT

When they "forgot" to give me my commissions on my check about 1.5 years ago, I didn't ask them for the 5 percent. I should have, it was a lot of money. I honestly thought i would never see that money. I sent a personal email to Dave and told him that I was shorted almost 2k. I think that must of scared him. I received my check within a couple days.. He probably thought that I knew about the 5 percent rule, (which I didn't). Im just grateful that I received my full check. This was during the time when a lot of checks weren't clearing.

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 12, 2011 9:13 pm EDT

Im receiving unemployment, but like i said before, Im receiving it because I had an older case that was never closed. Otherwise, I wouldn't be receiving it. That would be great if others can. The unemployment officer told me that they hadn't paid into the unemployment system for a long time, so that would be awesome if they are paying others...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 12, 2011 9:14 pm EDT

So, should I amend my wage claim? 1. i forgot to put in the penaty 2. I put the bowling alley address in provo.

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 13, 2011 10:05 pm EDT

Bonita (the reporter) called me last week to see if I had any video of the company. I didn't. I wish I would have video taped the old building. It makes me nervous when the Utah county attorney corrected himself when he said that he didn't know if anything illegal has taken place. I know he has to be careful, but come on!

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 13, 2011 10:06 pm EDT

maybe we should go to and spamm the ### out of them...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 14, 2011 10:31 pm EDT

I haven't heard anything regarding my wage claim. I do have to amend it to include the penalty...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 16, 2011 2:36 am EDT

Looks like we need to start a thread with Which domain name are they using? probably a lot. But we need to add this one.. Have any of you been contacted privately yet? I have been contacted by a few people that say that iso has contacted them and it smelled fishy and they asked my opinion...

That picture of Dave walking in says a 1000 words...AWESOME!

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 16, 2011 9:29 pm EDT

This new company that Tanner is supposedly starting at must be a start up by him. Who in their right mind would hire him? Hes the biggest horses butt! Thats putting it nicely. Im sure it will be another spin-off...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 18, 2011 3:52 am EDT

And they say there is no connection between iso and hit.. LOL...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 19, 2011 12:36 am EDT was interesting. Matt chronkite is the author. If they are so separate, why doesn't he mention dave aitken and the others working there?

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 21, 2011 7:28 pm EDT

Yea, that picture of tanner looks like a deer caught in its headlights. I can hear what hes saying "What the hell are you doing?" yea, he knows that a picture was taken of him. Im sure it made him nervous as hell, too... AWESOME!

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 28, 2011 6:38 pm EDT

Ill neve forget one phone call I had. Someone on the floor had just sold something. Obviously the customer who was pissed on my line heard all the clapping, etc. He said, "sounds like you guys sold another sucker with all that excitement going on" I laughed and said, yep, you are right..

Ill never forget that call, he was dead on.

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 29, 2011 5:35 am EDT

To Hit

I dont know how many web sits hit did that rented cabins out. But, I was an AM about 2 years ago. They were just starting. they needed a database (which I sold them). I wonder if they are the same people. I went on leave right after this, so I didn't have any further contact and their site was just going, so the grief probably hadn't started yet..

I bet a lot us have spoken to the same customers, probably lots of times...

to Earl: Good luck. And way to go. At least you are standing up to them. Keep us posted...

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 29, 2011 5:36 am EDT

I meant Earnest.. Sorry..

Update by hitexemployee
Apr 30, 2011 11:12 pm EDT

At least now we know why they left chase or should I say, Chase left them. Im sure they wouldn't do anything illegal, hence the change to central bank. OBv, im assuming, but it makes sense.. Why would they leave Chase? They used Chase as the reason the checks would bounce at the very beginning..

Update by hitexemployee
May 03, 2011 4:54 am EDT

About the BBB complain. I didn't think that they would have enough business for a complaint yet, but since they are hit, it isn't surprising. Also, I submitted my claim weeks ago a haven't heard a thing.

Also, I know that there are programs and software out there that will tell you what key words a company is paying for. That would be nice to put an ad every place they do. It would be costly, yet fun.

Update by hitexemployee
May 03, 2011 7:06 pm EDT

I lived on those energy drinks that they would buy. I would drink 2 or 3 of those monsters... Tanner was really a bellhop in Park City. I hope he was able to live his hourly wage because no ### like that would be given a tip. Seriously, he is the biggest jerk/dickwad/[censored]/ In the world.

The only reason I was able to tolerate him is that I told him I couldn't sale if he busted my balls. Animals are treated better than what he treated his employees.

Update by hitexemployee
May 07, 2011 3:03 am EDT

I would hope that if anyone receives any compensation that they would report it here. What is the states next steps if they don't receive any money? Do they just put a "lien" against them, which we will never see? I don't hold much hope that I will ever see a dime. The only recourse would be to sue them, correct? But, I have heard that our only legal recourse is to file thru the labor commission. Any ideas? or hope?

Update by hitexemployee
May 07, 2011 6:57 pm EDT

Yea, Ill never forget Tanner telling me that "we should be ok with payroll at the beginning of march, at the latest" Well, thats when they shut their doors.. I was told this at the beginning of Feb. Im 100 percent certain that this was a well planned event with many months in the making...

Update by hitexemployee
May 07, 2011 8:09 pm EDT

What you said reminds me when Austin Powers' dad tol Dr. Evils henchmen to Just lie down, you dont even have a name tag. You might as well give up and lie down"

Update by hitexemployee
May 08, 2011 2:46 am EDT

Holy ###! It looks like Kevin is selling all of Hits assets! I thought he had nothing to do with hit. What a LIAR! I hope this is getting into the right hands...

Update by hitexemployee
May 08, 2011 9:42 am EDT

I agree with most of your statements. Were you paid in full? I am owed a couple grand. I have said a couple things on this board that I totally regret. I said them in heat of passion, if you will. I understand that we should try to be civil and professional. Did you just find out about this board? or have you been watching it since day one?

I think having millions of dollars of liens against them is a big deal too. Especially the liens with the temp employee company. It looks like they had zero intentions of paying them. Also, I have heard that they have made numerous "deals" with most of their creditors, including the IRS and they didn't even try to make good.

They didn't pay the insurance carrier when they were deducting it from our checks. This is from Aetna. Aetna dropped Hit a couple of years ago, yet they have a lien against them for 50k. This board is like therapy for most. I know that I feel better when I vent. Why not vent here? its not like they are going to bring this board into court and submit it as evidence.

Don't take me wrong, but it seems like you are defending them one second and then denouncing them the next.

Update by hitexemployee
May 08, 2011 6:22 pm EDT

There are a few posts that personally attack. (Unfortunately, I made a post a while back that I totally regret) but, as a whole, I think the personal attacks are small, percentage wise. Also, there have been consumers here that we helped before they purchased from iso. Also, there have been consumers that say that they wish that they knew about this site before they purchased.

No matter what, there will be people that will post what they want. Also, this isn't the only thread about iso. I don't know why the thread that I started became the place, lol...

But, Im glad you found it. We need more posters to post informative posts.

Update by hitexemployee
May 08, 2011 8:44 pm EDT

Im glad that there is only 1 real thread regarding this mess. It would be a pain to search thru a lot of useless threads to get very little info. I think it was timing as to why this thread became the thread.

I know that people have slowed down on posting because there isn't too much happening. Thats why we need people like cocktacular to bring new info to the thread. I feel like im beating a dead horse every time that I post something.

Also, I too, think that we are a long way away from seeing charges against them. The whole thing is a huge mess and I bet that when the investigators open one door 2 doors open. I just hope that they are working on it. Im sure that they are, but when you don't officially hear anything for a couple months, I tend to get nervous.

Also to cocktacular, someone did post all the names of those that are part of iso. Did anyone verify that Tanner left iso?

Update by hitexemployee
May 09, 2011 12:24 am EDT

Are you referring to iso regarding it or development being burnt? If so, what are the details as you know them? (If you want to share)

Update by hitexemployee
May 09, 2011 4:53 am EDT

@Empower: I agree with you. We might think differently if they came clean and owned up to what they owe. I like how Sonny olsen said that they will pay employees asap, yea, right! I think that I may file a civil lawsuit against them. I don't think Jeremy has a personal tax lien against him. Maybe he does. But, if he doesn't I may get most of my money back. Or he can give me his boat, lol..

Update by hitexemployee
May 10, 2011 6:28 pm EDT

I agree. Candace opened up her own can of worms when she tried to defend Dave. In my opinion, there is no way that she didn't know about the crap that went on at hit. Maybe she didn't know to the extent of the happenings, but she knew...

Update by hitexemployee
May 11, 2011 6:16 am EDT

Weren't we just talking about personal attacks? I don't agree attacking someone that is 100 percent innocent. I think some people aren't getting the entire picture. The pain and destruction that the HIT owners/managers have done is almost unforgivable. Lives were ruined. Many, many laws were broken Yet they continue to defraud. Anyone that is/was willing to go to iso has some culpability. (those that know the story and/or came from hit)

We aren't talking about a few individuals owing others some money. We are talking about years of fraud. Thousands of businesses ruined along with their livli hood. Employees losing their homes/cars/possessions. Lie after lie. Then we have iso continuing this behavior. I honestly don't think that some people have honestly grasped the depth of the situation. ITS HUGE! Then we keep on getting slapped in the face. Especially the last stint with "Kev" selling hits furniture/computers when I AND MANY OTHERS ARE OWED MONEY!

Someone has to stop them. I will do my best to help make that happen.

Update by hitexemployee
May 11, 2011 8:30 am EDT

Lately, it seems people are trying to underscore the HIT/Iso issues. It pisses me off when I see someone try and defend ANYTHING that they do. And to listen to it was just pissing me off. If I am way off regarding the new people to the board, accept my apologies. But, when someone comes on the board and tries devalue a crime, i.e tax liens that go back years (and yes, I think it was a crime because they took my taxes and health insurance out and didn't pay it to the proper authorities> THAT IS STEALING, PLAIN AND SIMPLE which is s crime).
It just pisses me off! I have a right to be. Most people here have a right to be. There are thousands of people that haven't posted here that have a right to be.. Whats that saying? IM MAD AS HELL AND I"M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE, lol...

