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CB Dog Breeders Review of Kingdom Cavaliers and Rescue
Kingdom Cavaliers and Rescue

Kingdom Cavaliers and Rescue review: Unethical breeder, unprofessional 33

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11:12 am EDT
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After seeing pics of a very sweet looking adult ruby cavalier, I fell in love with a photo of a 4 year old dog they had listed on their website named Tansy. I filled out their questioner & was quickly "approved" and was told she would cost $1, 000 w/shipping. This is really high for a 4 year old dog, but I couldn't stop thinking about her & sent them my $300 deposit. The owner's Sheryl and John Kobel took a few videos of her the I requested (which are still on youtube last time I looked) so I could get more of a feel for her. I noticed in the 2nd video when she stood up, that she was obviously nursing. Shari said that she was currently finishing up nursing a litter of 2 puppies and that she was being retired from breeding. This blew my mind...she is only 4 years old & has already had 3 litters and is retiring...not good. Far too many litters in way too little time. Then to top it off, they tell me she is tiny...very tiny. 8lbs! Breed standard for a Cavalier in the US is 12-18lbs and any responsible breeder would NEVER breed a dog this small. it is dangerous for the dog and you also risk producing puppies that are undersized (which can result in a multitude of health problems) and this is is certainly not in compliance with the AKC or the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club code of ethics.
I was already really emotionally attached to this little girl after talking about her so much and watching the videos about 10, 000 times (lol) and felt that she still needed to get away from that situation and deserved to be adopted. I did have many questions though before committing 100% since I really knew nothing about her other than the fact that she was apparently very sweet, quiet and tiny.
They advertise that all their dogs are regularly screened for traditional health problems that Cavaliers have like MVD. I asked if I would be given copies of Tansy's health clearances...seeing that she was used for breeding, i would only assume that she has been testing regularly. After several days I received a reply stating that they did not realize that I wanted a "fully health certified pet" and if I wanted those things, then the price would go way up. Otherwise, she was being sold "As is" and I needed to trust their regular vets opinion on her health. John told me that they do not take their females in for the heart testing, since the cardiologist will not certify a dog that is nursing or pregnant (which is true) and they have not had any health issues in their lines. This is the most absurd thing I've ever heard! I have a cavalier already and am a member of several cavalier groups including several members who are breeders, and all of their breeding females are tested. If their excuse is they cannot test because of these reasons, than that must mean that their females are pregnant constantly.
I also asked other things that I should know (and that they should want me to know) like if she was house trained, if she had been around cats, thing's she enjoys, etc and it would take a minimum of a week to get a response, and the only response would be "I will look over your questions and get back to you" and they never would. This dragged things on for a very long time. I was really biting my tongue the whole time through this process since I knew they were not good breeders...many times I wanted to say "Why would you breed an 8lb cavailer?!? And 3 times?!" but I really just wanted to get this dog out of there.
The last phone call I got was from John who had a very irritated tone, basically saying he wanted to finish up this transaction, & wanted the rest of the money sent right away. I said the reason for this taking so long, is the lack of response to my emails and had Shari received my last one? cause I never did get an answer. He just sighed like he was really annoyed. He had told me before, that if I had questions about Tansy, the best person to ask would be Shari since she is around the dogs far more than him since he works. He answered a few basic questions which honestly I think he was making up the answers to, because I really don't think he knew this dog well at all.
I had to go out of town for about a week unexpectedly, as my grandfather who is battling cancer had taken a turn for the worst and I had to go and get him set up with nursing care etc. I let them know what was going on with my apologies when I got back to explain the delay. I said needed them to send me their account # so I could send the rest of the money, I had misplaced the # from when I had sent the deposit. I got a text from John with the account #, but it was not correct. I never heard from them again and have not received back my $300 deposit. Have sent several emails and left a few phone messages and nothing. I left a message on their facebook page just saying "I haven't been able to get ahold of you and was wondering on the status of Tansy?" and my comment was deleted.
I just hope she has gone to a loving family..her pictures were removed from their website and quickly replaced with another "retired" dog. Every time one is sold, another is immediately listed. Puppies are available constantly. I probably dodged a bullet by not going through with this whole thing in the end, I knew I was dealing with a back yard breeder the entire time but my heart broke for this little girl. Such a shame.

