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CB Retail Stores Love's Travel Stop 601 Ring Rd, Elizabethtown, KY, 42701, US
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Love's Travel Stop
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Love's Travel Stop

601 Ring Rd, Elizabethtown, KY, 42701, US
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1 complaint
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1:33 pm EDT
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Love's Travel Stop - water in diesel

On October 29, 2019 at 3:52 PM I purchased $70 worth of diesel fuel on pump number three at store number 716 for a total of 23.419 gallons and after I left I drove 45 1/2 miles in my truck begin to knock extremely loud white smoke horribly to the point where drivers were having to pull off of the road to wait to for the smoke to clear so I pulled over to the side of the road I then had to very easily get my truck and trailer to another gas station to Parkette I called the love store then for me to call the general manager the next day in which he told me to call the corporate office they give me the runaround and after waiting around all day I got informed that they was nothing that they could do. I had driven over 500 miles before I had stopped there to refuel and not once did I have any issues. As you can see in video below this is not how a diesel is supposed to sound or do. I have been stranded here over 3 hours away from home with a car and trailer on my truck for almost 24 hours now and they don't even have the decency to send a service truck here to even look at my truck. So for who ever reads this DO NOT EVER USE LOVES as a fuel station cause if something happens to your vehicle and it's clearly their fault they will not pay for it.

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