MMU (Mount Mansfield Union High School) this is a name that once made me light up with good things to say about it. Now it has turned into a disgrace on Vermont education. All because of hiring the worst teacher in the history of teaching. Fraudulent Educational Methods. This is how one would describe unimaginable teaching methods that Margaret Centybear forces her students to go through. A. She takes 20 minutes to "do attendance" B. Her grading method makes absolutely no sense. C. She makes all students earn their "homework grade" by having them turn in "binders" filled with their homework every quarter. The problem is; this system is fraud. She is no longer grading students on homework/ completion but rather on their ability to keep their homework for the entire quarter. Wait, theres more. The most OUTRAGEOUS thing, is she grades the binder also on aesthetics. This gives more artistically developed students a far greater advantage than those who aren't so artsy. THIS IS NOT TEACHING MATH. THIS IS TEACHING ART. A teacher in a once respectable public school should not be allowed to curve into other teaching categories. Leave art to the art teacher, leave math to the math teacher. Congratulations MMU, you have lost my support.
My apologies, the school website is actually:
My child is not in this class so I have no first hand knowledge of this teacher. I question a complaint if this nature when made anonymously. No mention of having met with the teacher, the counselors or the principal. Could this complaint simply be a student?
What kind of website allows anyone to make outrageous claims anonymously and cowardly?