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CB Business and Industrial Review of Marko Rubel: Profitgrabber Pro
Marko Rubel: Profitgrabber Pro

Marko Rubel: Profitgrabber Pro review: Con artists 54

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12:58 pm EST
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

We recently attended a GREAT workshop on Apartment Investing by Dave Lindaugh. Part way through the workshop he put a "friend" of his Marko Rubel on stage and let him pitch his computer software/marketing program to us. He was a pretty fast-talker and the program sounded great. HE EMPHASIZED the No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee.

Once we got home it took my partner a while to get the program uploaded, and to learn how to use it. Once we did we also the Data Subsription Service @ $50 that the program would support. That was the first thing we noticed was not as cool as Rubel had professed it to be-- and after a bit of hassle, we got UNsigned up for that and got most of our money back. I continued to learn how to work with the program-- convinced that as a contact manager/mailing program it must have a lot of value-- cos after all, it had cost almost $2000.

I finally felt as though I understood how to use the program. That said-- I also realized it was a PIECE OF CRAP. I highly DO NOT recommend it. You can get MUCH less expensive-- and equally or more effective contact managers/mailing programs for MUCH LESS.

Once I explored the program I found there were a LOT of limitations to it. Like, the the Data Subscription service, what the program professes to accomplish/do can be done in other, FAR less costly, far more convenient ways.

The program itself is very NOT user-friendly. It is awkward to use and not intuitive at all-- and even with a partner who is very computer literate-- the program simply was WAY INFERIOR to what Rubel represented it to be.

One piece of the proram that is different than what most contact managers/mailing programs might have is the scanner gun which is meant to be used in the case of returns-- to scan a bar code on the mailing label and delete the outdated address from the list. This seemed like a cool device, and worth some expense, but honestly, I discovered that most mailing lists come in Excel format and that program allows you to alphabetize names, so it is easy to delete returned mail. THE SCAN GUN FEATURE is NOT WORTH the $2k we paid for this awkward, clumsy, ineffective program.

Additionally, I found the support service less than helpful. hey are more like a back up SALES department-- VERY PUSHY and not willing to be accountible.

AND Rubel stressed at the workshop-- that if you are not completely happy he would willingly return all your money NO QUESTIONS ASKED, but in actuality, once you get the program home and read all the fine print-- the Money Back Guarantee is VERY conditional. You have to send it back unopened within 30 days (it took us that long to get it set up and tried out just cos, like normal folks, we were busy after our Lindaugh seminar trip)-- OR, if you keep it longer than that, you have to spend more money to travel to a different city in order to take his class in order to get yoru money back. Even though the class is free if you buy the program-- having to take the trip and spend MORE money to attend the class in order to active the Money Back Guarantee is A PRETTY SMOOTH CON. If you already don't like the program, why would you spend MORE MONEY to go someplace and take his seminar?

I think sometimes it is hard to tell between someone with a good product to sell and a lot of enthusiasm-- and someone with a mediocre, overpriced product with a lot enthusiasm to sell it. In this case, I'd say Marko is the latter. AND looking back, I think Rubel felt like the snake-oil salesman at the time-- but I trusted that Dave Lindaugh would not put a shyster on stage in front of us-- and my partner thought the program sounded great-- which it did-- but it did not live up to its HYPE. I was very disappointed with the whole experience and should have followed my intuition-- my "con alert."

Additionally, when I emailed the company complaining about the "tricky" return policy (which, again, was NOT STRESSED up front-- we realized it when we read through the paperwork later) and our dissatisfaction with the product, we got NO RESPONSE. Nor has the BBB gotten any response to our formal complaint. My personal opinion is that if you really have a quality product and someone is as dissatisfied as we are, you make it right, even if it means returning the money/taking the product back. If he is SO SUCCESSFUL-- he can afford it.

I have already let all my classmates know my experience with this product-- so none of them got burned by Rubel-- but I think everyone should have fair warning about this con artist. AND I think Dave Lindaugh should re-consider having Rubel sell his product at Lindaugh's seminars, unless Dave wants to be associated with a CON ARTIST/SCAM!

