I ordered an atv at the end of November for Christmas. I made two separate payments and on the second payment for $250 my account was charged twice.
I have called numerous times and according to the people who answer the phones only "jason" can help me. When you finally do get Jason he always has to "look into it" or its "taking time due to the holidays".
Well its 1-9-07 and they still have yet to return my money. If this was the other way around it would be on my credit report and i would have lawyers sending me notices. Why shouldn't they have to pay?
To top it off, when it finally arrived it was the wrong color and oil had spilled everywhere.
Do not buy from these people!
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
My mom also got ripped-off by these people. They still have her money and she has no product. They claimed that she ordered the wrong thing and that they don't make mistakes. Um, okay. First of all, she ordered a dirtbike, not a 4-wheeler, which is what they sent. I was there when she placed her order--she did NOT order the wrong thing. The 4-wheeler never even made it off the delivery truck. It was sent back and the friendly folks at Legion Global claim they don't have it in one phone call, but in another it magically appeared! Then, what do you know? Next phone call they suddenly don't know where the 4-wheeler is! They never return calls. They were rude and nasty to my elderly mother, telling her she was the most annoying customer they had ever had before hanging up on her. They claim if any of their employees were to hang up on a customer, they would be fired. Ha, well they had better go ahead and fire everyone then! All 8 of them.
These Legion Global folks think they're pretty sneaky. Their website domain is registered privately so there is no way to get a name from that. The employees won't give their last name, if the first names are even real. If you read the "disclaimer" on their website, you'll see they pretty much tried to cover their ### all around--they don't accept returns, issue refunds or exchanges (which they neglect to tell you under the "Shipping and Returns" link. They aren't responsible if it arrives broken. Warranty? Ha. If you want to call it that. They don't take responsibility if any of the info on their website is incorrect (which if you look at product specs--it's all crap anyway). Pretty much, once they get your money, if anything is wrong--oh well. It's your problem. Pretty cool idea to make sure you can't order online either. Hard to track a phone call.
I've done lots of research on these guys. They have many complaints filed against them with the Better Business Bureau. My mother called the police in New Lenox and she called the Chamber of Commerce and neither had ever heard of this company with their big ol' showroom and 8 employees. Mapquest says the address doesn't exist. Wonder why? I also wonder why everyone has the same complaint about these guys? I guess that is because they're just a bunch of crooks taking money from people and selling junky products that are going to end up killing some innocent child. Way to go Legion Global! You have sold 10,000 products this year and in the process ripped-off 10,000 people! Way to go! I hope you guys get what you deserve...soon.
This company is AWFUL. I was hung up on 6 times in one day, told my call would be returned three times and told my emails were never received even though my emails were responded to. When I explained my problem to them I was asked what did I want them to do about it. Then I was told the famous Jay was on the phone and what did I want them to do go interrupt his phone call. These are the 8 rudest people I have ever had to deal with. Unfortunately, they were very nice when I ordered and fooled my into thinking they were a real company. They are a few con artist who will burn in HELL one day for taking advantage of the American people and endangering the lives of their children. They will meet their maker one day and receive their just dues. I believe that good things happen to good people and the lesson they have taught this good person is not to trust people so easily. They sent me the wrong bike and swear it is the correct one. I emailed pictures and know for an absolute fact, verified by a dealership close to my home, that it is not the correct atv. They said they didn't make a mistake and refuse to do anything about it. I can however return the bike for a fee of $1,000. I spent $1,700. They got me once already, I was not born yesterday. Thanks Legion Global I feel like the rest of your customers now--screwed!