Update by CavalierMom
Jul 17, 2013 10:51 am EDT

I agree. I totally knew better as well. I currently have a 4 year old Cavalier and really did my research when I was finding a breeder. Fully health certified parents/grandparents, recommended breeder from the local cavalier clubs, very involved with the show world etc. I still talk to her regularly and even visited to have a bit of a "puppy reunion" a few summers ago. I was actually going to fly all the way there to Texas to meet them & pick her up because I was really uncomfortable with the idea of them just shipping her here for many reasons. Unfortunately for me at the time, there were no reviews on these people. I contacted someone who I saw had one of their dogs (a breeder) and she said the dog was beautiful etc and it sounds like they have changed their practices a bit because they were doing health testing when she got hers. Ugh.

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jackson E
St. Louis, US
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Jul 19, 2013 4:14 am EDT

Always trust your gut

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Aug 15, 2013 4:32 pm EDT

*People, we currently have an A+ rating on the BBB. Please check it out. Copy and paste:

*I'm very sorry Tammy feels this way. Still, all the falsehoods are very damaging and just plain wrong. Does Tammy want to be responsible for the damage? This is called defamation of character. If she couldn't finish paying for our Cavalier in 3 months, how can she be responsible for this damage?

*Tammy hasn't contacted us for 6 weeks. She did have all her questions answered and promised many times to pay us, then didn't.

*Our Cavalier has a 2X Jr. Champ sire and both grandsires are multi-titled. She is not a "typical" dog.

*Three litters in four years, then retirement, is not too much. Please ask your vet. Also, ask your vet if breeding a dog at ages 2, 3, and 4, then retirement, is something done by an unethical breeder, or an ethical breeder. Don't take my word for it.

*Tammy was thrilled to know our Cavalier was very small. Many people love smaller Cavaliers.

*We have many, many happy clients and have been successfully breeding for 13 YEARS. As I mentioned, we have an A+ rating with the BBB, in spite of the fact that some people are simply unreasonable. (We all know of someone who's that way, right?) We also have vet references. Our vet's dental hygenist has three of our Cavaliers and is breeding them because they're beautiful and HEALTHY. Our main vet has two of our Cavaliers. Several staff members at our vet's office own our Cavaliers. Would they do this if we had unhealthy animals? I personally doubt it.

*We are regularly inspected by AKC and have had great results. Please feel free to call AKC and speak with Mr. James.

*Bottom line, check it out yourself before you believe whatever someone else says. Check with the BBB, the AKC, and ask your own vet if they think 3 litters in 4 years, at ages 2, 3, and 4, then retirement is too much. We retire our girls while they're still young so they will provide someone with many years of companionship and love. We're thinking about what's best for both the client and the Cavalier.

Sachse, US
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Oct 11, 2013 5:28 pm EDT

I got a dog from Kingdom Cavaliers and we are more than happy. Disreputable backyard breeders aren't usually AKC certified, am I right? Clarisse is a valued member of our family and we have nothing but good things to say about our interactions with John and Sheryl. Our vet checked her just recently and gave her a clean bill of health. You can tell if a dog has been abused or not. Clarisse is obviously a well-adjusted and happy dog. This person complained about the price but if she thought it was too high, why did she agree to pay it? This sounds fishy to me.

Dallas, US
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Nov 06, 2013 6:12 pm EST

I own a cavalier from kingdom cavaliers. My girl, who I renamed Ellie, cleared their vet, however when I brought her home to Dallas I took her to my vet and she had a small murmur. We have been keeping an eye on it and it was not closed. I alerted John as instructed by my vet, who is a cavalier owner himself. He said it is good to let the breeders know because they should not be breeding dogs that consistently produce puppies with murmurs. Ellie is fine (for now) but I still wonder sometimes if I was swindled

Laura Knutson
Bethlehem, US
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Nov 08, 2013 9:35 am EST

I purchased a beautiful male Cavalier from the Kobels December 2011. He had earned 2 jr championship titles. I bought him with breeding rights. Just recently I found out that he has Mitral Valve disorder and should not be bred. Can anyone find Kingdom Cavaliers anywhere? I cannot. No phone, no website, no email. I cannot tell you how upset I am about these findings. He is so beautiful and I am so attached to him. I do not want to return him, but I do want to talk to the breeders. That doesn’t look like it’s going to happen. The Kobels can say whatever they want about how great their dogs are, but obviously, from the posts above, I’m not the only one with a dog that has health problems that was bred by Kingdom Cavaliers and now they are hiding from their problems that they created.