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Elda Esquivel
Mission, US
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Feb 16, 2011 7:16 am EST

I will like to comment on Rubel and his real estate software. I will make it short, simple and fast. I am one of Rubels'
student, and I have been using his system and his teachings and I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that Rubel's system DOES WORK, and He is THE REAL DEAL ! In the past 3 months I have made OVER $40, 000! using his easy and outstanding system. ( I guess I know how to follow directions pretty good, and decided to take ACTION).

I would suggest that before saying anything bad or giving your STUPID advice to your friends or classmates about Rubel or his system you should REALLY focus on taking ACTION into learning the system that DOES WORK! Oh, and for those "classmates" of yours, I hope they don't follow your advice, because they WILL BE MISSING ON A GREAT SYSTEM, that Rubel created.

Have a Happy Life:)

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Jun 24, 2018 1:16 pm EDT
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Hi Elda,
Has the Marko Rubel system been successful for you and are you still buying foreclosures?
We are looking into this program.
Thank you!

Darlene East
Tualatin, US
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Apr 22, 2022 7:37 pm EDT

Thank you

nakia ward
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May 09, 2023 6:41 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of ll58

Not at all! And expensive information you can get for free!

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Jun 04, 2012 2:52 pm EDT
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You couldn't be farther from the truth. It is very rare that someone does get a sale out of his system. In fact he preaches how you can become a millionaire within 3-5 years, yet he has NOT ONE student to prove that. In all his marketing including text and video, he shows the same handful of students that are nowhere close to financial security. As long as he has been selling his system... don't you think he would have a lot better success stores of students than what he always shows.
His system is mediocre, the software is poorly designed and the customer service is for ###!
I wish somebody told me to save my money like I am telling you all. Its up to you.

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Apr 02, 2013 5:11 pm EDT

It seems a lot of hype goes into promoting "free" product I ordered the free DVD for $6.95 and watched Marko BS without any info promised in the promo. Wasted my money. Don't need hard sale. Sorry-I recommend to NOT order anything. no refund was possible.
Joe Ammar.

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Jul 22, 2019 11:23 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Bushbush

Thanks for that, I to am learning now about his system and the cons are ALARMING! The truth is REAL ESTATE Investing doesn't stay the same over time! One of his reps stated "We'll hold your county!" No one in the US can hold a county! That's [censored].

Tammy Pinter 2013
Yukon, US
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Dec 16, 2013 4:06 pm EST

My husband just attended an event in Dallas, TX this weekend. Not only is he falling for all of Marko's charm and B'S he "enrolled in another piece of the puzzle & if accepted it will cost over $14, 000. If you have to see if you are accepted why did they need his credit card information. Of course, he will be accepted. Anyone who has the money will be.
I went in and was introduced to Marko because I called him out on his required disclaimer that had to be signed to be able to attend. I challenged him on the "non compete" clause. It states in non legal words that you basically can't use anything you learn from him in any business that you own directly or indirectly for 1 yr. I had an attorney look at it to make sure that I was understanding it correctly before coming. I was 100% correct so I wouldn't sign therefore, wasn't allowed to attend. He tried telling me that wasn't what it was stating so I said why is it in your paperwork. He told me that I was wrong, why would he tell anyone that, told my husband hey happy wife happy life & I'm not forcing him to do anything. And that he should Un - apply. I said why you already took his credit card information & plan on taking his money. As Marko was hurrying to get away from me said no I'm not. People I have been a real estate agent for 9yrs. You can definitely find the information he is spouting about through the county records & through any licensed real estate agent that can help with the MLS stuff. I can assure you that it won't cost anywhere near $14, 000. As for my husband he believes everything that Marko says so this will more than likely end my 31years of marriage. Thanks Mr. Rubel.

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Jan 09, 2019 12:33 pm EST
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It sounds to me like your husband is searching for ways to make money in REI. That's not a good reason to end a marriage. Has he had any success at all?

Annapolis, US
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Apr 17, 2014 10:02 am EDT

So what program is the best out there?