I am a 3 time repeat customer of this company. When I ordered my wife the 150 cc automatic, it did come in the wrong color and scatched and pretty busted up as well, I believe I spoke to a brandon, He sent new plastics, lights, etc, they came to Massachusetts within a week, problem solved, My 7 year olds 110 cc entire electrical system fried out the first hour she rode it, the replaced the entire electrical system..BUT NOT THE BATTERY, I had to spend another 75 bucks on a new brand name battery, not the chinese piece of ### it comes with. The overall feeling for my experience s, quality of product is awful, awful awful, but they did make good on repairparts and they have run great till this day, almost 9 months
I purchased a 110cc atv at legion global in feb. 07
Got it late for my sons b-day. After 1.5 hrs of riding it off and on the front wheel bearing went out. Called them up took about a month to send me the wrong parts. Then they told me to email them a picture of what I needed. what a parts person can not figure out a wheel bearing and spaceers! Finally they sent the right parts after I went to the local bearing store and ordered better bearings than what it came with. Now the atv seams to be slipping went you give it gas so I called and informed them on it. They told me to ajust the chain but I already tried that. After looking at it for ahile I noticed that the two sprockets did not align up. Now I am dealing with them on this now for 6 months. STAY AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY!
The owners name is GARY BRIDEN. His brother, CHRIS BRIDEN, is the manager. It's not on map quest because it's in a newly developed industrial park. Do not waste your time calling them to try to get something fixed, just call your lawyer. If anyone is interested in a class action lawsuit, contact me ASAP.
Jay Jason Thomas are all the same idiots who treat customers bad. Its a matter of time when the odds of life will get even with these low/no class thief's.
I have also been ripped off by these people. They are arrogant and do not know the meaning of customer service. There also could be some false advertising going on on their web site.
I paid 2,300 for a monster hummer ATV what I received is a piece of junk. i have called many times along with numerous emails and have received no calls back or given the runaround, called manufacture, only to find out ATV was discontinued and was no way to get parts for it. legion global says they cant help if it is discontinued not their fault. Send me bogus parts waiting weeks upon weeks for parts to only receive parts not fitting my ATV. finally contacted bbb they told me they have many unsatisfactory complaints concerning company so finally contacted state attorney fraud division company which I feel is working please join me in class action lawsuit if you have been ripped off from these people!
Don't buy from online dealers like SUNL, Roketa or many of these other fly by night dealers. If you do buy online do your research, the internet is a great tool.
I have been having the same problem as the rest of you. I bought a Meridian gas golf cart. got to ride it one block. It viberated so bad I had to park it. I have been trying to get parts for 6 mo. No Luck. I am VERY interested in legal action against this company. I live in the state of Texas.
If you want to get a hold of these people, use the owner's personal cell phone number. [protected]. His name is Gary Briden.
This is a corrupt business that I believe ships defective merchandise (after the item is paid in full) and then gives customers the run around until they tire and settle on the loss. Legion Global scams and employees have no conscience that they lie and defraud persons with disabilities purchasing mobility scooters, familes purchasing items for children and hard working people. Take the advice of everyone on this site and DO NOT SPEND A DIME with this company.
Hello, I purchased a unit from this company and we received the order and everything that we have done has been great and so was the experience! I dont know what you all have issues with and what the problem is, but give it up! If you need parts for something, buy em, you get the stuff for a huge deal and expect more stuff for free. How?
having the exact same thing going on with this company...i will be contacting the il att generals offic...please do the same!
Wow! Lesson learned. Always check your resources before buying on line. I (Santa) purchased an ATV this last December. The product was received on time but that was the extent of any satisfaction and the beginning of the nightmare. No, assembly instuctions, no owners manual, no registration and no title. Two follow calls to LG with promises to follow up and nothing. Then the machine just started falling apart. First, battery was deemed a dud by a local dealer, next bolts started falling off, next the seat hatch snaps, next the exhaust/muffler weld breaks and finally frame weld cracks and the motor is jiggling around like a bowl of jelly. What a complete peice of junk! I'll joint a class action. Is there anyone who has hired an attorney? In the mean time I'm writing and filling out every possible complaint form and have refused payment to my credit card company. Lastly, for your information, this company ships their products unlawfully with sulfuric acid (for the battery) undeclared and unlabeled. This violation carries a potential fine of up to $50,000 per day for each time they do it. Their representitive boasts 10, 000 sales year... well thats $50,000,000 in potential fines they have just opened themselves up to if they ship all vehicles with batterys and battery electrolites the same way. Someones going to have a last laugh and it aint going to be them.
Report Legion Global by calling the Illinois Attorney General's office at [protected] to get a form to file a complaint against Legion Global. They will give you a specific address to send the form to. They already have many complaints against them.
