VACATION PROPERTY RENTERS BEWARE. Do NOT give your money to this person. To date she has thousands of dollars of deposits and even pre-payments in full for a vacation rental property that has an expired lease with the property owners. She has left innocent people high and dry with no place to stay and their money gone. She has no ability to repay the money due to people and is avoiding all attempts to contact her. If some research is done on the web, there is much more information available with some digging. You don't have to take this web page as sole proof. DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT GIVE YOUR PERSON YOUR MONEY. CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED.
Please copy and paste this link in your browser for complaints on this person going back to 2008.
This is the property owner of the property in question. I am responding to the allegation that we had anything to do with this scam. The claim is not only ridiculous but laughable. We are as much victims in this whole mess as anyone else, and I would be very happy to personally speak to anyone doubting otherwise. See my emil address below.
If Kris is suggesting that "we have everyones money", I ask how this is possible as the money was put directly into her account by each and every person scammed in this unfortunate event. AGAIN: THE MONEY WAS PUT INTO HER ACCOUNT UNDER HER NAME AND LISTED WITH HER ADDRESS. No one elses. Go check your contracts people. Where did your money go? Who did you send it to? Who benefited from it?
The fact of the matter is simple. We leased the property on a 6 month lease to a person other than Kris.The person that held the lease specifically leased our property to do vacation rentals. AGAIN, WE DID NOT HAVE A LEASE WITH KRIS. Her name was not anywhere on any legal document. She was simply a "leasing agent" for the person who held the lease to do vacation rentals at the home we own. The lease with the person who legally held the lease ended. Somewhere during the time of the inception of the lease and the end of the lease it appears that Kris began putting the monies into her own account - not to the person who held the legal lease and who hired her to be a leasing agent for the property. Once he figured out what she was doing he contacted us and terminated the lease.
Kris Greven/Friedman had taken deposits far beyond the date that the lease was legally terminated and is now unable to repay the monies owed to people. Its that simple. It was I who legally had the listings removed from HomeAway and VRBO because Kris had not or would not do it, even after her attorney contacted us and stated that she had.
The deception runs very deep and the situation is worse than anyone can guess, with thousands of dollars of peoples deposits lost or even payments in full lost. None of these monies went to me, I did not benefit from this fraud.
I would be very, very happy to personally explain to anyone effected by this situation. My email is : Please email me with you name and phone number and rest assured I will call you back and answer any tough questions you have.
Please understand that for reasons known to her, Kris is out to sabotage and bad mouth us as she is angry. End of story. Look at the posts on this link and other links that date back to 2007. Those posts alone should speak for themselves. This isn’t Kris’s first time in this same situation.
"I paid money to rent a vacation home for a week for my wedding & thanks to the ACTUAL OWNERS of the house I was able to have my wedding. Now my problem is with my $1000 deposit. I left the house in AMAZING shape. I'm talking spotless. Some b.s. happen a few days after we had checked out with SOME OTHER RENTER AFTER US (2 DAYS after we checked out) & now all of a sudden Kris can not pay us our deposit. She says she owes it to us, but she can't pay it. Now her partner Shaw Wen who is on my contract & who I put half of my full rental money into his account said he was going to mail me out a check and has not. Its been over a month since I checked out. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH SHAW WEN INC (realitor), KRISTA FRIEDMAN AKA KRIS GREVEN OR HOMEAWAY! U WILL GET SCREWED OUT OF YOU MONEY!"
homeaway, Shaw Wen, VRBO & Kris Greven aka Krista Friedman — vacation home rental / internet scandal
10-22-2009, 04:52 PM #34
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: misreading life's board textures
Posts: 2, 108
Re: Please read if you are renting a house in Vegas
seems like a lot of "real estate agents" are just in the market for ripping ppl off in the vegas area. same thing happened to another group by some ### named krista friedman "
las vegas event (Complaint Comment)
Posted: 2009-07-14 by Sheila Rad
Vacation Property Rental Scam
I also lost my deposit with Krista Friedman. She claims she is filing bankruptcy but continues to wok with clients in getting other properties rented out. Beware of renting from her. Sheila...