Update by hitexemployee
May 11, 2011 7:47 pm EDT

I don't live that close. But, I have a daughter that works near there. ill try my best, but if someone that lives up in the area could make a quick drive by and see whats happening?

Update by hitexemployee
May 11, 2011 7:51 pm EDT

It would would be awesome if the truck said "IRS" on the side, lol...

Update by hitexemployee
May 12, 2011 5:15 pm EDT

By the way, what ever happened to Lance Card? I wish I had that guys job at hit. All he did was walk around..

Update by hitexemployee
May 12, 2011 5:18 pm EDT

Also, it would make sense that someone may have purchased all of HITS equipment. But, yea, it would have been nice to get the info/owner of that truck. So when the ### does hit the fan, the authorities know where to go pick up the stolen stuff.

Update by hitexemployee
May 12, 2011 8:31 pm EDT

I bet that they took all the computers, monitors, servers, cables, office equipment to iso. Then they took all the good stuff and decided to sell the surplus. The nerve of them! They are thumbing their noses at us! What is Kevins defense when it comes to the equipment. He says that hit/iso isnt connected, yet they have all the employees and equipment from hit.

Do they really think that we are that stupid? All they did was change their name and location. Other than that, its business as usual.

I honestly didn't think that I could get more upset than what I was at the beginning. I surprise myself daily. I do indeed get more upset daily. It sure will be a relief when they have to face the music.

Do you guys think that they are just sitting back and not worrying about any of this? I do. They think that they are untouchable. They think that they are above the law.

When there is a trial (which I hope to hell that there is one) I will be there every day. It will be fun to watch them go down. Go ahead guys, keep thinking and doing what you are doing. There will be a day for judgement. TRUST ME!

Update by hitexemployee
May 12, 2011 10:33 pm EDT

What Kevin doesn't understand is that when a company has a lien on them, by law they cannot sell anything of value. Lets watch him try to dig himself out of that one! I wonder what the penalty is for this. It must be along the lines of receiving stolen property.

Update by hitexemployee
May 12, 2011 10:35 pm EDT

Every dollar that Hit receives needs to be going to the liens and employees that weren't paid. I sure as hell haven't received my money!

Update by hitexemployee
May 13, 2011 12:27 am EDT

Im a bit confused. Is iso still doing business at their location in AF?

Update by hitexemployee
May 13, 2011 4:58 pm EDT

I called their phone number yesterday and it seemed like they were still in business. I bet they just moved to someones house. With a business like this, you don't need a walk in clientele. It wouldn't be too hard to call them and make a deal and then tell them that you have to send a check.

Update by hitexemployee
May 13, 2011 5:01 pm EDT

Also, I think that there is a very good possibility that Dave and others may leave the country. If they have enough money stashed away, why not? a dollar goes a long way in rural mexico. But, you are right, they have a lot of roots here in Utah and it would be difficult for them to do this, Plus, they honestly think that they haven't done anything wrong, so in their minds, why leave?..

Update by hitexemployee
May 13, 2011 5:05 pm EDT

Just called and pressed 2 for sales and a woman answered. I think her name was Becky or Ricci. They are indeed still in business, the question is where. It shouldn't take too much looking to find out where...

Update by hitexemployee
May 14, 2011 11:07 pm EDT

ALl these different business names have me confused. So, is a hit company?

Update by hitexemployee
May 15, 2011 4:39 am EDT

The only way that she could collect is if she worked for another company. When I applied for unemployment the DWS said that hit hadn't put money into the system for months. The only reason that I am receiving benefits is that I put in for benefits about 3 years ago but I didn't collect because I got a job at hit. If Hit didnt shut their doors, I would have never called the DWS and wouldn't be receiving benefits. It was a blessing in disguise that they closes. Maybe she had an older case like me.

Update by hitexemployee
May 15, 2011 4:41 am EDT

Is unemployment public knowledge?

Update by hitexemployee
May 15, 2011 6:29 am EDT

That makes me sick. I hope that those that are collecting unemployment and also working for iso get caught for double dipping. Those that have video/pictures need to go to the dws site and fill out the fraud info. I believe you can turn someone in if you believe they are committing fraud... The drama continues... Those [censored]...

Update by hitexemployee
May 15, 2011 6:34 am EDT

You know dumpster? HIt had a really good thing going. If they would have ran the business like a business and ran it honestly, They could have gone public. Greed got to them. They didn't know how to run a business. They should have hired a big gun from another company or Someone that knew what they were doing. Hit sometimes brought in 1 million dollars a month. They had a good thing going. Now, they are going to jail...They didn't want to earn their money, they basically stole it.

Update by hitexemployee
May 15, 2011 4:09 pm EDT

Do you guys think this is the same kevin?

How many Kevin morrills are there in Utah?

Also, what is the link to kevins blog? I can't seem to find it..

Update by hitexemployee
May 15, 2011 6:31 pm EDT

It looks like iso has gone under, or maybe they just changed names. I like how Matt still criticizes the employees that weren't paid. It would be interesting to see what exactly has happened to iso. Have they relocated? and if so, where?

Update by hitexemployee
May 15, 2011 9:59 pm EDT

Im just speculating that they have gone under. someone said that their offices are empty after a truck loaded up and hauled stuff off. As of Friday, they still were answering the phones.

Update by hitexemployee
May 17, 2011 5:42 am EDT


If this is true, I believe that the Utah County Attorneys office needs to know...Even if its a rumor, they still need to know...

Update by hitexemployee
May 18, 2011 7:23 pm EDT

I couldn't figure out for the longest time what Tim Pennington was doing to bring in so much revenue. Until I sat next to him... He would tell everyone that he talked to that their hosting has run out. He told everyone this, even if they had paid their hosting just a couple of months ago. It made me sick. I would never go that far and tell a flat lie. Every salesman will sugar coat things, but to flat out lie is inexcusable. Obv, Tanner and other management turned a blind eye. Everyone thought he was the "###" but as I figured out at my time there, if someone is selling a ton of stuff, most likely they are doing something fishy. Tim should go down with the rest of them.

As far as my claim with goes. Im not counting on anything. I honestly doubt that I will every see a dime. But by damn, Ill do my best to collect my any means legal.( Jeremy, better hide that boat!) He probably already has liens on it, though...

Update by hitexemployee
May 18, 2011 11:58 pm EDT

LOL, is that really you? Tim, you know that you scammed a lot people. Quit trying to make excuses and man up! Maybe then, you will start getting respect...

Update by hitexemployee
May 19, 2011 12:00 am EDT

Whats your number? Im sure a lot of people here would like some answers...

Update by hitexemployee
May 19, 2011 12:06 am EDT

If you did nothing wrong then why the hostility? Why not explain what you did if you think you didn't do anything wrong? I think that you are scared that you will go down with the rest of them. Rest assured Tim, that the Utah County Attorneys office knows pretty much everything. You are on their radar, so don't get too comfy. I wonder if they have your size for the prison jump suites. No worries, Ill donate one for you...

If I were you, I would call them up and give them as much info as possible. It might shave a few years off. I think it would be ironic to see Tim, Tanner and the rest, living in a tiny cell with each other...

Update by hitexemployee
May 19, 2011 12:08 am EDT

Just explain yourself here... If you did nothing wrong, then you don't need to worry.. But you know, deep down, that you scammed a lot of people. I HEARD YOU! You have absolutely no morals nor ethics. IF you do managed to get thru this unscathed, I hope that you have learned from it.

Update by hitexemployee
May 19, 2011 12:14 am EDT

So, are you denying that you told customers that their hosting has run out and that they need to re-new? and that you would give them 3 years for the price of 2, yet their hosting wasn't going to run out for a few months. I would look up accounts after I heard this to verify what I already knew. Also, the Utah Attorneys office has all of these records. Do you realize that every time that was done you committed fraud and each time they probably can put 3 or 4 different kinds of counts on you and others.

Im sure that you weren't the only one doing this. And a lot of the blame goes to management as they let you do this. But, come on and man up...

Update by hitexemployee
May 19, 2011 12:15 am EDT

Thats ok, you don't have to explain anything to me or anyone here. You will, however, have to explain it to the authorities...

Update by hitexemployee
May 19, 2011 12:21 am EDT

I do have to give up props for coming here with your real name. Most people here have a lot of damming info regarding HIT and ISO. Until everything is out and the court system has done its thing, I can see why most of us want to stay anonymous. For example, I have been working with the Utah Attorneys office and (as are others here) and would rather not say who I am. I will, however, let everyone know who I am as soon as this mess is close to being over with.

I dont have anything to hide but when one has a lot of info regarding illegal activity, they have to be cautious. Ya never know who might be hiding in the

Update by hitexemployee
May 19, 2011 12:24 am EDT

Nice question I was about to ask the same thing... He knew about iso and the closing yet still sold years of hosting.. Thats not only immoral, its ILLEGAL!

Update by hitexemployee
May 19, 2011 12:26 am EDT

At least we now know that there isn't any question that those that were involved are reading this blog... remember when Sonny said to KSL that they are getting monies together so that they could pay employees and pay other debts? What freaking liars. They have absolutely no intentions of paying us or anyone else, for that matter.

Update by hitexemployee
May 19, 2011 12:32 am EDT

So, Tim. How is it at ISO Web works? They still doin' business? Have you been paid? I was going to respond to Kevins Ksl listings on the equipment. He gave some pretty good deals on OUR stuff..