Wj Demko
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Jan 26, 2016 1:38 pm EST

I attended a seminar in Dallas this last December with a friend, and I too noticed that Marko talks very fast, jumps around from subject to subject, and does not cover a great percentage of the handout ‘book’ given to attendees. The book is just a collection of the slides with lines below for taking notes. There is no index, table of contents, or any way for you to go back after the seminar and find a particular topic. He purposely makes it very difficult to capture any of the info being presented so that you can use it later – constantly bringing you back to him for the answers, for a fee of course! One of the presenters actually put up slides that would roll-in each line of text as he talked about it, then it would fade away before the next line rolled-in. it was obvious that he designed it purposefully to make it impossible to take notes on what he was talking about. After A few minutes I got mad and didn’t even bother to follow along anymore. On only the 2nd day of the 4 day seminar Marko broke into a 2-hour sales pitch for his “inner circle” membership – for only an additional $19, 000, but only if you acted that day, and only if you ‘got accepted’. Really, on the 2nd day? From that point on I felt the audience was divided into the lowly regular people, and the Elite that would get better service and actual answers to their questions. From that point I was skeptical about everything he had to say. He glosses thru many topics quickly, acting like a cheerleader at times, but leaving out many of the details that end up being real issues that you need to follow up on your own (or pay to be in the Elite group to get better answers). His model relies on your jumping in right now blindly following what he tells you to do. Now that is not to say that his methods don’t work – I can see that they do for some people in the right places at the right times; but to rely on it for a full time endeavor I’m not so sure.

Eric Phillips
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Feb 07, 2022 4:53 pm EST
Replying to comment of Wj Demko

This is exactly how he weeds out the people who can actually afford his information! He says it in his original "FREE" TEASER VIDEO! He says that his information is worth the $X,xxx.xx value and would have every right to charge that amount! Then he says but he won't! No not initially but after you have already jumped in, most people are not willing to let go of $X,xxx.xx without at least trying to prove to themselves that they weren't just duped into the entire "WORTH" of his system, because in order to get all of this information you end up spending its "WORTH" and then some, but by then the only people involved are only the people who can actually afford to spend the money for it! This hustle has been around for centuries! The only difference is that it gets updated to fit the times!

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Mar 03, 2016 12:51 am EST

On Sept. 19, 2015 Morgan Holiday, one of Marko Rubel's thieves cajole me into buying a real estate software. she promised to tutor me one on one and all the big promises of doing a deal in less than thirty day. It cost $1, 797.00. It was charged to my AMEX. She also said she and Marko where staging a boot camp in Chicago the weekend of October 2, 2015. Upon her return she was going to call me. She had gone of with my money and care less. On Oct. 20th I called to inquire about her return and the software, She was too busy to talk with me . That very day, they was an attempt to with draw $197. from my account for what they called Mentor Me Mark. when infact I had not signed up. i spoke with John. Couple of days the software was received. I had then decided that doing business with such people was not worth the headache. immediately I asked to return the package . No one would give me an address. I however send it Nov. 2, 2015. It was refused and return to me. I have called, spoke to several other workers. I have been giving the run around. I am been referred to several departments . I call Morgan many times, she has not return a single call. The matter is still under investigation awaiting the mailing address.

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Aug 29, 2016 11:09 am EDT

I've had Profit Graber Pro since 2009. It's a little older than some software systems. In fact, I believe it was one of the very first automated systems that supports real estate investors. Initially it requires on line training to use. After that it’s a push button process and easy to use. I think most of the comments are UNFAIR. I also have programs and software from 6 other investor Gurus. All of them are good. Their software is designed to support their business the way they do it. The key is you have to immerse yourself in the guru's system and work hard at it for at least 6 months until you do a few deals. No real estate business works without getting leads, contacting them, following up and making offers. Every guru will tell you that. The formula for success is something like this: 200 contacts, 20 responses equals 1 deal after you’ve learned what to say and how to close. You could even call Real Estate Brokers scam artists and say you want your money back for the licensing, MLS subscription etc because you went to the office sat down and nothing happened. Profit Graber Pro is an automated system which makes the work of real estate investing more efficient. It costs money to maintain software systems so, yes, it is expensive. Here's why. Since I got Profit Graber Pro, seven years ago, I have had five different computers, moved several times and have needed Marco's support staff to help me re-install Profit Graber on my computer from scratch each time. The support staff responded immediately and was extremely helpful each and every time. Marco, not me or the other users, had to pay his support staff to be there, day after day, year after year. I have never had to pay for system upgrades which are provided automatically through the system itself. But, Marco had to pay someone to make those upgrades too. You do have to pay for a subscription to comps if you chose to use them. In my opinion they are the very best because they are specific to each individual property. If you think the monthly fee for Profit Graber comps is expensive, try an MLS subscription. I have worked with both Morgan and John. They are very responsive and helpful and call back each time. If you get Marco's program and work diligently at it, Profit Graber will help you make money. That said, it doesn't matter whose program you buy, you will have to work diligently at it to be successful. This is true even with Dave Lindahl's program, which I also own. It costs money, time, effort and risk to start any business including real estate investing.
Lill Gravatt

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Jun 24, 2018 1:29 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of lgravatt

Hi Lill,
Has Marko Rubel been profitable for you? Are you still using the system and would you recommend it? How much $$ is it worth?

