Short version.
Mechanic diagnosed car as requiring Master cylinder for hydraulic clutch. Did a clutch kit instead requiring gearbox removal.
Did not fix leaking hydraulics, so clutch failed again 3 days after vehicle returned as "repaired".
Put gearbox in significantly beyond manufactures specs, results, crunch, grind, twang!
Told gearbox HAD to be in that position to function!
Of the unauthorised work they completed the following already failng or requires adjustment ( 2 weeks later)
* rear engine seal leaking
* clutch adjustment required
* gearbox has been moved (by another mechanic) back to correct position. Possible damge from extreme rear position
*clutch kit noise
Of the authorised work work they performed the
* replaced rocker cover gasket leaking in same place as before work
* hydraulic clutch needs adjustment
What a Joke. Mechanic has apparently, accidently before printing, over written the quote on his tablet he had us sign.
1 of the triplicate copies of the invoice we were asked to sign when given the car back turns out to have been a work authorisation for the work we didn't know about!
Atleast 4 different Lube Mobile ACT mechanics were involved in this debacle. May have been one responsible for original scam but the others have deliberately decieved us and not fixed the car.
Currently in the hands of Fair Trading
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
A lot of women I know have had iffy experiences with this lot...
Con artists and 'but wait their's more' sleaze bags.. Christmas 'their best time' all honest mechanics are booked out, like vultures they wait for prey. Short of it ... called out for bad miss in 07 X-trail. Conned into doing full service, I requested replacement of rear pads. $800 plus and fuel tank replacement filter left non-operational .. call back to fix along with 'miss' still in motor, adjusted oxygen sensor for 'miss' and fixed fuel gauge sender. Called back again, 'miss' still in engine ... replace $130 oxygen sensor. All this costs $100 for each callback and when I complained he didn't fix the 'miss' and I should not have to pay for callback his reply was was "but I made it better'. I paid to get rid of this con man and mark it down as a lesson to use Google beforehand in future. Just Google Lube Mobile and ignore their falsified User Review on, ... $1200+ to have a service, replace rear brake pads only, renew brake fluid, replace 'in tank' fuel filter ( uncalled for in service booklet until much latter on) and replace $130 oxygen senor. STAY AWAY> VERY UNPROFESSIONAL AND SCAM ARTISTS,
Lube Mobile arrived to do a service and a repair job - my flat paved driveway wasn't suitable for a car service as the mechanics jack would scratch it apparently, the parking bay at the end of the street (30 metres from house) wasn't suitable because he needed power, the quiet street in front of my house wasn't suitable because he felt it too dangerous. Apparently the guy said most people have to use a friends driveway. The guy just didn't seem to want the job, then when I asked him to just look at the repair job the costs suddenly went sky high ! Great experience, thanks Lube (not so) Mobile ! After reading non Lube Mobile sponsored reviews, looks like I am lucky he was too disinterested to do the work...
Had my alternator replaced in February 2015 which fail due to a oil leak (I also believe that they damaged my drive shaft when removing it, but I can not prove it) that was around $900 all up, now in October the alternator failed again I asked to replace it under warranty.
I have to admit that the mechanic was very professional and helpful (unlike the first one) but as he found a spec of oil on the outside of the alternator LM was hesitant on covering under warranty, they wanted me to PAY for the replacement (another $600) and then they will investigate if is it covered or not by warranty as they blame it on the oil again.
I have dealt with all types of electrical motors before and I knew for a fact that the problem was with the brushes on the alternator but they will not listen.
I told the guy to put everything back and that I will deal with it my self.
He did and there was no charge
I got an alternator from the wreckers for $110 and got my friend to install it for me for FREE !
I know by doing this will void any warranties but I had to open the alternator up to see the damaged (see pictures) I was 100% correct.
If you know what you want done to the car, don't let them push you around; stick to your guns !