Update by hitexemployee
May 19, 2011 3:09 am EDT

Just because your 6ft 6 and 400 lbs doesn't mean that your a "tough" guy by any means. Why not come to this board and act professional? why get all defensive if you have done nothing wrong? Trust me Timmy, I may not be as big as you, but trust me, you wouldn't want to meet me in an alley, like you are suggesting.

So, Tim, tells us what really happened? what did you tell all those customers? At first when I heard you doing this I wanted to make sure, so, like i said before, I looked up a few accounts and sure enough, you sold a few customers hosting that wasn't due for 6 months or so. This is after I heard you telling them that their hosting is up. Now, is that a lie, or not? Its ok, tim. I did some things at hit that I am not proud of but I tried my best to make amends. Maybe if you were to say to everyone that you were sorry and you have learned your lesson it would sway people to like you or respect you.

None of us are perfect. But, we all need to own up to our mistakes and learn from them and not do them again. If we don't do this, the cycle will never be broken.

Im sure you have a lot of valuable info for the prosecutors. It's ok to say that you made a mistake. But you will define who you really are by the actions you do from here on out. I suggest that you do what you can to help us and get those that kept this scam going to where they belong-JAIL...

I wish you well in you future endeavors and I hope that you have learned a valuable lesson.

Update by hitexemployee
May 19, 2011 4:10 am EDT

Hey Tim. Why are you so obsessed with us calling you? Do you want a physical confrontation? Are you so confident that you will come out ahead? Boy, you are arrogant! What purpose would it serve for us to have a "showdown'? Its funny how one second we are all ###ers then the next you are saying you hope that the owners go to jail.

I believe that you are honestly scared what the prosecutors are going to find. I can sense it in you typing. I don't think anyone here wants to be where you are at in life. The only skill that you have is to con people out of money. What other skills do you have? Are you married? do you have children? are you financially secure? do you believe that you are living a truthful life? Well, I can honestly answer yes to all of those. I want to make sure that people like you are stopped. Im tired of all the lies that HIT and management told me/us.

So, instead of just telling us to "### off" why not say something worthwhile? If you really want to us in a "Dark alley" Im sure someone will be more than happy, especially an ex customer. Hell, If I wanted to stoop to your level, I would take you up on it. But, I consider myself "mature". You act like a bully in high school. I bet thats exactly what you were, with you size... You probably picked on the small kids in school, didn't you?

You need to get a life. Most of us here on this board are doing just fine. Im sure you wish that you could say the same for yourself...

Update by hitexemployee
May 19, 2011 5:38 am EDT

When I called it went to a voicemail that didn't say iso webworks. I did leave a message.. It looks like they haven't paid their phone bill..Typical Aitken fashion.. Take what you can and leave the legit companies/employees holding the bag... Just them not paying their phone bill make me sick. They are so bad off, they cant pay a 100 dollar phone bill. And, of coarse, that phone company won't see a dime. It will just be another lien against them.. LOSERS!

Update by hitexemployee
May 19, 2011 7:22 pm EDT

I worked with Quinten Hout for quit a while. He was an AM then he moved to a PD position. He did well as an AM. I think he is in the middle of the road when it came to honesty. I was aware of a few times when there were a few fraud claims against him, but for the most part, he was honest. (I didn't ever sit next to him but his numbers were always high and when that happens, one seems to wonder)

There are so many companies that do web work/design, I don't know how any of them make it. Especially the startups. Maybe there is more demand than I realize.

Yea, lets all be done witn timmy. He is about 22 years old, so that is probably his correct profile...

Update by hitexemployee
May 19, 2011 7:49 pm EDT

Also, it looks like that company is an indian company that is based in NY. I know that there are a lot of good indians out there, (Just like you have good and bad mormons ) but whenever I have dealt with them they have been mostly dishonest and rude. Im not saying all are like this, but just sharing my personal experiences with them. So, its no wonder they have a D with the BBB. The ones that I know are greedy and will bid a 1k project for 100 bucks and never get the project done or keep coming back for more money.

Update by hitexemployee
May 19, 2011 8:12 pm EDT

I think that this blog has done a lot of good. Dont you? Im sure that we have helped people stop from doing work with iso or given employees good info to just spreading the word.. Good work, everyone...

Update by hitexemployee
May 20, 2011 1:34 am EDT

Well, I received my letter from the Labor commission. It has my name on it Vs all variants of hit web design, along with leah young, mark strong, dave aitken and brad stone. (Why wasn't jeremy listed? wasn't he an owner?)

In a nutshell I won my claim against them. According to the letter, they never responded (It was also sent to sonny olsens office)

It demans that they remit payment to me asap! They have 10 days to appeal. What I never knew until now is that the 5 percent penalty doesn't stat til the end of the 10 days. I thought it started after the day that I should have been paid. Which Is good because now, I will be entitled to five percent per day up to 20 days. (which will double my claim)

So, you legal eagles out there. After waiting 10 days, what is my next step? You know that they aren't going to pay me..

Update by hitexemployee
May 20, 2011 1:39 am EDT

Oh, and on top of the 5 percent per day up to 20 days they also added attorneys fees of a minimum of 500 bucks of 1/3 of the total claim and penalty, whichever is greater, and costs, will be assessed for enforcement of the order. So, does that mean they will have attorneys go after them?

Update by hitexemployee
May 20, 2011 1:43 am EDT

Lol, I just looked at one of the addresses they sent it to. Hit web design C/O Iso Web works 50 n. center st. AF utah.

They were just a little too late for that one, lol. but they did send it to dave aitkens home Mark strong, s home, Leah youngs po box, actually a ton of po. boxes, they sent it to 17 different people/titles/addresses (some of the addresses were the same, so they got a copy multiple times.)

Update by hitexemployee
May 20, 2011 4:08 am EDT

Thank you for your help Empower.. I will not going to away quietly. With the penalty, etc. I will be owed around 4k. so, I will wait til the 10 business days are over and then call them to see what is my next step.

Since they have added a 500 dollar (or more) fee for the county attorneys, that leads me believe that I wont need an attorney. IfI do, Im sure it wont be hard to get one because If I get the monies owed to me an attorney will make over 1k plus costs. So, since they have 10 days to appeal, there isn't much I can do til those 10 days are up. So, on day 11, Ill be calling them..

Update by hitexemployee
May 20, 2011 4:12 am EDT

next question to you, empower, can Dave and the others file bankruptcy? Maybe thats what they are waiting for, to get all these claims put in and then all of them file. And if they do file, where would I be in line to collect money? wouldn't the IRS or AETNA be ahead of me? or do wage claims take priority?

Once we start garnishing their wages or taking property, I bet dollars to the Aitkens doughnuts that bankruptcy is not far away. I am hoping that employees claims are somehow exempt..

Update by hitexemployee
May 21, 2011 6:31 pm EDT

I wonder if HIT is in this secret file that they prosecutors have

Update by hitexemployee
May 22, 2011 6:56 pm EDT

Has anyone called the Utah County Attorneys office to see where the case is at? It would be a good sign if they can't answer it due to an ongoing investigation. If they give any other answer, I would be worried...

I'm hoping that there are a couple people on this board that are actively involved the investigation. I can only guess and hope. I think their ship is sinking and the rates are scrambling off the ship. I wonder if Kevin gave up on iso because of the heat. Im sure that he was delivered oodles and oodles of subpoenas.

I'm sure that it will all make sense when everything is out in the open. When I tell my wife everything that is going on, she keeps asking me "Why aren't they in jail yet, or She'll say "They are going to go to jail for soooo long" AINT THAT THE TRUTH!

I wonder what Candice is saying about her man, now? Also, has anyone verified that the Aitkens moved? I would love to know where they went. I hope that the didn't flee the country... IF they did that, I don't think that we would see justice done. A white collar criminal isn't on the Feds top priority..

Update by hitexemployee
May 22, 2011 8:07 pm EDT

Im a bit confused with They make it look like that they have offices around the country. Am I looking at the right web site? When I look at it looks like their domain has been registered since 2003 or something.

I guess our attention now should be focused at the ppcmanagement operation..

Update by hitexemployee
May 23, 2011 3:00 am EDT

Looks like I was looking at the wrong site. I didn't put the llc after ppcmanagement. Im sure that they will rear their ugly heads soon, if they haven't already. Maybe they are liquidating all assets so when the government come knocking there wont be anything to take... ###... I wish that Dave and the rest would come on here and give a professional statement on to the happenings at hit. I know it won't happen, but it would be nice..

Update by hitexemployee
May 23, 2011 7:00 pm EDT

I have a feeling on whatever their new venture is, that they will do it on the down low. Meaning, they will keep it low key and keep their names out of it. At least, thats what I would do If I were them. (which, like hell, Im glad I'm not!)

But, it's hard to estimate what scammers will do. They think that they are invincible and will never be caught and will flaunt it under our noses...

Update by hitexemployee
May 24, 2011 6:07 am EDT

Oh man, that would be icing on the cake if we found out that HIT received stimulus money! I surely hope that didn't happen. That would be like another slap on my already reddened face...

Update by hitexemployee
May 26, 2011 4:18 am EDT

@staving: When did you get the letter stating that they would pay you 80 percent? I got my letter a few days ago, in my favor. HIT never responded to my claim so I got mine in favor by default, I guess. Did you get an original letter stating that hit would give you 80 percent? Im just wondering if they are going to try and make changes to mine...

Update by hitexemployee
May 26, 2011 5:36 pm EDT

I think its almost time for some of our anonymity to come off. I know that there may be some people that are heavy into the case that just can't come out of the closet. But, for some, (like me) It really shouldn't do me any damage by saying who I am. I have already told some people via private messaging my name.

Dunno, I think that it may not really matter if we say who we are or not..I know a lot of people (like myself) Like the warm blanket of anonymity, but does it really matter?

