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CB Business and Industrial Review of Jim Robertson Homes INC
Jim Robertson Homes INC

Jim Robertson Homes INC review: Does not stand behind work 1

Author of the review
10:10 pm EDT

We purchased a house on Sept 20, 2010. The builder warrranted the house until Sept 20, 2011. The windows were allowing air to flow through and move the blinds in the master bedroom, and the windows across the south and southwest side of the house had issues with a large quantity of bugs coming through them. The builder, the window salesman, and the window rep could not figure out why in January. In March, a window warranty person came and said the windows Jim installed that he bought had the wrong mull on them. They were DP20 mulls.

In July of 2011 the window company stated the windows have the wrong components for DP50 and they are DP20. They sent new windows to be installed and payment would be paid to the contractor. Jim said he was too busy. They asked their warranty person out of Santa Rosa County to install them. He had worked it out with Jim for Jim to pull the permit and tomorrow, they would install. Jim called today and said he would not do it. That he thought about it, and it was not his problem as far as he was concerned.

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EJ Mann
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Mar 15, 2012 8:17 pm EDT

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