On July 3, 2007, I saw an ad online from Legion Global for an LG Ambassador hot tub. I called the 800 # and spoke to a salesman named Jay. Delivery was promised within ten business days of the transaction. Ten days came and went and no hot tub. I then tried to call Jay and he said the hot tub had been back ordered and it would be on the next shipment, which was the following week. Again, the next week came and went, and no hot tub. After daily phone calls, which were either unanswered or never returened to Jay he then told me an excuse that the hot tub hadn’t cleared through customs and it was going to be delayed even longer. I was NEVER contacted telling me that it was on backorder. I then asked for a full refund only to be denied claiming that he wasn’t able to do that and convinced me that I would have it no later then mid August. Again after weeks of waiting, I FINALLY received delivery confirmation. After weeks and months of waiting I FINALLY received delivery only to find that there was no hot tub on the truck, just the cover, which was damaged, and a set of steps. I called Jay once again, after more agonizing phone calls, I was promised delivery the next day.. The next day came and went and AGAIN no hot tub. FINALLY, the following week, the hot tub was delivered THREE months after the order was promised and was severely damaged. The hot tub cover was ripped, PVC pipes were broken and numerous panels were cracked, broken or chipped. I called and emailed Jay after delivery with picture he said he would take care of it..Again, I waited a few weeks never heard back and then found out that Jay wasn't with the company anymore.. I was then referred to Lauren and then Josh. I told them the same scenario and they said they would take care of it was well. Now, Lauren and Josh are no longer with the company and have been dealing with Allie and Matt. Both now are telling me that nothing can be done. Nothing has been done to this point, after close to 8 months. This "company" total joke! Its inconceivable how they are STILL in business! I too am submitting a claim to the Illinois Attorney General Office, hopefully action will be taken again this sorry, pathetic "company"!
In November of 2007 I purchased a go-cart from LegionGlobal for my 8 year old son for Christmas and also paid extra for the extended 6 month warranty. I received the go-cart in a timely manner, although it was not the color I ordered. Due to the weather my son was not able to ride the go-cart so when he finally got to ride it, after about two days the throddle cable snapped. Also, the headlight did not work from the day that we recieved it. I did not complain about the headlights, but when I called to have them send me a new throddle cable, they did, but it was the wrong one, it was too short. I called to let them know that the cable was the wrong one and I removed the broken one and sent it to Legion Global so they could see exactly what it looked like so they could send me the right one. This was in May of 2008. It is now mid July and I am still waiting. They never sent me a new one because they said they needed to order it from their main headquarters in California. They gave me a tracking number with Fed Ex, but Fed Ex never picked up the package from California because they say the address does not exist. I have spoken to everyone at Legion Global and they keep telling me they shipped it, but it has never been shipped. And they still have my original cable that snapped, so I can't even take it somewhere else and buy what I need because I don't know what it is supposed to look like. I am getting the run around from this company and I am sorry I did not know about this web site before I ordered from them. I am now stuck with a 900 dollar go-cart that does not run and a very unhappy child. THIS PLACE SHOULD BE SHUT DOWN!
We went to the actual LG location two years ago for 110 ATV present. We saw and knew the quality that we were purchasing, the people were very nice, showed us how to operate it and how it works (maintenance, charging etc...). We tested it before taking it home. After two years, we only need a new battery. I suggest that people really check out their purchases. Who in their right mind purchases foreign off brand ATVs expecting a high end machine? These guys appeared to be newly up and growing company that had calls every minute I was there, yet they took the time while we were at their warehouse. I think the best purchases are done with a handshake and in person where you control the situation. I say buyer beware, only purchase online when you can't get it in person. Support your local businesses!
These guys sound like a bunch of loooooooooosers! These brothers proably grew up with a silver spoon in their mouth. Mommy and Daddy probably bought them everything they wanted. Spoiled Brats! I BLAME YOUR PARENTS FOR BEING SCAM ARTIST!
I read these numerous horror stories after talking to somebody who bought one of their atv's wanting to bring it to my dealership for repairs. I am a Honda dealer and had never heard of LG atv's. I can't really say I feel sorry for any of you cheapskates who would buy this chinese garbage expecting anything else. Good luck with your drama lol.