Update by hitexemployee
May 27, 2011 2:57 am EDT

I had a really big interview today and unfortunately, HIT is on my resume. I asked my interviewer if he knew about hit and he said no. but wanted to ask about them. I gave him a brief history basically saying that they were doing well until the last couple years and have been accused of doing illegal things. I tried to stay neutral. The reason I brought it up is that Im sure that he will look them up on the internet before making a decision or I wouldn't have mentioned a word. I kept it simple and to the point, saying that they closed their doors and the owners are under investigation. (and that I left before they started doing any of the alleged stuff)

As long as you weren't a manager/VP/ owner/accountant, I think that most employers would assume that you didn't participate in the fraud. I received a lot of valuable job experience from hit. So, If I want to stay in the sales field, I almost have to mention them. (Unless I want a huge gap in my resume).

My interview went well. Im now doing monday back quarterbacking on how I did and it's driving me crazy, I should have said this, or I shouldn't have said this...If this job comes thru, It will truly be a blessing. A true career with a real company. Great salary, benefits, etc. Now, im not going to sleep for the next week and if I don't get it, Ill be back here crying like a baby for weeks, lol...

I know its a little off topic, but I thought to share a little light at the end of the tunnel (IF I get the job)

Update by hitexemployee
May 28, 2011 3:55 am EDT

You make some very valid points, Empower. I think this forum is not the best place to reveal ones real identity.if someone wants to do it another forum is probably more appropriate. It just make a lot more sense...

I will, however, reveal who I am. I may not say who I was on this board but will say that I did participate. I never thought about saying potentially liable statements here. (even tho they are true and the aitkens and it will be a cold day in hell if they ever were to bring a suit against one of us.

I think they tried to sue some people (ex-employees) that posted on this board and they (ex-emloyeess) were vindicated. They tried to use the clause in the employment packet that we signed. saying that we can be charged 500 bucks, or something, for each derogatory things said about them.

Update by hitexemployee
Jun 01, 2011 6:46 pm EDT

UGHHH! I hate spammers!

Anyway, as most of you know, I am job hunting. Im in a position where I can't live on a 9 dollar an hr job (like who can?, lol) I have a mortgage and have to feed a family. So, sales is my greatest strength. I have had a few promising interviews but nothing so far.

It was interesting that I found that a couple of companies are hiring, one called storesonline and PMI, they are sister companies. I don't know if they are owned by the same people, but they def. have a connection. I was called last night to schedule an interview. I told the guy that I have heard of the company and kind actually knew a few people that made a good living at both places. But, I wanted to check them out first.

So, I have discovered that they are pretty much like HIT. They both have tons of complaints against them on here and other online complaint forums. The BBB has over 700 complaints against storesonline but PMI has an A rating. (like that really means anything.

The guys that I know that work there (I really don't know them well) make a lot of money. It costs like 15k to sign someone up with PMI.. So the commissions are huge.

But, after my experience with HIT, I have decided to take the high ground this time and not take a very lucrative sales job of conning people out of their hard earned money. Before hit, I would have rationalized it somehow and taken the job.

I've decided that I don't want to be in a situation that Im in now. Even though what they (pmi and storesonline) are probably technically legal, but who knows.

I just can't do it. Wont do it...

Update by hitexemployee
Jun 01, 2011 7:49 pm EDT

@ utahgovernmentsucks:

Yep, thats them. They also sale their system to storesonline customers. I found a news story that was done about a year ago about storesonline and it was nominated for an Emmy. They nailed them good... I know most of the problems are buyers remorse. they find out that there is a lot more work involved and the salesman oversales it.

They not only get you to put everything you can on credit cards but they have in house financing. Stores online was successfully sued by a few states and the country of Australia. They can't do business downunder for a few years and have a ton of disclosures and pay everyone back...

Both companies smell just like HIT...While the money is tempting, I just can't bring myself to do it...

Update by hitexemployee
Jun 02, 2011 9:56 pm EDT

Jeff, when you say that the Executives only had certain information, what do you think Tanner was? HE was a VP! thats an executive in my book. I agree that he and Matt may have been kept in the dark on some things, I bet dollars to doughnuts that they pretty much knew the whole thing. I don't believe for a second that they went 3-4 months without being paid. I can see the last month or 2 or maybe a portion of their check.

I knew that ship was sinking and I was just an account manager. Im sure that they were promised the moon. But I heard Tanner tell lie after lie. He is ###. He treats people like ###. I hope that he goes down with the ship.

Jeff, I don't think I know you. If I do, not that well.. I really wish you would HONESTLY tell the truth about what Tanner and the others knew. Tanner was there for years. I remember when they put him on the accounting system. He was so proud that he passed all the background checks to that he could be apart of accounting. The Aitkens and the other owners couldn't do what they did without the hep of Tanner and Matt. They are not innocent...

Update by hitexemployee
Jun 03, 2011 7:21 am EDT

Wow! Just wow! Jeff, you claim that you were a victim and yet you tried to keep the scam going over at iso? How stupid do you think we are? I honestly think that people like you and Tim are coming to this board because you feel guilty and are trying to generate sympathy.

Then you come on this board to tell us that some of us are haters, etc. WE HAVE A ###ING RIGHT TO BE! You were part of a major SCAM! GET IT? A SCAM! If I were you, I'd be worried about going to jail.

Update by hitexemployee
Jun 05, 2011 3:34 am EDT

Ya know, when I first started at hit (when there were very few complaints and they were giving away Harley davidsons, In fact, I won a very expensive computer) I thought the company was great. I was making a ton of money, more than I have ever made in my life. Most customers were happy. I noticed things started to go down hill when they made a customer service dept. I also feel that in the beginning, they didn't set out to scam people. I think it snowballed. One little indescretion lead to another, etc. Til they dug themselves a hole that the only way to get out of was to scam.

I may be totally off. I was just a closer/ AM. Maybe they did start with the intentions of scamming, what I do know for sure is at the end, the last 3 or so years, they were scamming 100 percent. Each year, I think got worse.

Im sure that people like Tanner were promised the moon to help perpetuate the scam. I don't know Jeff, so it would be wrong to really speculate about him.

The bottom line is that money was stolen. People were lied to (employees/customers) they lied to vendors and employees. Many State and Federal laws were broken.Im sure that money is hidden somewhere. Empower and the rest, you have said it perfectly. I can't wait til there is a reckoning...

Update by hitexemployee
Jun 08, 2011 5:03 am EDT

I think the board is having issues... The reason I haven't been posting is because I became a Grandpa Friday.. I can't believe im old enough to be one.. He is soooo cute...

Update by hitexemployee
Jun 08, 2011 4:11 pm EDT

Normally, I would say that there is no way that they are trying to do something fishy still. But, with their past behavior, all bets are off. If I were part of their scam, I would be distancing myself so far from anything that starts with an H or I or D (for Dave).

If Tanner is working for another company, I would love to know who is putting up with his crap... My bet is that he doesn't last there for 2 months. I can't believe that he was never fired from HIt. Iv'e worked for jerks in the past, but he takes the cake.

Update by hitexemployee
Jun 09, 2011 1:20 am EDT

WTF? 2 or 3 of my posts are nowhere to be seen. They were on page 95, now we are on page 94, so looks like we lost a few posts...

Update by hitexemployee
Jun 09, 2011 1:23 am EDT

The boards are really screwed up..

Update by hitexemployee
Jun 09, 2011 7:38 am EDT

still having issues?

Update by hitexemployee
Jun 09, 2011 7:43 am EDT


Update by hitexemployee
Jun 10, 2011 3:54 pm EDT

looks like its working again...

Update by hitexemployee
Jun 13, 2011 4:07 am EDT

lloks like everything is working fine now...

Update by hitexemployee
Jun 14, 2011 12:36 am EDT

IT was weird. The day that we started to have problems with this board, I received an email asking me to verify my information. I wonder if someone is trying to get this board shut down...

Update by hitexemployee
Jun 16, 2011 7:58 pm EDT

Is it working yet?

Update by hitexemployee
Jun 16, 2011 8:04 pm EDT

So far so good on the posts appearing.. I sent a long email to the complaintsboard last night. Maybe it got their attention.. Who knows how long it will last..

Update by hitexemployee
Jun 19, 2011 11:25 pm EDT

down still?

Update by hitexemployee
Jun 20, 2011 6:04 pm EDT

Im just grateful to be getting my unemployment. I am sooooo damned grateful that I applied for unemployement when I did. I had no idea that once you file and it is granted, that you can get the money as long as your not employed. They have a start and a stop time. If Hit hadn't done this to me, I would have never found this out. I just assumed that since I was approved for unemployment and then found a job (HIT, no less) that my unemployment claim would go bye-bye.. Gosh, I love it when the beauracracy (Sp) goes your way... Im jut trying to find the positive side to all of this...

Update by hitexemployee
Jun 23, 2011 3:51 am EDT

Are we getting closer to some indictments? I surely hope so!

Update by hitexemployee
Jun 29, 2011 12:09 am EDT

any new news?

Update by hitexemployee
Jul 13, 2011 4:57 am EDT

Lets hope so...

Update by hitexemployee
Jul 19, 2011 3:28 pm EDT

crap, urscewed, you got me all excited thinking that article was about HIT...

Update by hitexemployee
Jul 19, 2011 3:29 pm EDT

If the authorities let this go, I will be sooooo pissed!

Update by hitexemployee
Aug 02, 2011 11:21 pm EDT

I got my letter from the Labor commission today. Its laughable. Mark Strong and Leah young are trying to be removed from personal liabilty for the wage claims. Here is a snippet "The basis for our request is the extrnuating circumstances discussed with you and mr asay. We appeal to the labor commission to provide a hearing in which all wage claims can be addressed simultaneously.
We are also disputing that we have received proper notice of the wage claims. We have not had access to mail sent to the company po box until just recently have not received copies of many of the wage claims. We also have been denied access to the company financial and accounting information by the CFO of the company and do not have any information necessary to respond to the validity of the wage claims"

Can you believe this? I called Jose Blanco and said that they needed a letter stating what their position was at hit web dessign. You could tell, by the tone of his voice that he thinks that this is rediculous.