Thank you!

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Jul 05, 2020 10:24 am EDT
Replying to comment of lgravatt

For you to say customers who bought the program and wanted a refund are unfair, that is out of line to me. That is their actual experience. They didn't like the product and wanted refund. I did notice that they didn't actually mention they used the product, but still, its their money and time. I have had them reach out to me and I would just like to know if it works or not. Is direct mail the way he gets leads? Times are changing and it seems like FB ads are the way to get leads now and SEO for Websites.

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Sep 11, 2016 8:23 am EDT

I subscribed to Marko's program originally for $897. I was mildly impressed so was talked into buying the Profit Graber for $2497. I immediately thought better of the idea so called back the same day to cancel. Instead of the course being cancelled, the charge was applied to my credit card. I called 2-3 times per week over he next four weeks for a refund. Not only would they not refund but they would not return my phone calls. I finally called my cred card company and cancelled the charge. They went ahead and sent out the program which I have still unopened. So much for honesty.
Jerry Seely

Jamie DG
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May 02, 2021 5:52 am EDT
Replying to comment of JerrySee

Would you sell the program; and if so for how much?

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Oct 30, 2016 2:17 pm EDT

I have been an "Inner Circle" Student with Marko Rubel, I paid for it 22, 000 for a year, I can tell you one thing I studied the whole thing and was extremely into it, my conclusion is: the success rate is way bellow you'd imagine, from the 800-1200 students that attend his seminars there are maybe 2-3 percent that have had any successes, and even those pulled off a deal or 2, maybe 3.
He says that its easy and inexpensive, well he doesn't mention that you have to mail to about 5000 addresses or more to reach a deal, wich would cost about $8000 dollars(figure 3-4 mailings to each address),
I thank God that i ran out of money and couldn't continue, so I left and went into different real estate ventures and have seen much more success there.

Epefania Hall
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Jul 06, 2018 7:57 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of Dovey01

What then is your recommended program?

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Jun 27, 2019 5:28 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of Dovey01

What kind of ventures did you seek out?

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Oct 30, 2016 2:19 pm EDT

800-1200 I mean annually, as each seminar has about 3-400 attendees and there's 4 events each year

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Nov 06, 2016 1:13 pm EST

Hello Dovey01, what other real estate ventures are you in now? I've been looking over Marko's system as well and considering it, but if you've found other systems that work well, I'd love to hear about them. Thanks.

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Aug 16, 2017 3:09 pm EDT

No answer WOW! That totally discredited the comment prior.

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Jun 24, 2018 1:33 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of Twill1962

Hi Twill1962,
Did you invest in Marko Rubel?

David Kennedy
Goodyear, US
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Sep 26, 2017 1:19 pm EDT

I am just getting up to speed on Marko's ProfitGrabber. I have found a few items that are not working as advertised but for example, today they are updating to correct any known errors. I have found the PG Support personnel always polite, conscientious, full of good information, always responsive, and more than willing to spend as much time with me as I need to understand some function to get PG working FOR ME. Yes, for us older folks the price is a bit high and I think that they could have more clearly described some costs required to get all of the functions working but would I do it again? in a heartbeat!
I have always found that the user's attitude and intellectual ability typically rise and fall together. If you call up without i.e. reading the manual and with a bad attitude you will never get what you "Think" you deserve, only what you really deserve. I believe that when one fails at an endeavor, the majority of the time there is a direct connection to lack of effort on the unhappy person's part. The pissy attitude will usually only get you pissed on when the wind blows the wrong direction for you.
I know Marko a little. I think if you adopt a better attitude and politely contact him, being a man of honor and honesty, you might be surprised at your results.

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Oct 07, 2017 8:29 am EDT
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So how are you doing with the system?

