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Welcome to our customer reviews and complaints page for Juniper. We understand that making informed decisions about where to invest your time and money can be challenging, which is why we've created this platform for our community to share their honest feedback about their experiences with Juniper.

On this page, you'll find a comprehensive collection of reviews and complaints from real customers who have used Juniper's products or services. Our reviews are authentic and unbiased, providing you with a complete picture of the company, its products or services, and their customer service.

Whether you're considering doing business with Juniper, or you've already had an experience with them, our community's reviews and complaints will give you a valuable perspective on what to expect. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions about where to invest your time and money, and we hope that our platform will be a valuable resource for you.

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7:33 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Juniper Unauthorized billing

I recently applied for a Juniper VISA through the Apple store and was instantly approved with a $4000.00 credit limit, which I used to buy a new MacBook Pro and some other items. Each month I paid approximately $1000.00 before the due date. At the end of November I paid the remaining balance of $1990.00 way before the due date.

The following month Juniper sent me another bill with a zero balance except for a finance charge of $86.12. After talking to several rude Juniper reps, I discovered the fine print on the second or third page of my statement stating that the finance charge was due a few days before the credit card payment due date. I have never heard of a credit card that has two due dates. I called Juniper and cancelled the account and sent them a check for $86.12 on 12.17.07, which was due on 12.30.07.

Today I received another bill for the previous finance charge of $86.12 plus an additional $30 finance charge and a $15 late fee. I checked my online bank statement and the $86.12 check cleared my bank on 12.31.07 and the due date was 12.30.07. I've been calling Juniper since 9AM and I get is a rapid busy signal.

After Googling "Juniper VISA fraud scam" I realized that I'm among many who are being scammed by this company.

My next step is to file a complaint with the FCC and the California Attorney General's office. Also, as an Apple consumer and shareholder, I'm notifying their corporate financial services manager. An online complaint to Apple over a month ago has gone unanswered.

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Mar 05, 2010 1:57 pm EST

Same thing happened to us. My husband paid his Juniper card in full before deploying to Afganistan. What do you know 2 months later I get a online statement stating he is over due and its on interest charges, because it shows a $0 balance and the 64.00 in charges is 2 months of interest and a late fee. I called to ask if I paid it would this be the end... the guy said, probably not Ma'am because interest has incurred this month before the due date. CRAZY! How can you ever pay something off if interest keeps getting applied for the day before.. say I paid the interest balance today, they are saying tomorrow, I would have to pay interest on the balance that was on the account before I made the payment... THE Y ARE CRAZY! Did you get any resolution?

1:56 pm EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Juniper Theft

These people are thieves and incompetents. I'm on a hardship program, and they've stolen money out of my bank account even though I made a timely payment.

I took a screen shot of my account page showing that my 3/30/09 payment is paid (it won't attach here because it's too large). I took a screen shot because they pulled this one on me last month -- told me the extra payment they stole from my account was credited to my next payment, and my account page showed it. I made the mistake of believing them, and then they went ahead and hit my bank account anyway, assessed me a late charge which they won't return, plus my bank charged me for an insufficient funds hit. Juniper got an extra month's worth of my money, which violated our agreement.

The auto-pay program is supposed to end this month but I know they'll keep hitting the account because none of the customer service people -- nor anyone I've dealt with at Juniper -- knows what they're doing. They've got me on auto-pay and I know they're never going to turn it off. Yes, I've called. Yes, I've written them. Yes, I've complained until it feels like my head will explode.

They NEVER have had their dates or their figures right. NEVER. I'm at my wit's end with these thieves. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Sep 05, 2008 7:19 am EDT

The company charged me the full finance charge despite the fact that I paid the balance by the statement due date.

I bought a computer from Apple on a 180 days same as cash. I received a total of 5 statements from the company. From the first statement I have received, the due date is on the 25th of the month. On the third page of the statement, they list the terms of the agreement. They list that the expiration date of the agreement is July 8th. My complaint is that this date is different from the due date. The result is that after I made what I thought the full payment of the credit card, I was still charged the full deferred finance charge. The first page did not include information about the pending expiration date of the agreement. I would have made the full payment by the due date if it was there. Their customer service representatives would not help resolve the issue.

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Oct 22, 2007 12:00 am EDT

I STRONGLY recommend AGAINST doing business with this company.

Well it appears that I am not the only one--I was starting to think I was a bit first payment was due in Aug--only $5 I talked to a rep and then went online to setup an auto payment--I asked the rep if I should pay the $5 while on the phone he said no, that the auto payment would take care of it--well the payment did not withdrawal--I got late fees...$39 +$39, talked to another rep in Sep who checked the bank account number said the draft would go through and it did, but evidently she removed me from auto payment so I be darn in Oct my draft did not go through, well since it is on the due date I did not know this until after the fact again $39 +$39 because the late fee puts it over the limit and then another fee--they talked to me as if I have no clue what I am doing and of course their notes say different. I originally set up to make a payment of $60. Now today the rep says I am $130 over due, talked to me quite snippy like I was a ### and transferred me, the next rep talked down to me also—my statement said only $88.73 due. Now this shows me over due 3 times in a row, has hurt my credit and prevented me from getting a loan to pay off this stupid account—and oh yeah I started with a lovely 8.99% interest rate which was quickly adjusted up to 31.74%.

