Judge (Commissioner) Deborah Pratte makes rulings on family law cases following her own biases: pro police officer and against step-families. The ex wife and I mediated most issues, Judge (Commissioner) Deborah Pratte signed the mediated stipulation in open court. Then, when she wrote her final judgment, she ignored the agreement she herself signed and sided with the ex-wife(who is a cop) even though the ex-wife was caught lying in court! Cops can do anything in Judge (Commissioner) Pratte's court room and get a decision in their favor. Justice does not exist in Commissioner Pratte's court room. She also gives no credence to step families...pro cop/ against step-families= bad biased Judge (Commissioner) Deborah Pratte.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I went before this judge because my ex husband wanted to decrease his child support. He has gotten remarried, had another child and decided to take a job making $7 less per hour than he did when our divorce was finalized. It seemed that she decided that before we were even seen that he shouldn't be paying as much as he was. She disregarded the fact that I have our son 4 days a week, but made it a point to tell my ex that if he had him 4 days it would be considered a majority of the time. Then decided that we have him "equal time". So, my support was cut by $400 a month and she back dated the order 60 days, so the arrears owed by my ex for missing payments was covered by his "overpayment" from the past 2 months. She then made a point to tell me that he's probably been overpaying and I'm "lucky" that he can't try to get that money back! I'm now a single mom getting $30 a week from someone who makes almost twice as much as I do and owns 2 houses because this judge had her mind made up before we even walked into the room.
My hours were cut at work in 2012, so I decided to go back to school because I had the extra time. When my hours were cut to the point that I wasn't bringing home a paycheck, my wife and I decided that I would go to school full time to get my degree faster. I did not go back to court to lower my child support because I didn't want to make waves. When my daughter turned 18, my ex decided that she wanted to keep the child support going until she was 19. She was still in HS so I understand the legality of this. My wife and I decided that enough was enough so we went to court to lower the payments. Oh, plus we had 3 additional kids that I hadn't had the courts consider. We get in there, and even though the state wanted both of us to be considered full time, making minimum wage, the judge took it upon herself to keep me at my old wage, plus put me at full time! I wasn't full time the last time we were in court! My hours were cut by no fault of my own! She stated that if she put me at full time, minimum wage, that I would have to pay more that the original order, so she left it. She seemed to think that because I have 4 young children at home, that I should be working instead of trying to better our lives by going to school. I am not slacking by any means, we just decided to let me finish school so I could better provide for our family. Also, I did not change the order for 3 years, even though it was within my right! She is completely biased, and shouldn't be allowed on the bench! I should mention that my ex stopped working because of "anxiety"! The judge never said a word to her about that. I will be appealing as soon as possible...
You both need to file formal complaints against this very bad judge. She has a history of completely random rulings based entirely on her own biases which she - yes - decides upon before she even hears a case. She then skews her written findings - including simply making things up - to support whatever side she's decided to take. Exactly like the LAWYER she was right before she snagged a spot on the bench two years ago. While it is a a lawyer's job to take sides, it is not a judge's, and anyone without the integrity to realize that should not have the lives of children in their arrogant, clueless hands. She does these things because she thinks she can get away with it.
The key to an effective complaint with Judge Pratte is getting ahold of the COURT RECORDING of the hearing, which is public record and available to anyone by request from the courts. You need to call, ask for a copy, and pay a $20 fee. You can then submit this with your complaint to show the gross inconsistencies between the facts of the hearing (not to mention common sense) and what she put in the written findings (because she always contradicts herself and makes stuff up, this is not hard to do). Also pay attention to anything she 'finds' that is not substantiated, such as randomly attributing income to one parent or another just for the sake of coming to the conclusion she feels like (she does this kind of thing routinely). If there is evidence to the contrary - or no evidence at all - of that income, it is unsubstantiated which means it should not legally stand. Also, that she should know better. The more you can show she uses one set of standards for one parent, and a different one for the other, the more you can expose her illegal, corrupt bias.
Filing these complaints is a bit of work, but worth it to get the kind of judge off the bench who should never have been there in the first place.
Just finished a hearing with Judge Pratte and wow does she ever decide based on her own biases. She did not follow any kind of procedure and I did not even get a chance to present evidence and cross exam witnesses to prove inconsistencies in my ex wife's testimony. Hearing was scheduled for an hour and she wrapped it up in twenty minutes. She denied my modification request to change child support and then aptly threatened to put me in jail if I did not pay. I asked her why I did not get a chance To question witnesses and she simply smiled as I told her that this was not justice. Could not present one piece of evidence and all I was told was that she was not going to be happy if her orders weren't followed. Power trip says it all. Gonna file a complaint soon.
Submit complaint to judicial committee. She’s in violation of numerous rules of Canons. Please reference the ones she violated. I just did mine.
The same thing just happened to me in her Court.. she is evil and doesn't deserve to be sitting on any seat where she has any power whatsoever. I didn't even get to sit in on the phone on the last final decision hearing at all they kept me on hold for the whole thing.
Common she is a fraud and i will suin her for all the money she want to stole she is a [censored] [censored] I will see you 24 octubrice off [censored] e and see if you can stole more the what you do
You onorable judge look what you tryn to do I have you recorded and yes I'm suin you because you tryn to stole what's it's not yours
Please report and file with judicial committee. Go to their website and mail your complaint to Phoenix. Reference the Canons she violated. She is far from impartial and needs serious monitoring.
Oh i guess you do what you want judge you breaking the law you can give countnue with out my authority you think you guys going to stole my heritage and you are wrong i will teach you to no be taking [censored] away from kids and people you fire you been friend to the opositpartyconspiracy tou fraud im no that stupid like you thing so i thing you should be notified about the day of court
I just submitted a complaint against this judge as she violated numerous canons and rules of professional conduct. Please report her to judicial committee with your complaints. She’s in violation of judicial canons. She needs to be supervised in her courtroom. Submit your complaints to judicial committee. Go to their website please.
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