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Jun 24, 2018 1:15 pm EDT
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Hi David, just starting out with Marko Rubio - is it successful for you still?

Hank Clements
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Jan 19, 2022 1:31 pm EST

Yes! It will always be up to the individual, which will always be correct. With that said, all kuru master kit sellers all say the same pitch to escape the truth. The question here is, why are most people complaining about getting the promised refund? These programs may not work or be suitable for everyone. Nor does anyone can guarantee success, no matter how great the program. So, again I ask, where are the unfortunate people's refunds?

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Jun 24, 2018 10:53 am EDT
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My husband is just beginning with Marko Rubio - already 3K in and signing up for the Los Vegas seminar. He has taken the bait several times in the past from other "easy big money coaches and trainings, I am again skeptical. Most reviews are favorable except this discussion. We are in our 60's with not money to lose. I believe my husband falls for these programs out of desperation.

Has anyone had success in the last 6 months with Marko who can talk to me, or not, who will talk to me?

thanks, Lisa

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Sep 18, 2021 6:51 pm EDT
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Replying to comment of ll58

Has anybody gotten back to you Lisa?

Eric Phillips
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Feb 07, 2022 4:24 pm EST
Replying to comment of ll58

Take it from a Disabled Air Force Veteran who has been in desperate situations, yes he falls into these situations because he is desperate! Unfortunately men, at least men who are willing to take a bullet for their families to give them a good life see these as "obviously someone is making money from it and obviously it's not illegal " The biggest problem is that they aren't doing anything illegal, they are giving you something for your money and that is perfectly legal! But just because it is legal doesn't mean that it 100% ethical, by playing on people's emotions of desperation. When you feel desperate that is when you have to step back and evaluate every decision! If you are making a hasty decision out of desperation then you are going to get more of the same feeling, because these people prey on your emotions of desperation! They know that a call to action is the only way to sell their crap and they know that you will make mistakes during the so called guarantee period because time is not your friend during this time! Before you even realize that you're making mistakes because you're panicking you have already used up the so called guarantee and now you are out your investment. They then can get away with it because they give you enough to be dangerous but not enough to be successful! It's only until you have invested your whole life and money into it that you get anything out of it. By then either you sink or swim after leading you miles out from the shore. Then they can claim well you didn't do it the way we told you to. Always do your do diligence and research everything before you get in too deep, because it may very well be legit but, only the patient and persistent people will succeed at anything worth pursuing! In other words don't do anything out of desperation! Hope this helps people!

Len Thomas Cabela
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Jul 27, 2018 7:39 pm EDT

Well I for one am not going to do it now! No thanks! Too similar to all the other gurus. They want 800-900 or over a thousand! This is how they make their money, not being in it for humanitarian, altruistic reason, otherwise I would just be doing the process myself not trying to teach (con) people like Tai Lopez Preston Ely and tons of others with their showy display

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Aug 31, 2018 2:35 pm EDT
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I bought into the hype. But after getting in to the forums and hearing the real truth, I asked for a refund. Constant emails, faxed their coveted form and still nothing. Have filed dispute with Credit Card company and ready to file a lawsuit.
Beginning to piss me off and reinforces my decision.

Marrietta, US
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Sep 18, 2021 10:53 pm EDT
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Good luck with that refund. I was promised a refund if I'd just give it a little more time. I ask again a few days later and was denied, in the most rude and unprofessional manner. They are thieves.

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Sep 10, 2018 2:04 pm EDT

Wow, what a diverse range of opinions. I'll share our story. In 2009 we were in a world of hurt running low on our retirement income. In [protected] we had lost $750K trading options, futures and attending a lot of guru seminars where we bought lots of "systems" of trading and real estate. That was our retirement money and we blew it. No one to blame but ourselves.
We found Marko when he was a guest speaker at a Cameron Dunlap seminar held in LA. There was something very different about what he was presenting and we decided to trust him. We had our backs against the wall, we were dangerously close to not having income, so we had no way to turn other than go forward. Are we ever glad we did!
It wasn't easy for us. Few things are when one makes a change. But we stuck with it and found success. Profit Grabber was a God-send and we hung to Marko's every word and the support of the Inner Circle community. Fast forward to 2018 and we have generated $1 million+ in gross income during our time with the business.
Was it easy? No. Did we spend hours listening to Marko's dvds and transcribe everything word for word? Yes. Did we become proficient with ProfitGrabber? Yes. Did we eliminate all negatives from our business? Yes, we only looked for the positives. Having spent the money to start a business, did we commit ourselves, remember we had our backs against the wall, to make it work no matter what? Yes.
I am sorry to read some of you have had negative experiences with Marko's program. Our success was in committing big time. Failure was not an option. Success was our only option. I trust that hearing from a couple (well into our 70s), will give you pause to consider the possibilities of success in this wonderful business. We thank God for Marko Rubel. We love him. Marko, having paid the price of success before we got involved, made it so much easier for us. Isn't that what a mentor is all about?
Judy and I sincerely wish for all of your successes. There is plenty to go around. Go get it!