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Nov 14, 2013 12:15 pm EST

Now called "Cavalier of Texas". I also had a very bad experience with the Kobels and a sick dog from them. I would advise anyone not to buy a dog from them!

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Nov 14, 2013 12:51 pm EST

please disregard my last post. i have no knowledge about kingdom cavaliers. my apologies to all.

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Nov 14, 2013 12:55 pm EST

to be clear, i do not know the kobels or their dogs

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Nov 16, 2013 3:33 pm EST


The worst part is that people who read Erin Simpson's (CavalierMom) rant, which is 90% false, and those who read the claims of people who say they can't get in touch with us (but these people never even TRIED to contact us) - the people who read these are going to judge us without thinking twice about it. Where is the justice?

Congratualtions, Erin Simpson, CavalierMom. Your lies have successfully made this family of 7 miserable with your falsehoods and the "spins" you put on your half-true comments. Remember, the next time you're having some grief, what you sew you will also reap.

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Nov 16, 2013 3:41 pm EST

Please note, with larry12343, it was a case of mistaken identity, which he clarified twice. Thank you, larry12343.

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Nov 16, 2013 4:24 pm EST

Anyone reading this...I've had a brain storm. I will set up a web page that can be found at the old web addy. This page will explain to one and all that if they simply check their contracts, they will know exactly how to get in touch with us.

We may have made mistakes with this whole web site situation, but we've never been through anything like this before. We're uncertain of the best way to handle this. All we know is that we've been judged by many, many people who know nothing about us - those people who read Erin Simpson's false statements and spins and believed them.

It makes me ask, can anyone and everyone make up lies about someone for whatever reason and get away with it? My answer would be, yes, it probably happens more than we know.

Why don't we file a law suit? We could, but it's doubtful we could get anything from Erin Simpson. Lawyers would win, everyone else would loose.

We have bred Cavaliers for 10 years. Up until the falsehoods and spins by one Erin Simpson (CavalierMom), we have had no unresolved problems. Zero, nada, zilch. Then, people who have our contract claim they don't know how to contact us. I don't think that's just. JMHO

I want to emphasize that it takes a great deal of integrity and love for the breed to go a decade with no unresolved problems.

I apologize to anyone who feels I've been rude. The truth is, I've been crushed. :''( Sorry if I've been extra emotional.

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Nov 16, 2013 7:32 pm EST

Facebook page, in case you need to contact us. So, for those of you who lost your contract, you can get in touch with us.

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Nov 19, 2013 1:41 am EST

I wrote both people who claim to have one of our dogs, and that said dogs have heart problems. NEITHER ONE has contacted me back. Therefor, I can only assume the claims are false.

To recap:

CavalierMom is merely an email acquaintance. She doesn't know us, she doesn't know our dogs, and she certainly doesn't own one of our dogs. She complained to BBB, but when they wrote her back, she refused to respond because her claims are ALL unsubstantiated.

M Rifkin merely took advantage of CavalierMom's complaint to "give advice" regarding puppy purchasing. He/she has never so much contacted us, neither does s/he know our dogs. Everything this person wrote about dodging a bullet, etc. was based on what CavalierMom claimed. M Rifkin accepted this unverified, unsolicited, untrue slander as gospel truth and elaborated on that.

DianneMc - who is she? How old is her Cavalier? Is she sure it's one of our Cavaliers? Where is her contract? If she's having problems, why didn't she contact us? How can I, or anyone else, believe her comments if she won't verify her statements?

Laura Knutson - she blows my mind! We had a great relationship with her, or so I thought. She owns one of our National and International Jr. Champs. She has our contracts. Why couldn't she contact us? Furthermore, knowing she didn't put any effort into finding us, why did she write all that ugly stuff about us? Now that there is no doubt how she can get in touch with us, why hasn't she? Surely, if she's telling the truth, we will give her another Champ and let her keep her first dog from us, just as long as she gets him neutered. We've made it clear on our web site that if one of our clients has a claim, we will not demand that the original dog be returned, but we will accept it back if the owner wants to return it.