I will also be posting the same information on , and make a complaint to BBB. I have informed Juniper (in writing) if they assist me in resolving the error I will report that information to all places I have made complaints. I have also informed them that I will provide the BBB complaint number to them. I will additionally provide links to these complaints.

I STRONGLY recommend AGAINST doing business with this company.

Peoria, US
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May 09, 2010 11:41 am EDT

Do not apply for this card! I took it out a few years ago with no problems
untill barclay took it over. I paid it in full and they didnt post my payment till a week later and raised my interest rate. They did offer to waive the late fee and I paid the daily interest charge of $14.00 for the previous month by phone with the account rep assured me again was the paid in full amount. I also paid the $40 some interest from the previous month since they said my payment did not come in on time

The next month I get a bill again. Called Juniper and they said they had no record of waiving a late fee, and they do not waive lt fees. I would have to fax them a letter and wait for them to send a transcript of the phone call. So now i have a late fee for "never" paying the late fee.

Next thing I know I have 2 late fees and a bill that was once 14.00
turns into 78.00 and they said again that I did not pay in full. This was
never resolved and after a lot of frustration from "customer service" people who speak very little english, I gave up and paid the 3 late fees the next month since I never recieved the "transcript" of the phone call
and closed the account. Do not do business with this company!

Salisbury, US
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Sep 16, 2009 8:36 am EDT

stay away from this company. I had a rate of 5.5% - never ever a late payment. My balance went over the limit by 10.00 because of finance charge and they jacked my rate to 30%! i fought with them to no avail. and closed the account. They are nothing but thieves!

belinda boord
Astoria, US
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Jan 29, 2009 8:50 pm EST

this is by far the worst company I have ever dealt with! over the limit fees late fees, what a crock of crap! I have great credit, never late, but for some reason it always was with this company. Cant even get a superviser on the phone. this company is raping the public!

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Sep 16, 2008 9:59 am EDT

Changing a payment due date to collect late fees. I've reported this company to the FTC and all three credit bureau's, plus I paid the card, then cancelled it. Juniper not to be trusted.

Swiftwater, US
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Apr 05, 2009 6:57 pm EDT

They are a royal incompetent pain in the you know what. I'm trying to deal w/ them too. No one seems to know what they are doing, and most of them are difficult to understand - severely so.
I have 3 suggestions for you...
1st do an online search for your state attorney generals office and file a complaint. If everyone who has problems w/ Juniper bank would do this, there would be an investigation conducted.
2nd Go to a credit counseling service. They are either free or charge a small fee. They are consumer oriented professionals who are trained to deal with these situations. Be wary of "for profit" companies that advertise that they can fix your credit. Instead look for one that is associated with a community service group.
3rd Hire a consumer attorney. Most will do a free consultation. You've got nothing to loose.

Good luck.

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Nov 09, 2008 1:06 pm EST

Good for you! Keep Going! Here are my comments and I wish you the best!

I was checking out a new computer at the Santa Monica APPLE store and an employee said if I filled out a form, that I might be eligible for immediate credit with the Juniper Card with terms of 0% for 1 year. Because of my excellent credit rating, I was approved for over $1, 000 and I went home to further research their products, I then received a call that my dad had died of a heart attack and I left immediately. While out of state for almost a month, handling all the funeral arrangements and the estate business, my bills were being paid by auto-debit. When I returned to CA, I used the Juniper card and I saw on their first statement that my interest rate jumped from 0% for one year, to 29.99%!
When I called, the people at Juniper and Barclays Bank of Delaware, I waited over 15 minutes for an agent and everyone I spoke with was unbelievably rude. The supervisor said the reason the interest went up 30% was because I didn't use the Juniper card at an Apple store within 30 days! I used it 32 days later. The Apple employees explained none of this to me at either time! Before using the Juniper card, I browsed the terms and information but missed a “see below” fine print line. There is a (very small and hidden) sentence in the contract that states, if you don't use the Juniper card by Barclays Bank of Delaware in 30 days, the interest goes from 0% for a year to 29.99%. Even though I spent less than the credit limit, the interest put me over the limit! I explained the situation, and no one at BARCLAYS BANK or JUNIPER was helpful, friendly or the least bit understanding. Not only would they would not lower the interest rate, or the over limit fee, even for as a gesture of good will, they charged me a $39 late fee because while I had been on the phone with them, because I missed the payment cutoff time by 45 minutes EST! I highly suggest that you never use Barclays Bank OR Juniper! I have the feeling they may be up for a class action suit, if we really do see reform as promised, after the recent elections. I am wondering if this is one of the banks we bailed out!
To Juniper and Barclay's Bank, the death of a parent is another way to make more money.