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May 20, 2019 11:19 am EDT
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Replying to comment of ivanwyatt

How do we all you guys are for real? Can you really prove that you're so successful as you claim to be here? With so much [censored] and crooks around, one might thing that you are, simply-put, Marko Rubel's paid people, whose only task is to intoxicate us all.

Hank Clements
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Jan 19, 2022 12:57 pm EST
Replying to comment of ivanwyatt

How cliche it is seeing stories like this emerge for damage control! You sound like you are a team support member to Marko, not a subscriber! You claim success with no way of proving it, and you are not obligated to prove anything to the readers here, just your words. Your Claim is almost as good as Marko's sales pitch! Here is yet again another scheme to sell an expensive kit program!

I am fortunate enough to recognize another product that fares no one well in the end. Subscribers that have no real estate investing experience are hoping to have a chance to succeed with some inside secret to become wealthy through real estate! Well, I'm not falling for this!

Folks, please be aware there is no such system out there that will make your real estate investments magical! Buying expensive kits after kits will not take you there but only to the poor house with only losing more of your hard-earned money! These kits will never help you yield money, and the most you'll get is costly information through the process that constantly needs updating and is usually specific to its marketplace. It takes a skillset and the mindset to achieve your goals with actual hunger.

Successful entrepreneurs should offer free advice at least through Qs & A's and personally train those who can afford personal training. Look for these types of programs because they do exist.

The bottom line, real estate investing is a journey that you must walk. No one is going to hand over their journey to you; that just can't be done. Spend your money walking the walk, try getting free or little cost literature on the way and start your successful journey through your own experiences. Your success depends on you when you start by taking the first step. Before you know it, you'll be hitting the ground running!

There are no shortcuts in real estate investing; those are for dreamers.

york, US
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Nov 05, 2022 2:06 am EDT
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Most who complain mention a few program seems these RE "investors" continually buy programs. Why? Marko's system gives you strategies - with the HELP of coaches you implement said strategies. To assume everyone has the same intellect and implements the strategies successfully is absurd. For 1K you can buy enough info, legal docs, coaching! support, and a lifetime 100% rebate with proof of a deal to actually get a deal with little to no $ and without banks/loans and that's who you go after? It takes work...and something his employees won't say but I certainly will, it takes smarts. It seems like the line is drawn around hard work and intellect and those expecting a program "to work" (you do the work - the program TELL YOU WHAT TO WORK ON) have neither. Most will never be successful because that's life! Get good/proven knowledge, use said knowledge, or stay broke and complain online about why nothing works FOR YOU...nothing will, you need to work it.

The humble one
North Las Vegas, US
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Nov 10, 2022 3:05 pm EST
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Replying to comment of ivanwyatt

So after reading all the comments here it sounds to me like if you weren't able to fit the whole bill for all the programs and get into the so called Inner Circle you were destined for failure. They want you to buy into everything before they sincerely help you succeed. They don't tell you this up front because they figure if they get you on the hook then they can reel you all the way in. They got me to, but i did learn a lot from the program without buying profit grabber and deal pro but Marko Rubel you suck.

I recommend Rich Dad Poor Dad for your Real Estate and other investing training.

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Jul 26, 2023 6:43 pm EDT
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Hello Bbob, have you had any success with this type of investing?

John Jayne
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Oct 23, 2018 2:56 pm EDT


So I watched an online intro seminar, like a live telecast, and was somewhat impressed.

