I could best describe K AND B TRANSPORTATION as a large piece of turd that refuses to flush down the toilet, and the ACKERMAN family...MANY LITTLE PIECES OF TURD, ...that will not flush!...all complaints against K AND B ARE TRUE, and justified, however it is a lot worse than you think!
I am a honerable man, 10 years tractor trailer experience, A vietnam vet, and I have many years experience ... with a family of crooks like the Ackermans, and their ...weasel office workers... THAT ARE TO SCARED AND COWARDLY to give their last names ...a.k.a. operations and safety, logs shop, etc. ...I worked for K AND B FOR 3YEARS, and I also live in Nebraska, and have known the Ackerman family for a long time ...I can tell you the Ackermans are surely criminals who bribe authorities, department of transportation officials, also commit insurance fraud ( they hope drivers crash so they could pocket insurance, rather than pay the public and injured drivers)...yes they get away with all this because, local authorites in NEBRASKA, ... along with CITY, COUNTY, AND STATE OFFICIALS ... pockets are filled with bribe money!...It is no mystery!...just follow the money trail, ... as Nebraska and Iowa are the most corrupt states in the U.S.A.
If you wonder why you see alot of young guys that work in the operations/ recruiting office that is because Ackermans son is gay and proud of it.
Yes starting with recruiting...five gay fairies, ...SEAN, JUSTIN, BRENT, JEREMY.B and h JEREMYR.
As a gift to drivers who do well, Ackermans son, ...will send some gay dispatchers and recruiters over to the roadway inn...to give oral sex!
When you start... orientation, they will brag that they are on [redacted]s!
Well, I surely hope they read this report! ...I hope its entertaining as well as informative.
If you go to THE K AND B TRANSPORTATION WEBSITE, ...www.kbtransportation.com-
you will see a picture of ACKERMAN and his ugly wife!...horrible sight!
Also, may I say, ...many drivers have witnessed the so-called manager of operations ...(his name is Ross)... and DERECK CLEVELAND, (LOGS)...GO TO THE RODEWAY INN...share a room together, ( have seen them kissing)...what a bunch of ###! This is all true I have no reason to fabricate this report!
Don't trust K & B Transportaion. If u make the smallest mistake as in grinding gears or such cause u never drove one of their trucks before. When they tell u that u have to go back to the bus station they say they got u a ticket to get home, but when u go to get it, its not there and then they tell u that u have to find your own way back home.
I fully agree with you. In my opinion they are nothing but crooks, liars and thieves. Their day will come when they have to answer to the authorities for their actions.
This fool says "I'm an honerable man" but he can't even spell 'honorable'
The he goes on a lying, paranoid, homophobic rant.
Of course his unemployment is all someone else's fault.