Las vegas event
"Posted: 2009-07-14 by siaga sila
Vacation Property Rental Scam
Complaint Rating: 100 % with 1 votes
Company information:
6233 katella avenue
Las Vegas, Nevada
United States
Phone: [protected]
Krista Friedman dba Las Vegas Event Venues.Com posted her vacation property on "VRBO" (vacation rental by owners). Rental agreement & deposit of $2820 was signed/sent to her mid May 09. Last week I receive a letter that the company has filed for bankruptcy. Ive lost my deposit and now have no place to stay.
While searching for another vacation property, Ive discovered that this lady & her "so called" business was some sort of scam.
So lesson learned ~ economy sucks/people suck/"register" your trip before sending any money out!"
[Complaint comments] Comments [Complaint country] United States
"Jail Base
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Booked by Clark County Detention Center
on Feb. 24, 2011
for Burglary, Forgery, Theft, Drug Offenses
Age: 42
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(which is 6 months from the Arrest Date) "
Once again, this is the owner of the property in question. I would like to point something out:
The bottom line is this: The minute we found out about what was going on, we LEGALLY put a stop to it. We made sure that every avenue we took was legally correct so that we could not be held accountable in this scam. We did not benefit from anyones loss.
I answer to a previous comment made by quad_12 stating in essence that the fraudsters involved must be stopped. SOMEONE DID STOP HER. WE DID. We, the property owners, effectively put her and her long term scam out of business. We made sure that every avenue she used to commit her long term (see posts back to 2007) spree of fraud were TERMINATED. The bank account she used to commit the fraud was closed thanks to information that WE provided and an angry person who was defrauded in partnership with VRBO/Homeaway who we worked with, VRBO and Homeaway have her black listed her because we alerted them to her fraud (Not only our house but to another she was using to do the same thing), a restraining order in place against her by us, notices placed by us on the internet by us to connect her aliases in hopes that it will help any future or current victims. I have done all I can and can sleep well at night knowing that.
I am sorry for all who have been effected. It has been very hard on us too, but we refuse to stand by and let her get away with this any longer if we can help it. Certainly not using our house to do it.
Again, I welcome your call at any time and am happy to work with any authorities involved or answer their questions. Not only can I answer questions, but I have all legal documents to clear us of any wrong doing as well as a large collection of evidence against her and her alone - showing where the money went and how she did it. This evidence was provided to me by scammed parties who I have been in contact with.
I read your rebuttal, the majority of which is total grasping at straws nonsense and the rest has small elements of truth that you have twisted to vindicated yourself. I will respond with this only; YOU DID NOT HOLD A LEASE WITH US. YOU DEPOSITED THE MONIES INTO YOUR ACCOUNT. YOU ACTED COVERTLY, ON YOUR OWN, AND LEID TO US REPEATEDLY. YOU AND YOU ALONE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS WHOLE MESS.
You were not forthcoming about your and the legal lease holders relationship coming to a close in March. We did not go 'behind your back". We were asked, by the legal lease holder, to sever the lease a month early. He explained FULLY as to why.
You did not tell us that you were operating on your own after the legal lease holder severed ties with you due to circumstances that he fully explained to us.
You DID tell us that the legal lease holder would "probably not sign on to another lease after the close of the initial 6 month lease period" and "Would we consider leasing to you instead?". We NEVER gave you ANY indication that we would. Especially as things began to surface about your history .
You collected monies and deposits from people way beyond the date of the termination of the lease . I assume you thought that we would continue the lease with you once the 1st lease cycle was up. You were wrong to assume it. You did not have any legal right to do what you did. Our lease was NOT WITH YOU.
You repeatedly lied to us about the legal lease holder being "still on board". You pretended that you were paying rents in his name and acting on his behalf.
I wont go as far as to mention the details incident in March - the "Party" that you hosted...if you can call it that...that I called you on. That was beyond belief and if you think for one second I believed your "I didn't know what it was about" story, you are deluded. You sat in the house the whole time. You knew EXACTLY what was going on. Another prime example of your lack of regard for people and the neighborhoods in which they live, the safety of their kids and homes and common sense. YOU ARE A STREET SMART AND SAVVY PERSON WHO WILL MAKE A BUCK ANY WAY YOU CAN.
So I ask you in turn; Why did you take money for a lease that did not belong to you? Why did you deposit it into your accounts if the legal lease holder was "still on board"? Why did you transfer all documents into you name? Why did you conceal from us the truth; that the legal lease holder WANTED NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU after working with you for a brief period of time and HAD NO INTENTION of resigning any lease again? Why did you not give people back their deposits? Why did you take monies and deposits for periods of time after the lease ended and deposit them onto your account? Why do you have a proven HISTORY of doing this exact SAME THING with other properties?