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Nov 19, 2013 3:45 pm EST

Here are pictures of our lovely, happy, healthy Tansy, the Cavalier that CavalierMom, Erin Simpson in Milan, MI, claims was in such bad shape and in need of rescue. We still have Tansy. We couldn't bare to part with her after the above mentioned person from Michigan drug her name through the proverbial mud. I didn't want to part with Tansy in the first place! This has probably been a blessing in disguise - keeping Tansy from going to "CavalierMom." She told us so many, many things that weren't true over the 12 weeks' time she was stringing us along/on a fishing expedition. SO GLAD she didn't get our girl! She underhandedly got our "+" taken away from our BBB A+ rating, even though she NEVER replied to their further inquiry, leaving us with a plain "A" rating...for now. That's how tough BBB is. Personally, I think it's toughness to the point of being unjust, since these complaints were totally, completely unsubstantiated - no evidence required, just like with Complaints Board. :(

We have people tell us their dog is at "death's door." When we ask for medical records, we hear nothing back. What would you think? Did you know that puppy buyers aren't the only victims of scams? Breeders are victims, too. :(

OH, YES! I MADE A HUGE BOO-BOO! I OWE DianeMc a HUGE, HUMBLE APOLOGY! I got her name mixed up with HelenD12. (I can't imagine who HelenD12 is, unless she is from a number of years ago and, as I mentioned, has not been in touch with us.). DianeMc is a wonderful, awesome Mom to our retired Clarisse. Miss Clarisse was a very integral part of our breeding program. She had to have a SPECIAL home. Well, she got her special home with DianeMc! THANK YOU DIANE! The lovely blenheim lady in the attached pictures is our awesome Clarisse!

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Nov 21, 2013 4:57 pm EST

"CavalierMom" said, "I was really biting my tongue the whole time through this process since I knew they were not good breeders, " and "I knew I was dealing with a back yard breeder the entire time..." Isn't this the same thing as saying that, over the past 13 years of breeding, and 10 years of breeding Cavaliers, everyone who saw us as reputable breeders, purchased a dog/puppy from us, and in some cases are breeding/showing said dog - all these people aren't as smart as "CavalierMom" since she claims she knew she was, "dealing with a back yard breeder the entire time" and all these other people couldn't see it? Isn't she insulting the people who continue to breed and show our Cavaliers? Unlike "CavalierMom, " who has never even seen one of our dogs and certainly has never owned one, these people I'm referring to actually own one or more of our dogs and still don't believe we're back yard breeders.

I honestly can't see a back yard breeder investing the time, dedication, and expense (literally thousands of hours and dollars) required to earn over 40 "International Style" titles on their Cavaliers. Can you? Anyone who wants see these title certificates, just let me know.

I've already posted far too much on here, thanks to my deep emotional commitment to my Cavaliers as well as their reputation AND the reputation of those who actually own/breed/show our dogs. I owe it to these people to stand up for our dogs, so that's exactly what I'm doing. If I have inadvertently gone "over board, " I do apologize.

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Nov 21, 2013 6:45 pm EST

OMG! My naivete gets me into more trouble! Erin, "CavalierMom, " had talked us into taking $550 for Tansy and letting her go intact, promising she would have the spay done via laser surgery. I thought that would be great for Tansy. Laser surgery would be better than the scalpel. Now the light bulb has come on...finally! Erin wanted to breed Tansy! Cavaliers can breed quite well until they're 7 years old. We could have continued to breed Tansy, however, as I mentioned earlier, we like to let our girls go at around 4 years of age. We feel it's better for the Cavalier as well as the new families. Here I was going to let Erin have our intact, beautiful, champ sired Tansy for $550 only because she promised me she would provide an alter via laser surgery?! She never said WHEN she was planning this surgery - a technicality that she has shown she likes to monopolize on. :( I have my answer as to WHY "CavalierMom" would take such a dishonest, mean action against us.