So, all of you that have received this letter, write one back saying that Mark strong and LEah young were owners and were the ones who signed the checks (when we go them) What other roles did they play.. i want to get this letter right..

Update by hitexemployee
Aug 05, 2011 10:50 pm EDT

Wow, it would make total sense if it were the aitkens. There are enough pissed off people that at least 1 would get revenge. That guy had some balls.

BTW, I faxed my rebuttal letter to the labor commission. It was 2 pages long. I just didn't have any physical evidence rather than my word. when I talked to jorge, I think? he repeated the utah law statute where Leah Young and the others are in fact liable. If they have assets we will get our money, it may take time, but ive got it...

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ISO Web Works - Dave Aitken Former CEO of HIT is a form 1099 Employee 5
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
ISO Web Works - Unethical Work Behavior 1
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Empower by knowledge
Provo, US
Jun 02, 2011 4:43 am EDT
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Where is Tanner Wolsey? Did he return to Canada? I was informed that he is Canadian.
Before you write him off as no longer working with them in some capacity, lets see where he really is.

Houston, US
Jun 02, 2011 6:55 am EDT

I am guessing that he is still with them in some capacity. If he worked with anyone else and pulled his ### they would knock him out! ( I would love to watch that )

I also don't think that he has any idea how to work anywhere else, since his expertise as a bell hop. I believe that him and Matt Nelson would be together. They used to be attached at the hip.

I would like to add that after speaking with the Labor Commission, HIT is not paying or has paid anything. They are making them go through mediation, which stalls the process. Of course they would tell employees to file with the Labor Commission since they know it would take a long time to process. Its amazing how they just keep getting better and better!

Houston, US
Jun 02, 2011 7:40 am EDT

I would also like to welcome Jeff H. Why are you coming out of the wood works?

Spanish Fork, US
Jun 02, 2011 1:53 pm EDT

Just here to clear up some confusion, I am certain that I know Matt N. at a more personal level than probably anyone on this board and am probably more familiar with Tanner at a personal level than most as well. I can definitely tell you that neither of them are working with ISO or affiliated with the Aitkens in any way.

They both have their own managing styles and I know that Tanner's probably didn't jive with a lot of people, the fact is the both of them went longer without getting paid than pretty much everyone else, 4-5 months as I understand it. I only had about 2 months so I can sympathize with their situation.

I guess to make things more clear they were just yanked around as much as anybody else, they didn't know if or when they would get paid and which checks would clear or not, they didn't have access to that information, only the executives did. It hurt Matt pretty deep when he had to struggle and fight to get somebody a check and it wouldn't clear much in the same way I had to explain customer's about their refunds which they never got.
The both of them were given promises of awesome fulfilling and wealthy careers and that is why they stayed their so long and jumped through the hoops they had to jump through (which ultimately meant having to piss some of you off). I have a lot of insight of everything that went down and probably have a little different view point as I also went over to ISO to work for a couple of weeks but then quit, currently I'm unemployed and have gone back to school full time with hopes that I'll be able to provide for my newborn in about a month!

It's a big mess no doubt.

Provo, US
Jun 02, 2011 3:55 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

@Jeff H, thank you for coming on here and sharing, but could you explain why ISO Webworks failed? And what happened to their customers?

Logan, US
Jun 02, 2011 4:12 pm EDT

@Jeff H

Im sorry If I am a bit skeptical but I appreciate the manner in which you have decided to "join" the discussion here. Whats curious to me is why now have you searched for a medium in which to express your self. I'm also confused as to your comment in where Tanner and Matt are not affiliated with ISO, and yet I spoke to Tanner personally, heres a link to refresh that:
Please explain the non-affiliation. I have also spoken with Matt N and am retaining that for the DA's office at their request so I cannot release.

Finally, congrats on your new child, I am glad you smartened up and bailed on ISO, but you carried over from HIT and still with not having the provisions in which to perform your job there, you stayed, and used your sense of overwhelment to justify ignoring calls, TOS', procedures and poor customer service . So I'm sorry if I dont give you a standing O on your sudden change of heart and direction. My 3 kids ate cereal and for almost 1 month strait, breakfast lunch and diner! And I still bailed on HIT after seeing the light, with no back up job, no new money, I just knew working there was wrong, as did allot of us on this board.

And as for Tanner and Matt, they too where in positions with great clout and ability to turn things around and do the right thing, they too neglected their ergonomic and moral responsibilities to sell out for a paycheck, otherwise, why would anyone sit tight and force sales and poor customer service, for FREE?! I dont buy that, HIT Brass was paid for at the very least, otherwise, those sell outs would not have stuck around. If your going to be here and clear things up, lets start with the truth and validate some of these things, otherwise I can only assume your here to cloud our thought process further.

Goodbye Hell, US
Jun 02, 2011 4:13 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I honestly DONT CARE>

The same way management didnt care when we had a customers complaint or a complaint of our own. As I said in the other board Jeff, EVERYONE has their own excuses. I can say I was probably in one of the worst financial situations out of anyone that worked in HITS building at the time and I still left. I dont think I could feel too good about myself today if I let these guys morals, work ethics and such get the better half of me. I would rather loose a job than loose my dignity. How you matt, tanner and the other choose to handle these situations is on you and them. Your a big boy, matts a big boy and so is tanner. All of you knew what was going on. And I find it hard to believe that if a peon like me knew what direction HIT was headed for, how did "leaders" in the company not know? My I hardly feel bad for one who is blind sided by false promises. If something is too good to be true, it is. Its pretty basic jeff. Normally something you learn before you get out of high school.

Goodbye Hell, US
Jun 02, 2011 4:25 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

@Hit Ex...

I agree! How could someone in management not get paid for 4-5 months and still believe things will turn around ? To get out of that kind of mess, it wouldn not take anyone over night effort to get money back in the pocket. This isnt rocket science. It all math. I myself did the math realized it was too much risk, and got the hell out.

Houston, US
Jun 02, 2011 6:08 pm EDT

I still believe that Tanner Wolsey and Matt Nelson are affiliated in some way, shape, or form. For either of them to go months without getting paid, I don't believe that either. You see, I believe that these guys are motivated by money, and for them to go months with out getting paid doesn't make sense. The same with sales. Who do you think got paid first and the rest of the company getting little checks to 'deposit' when they would bounce?

Until I learn and verify where they are at, I believe they are working with the same people they did at HIT.

Goodbye Hell, US
Jun 03, 2011 1:39 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Jeff IMO wasnt as aggressive as other in the belittle the employees game. I do know that jeff called at least one person. But that was easily over shadowed by suddenly not calling back and that customer rightfully being pissed off because of it. Now Im gonna take that one step further and say this... Was jeff calling this person or people (as he is claiming) because dave was telling them they needed to handle some of the calls or was it because he really cared? I lean towards the latter as jeff himself said he missed out on 2 months of pay and also went to ISO. So the intention of doing ### the same way was still there. Otherwise he had a huge window of opportunity to get out. Jeff is as cocky as matt, without the agressiveness. I dont trust him anymore than the rest of them. I heard from jeffs own mouth too many time ..."I dont care". And since he didnt care, I dont care. I dont care if he wants to redeem himself, or stick up for his buddies, or whatever the hell he wants to accomplish. What I do care about is this... I apologize in advance if my words are too much to read. But I assure you this, I wont stop posting what I know or what I saw. Im not the jury the judge or the executioner. I will however hash it out with any one of them that wants to. Im always up for it. These aholes ###ed with my mind everyday I went to work, and for that I just dont feel too much forgiveness in my heart for.

Goodbye Hell, US
Jun 03, 2011 1:47 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

On another note, I posted a link to HIT facebook page. I just want to clarify one of my comment. I asked why this site is up. I asked because if you look at it a lady named Nadia posts a comment on what a scam they are. And HIT's customer service VIP (hahah) CHELSIE LAIRD responded they are no longer in business. It may be an old site. But why is up? Click on CHELSIE LAIRDS icon, now tell me what happens...

Logan, US
Jun 03, 2011 2:54 am EDT

@ Hit = BAD

Nothing, Chelsie Lard ### isnt active on facebook. I tried because shes another one who peddled the ###, among stirring the personal issues pot a little to often. My first day on the Job as a designer, My entire daily training was being warned about Chelsie Laird. Please dont get me started, I want to focus on the bigger fish, she is, I mean brass. Laird was a drone for Matt and did her fair share of assholing and trolling lies to co-workers and customers alike. Another wonderful end product of the HIT Scam Clan. I'm not launching a personal attack, I just really felt like Jeff and Matt and Autumn and Breyton and Tanner, and all of these people knew what wrong was, and still did it, and made money from it. Its so wrong! Our pay was droped 3 bucks overnight after the huge layoff session, the wrong that went on is unjustified. I aint the most honest person in the world, but I did my best to do right, clean my pipeline and get clean approvals to keep my conscience clean, when I realized that I was unable to do that without scamming, I put in my notice and broke out. ANYTHINGS better than being and REMAINING a troll for HIT. And when I put my notice in, I got a nice little email from Dave inviting me to come back anytime! No ###ing thanks Peter Griffin!

Spanish Fork, US
Jun 03, 2011 4:40 am EDT

Your pay was dropped $3 dollars overnight? Wow that's too bad, mine was dropped $14/hr. I didn't come on here to get trolled, if you want to know where Matt is then go by his house, if he's not there he's probably over at school. The conversation that you had with Tanner was when ISO first opened up, that was a couple months ago, he's no longer there. In fact most of the others are gone as well, Chris Page, Tyler C, Tim P, they all quit.