7:03 pm EDT

Juniper mastercard

In may of 2008 I took my statement to the bank and western unioned the balance of the statement to juniper.(prior to this the first month I had the card I requested that there was to be no online banking, paper billing only. they still left it online, unknown to me, they made my first payment late. So it was to be changed to paper only)So, anyway it left me with a balance of 3.69. Now its october, juniper never sent me a bill showing the balance.Which I would have taken care of then. From may to October they have been slaping on the late fees to the sum of 169.00 and never ever sent a paper bill showing the bal. of 3.69. And they want 169.oo which is not fair. ITS BAD BUISSNESS!

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glendora , US
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Jan 13, 2009 8:55 pm EST

I always pay my card on time, if not at least 2 weeks early. This month, I apparently paid too early, before the closing date. My payment which was supposed to be for jan, was applied to DEC! Now they want another payment for Jan.

They say there is NOTHING they can do! Thisi s so frustrating. It's not the payment it's the principal. I have been penalized for paying my credit card TOO early.

Teresa Sitar
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May 10, 2008 10:25 pm EDT

added many different charges with out stating such charges would be added also never stated over credit limit just kept adding many different charges. also made arrangements and they never kept the agreement and stated adding charges again.
Promised 8.99% and it turned out to be over 27.4%.I was never late on any payment . I feel that I have been taken by this card company .

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Sep 22, 2008 1:31 pm EDT

Juniper is absolutely up to no good. We opened two accounts one for myself and one for my husband due to separate offers that were sent. Both were opened with a 7.99% fixed rate. I made my first payment online and it mysteriously disappeared. As soon as I realized it I paid it which came in eight days after my due date. Of course I have no proof of my first payment. So now my rate is 11.99%. Also I'm out the $75 transfer fee plus the $29 late fee.

Then comes my husbands first payment. I enter the checking out info online and I was really cautious in entering the numbers. You have to enter it twice to avoid errors. I made the payment online 9 days before the due date. Hmmm...some how two numbers got reversed and the checking account couldn't be found. Now they have charged us a late fee of $39 plus a returned check charge of $29 and if that isn't bad enough the 7.99% fixed rate has jumped to 20.99%. 7 days after the due date I get a phone call that allerted me to the payment not being made. That was when I realized the error in the account number. I immediately called and gave them the info. I had to make the original payment plus an additional $240 before they would even look at the account. So my late payment was $117 but they wanted just over $360 to even look at things. I paid it because I don't want all these fees nor do I want my account to be late. The payment isn't even due until mid October but it is now paid. Now I have done my part and they promised to reverse the late fee. So far I haven't seen that happen. Plus any time we get into the interest rate either there is no one in that department or we get hung up on.

I think that they do this with the first payments so they don't have to honor their really low introductory rates. Stay away from Juniper Credit Card offers.

9:38 pm EDT

Juniper Unethical and exploitative

I had a Juniper card with zero balance for years. I started using it for business travel, didn't miss a single payment and they charged me 32%! I emailed for a lower rate and they said there was nothing they could do. My credit score is in the mid 700s. I guess I don't charge enough for their taste. I have since closed my account. These people are true vultures and demonstrate why this industry needs some regulation. Without any over site you get this kind of limitless greed and unethical business. Imagine someone who may get in a little over their heads and be locked in with these lower than slime humans. Tony Soprano has nothing on these guys!

Come on people. We can do better. Manage your finances and live within your means. Stuff is just stuff. Companies like Juniper make it look easy to have all the things you think you want, but they are essentially con artists.

Good luck!

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12:53 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Juniper Beware

I called to get a payout on my account. I paid the said amount, but I got another bill, and they said it was from interest. So I paid that amount and they took two days to "process" my online payment, thus making me late! I owed nothing on my account but was held to a $40 late payment fee! Other reputable businesses would have waived the fee, especially since I was never late in making payments prior! I am submitting a letter to their corporate office to tell them this sad story of low-down business tactics! Juniper ***.

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3:02 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

Juniper They charged me bogus overlimit fees

This credit card is a scam. They told me to send them $ 230 to bring my bal under its limit. (made over limit by Account protect plus.)I paid what they said, canceled the acct protect, and still got charged with it and a $39 over limit fee for $1.60! For months my minimum pymnt did not take this into account. Oh, don't ever use their card. You can get a better deal from the Sopranos.Iam going to pay these people off soon, and file my opinion with the BBB, and my state's trade commission. I see there are others to whom similar things have happened with Juniper. I will spread the word about them.

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