There is so much that YOU are not aware of in regards to this situation. There is ALOT that we know that you are not aware of, the MAJORITY of which has not come out here. You don't know anything of the people we helped who lost money, the things that we did to set situations right where we could. We didn't take anything from you, but legally settled EVERYTHING with the legal lease holder. EVERYTHING, Kris. We have documents to back it all up. The legal lease holder has been FULLY satisfied in EVERY way we could, including the return of deposits, etc. He doesn't have a language barrier. He understands EVERYTHING and is a very smart man.
Bottom line; YOU LIED. YOU ARE A LIAR. You did everything you could to try and conceal from us the truth. You have a HISTORY of doing this over the years, always with a sob story about why you cant give people their money back. The proof is in the other posts on the web, dating back to 2007, SOME of which I have posted here. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Period. You are accomplished at this and it is how, among other things, you have made your living. Your game is coming to an end. FACTS ARE FACTS. Anyone with half a brain an see the truth no matter how you try to water it down with your ###.
This is the last post or response I will every make, so I'll end it here. I don't want to continue this negative and non-productive game. So here is the truth. I am going to try and help you out here:
You need to get your ### together, GET INTO A PROGRAM and WORK THAT PROGRAM and then stop blaming everyone else for the messes you made. You need to get a regular little simple job somewhere and make an honest living. You can then begin to re-build your broken life.
I am sorry for you as a human being. I was never anything but kind to you. I more than fufilled my duty as landlord. I went WAY above and beyond to help you with clients when you didn't have transportation, or were off doing whatever you were doing. I tried to help in every way I could. I know that. You, in your heart of hearts KNOW THAT. It doesn't matter how much you try and convince yourself and everyone else who may read this otherwise. The part of you that is still a good person - and I know that person is in there - KNOWS THE TRUTH.
Kris, your life is a mess and you made that mess. But guess what? You CAN fix it. Stop lying to yourself and twisting things around so that you feel better about yourself. Get honest with yourself. Get into a program. Get a sponsor. Get your life back. I do not wish anything bad for you, but I wish that you would take the long hard road back to sober and sane so that you can find yourself and your life again. Its not easy, but it is worth it. You CAN be happy and sane again if you have the courage to do what must be done.
"Hello to everyone who uses this site as a tool to find the true criminals and scam artist. My name is Angela and I am here to set the record straight in regards to the property owners, Dickson and Erica Gil of the Jungle Beach Estate 2725 Thurman Ave las Vegas, NV 89120. As I read the the [redacted] that was created under my name by a Kris Greven a.ka. Freedman who is the actual scam artist. My heart truly ached, this women Kris took advantage of me as I was planning a huge 40th birthday party for myself. I have been planning for one year and Kris knew how eager I was to throw a big bash. When I first spoke to Kris on the phone she stated that she was the owner of the property and I could rent it out for two days. I first needed to put 300.00 down and I would pay the rest at a later date. Well at a later date was not sufficient enough for her. She told me that if I did not come up with all the money in two days that I could forget about renting the place. Well i gathered the money very quickly because the venue was such a perfect place to hold a party. So I gave her a check for 1, 500 in addition to the three already.
We met at a starbucks which i didn't think anything of it at first and gave her my payment and she gave me some bogus card with her name and the total amount i gave her on it. So i thought everything was on the up and up, as she proceeded to get in her ford black F-150 with NO license plate, i started to get suspicious. I goolged her name and omg that's when I found out that she has been scamming folks for a long time. By this time my party is near and she calls two days before my party and says that i cant have a party. i was sick to my stomach, i told her that I will be pressing charges and i will get my money back.
The next day I contacted Erica to see if there was anything she could do to help me, and true enough there was something her and lovely husband could do for me, i had my party. the party was awesome, the yard and the decorations were fabulous and to top it off Mr. Dicksion himself even bar-b-qued for me. So inspite of what was written to discredit these people it is all a lie. Erica and Dicksion went out of their way for me, I have never met such honest and family oriented people like these two. People are still talking about my party til this day. My co-workers enjoyed themselves and the beautiful home that others are wanting to book the JUNGLE BEACH ESTATE for future events. So please if anyone reads this you may e-mail me i will answer any questions you have for me and i can vouch for Dicksion and Erica Gil they are not scammers in the least bit. Please if any one is looking for a great fun place to stay then by all means contact the owners. i have pics and testimonies of guests that attended. Thank you for reading.