As to why ISO failed I cannot be sure, I only stayed there a couple weeks. My guess is that it is a new IP in a struggling economy and they weren't able to pull in the expected amount of business to continue running.

Was it stupid for us to continue working there and not getting paid? Yeah. Where we told on a weekly basis that we were going to get paid? Yeah. Was the wool pulled over our eyes? Yeah. Did we mess up and not get out when we should have? Yeah. Well lessons learned, I (we) (most of us on this board) got burned in a bad way. I don't know if I'll ever see the money owed to me but what's past is past, I've moved forward already. What goes around comes around.

As a side note, I only met with Dave personally probably two or three times while I was there. Matt and I are good friend and continue to be, while there he shared with me most if not all of the information he received, I tried to help as many customers as was possible but please also understand that the overwhelming amount of complaints received was due tot he overwhelming workload that was placed onto the design team, eventually if our customer service department was unable to handle the situation it got escalated to where I was at, unfortunately it just wasn't possible to help everyone, it was too much and unfortunately reflected at times poorly on our teams and my own performance.

I tried to help while I was there, our refunds were out of control when I was finally able to take control of them. I was able to reduce them by about $20k/month but it was too little too late, they had already frozen refunds completely. It wasn't until the very end that I found out that they had stopped refunding completely.

This is wordy. What I accomplished while there I feel good about. I regret having been deceived in some aspects and thus acted unknowingly as a puppet though I don't attribute that to my own decisions and choices, I did what I believed was correct. In hind-sight I would have handled things differently and probably would have high-tailed it out of there sooner.

So sorry to all of those that are bitter, try not to hang on to your hate so much and probably lay off some of the employees, they probably don't deserve the slander and hate directed to them as neither does yourself.

Goodbye Hell, US
Jun 03, 2011 5:43 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Jeff, one word for you...


Please dont tell anyone here that there are slanderous remarks. Whats true is true. Tell me Im full of hate or full of ###, I dont care because whats true is true. Sorry if my symphony isnt playing for you, but I cant stand what you do as a human being.

Goodbye Hell, US
Jun 03, 2011 5:52 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Oh and one last thing jeff.

I didnt deserve matts ### of how ### of an employee I was either..So your right what goes around comes around. I dont feel sorry for any of you. You and them had it good for a long time. In fact probably too good. So good you yourself didnt even want to cut the cord. Be real jeff. This isnt about being blind sided. Its about pure greed.

Logan, US
Jun 03, 2011 5:56 am EDT

Jeff, lets not ride on the coattails of words, your lost 14 an hour, and had a family? a clear indicator to, as you put, "high tail it. :How much deceit and "ignorance" can you claim. As far as Im concerned, "we " on this board who were burned by HIT chose not to be burned again. I could care less if you and Matt where there for just 1 day. You followed a dead end company to a new location to pick up on empty promises once again, its not your judgment I question, its your commitment to the "Right" Cause! Please dont associate your selves with those of US who understood the wrong and bailed, "We" of this board knew right from wrong.

You use words like " Dont hang on to the Hate, " and " whats Past is past." Jeff my unacquainted friend, those words mean much, but there is no past. CURRENTLY, people are still owed money, CURRENTLY, people are still owed wages and dues earned. They are STILL waiting for what they ALREADY EARNED! There is no PAST until HIT repays and justifies these wrongs. Its not a question of closure, its the principal of taking responsibility. You admit your wrongs and I admire that, but it certainly doesn't vindicate the fact the you were a conduit in which the mismanagement of conning and deceit was passed, you Matt, Tanner and the rest! You had the ability to leave, stop, change, fix, and like I said before, Saying you were overwhelmed is no excuse. I was issued 40 in my pipeline the day I got on the floor, at the peak of my Tenure, 116, I took CS calls, tech support calls and messages for AM's, i had to make 60 outbound calls additionally, I WAS OVERWHELMED! I did not lie to the customer, I did not upsell, I did not trick into Approval. I left with one of the cleanest pipelines any resigning designer left HIT with. I have no apologies to make and not left reparations wanting!

Like I said, taking responsibility is NOT, " oh sorry guys, I feel bad for u and i was fooled too, yuk yuk!" or" poor me, $14 boohoo." Realize, you were apart of the worst DBA scam and fraud in Utah history, and followed them to a new location for more! I have answered allot of question about you and Matt and the rest to the best of my knowledge to the DA, and IRS Investigative in responsive to the DOJ and in doing so have learned allot, who was paid, employee and merchants alike. If its vindication you seek, stick to your blog, and pray that future employers and judges of character never catch wind of your affiliation. Some people make wrong choices and take responsibility to fix it, others make excuses, which one are you!?

Its not "We" on this board you need to concern a reproach of character.

Goodbye Hell, US
Jun 03, 2011 6:20 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Totally agree...

You went to ISO and that not only shows intent, it shows the slime running off you back as much as any of the others. You know why? Because beyond having the many, many opportunities to leave HIT, you were there when employees lost their jobs without notice. Your were there when they opened ISO. When they thought they would have enough time to rally up and change before anyone would catch on. You were there Jeff. You went through all of the steps.You had more than enough time to change your actions Jeff Hill and you decided to do things how you wanted to. I dont feel bad for you. Are you on this board to be an instigator? What do you want? The only thing I have for you is my middle finger. ENJOY!

Logan, US
Jun 03, 2011 6:32 am EDT

@ hit=bad

As a Side note: That was tottally awesome, u r my hero! Middle finger, priceless, wish I saw his face as he slowly read that! By the waay Jef, before u start with the hate speech again, that wasn't hate, it was Karma ###! Lol, I'm sleeping awesome tonite!

Goodbye Hell, US
Jun 03, 2011 3:08 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Yep... I like to call these few that end up on the board ONE HIT WONDERS. Because they come to hash it out for a minute and then when the heat gets too hot, they go away. Weve seen our share. Starting with Kevin Morrill, Then Candice, Tim Pennington, and now Jeff Hill. Dont you guys know you need an army to take down an army?

Jun 03, 2011 3:37 pm EDT

That's a ton in refunds, just amazing that a company which does web hosting as well as design couldn't figure out that if theykept their clients happy they could make a killing off of hosting fees.

Provo, US
Jun 03, 2011 4:16 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Anyone caught wind of any new news or scandal?

so people to watch
David Aitken
Jeremy Aitken
Brad Stone
Mark Strong
Tanner Wolsey
Matt Nelson
Carrie Patterson
Eddie Dockery
Josh Hoerschel
Kevin Morrill
Elisa Funk

Houston, US
Jun 03, 2011 6:05 pm EDT

Lets not forget to watch Leah Young! Also her husband since they were/are in the same business. If you see her on the street be sure to say hello, and inquire about your wage claim.

View 0 more photos
zippy the pinhead
Cookeville, US
Jun 03, 2011 6:32 pm EDT

I have been following this thread for as long as it has been up and up until now felt like I needed to keep my mouth shut, but after reading the past couple of days, I feel like I have to speak up.

I'm going to hit this from several different directions. Bear with me.

First of all, I am not defending anyone's actions or even my own. I am merely offering up an opinion based upon my observation of the operations at HIT as well as my observations of Jeff Hill, Matt Nelson, Tanner Wolsey, and all the other mentioned here including the owners.

I will not identify myself, though at this point I feel it doesn't matter since I'm not part of the ongoing investigation of HIT, but wish to maintain my anonymity just because it feels right. If you guess who I am by the nature of my posts then good for you. Please keep it to yourself. I will say this; I was someone who was in the position to know a lot about many of you, and a lot about the business itself including the owners.

First of all, let me say that I in no way condone anything done at HIT. However I believe you have all got the wrong idea. You all think that the owners did this from the beginning as some kind of scam. That isn't true. I feel myself a pretty good judge of character and I'll tell you I in no way believe this started as some kind of scam. The owners had good intentions when things started out. However, we all know what road is paved with those.

Many of you either don't know because you weren't there or have chosen to forget that the owners were pretty generous at one time. ALL the employees were making some pretty good money. Good wages were paid, the customers were pretty happy, the owners were giving away a lot of fun things and prizes (they gave one guy a freaking Harley for goodness sake!) so believe me when I say that they were sharing the wealth they were making. It was actually FUN to work at Heritage at that point. I looked forward to going to work and hanging out with my friends from work because were all pretty happy.

At some point that all changed.

Suddenly there was a huge push for growth. HIT (Then called Heritage Web Solutions or HWS) filled up the massive empty room where a bowling alley once stood with cubicle upon cubicle and we hired a lot of people, who were all making fairly good money. We had serious growth pains and started getting customer complaints. A LOT of customer complaints after a while.

Then we changed the system and the complaints lessened, and we got serious about growth again. Somewhere along the line we lost the fun. We grew too big to be having nerf gun wars and throwing nerf balls around and goofing off...and the complaints started coming in again. Eventually the owners started realizing they had to do something to stop the refunds and complaints and tighten up the ship. This is where things started to go really wrong because instead of fixing the system that was broken they were slapping bandaids over what were turning into huge gaping wounds.

Instead of fixing the problems that caused the complaints they hired someone to bury them online with SEO and started a customer retention department that was to placate the customers and make their issues go away. Let me tell you this, no matter what kind of BS you have ever heard about Jeff and the euphimistically named "Priority Accounts" ie. Retention Group, I know for a fact that Jeff believed what he was doing was making this better. I am not saying Jeff is innocent of anything or guilty either; just stating I do know Jeff is at heart a good person who believed in the beginning he was doing the right thing and helping people.

I also believe this about the owners. They may be arrogant, they may be foolish, but I don't believe that any one of them is Satan incarnate. They may have done evil, but it was not intentional from the beginning. Somewhere along the path they lost their way and what are probably criminal acts took place (no matter what we might think we need to let the law determine their guilt or innocence), but do I think they started out in the beginning intending to be criminals? No.

