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CB Loans Review of LOAN FRAUD/ Investment FRAUD

LOAN FRAUD/ Investment FRAUD review: FRAUD 6

Author of the review
1:20 am EDT
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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I am local resident in Palm Beach County who was a victim of notary fraud committed by Stavros Papastavrou . As a mortgage broker Stavros Papastavrou committed from with his company JDS Mortgage formally of Boca Raton . Stavros is not a man of integrity as he portrays himself to be. He has committed so many acts of fraud as a mortgage broker one would think he would be in jail by now. But he is not.

Stavros Papastavrou now in the precious metal business for the purchase of Investing in GOLD and Silver is one of many brokers in the South Florida area. Do yourself a favor and pick a new person to deal with at a new company altogether because he will ROB you as he ROBBED ME AND countless others during his time as a mortgage broker. He has now just moved onto his next SCAM and next set of VICTIMS.
SCAMMER ALERT!DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH STARVOS PAPASLOBBO HERE . HE IS A no good rotten piece of garbage who deserves to lose everything in life as he STOLE MY RETIREMENT.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Stavros Papastavrou
Delray Beach, US
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Jul 19, 2013 8:42 am EDT

This is Stavros Papastavrou. Please identify yourself, these statements are NOT TRUE.

Provide proof of you lies. I have not stolen anything from anyone. Be a man and identify yourself.

palm beach eyes on you #1
Weston, US
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Jul 31, 2013 12:49 am EDT

This guy is a thief. Do not do business with this con-artist criminial. If you do business with this guy you will lose money. Mark my words.

We have set up a con-artist call in center to log all complaints for Stravros Papastavrou.

You may contact me at. "

All Emails will be confidential to the general public but will be turned over to the proper athorities when the complaints have a sure criminal intent, have substance and merit and are worthy of turning them over to the right agency.

Be smart, be aware, be intelligent and do not do business with this guy. Email G.C. All your info so we can take Stavros off the streets and put him in jail where he belongs

palm beach eyes on you 2
detroit, US
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Aug 04, 2013 6:24 pm EDT

Stavros is a thief and a bum. He will rob you blind if you give him the chance. He is not to be trusted. I hear he is robbing gold investors blind here in FL now that the mortgage business is dead and everyone knows that he scammed the borrowers out of 10s of thousands of dollars.

Do not do business with this thief. They call him the dirty slippery greek for a reason. He does business with know felons and ex cons. Be careful people

john Q public 3rd
West Palm Beach, US
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Aug 06, 2013 12:16 am EDT

I sound like a guy who go screwed by this man and I did. This man is a no good crook. He has been robbing people for a long time. We will be posting this as long as he is in. Business the complains keep coming thru on the email and we keep recording them

Stavros Papastavrou
Delray Beach, US
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Sep 09, 2013 7:58 pm EDT

Again, This is Stavros Papastavrou, I know who you are, this guy is a scam artist himself, he does not have any validity to his statements and not only that I am a man of integrity, If you are so sure of me then reveal you name before I do to the public..

You have my number call me.. be a man call..

west palm beach, US
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Sep 28, 2013 12:38 am EDT

Stavros states that the person who is stating he is a scammer is a con himself. As if that is not a slip of the tongue and admitting he is A con artist also.