The following information was submitted to Tiny House Outlet and Legacy Housing, in writing, on January 11, 2023:
Dear Legacy Housing Management Team, We are writing to express our deep disappointment with our recent purchase agreement of a Tiny Hacienda from Tiny House Outlet in Greenville, TX. We completed extensive work on our property in preparation for delivery of the home, including moving our sprinkler system, creating a level dirt foundation, and purchasing 52 pieces of concrete padding. This prep work took weeks to complete and investment of nearly $7,000. Delivery of our home was scheduled for Friday, January 6 and delayed to Saturday, January 7 due to personnel issues with the delivery team. On Saturday, January 7 the delivery team arrived at our location and proceeded with what can only be described as an inexcusably rushed attempt to place the home. Upon arrival at our location, the delivery team looked around for about ten minutes and without any discussion with us, proceeded to attempt to back the trailer across our neighbor’s property onto our foundation pad. When we saw what their plan was, we told them that the area they were approaching was not our property and they shouldn’t be going into that area. They responded, “This is the only way we can do it, we won’t hurt anything, and it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.” Their attempt to cross the area resulted in significant damage to our neighbor’s property and the home is currently still on itstrailer, stuck on the property line estimated approximately 95% on our neighbor and 5% on our land. The property line pictures appear to show the tiny home and trailer could actually be entirely on our neighbor’s property. The delivery team insisted it was at least part way on our property, but Page 3 of 5 Please describe your complaint in detail they did not walk the property line. The delivery team, after getting hopelessly stuck with their on-hand equipment, advised us that we should, “Call a wrecker and have them come out with a skid steer to get it out.” We immediately contacted the Tiny House Outlet representative, and our neighbor to advise of the situation. Our neighbor arrived on location in a matter of minutes, examined the scene, and thankfully has been very gracious working with us to resolve this issue. The Tiny House Outlet representative did not send anyone to examine the scene and told us to contact our foundation contractor as his foundation work was the problem. Our neighbor happens to be a very well-respected contractor in the Broken Bow, OK area with decades of experience in all types of construction. He took time on his Saturday to inspect the scene in person and advised there was nothing wrong with our foundation preparation and that the problem was the delivery team’s rushed attempt to place the home without proper planning and equipment to do the job. On Monday, January 9 our foundation contractor inspected the scene and expressed precisely the same opinion on the issue. We are greatly concerned that attempts to get the trailer out and moved onto our property will result in additional damage to our neighbor’s property and the home itself. Being new to this area, we have suffered enough humiliation already. On Monday, January 9 we inspected the side of the home we can access and found significant damage that leads us to doubt its structural integrity. We taped over 40 damaged areas. The observable damage includes water damage, separation between walls and ceiling, loose/busted boards, and loose/protruding nails and screws. We are unable to fully inspect half of the exterior due to the area where the trailer is stuck. Tiny House Outlet advised us that the home was inspected during preparation for delivery, so the damages we have observed must have occurred during the failed delivery attempt. Since our agreement is for a new home, these damages are unacceptable. We do not have agreement for a refurbished home. Since this time I have communicated my concerns to Duncan Bates the CEO. He referred me to Robert Abdoo the Regional Sales Manager which referred me to Craig Austin. 1/29/2023 Legacy Tiny Homes sent the same people back that delivered the Tiny house on the land next to ours. The driver got is truck stuck again and the owner of the land had to pull him off his land. They took the tiny house back t Greenville. My understanding. Ive reached out to Legacy about my refund of $47,744.94. Which I paid cash for the house. I can not get anyone to tell me about when they will refund my money.