Same with Matt Nelson, Lance Card, Tanner Wolsey (by the way, I don't believe Tanner was Satan either, though I know a lot of people hated him. He is just a crappy manager) or any of the management. They probably believed right to very end that they were making things better, even though at that time just being part of the broken system was to be part of something evil, I'm sure no one saw it that way...and this could happen to ANYONE...including those of you who are so self righteously pointing your fingers at Jeff and others.

Evil is often something that just creeps along and just slides into place. I liken what happened at HIT to what happened to the German people when the Nazi's came into power. It all started out OK, then just kind of creeped along until eventually they found themselves waging war against innocent nations and burning people in ovens. Something that seemed like a great thing to begin with turned into something horrible and reprehensible and had to be destroyed.

Again, I'm not defending anyone - I just think everyone needs to realize that what was done was probably criminal and needs to be corrected and those who were harmed given restitution. People like Jeff and others, who though they may have done wrong, truly believed what they were doing was making a difference. Attacking him isn't the answer.

Cooperating with the ongoing investigation and making sure they aren't free to continue their harmful ways is the best way you can fight what happened.

Provo, US
Jun 03, 2011 6:35 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

@Zippy... some tough medicine to swallow. While I hate to give anyone "credit" you are right. While the owners have done some despicable things they did start out with noble intentions.

zippy the pinhead
Cookeville, US
Jun 03, 2011 7:24 pm EDT

If you read my post you'll see that I didn't say even one time that anyone wasn't responsible for their own actions. In fact I specifically state several times that what happened there was evil and stated I was in no way sticking up for anyone.

I'm just saying, Jeff isn't Satan. He didn't go into his job every day twirling his mustache and tying customers to the railroad tracks. I would bet Jeff believed he really was helping people. Was he? Probably not. Jeff is as human and fallible as the next person. I don't know Jeff on a personal level but know him fairly well professionally. I know Jeff was not trying to be evil.

I was not and will not absolve anyone of guilt. I said as much in my third paragraph.

Provo, US
Jun 03, 2011 7:55 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

@Zippy well said. I know I would hate for people to call me evil for what I did at Hit Web Design. I know I shouldn't have gone along for as long as I did, but I did. We all deserve the option to live and learn. And if you break the law, sometimes that learning involves jail time.

Jun 03, 2011 8:16 pm EDT

I think what makes people the angriest is that they close down, owe people thousands and then relaunch under a different name.

Then those that went with these yokels to this new business try and come on here for sympathy? Sorry, that isn't going to work.

I luckily got out when I saw the signs last August when they sent emails saying don't cash the paychecks yet. That should have been a warning sign to people then. I was part of the free labor HIT had by them never paying the Temp Agency back.

zippy the pinhead
Cookeville, US
Jun 03, 2011 8:26 pm EDT

I guess the real question is, did Jeff know for a fact that people weren't going to get paid? Do you think Jeff might have gone along with them to ISO in hopes he could again, "make things better" for people and/or maybe just get the pay he was owed?

Or did he know that they were deliberately defrauding people and had no intention of paying anyone or living up to their promises?

That really is the question. Just how much responsibility does Jeff and others like him have to people who didn't get paid and the customers that paid money for things they will never see.

The only one that can answer that question is Jeff. How about it Jeff?

zippy the pinhead
Cookeville, US
Jun 03, 2011 8:52 pm EDT


Have they done reprehensible things? In my opinion that goes without saying.

Have they broken the law? Yes, I believe they have indeed done so. The courts will decide.

Has evil been perpetrated against people who didn't deserve it? Undoubtedly.

I in no way wish to minimize the impact, Tanner Wolsey, Lance Card, Matt Nelson, Eddie Dockery, Jeremy Aitken, Kevin Morrill among other employees and leadership had on furthering what had turned into an awful, stinking cesspool of evil. My main point, if you will, is that even the most evil of things can start out seeming good, and it sure did to a lot of us in the beginning. I too stayed late at no pay, tried my utmost to help those customers who needed my help, but at the same time, I stayed in a place where I KNEW the system was broken, helping to perpetuate the system that was broken.

So did you, if what I'm reading is correct. Despite YOUR 'good intentions' and feeling like you are guiltless.

You say, "I in no way feel guilty for ANYTHING I did there. " Well unless you left the moment, the VERY MOMENT you saw that people were getting hurt, you helped perpetuate the situation by helping them stay in business.

It's a big, ### guilt sandwich and a lot of people need to wake up and realize that people such as yourself stayed there thinking that you were making things better by trying to help people. Did you think maybe for one moment that Jeff was thinking about himself the exact same way you did? That he was helping people? Or are you so busy patting yourself on the back and congratulating yourself so self righteously about how you don't feel guilty about your actions there that you didn't take the time to think about that?

dumpster fire
Jun 03, 2011 9:54 pm EDT

HIT owes the IRS payroll taxes going as far back as 2006. Any business owner would love to not have to pay any payroll taxes, you could give away Harley’s go on expensive vacations, own season tickets to the Jazz distribute lots of cash to owners you get the idea.

The long and short is HIT was running under water almost from day one and should have closed or been shut down sometime in 2006. Once the owner’s capital and any savings were spent which didn’t take very long considering HITs burn rate and no real capacity to borrow money other than from Uncle Sam (17 million) you can make a really bad business look really good for a long time.

Goodbye Hell, US
Jun 03, 2011 11:46 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Interesting the word EVIL keeps coming up. I never called Jeff SATAN. And personally if that is what I felt about him, then that would be what I felt about him. I personally just think hes an ###. I do have the same thought of the rest of them. I can say that because they INTENTIONALLY hurt me. They INTENTIONALLY put me down when I didnt deserve it. You call them whatever you want. They will always think of them as low down ###, stinky ###s.

Logan, US
Jun 03, 2011 11:55 pm EDT

@ Pinhead

"self righteously pointing your fingers at Jeff and others"? Im sorry but again it may seem like your not justifying, when in all actuality, u are. Your asking us to be less aggressive with our opinion on HITS/ISO and the teams status on this board. I have a genuine hate for HIT management because like I stated earlier, Its one thing if you make a bad choice then, take responsibility to rectify it, Its another if you choose to make excuses to cover it up. HIT and allot of the management for a long time ( Since Heritage Mortgages) Have been sticking their fingers in someone elses Pie. Although you feel you intentions were right, you were perpetrating wrong. By remaining with HIT or even worse, going to ISO to start all over again thinking it would be different is obscene. If a murder occurs, and you stand Idly by as it happens, you are an accessory, if your involved in a Criminal Organization, you WILL be charged under the Rico Act like so many companies and MAfia Organization have. Responsibility my friend is a privilege not a duty, when you take on that privilege, you uphold the notion that you will perform in the best nature for human kind, not perpetuate wrong/evil. No One said Satan, but Satan like? Maybe, making promises of dreams with a snag or no intention of producing that which was promised. I can be optimistic, fool hearted even, but I, with a family and no money or work to fall on, left HIT when I recognized wrong. ALLOT OF US on this board did, we didnt chase the pipe dreams of money to another location and try a restart. In this world intent and action are 2 different things, you may intend good but act wrong, you may intend hope but act tyranny, you may Intend love but act enforcement. You may intend to kill someone but until you act, you will not be held guilty of wrong! My point, tanner, jeff, they may all had hearts of gold full of intent, BUT THEIR ACTION spoke volumes as to what rang out. Lets focus on the fact that HIT closed so ISO could open and resume business as usual, NOT FIX HITS WRONGS. Otherwise, there would not be complaints from ISO customers and Officials as well. Action means everything in this world, What you act on and How you choose to act on it is a privilege of responsibility. These people ### on that privilege, I feel no sympathy for them any more they did me when I wasnt paid, or could feed my kids a meal.

Dont jump on the boards claiming to follow meekly then suggest a neutral approach. Playing Savior to US or HITs Goons neither approves or applies to your perception of the true mater at hand. If you felt you did nothing wrong and have no animosity against HIT, ISO, or us, then you truly are neutral. Reveal your identity and Shepard this discussion with Wisdom and resolve, otherwise, go play SAVIOR somewhere else.

WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO "SELF RIGHTEOUSLY" point fingers to whom the burden or wrong falls on, it is with that, that our GOALS of eliminating the essence of a HIT or ISO oriented business crumble, and from the ashes rise a resolution to feed WE who have hungered for justice for so long. Spare US your eggshell stepping comments, and respectfully apply the truth in where it belongs. Either your with US who seek truth and resolve by ANY MEANS Necessary, or you with them who continue to pedal excuses!

Goodbye Hell, US
Jun 04, 2011 12:01 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Kudos to HitVictim for you analogy.

Its just that. That principle is exactly what we grow up on. You get in trouble for drawing on the wall. Maybe your parents make you wash the walls. Maybe they spank you. Whatever it is, you did the crime, you do the tiime. THese guys have always only done one thing about their actions...passed the blame to someone else. Thats all they know. Thats why they deserve to pay for their actions. You cant ignore what was done by even by jeff, matt, or tanner. We all learned early on in life to treat people how you want to be treated. Its a principle that is all around each of us, everyday. In customer service, at home, friends, family. Everywhere. EVEN if I believed for a split second any of these guys had some kind of handicap preventing them from leaving HIT/ISO, it still is not justified by the ### we got on a daily basis from them. SO again, each of these guys could apologize till the day I died, and I wouldnt care. I have no mercy for people that dont have mercy on others. Everyone makes mistakes but the mistakes these ### made happened to be everyday for a long period of time.

RE my last post, sorry I got carried away. It ticks me off seeing ### comments made. What I ment to say was... I WILL ALWAYS THINK OF THEM AS LOW DOWN STINKY ###S!

