Judge declared me vexatious and an order valid in contradiction of Carlson v. Eassa (1997) Cal App. 4th; stare decisis means nothing to this judge. In Cuccia v. Superior Ct. (2007), the Supreme Court reiterated that a judge who rules contrary to an appellate court decision has acted 'in excess of jurisdiction'. Even the Judicial Council knows that FC 4065 requires a parent to waive the guideline for child support before the court can accept the settlement (Carlson v Eassa) as they have been ADDING judicial council forms with a box to check affirming that such declaration has been obtained. But not Nichols; he shortened a five day hearing, let me know pre-trial he intended to find me vexatious if I didn't withdraw a lawful CCP 473 d motion, and then barred me from every court forever unless I could afford an attorney. His arrogance, his disregard for the deceit on Respondent's part to get the void order, and his open glee at sanctions that would bankrupt me makes him a candidate for a jail term. Let him spend time with others lacking any regard for the law. Oh, retired, he now acts as a judge with no possible discipline from the Commission on Judicial Performance, and the judicial council keeps assigning him.