Sincerely, Angela"
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I second that! Except, I wasn't renting for a vacation but for my wedding reception. I was basically told "oh well"
SCAMMER.. SCAMMER ... SCAMMER... I booked her property "Jungle Beach" thru a 'reputable website' - and paid 50% deposit of the $3, 150 rental. Then comes the advise she is no longer the lessee of the property and cannot pay back my hard earned money deposit. The website will not help either. Don't ever deal with this scammer woman - you will lose your money.
I am experiencing the same issue above myself with the Jungle beach property. I am hopeful that I can get a refund, but it's not looking good.
Agree I too were hopeful to get my full $1000 deposit back from her &/or her partner Shaw Wen. Kris just basically told me, she knows she owes me my money but with everything going on she can't pay me. After dozens of emails & phone calls I find myself seeking legal assistance. And like you, there is nothing the website can do. Never again. Crazy thing is I called myself doing research on Kris Greven & found NOTHING. EXTREMELY FRUSTRATED!
Looks like we are all scammed... why HOMEAWAY.COM allows such an advertiser is beyond comprehension. We should go against the website or to the property owners ERICA GIL and DICKSON GIL who in Kris' emails are "are the epitome of evil and scam. They are mailicous, phony and diabolical" and "are the ones sitting on everyone's money and my property. They are the dark hearted, lying two faced cons. They robbed all of us, and they got away with it."
If they will not be punished scamming our hard earned money then these people prevailed and laughing at us.
I plan on taken some legal action but from the looks of things I need to take a trip to Vegas, if I want things to get done.
Looks like we maybe dealing with a well planned and organized crime ring or crime syndicate here. The way I see it we need to seek help either from FBI or a government agency specializing in INTERNET CRIMES. We cannot afford to let this kind of people to continue to prey from the unsuspecting public. Nor should we allow to wash their hands on every scams perpetuated thru their website. We should seek indictment for the involved parties as follows:
a) - indictment for voluntary exposing renters to internet scams so that they can sell their travel protection racket. The FBI should look at their operations whether they put efforts and controls to protect renters.
b) KRIS GREVEN aka KRISTA FRIEDMAN - indictment for stealing our money and other frauds.
c) SHAW WEN - indictment as accessory to KRIS GREVEN, he is the partner and could be a high member of the crime ring.
d) ERICA and DICKSON GIL - possible involvement being the property owners.
e) CHASE BANK NEVADA BANK, 8174 Las Vegas Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada - who let itself be a channel and depository of proceeds of crime for a fraudster - account number [protected].
Hello Erica! Wow, you've really stooped to a dirty low down level, I am suprised at just how vicious you are, it is truly pitiful!
I am getting ready to post the truth about what actually occured here, in my defense, but...I am curious to see how honest you are willing to be with the public...
So, please respond to these questions.
1. Was Kris Greven or Shaw Wen ever delinquent in making the rent payment on time?
2. Did Shaw Wen and Kris Greven negotiate a "forever lease" with you and Dickson at any point ever? (Please note, the question is not asking who's name is actually on the lease, but rather was there ever a discussion between Dickson, Shaw, Kris and Yourself about a "forever lease?"
3. Are you the "LEGAL" Owner on record for 2725 Thurman Ave as you continually profess to be?
4. Did you approach Shaw Wen behind Kris' back, purposefully, with every intention of using that document to block her ability to keep the property operating, thus causing the domino effect and total loss of over a dozen clients vacations which were ruined?
5. What did Kris ever do to you or Dickson or the property that caused you to want to slit her throat like you have?
6. Did Kris take care of any and all operational maintenance needs, repairs, and improvements in a timely manner or did she neglect handling the issues as they came up?
7. Would you say that your property value has significantly risen as a result of Kris & Shaw Wen's adding multiple improvements, such as landscaping, new carpeting, modern colors to walls...? Repair the many problems this property had, such as rotted grout that was severely deteriorated, electrical outlets which were not properly grounded or were dangerous because they were live wires?
8. On May 22, 2011...Did you place an ad on Craigslist advertising this house for rent to Airline Peeps, to be used as a Crash Pad, like you did before we came along?