Erin did not once call us and ask for her deposit back. If she had been having hard times and couldn't finish paying for Tansy, we would have returned her deposit after we found a new home for Tansy with someone else.

If/when you run into a breeder who has one of our Cavaliers, you can be assured that is a top quality, healthy Cavalier, providing s/he received proper care.

I am shutting up now. :-p

Dallas, US
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Nov 24, 2013 3:43 pm EST

I did get in touch with John at King Cavaliers right away. I never claimed to have not had a phone number to get in touch with the breeder. I alerted the breeder of the heart murmur my vet found at the request of my vet. John said the murmur may close as she grew. Thanks all.

San Francisco, US
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Dec 16, 2013 2:56 pm EST

I'd like to start by saying I am not siding with any of the parties involved. I am only speaking from my own experiences with Kingdom Cavaliers and Sheryl & John. A friend of mine recently asked me where I got my sweet little Princess Bella and when I told them they forwarded this page to me with "You need to check this out..." I got my little angel from Kingdom Cavaliers in early 2009. I dealt with Sheryl and John directly and the whole process went quickly and smoothly. All correspondence was done in a timely and proffessional matter. As for my little angel- she is going on 5 years old and never had and health issues whatsoever. We actually just went in for her annual exam this past Friday and our vet said shes healthy as can be (and she listened extra long for any heart issues) Yay! Maybe they are great breeders, maybe I got lucky... all I know is my dog means the world to me. And I would absolutely want to know if I should be cautious and worried about her. But I also dont want anyone else to miss out the amazing experience I've had from day 1 with my pup- and thats what my experience has been- amazing. Just my 2 cents.

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Dec 23, 2013 3:23 pm EST

I want to start by saying that we had a problem of ANOTHER PARTY selling puppies under the name, "Kingdom Cavalier Puppies, " and it was NOT us! This person even claims to be a pastor! Thus, our faith is even associated with the impostor. If you do a search for Kingdom Cavaliers, this other breeder is listed about third on the very first page. Try it and see!

I believe the person who said their puppy was sent with antibiotics and ended up with parvo got their puppy from "Kingdom Cavalier Puppies, " NOT Kingdom Cavaliers. If they were dealing with us, all we needed was the vet records verifying the puppy had come down with parvo in the prescribed time frame - 72 hours - which is standard for the bulk of breeders out there.

Another issue we would like to point out: Any breeder who has been at it for 13-14 years is going to have a few puppies, over the years, that have issues. Mother nature can be full of surprises. I can promise you that nothing is ever done maliciously.

ANYONE who got a puppy from us that came down with Parvo in the 72 hour time frame needs to follow these simple steps:
1. Send us the vet records for the puppy, along with the verifying lab test result.
2. Choose another equal-value puppy.

ANYONE who has a puppy that comes down with Parvo within 72 hours is owed another puppy.

I want to add that we cannot cover hypoglycemia since this is a result of stress, and every single puppy who leaves the only home and family it's had for it's entire life is going to have stress. To date, over more than 13 years, we've had problems with only 1 puppy getting hypoglycemia, who had a vet that never, ever tested the puppy's glucose levels. This is a simple test which is the same procedure as it is for diabetics who test their glucose levels. The puppy was not tested one single time. Thus, the puppy was never once treated for hypoglycemia.

Please check with your vet to verify that there is no such thing a fool- proof vaccination. We fully vaccinate our puppies. Every single one of them. Often, when they leave us at 8 weeks, they have had only one of 3 needed vaccinations. Thus, these puppies are not fully vaccinated. If one waits until the puppy is 12 weeks of age the puppy has had 2 vaccinations so it is safer for it to leave, but many people want their puppy at 8 weeks, and the vast majority of puppies that leave us at 8 weeks do fine..

Again, if someone has a problem with a serious contagious illness within the 72-hour warranty, all they need to do is follow the two steps listed above.

Whoever you are out there, if you have a legitimate complaint with documentation to prove your case, please contact us. Follow the phone number on your contract.

