Peter’s Wedding to Jacqueline Howe May Expose Peter to Repayment of Millions of Fraudulent Transfers from her Father, Tax Cheat John C. Howe
It is common for gushy newlyweds to say “everything I do, I do it for you.” Or, “what’s mine is yours.”
We have heard those statements made amidst the eternal bliss of marriage.
For Peter Bergschneider, he may have to consider these statements to be literal. That’s because his sweet, bride-to-be, Jacqueline Howe, Age 28, is likely to come into their marriage with some baggage- not baggage such as bags that are packed for an exciting honeymoon. Rather, it is baggage in the form of significant legal obligations and exposure to tens of millions of dollars of liabilities due, primarily, to one simple fact. Jacqueline is the beloved daughter of tax cheat, John C. Howe. Mr. Howe is in the middle of investigations into his tax and securities frauds, as well as pending investigations into Mr. Howe’s “siphoning” of millions of dollars of client private funds. The tax and securities fraud charges were initiated by a Boston whistleblower.
It is the “siphoning” of funds that poses the greatest risk for Jacqueline Howe and, ultimately to Peter Bergschneider. A second whistleblower and former associated of Mr. Howe, alleges he has concrete evidence that Jacqueline was a direct participant in father John Howe’s siphoning campaign.
“That means she benefited from using stolen investor funds to subsidize her Westport lifestyle as the daughter of a wealthy private hedge fund owner, ” says Fraud Report’s Jacob Reinstein.
But, father John Howe apparently took money that did not belong to him, not once, but twice. A few years ago, the New York Post reported on an SEC investigation into Mr. Howe’s movement of client funds into his own personal accounts.
Now, Mr. Howe has done it again, except on a much larger scale involving the theft from several private investors who, up to now, have been oblivious to the fact that Mr. Howe has cheated them out of their life savings.
As to Jacqueline Howe, evidence is mounting that she was a direct beneficiary of funds she received from Mr. Howe’s investors. Those funds do not belong to her, and certainly do not belong to her father.
Says Fraud Report’s Editor Jacob Reinstein, “Jacqueline cannot receive ownership of funds that do not legitimately belong to the donor, her father, John Howe. That includes all of the money used to pay for Jacqueline’s wedding and her gifts.”
Jacqueline’s mother, Sarah Howe, is also accused of receiving stolen funds. The chronology of Sarah Howe’s fate will be addressed in another article by this Editor.
Peter Bergschneider has a real problem. He must have assumed that he was marrying into a very upper-class Howe family in Westport. What Peter could not have known is that Jacqueline is now debt ridden and comes to their marriage at a very steep and painful price.
Says John Bune, an E.U legal correspondent, “Consider the traditional concept whereby a bride bringing a dowry of assets to the marriage. In Jacqueline’s case, she has what is tantamount to a negative dowry, consisting of massive future legal obligations due to her father’s creditors.”
There are also the challenges Peter faces in marrying Jacqueline and inheriting her financial debts.
Continues Bune, “I hope that Peter’s attorneys have advised him well. If, during the marriage, Peter purchases any assets jointly with Jacqueline, those assets could be attached by creditors and possibly a bankruptcy trustee. If Peter benefits from any of Jacqueline’s money, he too may be the target of litigation to repay the assets he receives.”
Fraud Report’s Jacob Reinstein adds, “Typically you see a marriage where one person may have some bad credit and few small credit card balances outstanding- certainly nothing that is insurmountable. In this case, Jacqueline joins her marriage owing tens of millions of dollars of obligations due to the funds she fraudulently received from her father’s investors.
What a sad way to start a marriage.”
The next question is whether Peter is being advised to postpone the marriage while Jacqueline sorts out her financial troubles. But that will take some time and require millions for her to settle potential claims with creditors.
Says Reinstein, “If I were Peter Bergschneider, I would postpone the wedding until Jacqueline’s financial affairs are straightened out. Peter could lose everything if he is not careful.”
Little did Peter Bergschneider think that Jacqueline Howe is marrying him for “his” money and not the other way around.