I am retuning the unordered 5 bottles of KETO+ACV LUXE that you sent me
Tis is the 4th order now. I kept and used the 1st 2 orders.
I did not lose any weight in fact I gained weight. I sent the order back last month and had the bank return my money as a fraud charge from you. Now AGAIN May 8, 2023 today, you charged my account the $198.78 and Sent me 5 bottles. I want you to stop whatever scam you have going and quitsending me another order and charging my bank account.
This order was also sent with no agreement and is being returned. Your website does NOT say that this is a continuing monthly order! Your false misleading website shows many pictures of celebrities that misrepresent them and they DO NOT indorse your KETO+ACV LUXE gummies. Your website boarders on scam activities a best. What you really are doing is theft.
I am dissatisfied with your product and your dishonest practices. Your website purchasing process does not contain a Terms of service agreement check box for me to agree or not. Your refund policy if listed, also falls outside of the purchasing process and is not included in the sale. It is all in all more of a way to deceive your customers.
Thank you for your speedy attention to this matter and canceling
whatever your system shows as a ongoing order
L Ferguson, St George UT
Desired outcome: STOP taking money from my bank account and STOP sending me new orders