Crawford, US
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Dec 23, 2013 3:39 pm EST

These breeders care more about their dogs than any others I've seen or dealt with. They give them the best of everything, even if it means they have to sacrifice. They spare no expense if it's for their Cavalier's benefit. Their dogs are beautiful and happy. The Cavaliers we bought from them had no problem at all when it came to fitting right in. Our vet can't say enough good things about the Cavaliers we bought from Kingdom Cavaliers, and the staff are all crazy about them. We now have a black and tan and a ruby Cavalier from them. We are planning on getting a tricolor and a blenheim, too! John and Sheryl Kobel were very helpful even after we brought our new puppies home. We recommend them to anyone who is looking for a Cavalier. We will be buying a puppy from them in the future because we know they will treat us right and provide us with a healthy, beautiful puppy.

McKinney, US
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Dec 26, 2013 10:55 am EST

wonder who wrote that?

McKinney, US
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Dec 27, 2013 10:44 am EST

*We are regularly inspected by AKC and have had great results. Please feel free to call AKC and speak with Mr. James. Said John Kobel. The only reason a breeder is inspected is from the AKC site:
Any AKC customer (breeder, retail pet shop or broker) who registers seven or more litters per year or conducts 25 or more registration transactions per year is automatically added to the list for inspection. Inspections are also scheduled based on supported written complaints. Draw your own conclusion on how many litters one should have in a year. Also factor in the fact that a family of 7 lives off this. And if you did get a puppy from them were you allowed to see the living conditions or did they not let you come?

Austin, US
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Dec 27, 2013 10:08 pm EST

We have two cavaliers from Kingdom Cavaliers. They are half brothers, one is a ruby and one is a blenheim. The ruby has the heart problem, his heart is HUGE and he has been on medication since he was two. For awhile it didn't seem as if he was going to make it, but he has responded well to medication but it is very expensive! When we contacted KC, they sent back minimal response but did respond vaguely. In the contract it says they will replace if a dog does not live past five years old. I don't know if they would honor that and I hope we do not have to find out. On a positive side though, the blenheim seems to be very healthy. Both dogs are fabulous but can you go wrong with a cav? We worked with John when purchasing and he couldn't have been nicer, meeting us in San Marcos twice and answering all questions immediately and being very kind and loving about his dogs. We felt some concern about not being able to see where they lived, therefore, where the puppies were bred and under what conditions, but John said that he did not want people to know where he lived because people do try to steal dogs if they know where breeders live and he said they also have several children. This seemed understandable and their website was full of photos and videos of kids playing with the puppies. John was just overall a really nice guy and I didn't feel any sense that he was underhanded or cruel or would take advantage of people. He even brought the father of our puppies so we could meet him when we picked them up. It was really fun. Would we get a puppy from them again? Probably, unless there really is some truth to the accusations and they have changed their ways from good to bad.

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Feb 27, 2014 8:44 pm EST

OMG I bought a dog from KOBELS almost 9 years ago. I had the same kind of attitude when talking to them. They avoided a lot of questions I asked but like you I kept looking at the picture and really wanted him. We bought him. He had aggression issues from the beginning. Two years later he was diagnosed with heart problems. He also had alot of other problems. Eye issues being one. Bought we loved him anyways. He died recently at 8 years and 8 months. So young for a dog. I would never buy from these people!

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Feb 27, 2014 8:55 pm EST

looks like they changed their name because they received complaints through BBB

Pleasanton, US
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Jul 05, 2014 1:54 pm EDT