9. Did you and Dickson "PUT A STOP" to the operation of this business, kick Kris off the property and seize all of the business' art, decor, furnishings, etc?
10. You would not even allow her to remove the personal property so she could even be in a position to liquidate it to be able to start to pay the clients who suffered tremendous losses because you cruelly and undeservingly ruined the Jungle & Beach Estate back, correct?
11. Why are you so proud of putting a stop to a successful business venture, when Shaw & Kris, or even when it was more Kris then Shaw were in complete compliance and all rents were current and in in a timely fashion?
12. You took the rent from Kris for the month of June, why were you so intent on totally being wicked by playing "dirty", and you cruelly prohibited the last reservation in June from being able to have their stay, even though the rent was paid up until July? Don't you think that was a horrible stress and upset to the clients, to only receive 1 days notice that you were screwing me and in turn them to at the same time?
13. Did you make any effort to Kris to repay the rent money you collected for the last 4 days in June, so she might be able to refund the clients you screwed over by doing that or did you guys just absorb the money for youselves?
14. Do you think that violating the Tort Laws, which is a criminal offense was the mature and correct measure to take, that Kris was so evil and scandalous that the two of you just had to intervene immediately to save all the guests from Kris' dirty a favor to the clients? How did the clients benefit from that action?
15. Would you in any other similar situation say that the more ethical, responsible and honest thing to have done would have been to at least let the business carry on until the first exit point, Aug 1st...and then call a meeting between all parties involved, and perhaps discuss like civil people and people of good character that you had some concerns and perhaps allow the person you have a grievance with to be able to state their case and share with you the truth of what occured, let them provide proof of her version and give her the courtesy of being able to defend her character and her actions before embarking on an outrageous defammation campaign, hurling insults, false beliefs, lies and complete slander and libel at them? And worse yet, broadcasting your opinions of me that are not accurate and stating them as if they were true, without regard to my feelings, my families well being, the other party involved's reputation?
I have a few more questions, I'll be back to post them in a later rebuttal.
Kris Greven
I knew krista when she lived in san jose california. check records there if you need more info she did jail time there too. luckily i did not have to deal with her long, someone i knew was dating her. but i knew then she was evil and she lived in a fantasy world and smoked a ton of crystal meth. all is true and i knew her in like [protected] approx. she still hasnt cleaned up, how very sad.
Krista Scammed me and bride out of over $1000 at a location to host our wedding. She never returned phone calls. All we got was a letter from her stating that she was protected under bankruptcy and that we would not be able to get our money back.
Krista Greven aka Krista Friedman. Currently using name LILY EVANS, she has accounts and has used for job applications. Do not believe she has fake ID or papers. Has lived in Nevada, Oregon, Washington, New York, Colorado, California, and who knows where else. Someone paid for the car she is driving, wonder is she transferred it to her name yet? But why, she is not responsible, the registered & insured owner is. Great life, galavanting around the country, with other people supporting her, blaming her past and everyone around her. Always somebody else's fault, I guess krista must be perfect, its never her fault, and everyone is out to get her or scam her. I feel sorry for her, it is so pitiful to see a person that delusional and unhappy. Something bad must have happened to her for her to be the way she is. I wonder if there is a mental condition going on and she has no idea that she is the crazy one. She must be somewhat smart (cause it sure ain't her looks) to keep scamming all these years. Why is she not in prison? I know there are bankruptcy protections, but not for fraud. If that were so everyone would steal and file bankruptcy, so you dont have to pay it back. The protection is from collection agencies harassing people? Please tell me there is no possibility her stories are real? When she scams, are people just saying its too much trouble to prosecute her? Was Chase bank ever investigated? I know criminals go free all the time, but it seems as if she never stops. I know she truly believes that she was ripped off, I know when she tells story, she feels genuinely betrayed. When she is alone, only her and God know if she is laughing at everyone, but it seems as if she is hurt not laughing, she has nothing to laugh at. She has no money, no home, no significant other, nothing. If she were a truly evil person, wouldn't she be living in a mansion, rich as hell, laughing all the way to the bank everyday? She really has lost most of her possessions (she has expensive crap), and knowing her for about 16 years, she is probably the poorest she has ever been. I knew when I met her that she was off, good instincts, have helped her a little, but obviously she doesnt want to.
living in vegas suck too hot time to move
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