Houston, US
Jun 04, 2011 12:16 am EDT

Since we know that the IRS tax lien was put in place for the owner's intentionally taking the money out of payroll checks to keep it for themselves or whatever excuse they give. I am wondering where the money that employee's were donating to Haiti actually really went? If I remember correctly I believe that came to $13, 000 a month!

Goodbye Hell, US
Jun 04, 2011 2:26 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

These guys never fail at making excuses for their ill actions. I never saw a great day at HIT so I dont know all that greatness. I cant begin to believe that the culture of a business would simply all go down the drain because of lack of money. If that is the case, I dont think there was much culture to begin with. Giving away gifts and having fun means nothing to me. Why? Because at the end of the day, the one goal everyone should have had was to make the customer happy. And many times because of the game playing, and lack of care this wasnt happening. If business was being taken cared of and at the end of the day there was time to play then it would have been AWESOME. But thats not what I saw in my time being there. It was play, play and more play. Followed by the great words management talking about how ### the days performance was. Whoever decided to come out of the woods this time and make remarks about evil and satan... is just rediculous. I think everyone on the board is very well aware Im no holds bared when it comes to my thoughts. HIT, dave, jeremy, and the rest of them. I just cant find mercy in my heart for them.For those who think I shouldnt be be dragging (the hopefulls) through the mud. Well let me say this.Message me one, just one great reason why I shouldnt. And I promise you this. We will let the jury (the board) decide the verdict (if its a good enough clause ) and if I loose, I will never post on the board again. JUst one good reason why I shouldnt bring up the ### they did, and my days on the board will be over forever. Message me!

Empower by knowledge
Provo, US
Jun 04, 2011 5:46 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

As stated before, when I first became aware of this company I couldn't believe what I heard. The more I heard I felt the need to investigate. As I have had the opportunity to learn of many individual and very personal situations, I am sadly aware that many people do not know how to identify a scam nor are they educated to know how to help themselves, let alone others, when they find they are in a difficult situation as is and was the case at HIT/isowebworks etc.

It is not what happens to you, it is what you do with what happens to you that matters. Those who choose to act in a manner that abuses others cannot say it is just bad management style, that they were just doing their job and or that they thought they were helping make things better. Abuse is abuse. Abuse of position and trust is not acceptable nor justifiable. Is it forgivable... with time. To tell those who have been injured that they cannot express themselves, the anger that they feel, the hurt, the shock of learning of the lies they were told does not help anything. It does not bring peace. What is needed, and is most unlikely to occur, is for the offenders to apologize, acknowledge the wrongs, do what they can to make those who they have been injured whole i.e. listen and not make excuses, pay what they owe, return that which they have taken, and never commit the offenses again.

There is a saying, you cannot see the forest for the trees perhaps the closeness to the trees has blinded the ability to see the Forrest and how big and corrupted it had become long before there ever was a Heritage Web Solutions or any other of the names. This was an extension of an on going scam that just kept mushrooming.

A con has to start out in their minds as a good thing for them to act upon it and carry it out and continue it for so long. As an example, Hitler was one of the greatest con men preying upon the needs of his country men to carry out his own private agenda. He preyed upon their common needs to convince them to war.

It is common with con men to give away part of what they take to those who helped them unknowingly as an enticement to keep everyone believing all was well. Hitler did so, Madoff did so and on and on the list goes. Many held positions of authority within the organization and were closely associated with one another. They knew each other for years, even grew up together.

They tell those that help them that is for a better cause, they lie to cover the truth. Hitler told the Jews he was protecting them all the while planning their destruction. He created a false camp situation where the red cross was taken to keep the truth hidden. Those within the false camp were treated as though everything was according to humanity in war. Yet as soon as Hitler felt it was safe, those within this false safe camp were to meet their doom just as the others and be replaced with new prisoner who knew nothing about what was going to happen to them.

There are so very many similarities in the nature of crimes committed by Heritage Management Services, Inc., Hitler and Madoff that it sickens me. The con men at Hit did nothing differently as far as con men through out history go.

Sometimes it is hard to tell who is a victim i.e. pigeon and who was a crone a scammer. Asking oneself what could I have done more to stop these injustices has to include the questions, what did I know and when, was I contributing knowingly, did I rationalize away the truth for the promise of ... or a belief of...was I willing to take a stand for truth no matter the consequences, was I or am I willing to put the good of all people first, even before my own needs and wants?
Only the individual can answer these questions. They need not justify themselves here.

The posts here were not intended to make those who did not understand what a scam is or how they are carried out feel quilt or to lay blame upon the unsuspecting or innocent. Those who have posted desire to express what they have learned to prevent others from being injured. They do so at times out of anger and at times out of crude humor. They have been injured and rightfully do not trust anyone who attempts to justify the actions of the offenders or claim that perhaps some slack should be made because the offenders were caught in a snare after starting off with good intentions. The offenders in this case knew what they were doing. They knew it was wrong and they did it mockingly. Though there may be some who went along with status pro quo of the con and did not do so mockingly, they nonetheless went along with the wrongs that were being committed, they did not keep the trust of those for whom they were given a stewardship of care.

To say otherwise does not fit the evidence and it only injures those who have been hurt more for your failure to fully understand the extent of the damages and the lies that were told.

I am aware that there are those who believe in seeing the good in all people, it bodes you well. I too believe in looking for the good. It was not my desire to find a scam. Yet the desire to find the good cannot cover the truth nor rationalize it away even in part. I believe in the worth of every soul, a soul tarnished can only be made bright again through the fire of truth.

One final thought, we cannot close our eyes while those around us suffer do to the inequity of others and we do nothing to stop the suffering and think the world will be a better place one day. It becomes better place as we all work for the good and benefit of each other. As we seek truth and do what is right even when we are faced with great challenges.

Goodbye Hell, US
Jun 04, 2011 6:56 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Well said Empower! Really well said. Its just my understanding of how to live life. I feel so passionate about the way we treat each other. Heres why. Once again I know my words can seem very harsh. But everyone, please dont twist those words as me just being an ahole or anything such. Im not here to do a Utah bashing session (though it may seem like it so bear with me a moment while I make a point). But I move to Utah and stayed in Utah for about 2 years. It was the hardest place for my family to live. Ever. On so many different levels. THough I wont go the legnths to say we are huge on charity work. Its something my family strives for. We have given in times when we really had nothing to give. For some reason it is a situation that has presented itself many times over. I was shocked when we got to Utah. I didnt know any of my neighbors until the day we packed our truck.I bring this up again because Im very passionate about my thoughts. When HITS elite management team wanted to tear me to shreds, it wasnt just me they hurt. My family unfortunatly suffered. As the negativity had such an impact that followed me home most days. I bring up charity, not because I feel Im a good person for it. I dont. But I believe that without the help of each other there is no growth. My family may not have anything in our eyes, but I kow the donations, in whatever form they came in served their purpose. To know that these guys acted like they did favors, or a charity (IE...after firing a chunk of the workforce at HIT, telling everyone left over they were hand chosen to stay). Then really throwing that in our faces as though we are so lucky to have such an opportunity. This probably isnt the best analogy, but its what ticks me off, and its the point and heat behind many of my posts. If your really trying to do good in the world, it will shine. For some, its a bit shinier than others, but your actions will shine. I said before I find it hard to believe a companies culture would crumble based on the need for funds. And this is just another way of seeing that. If HIT's intentions were to make a great place. Why did it just stop? See you dont have to give away prizes to make it great. Theres so many ways it could have been great. I dont need a pat on my back for sacraficing the only tv I had in my house for a blind old lady to be able to have good enough audio so she could hear. Everyway I try to look at the situation with these guys, I come up with the same result. Thats why I say the things I say. And thats why I believe what I believe. It would take something gigantic to make me feel Im wrong. Still, I cant see that. I have looked at it all from so many ways. To get up on the board and simply say certain people were blind sided is way out of line. People make mistakes, yes. But its not an excuse for following dead dreams. None of us are kids. If something is said out of line, we point it out and move on. These guys didnt care. When we pointed out wrong doings they used those words..."I DONT CARE" I heard it from Jeff, and Matt. When I met Dave, he told me he had a hard time filling seats with good people. And as a result the business suffered. We all know how much BS that is. There was enough talent floating around in HIT. They just didnt care. I dont know who anybody is on this board, but I will say I have love for this board. I have love for this board because of the people who are willing to keep up with this ongoing fight. These guys certainly arent having as great of a time as they thought they would be. And the fact that people are now popping up on this board seemingly trying to save whatever they can on their own good for nothing names, is enough for me to say job well done!

Houston, US
Jun 04, 2011 10:25 pm EDT

I agree with you completely! If HIT really was looking to fill their seats with talent, they had it right in front of their face and didn't value them! I get so passionate with all of their wrongs, I think that even if they tried, it would be something they would do to benefit themselves. So greedy when it came to customers and employees to suck every last ounce of money/work out of them. They will only do something that will benefit them.

It is so disgusting that they bullied people for so long just so they were comfortable in their lifestyle. In my opinion they didn't EARN the money they have, they STOLE it from people. Why else would all of the Aitken's get paid, we never even saw them all in the office. What was paid out to them is insane, and has every bit of greed its ugly! I would like to know what the Aitken sisters did to earn their $5000.00 checks?

Houston, US
Jun 04, 2011 10:27 pm EDT

Also, has anyone heard how Eddie's new business is going? I think that Tanner Wolsey and Matt Nelson are there just to help him out as 1099 employees. Just my guess. Might have to go see for myself!

Houston, US
Jun 05, 2011 7:42 am EDT

Has anyone seen or heard about Eddie's new adventure with PPC Management? I think that we need to also see where Kevin is and working with his company Remote IT Resources. Once we find them I bet that we can find all the other followers. They just change names and locations, but the business practice always stays the same.

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