I have a ruby and a Blenheim from Kingdom Cavaliers and they are both doing very well. The male is 5.5 years old with no issues except teeth, which the vet says is very common for all small dog breeds. The female does have a heart murmur (2-3 level) and hip dysplasia that never bothers her. She is 4 years old. She also has a back issue where her sacrum did not fuse properly to the lumbar (apparently a thing that happens in humans too). So she is on homeopathic pain and inflammation meds for that, heart supplements and coQ10 that are working very well for the murmur. But they are healthy and gorgeous dogs. Dogs, animals, humans will all have imperfections and disease. I wish my dogs were perfect; it does get expensive. But so do kids and elderly and any other living creature on earth. We live in a very imperfect world with imperfect living beings and creatures. Sheryl and John are as imperfect as any one of us, and so are their dogs. But they are caring and trying to do their very best because they love this breed. I have called them in tears because my dogs got into some raisins and I had to have them expel the raisins at the e-vet who wanted to leave them overnight. They responded to my phone call and supported me. Encouraged me the dogs would be better with me at home, less stress on the dogs, and to watch them carefully. Any time I was freaking about some health issue they were there to give their opinion and support. I wish there was more time in the day because I know they are very busy and sometimes I have to write a few times. But that is life. It's not perfect. But I have to stick out my neck for them and say I think they really do their very best to provide us with healthy dogs. They are not God and some of us are going to get a Cavalier with health issues, no matter who you buy from. Do the research. Unfortunately the breed has many potential issues. I think the benefit outweighs it. The dogs are amazing. My babies are so incredibly sweet. I have plenty of friends who have children with bigger problems and health issues than my dogs. I would not accuse the parents of bad breeding. They are not God either. They have no control over such things.
Again, Sheryl and John may not be perfect, as none of us are. None of us handle everything perfectly or even moderately well all the time. But don't accuse them of not caring or just trying to make a buck and cheat people. On that I will have to strongly disagree. They want to produce the healthiest dogs they can. Within their control and within their resources. Countless emails from Sheryl in the middle of the night when I was bugging her so much as a new dog mommy revealed her extremely caring heart for the dogs.
God Bless them for their work.

Austin, US
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Jul 24, 2014 4:29 pm EDT

I have a male Blenheim from Kingdom Cavaliers -- John met us in San Marcos and would not allow my husband to visit the home where he breeds the dogs. I was naive and did not know to ask about health tests -- I found out later none were performed. Since then my sweet Blenheim pup has developed a Heart Murmur that is already a Level 4, Mitral Valve Disease, Glue Ear, and the vet also believes he hash SM. He has luxating patellas that started when he was less than a year old. He has seizures and neurological problems (most likely symptoms of SM which I need to have an MRI to confirm). I have spent thousands of dollars over the past 5 years as most of these issues showed up by the time he was three. I should have been suspicious when John was only interested in meeting us in a public parking lot and getting the full payment from us in return for the dog. These are backyard breeders who are ethical and truly cruel to put these precious animals through so much pain for their own profit. They operate under the guise of being a Christian company but there is nothing remotely Christian about the heartbreak they have put their clients and dogs through. Stay away. They have since changed their name but you will notice the language about God and bible verses on their website. I believe they are " Blessings Cavaliers" now. They may change their name again so look for the location and the telltale guise of religion under which they hide to breed and sell these poor sick dogs.

1 puppy short
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Jul 30, 2015 9:48 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

We had purchased 2 puppies from the Kobels in 2013 and they were shipped to us with the Parvovirus. One died and we were able to save the other. The Kobel's refused any fault and we ate $2800. They are really not as honest or christen as they want people to believe. We have postmortem results and all treatment records to prove our point.

Jodi Keselowski Baldwin
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Sep 06, 2015 9:04 pm EDT

I purchased a puppy from this breeder as well. My dog died at three years of age. After doing some research it appears my dog had episodic falling syndrome and stopped breathing during one of his episodes. I contacted the breeder, not to complain, but to see what they had to say. They instantly became defensive and hard to reach. Very unprofessional breeders.

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Apr 15, 2020 12:33 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

John Kobel now is BLUE ROSE CAVALIERS, PO Box 425, 719 Paddock Street, Crawford, NE 69339
I am going through my own nightmare with a sick puppy. Pneumonia/lung issues.

Concerned ex vet tech
Hot springs, US
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Feb 05, 2023 3:22 pm EST

I worked at a vet office that these dogs come into I don’t know how many sick dogs or how many c sections where we lost puppies cause they were to young to be bred or over bred. He has been investigated several times :( sad situation

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Feb 06, 2023 1:47 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

He's still at it. OMG

I'm so sad for all the dogs and puppies in John Korbel's care at Blue Rose Cavaliers aka Kingdom Cavaliers.

san antonio, US
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Oct 24, 2024 3:04 pm EDT

I have a Beautiful Cavalier (Blenheim)from John Kobel, He turns 14 years old today. He is the Best dog and still doing great. He is a senior now and moves a little slower but overall he has been an amazing dog for our family. Not sure they are in business anymore but wanted you all to know.