They are apparently offering this package that many paid $2497, $1997, etc. for $497 now with a "full 30-day money back guarantee" as well as a guarantee that when the first deal is closed (with docs of proof) that they will refund your initial investment.

So me, being forcibly scrutinizing, as i've been duped before, and asking many questions, apparently wore down the person on the follow up call. Clay is his name and 1 jerk of a sales man. When I posed a question as to his role in this RE "franchise" as he referred to it, suggesting his salesmanship, he got noticably irritated and turned rude. (side note: when people, especially people that know me none, like a phone sales person, start with the "John, ...(this)" and "John, ... (that)" it is a major red flag to me or as my Dad used to say "Probably just the tip of the iceberg.") Clay started to say things like: "you're just looking for something you can use for free" and "I have to go because I have other people to call" once he started feeling like he would not get THE SALE. Ironically, I was on the doorstep to paying $497 because I need something, AND QUICK! (..mostly out of work, 6 growing boys call me Dad.. etc.. etc..).
This TURKEY CLAY had the audacity to say "no one has never even called me a salesman before" in a tone as though I offended him. He called himself some sort of specialist, like a executive of sort. So when I questioned his personal experience with the program (success) he made some claim as to why it was some sort of conflict of interest and could not talk about that.

I told Clay I would call him back after my wife saw the condensed version of the telecast I saw that he sent after our conversation.

IF this is truly not the real deal AND it does not live up to the claimed expectations, then why does this company have a good bbb rating?

MAYBE it is a good company, and they have AT LEAST 1 JERK working for them? (That is possible!)

John J. in South Jersey.

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May 20, 2019 11:36 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hi John J.,

My suggestion to you is that you be EXTREMELY careful about people like Marko Rubel, one of a myriad con artists around.

He claims that he was poor, and nearly-broke (both are usually overused claims by con artists, for years and years) and also that he became a millionaire out of his "creative" system.

When I read, or hear something like that, a sensible question comes immediately up to me: why on earth a millionaire would go the extra mile to "help" people with a "creative" real estate system?

The more people you have aggressively using (and competing) with his system, in the real estate arena, the better off for Marko Rubel, moneywise.

Human nature tells that you NEVER EVER "help" financially-desperate people with creative things, but with crap, in exchange for money, of course.

Eric Phillips
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Feb 07, 2022 6:11 pm EST
Replying to comment of josbar

Sadly, he could have very well been poor and nearly broke, but the only thing that he learned from it was that you can take advantage of the very type of person that he once was! This isn't really helping people out at all! It's using psychology for profit!

Bob Rebera
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Dec 02, 2019 9:23 pm EST

Any feed back from Rubiel in the Florida real Estate market?

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Apr 04, 2021 12:09 pm EDT

I think his entire system is BS I don't know why but I signed up for the stupid crap at 897 and its been nothing but buy this, just buy one more thing, come here so I can convince you to buy this tool. and at the end of it all you've made nothing but he has. He is just taking money he's not really teaching anything useful and he promises he will if you keep paying but I'm not willing to pay him 50k to teach me how to make money because I see his scam clear as day. His coach Frank tried to call me broke because I said I wanted a refund and his system doesn't work. trust me it does not work its BS and all he wants is to take your money. I don't think he even uses his system he makes his money SELLING his system NOT using it.

Eric Phillips
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Feb 07, 2022 6:07 pm EST
Replying to comment of Bree31

You see, he might have made a million or more in Real Estate, but I am certainly sure that he became a multi millionaire selling his systems! Is it crap? Probably not but I guarantee you that you won't get to his level of wealth until you "BUY" into all of his systems! And that is only if you have enough money left over to actually implement what you actually learned if anything! Desperate people don't succeed because while you're in panic Desperate mode you make hasty and poor decisions based off fight or flight mode. I say this because I was a victim of this state of mind for many, many years! I had to change the Desperate mindset in order to get into staying above water level! I may not be flying yet but I am no longer sinking below the surface any longer.

Sue Reynolds
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Aug 14, 2021 9:26 pm EDT

I ran across these posts when looking for an answer on Profit Grabber. I started in 1978 with a program by Robert Allen and paid for his protege program. I studied Carlton Sheets and various other gurus and, while I never had the rich success directly, learned something from each guru. But now, 40 years later, and being in real estate as a licensed professional for the lat 20 years, I believe Marko Rubel's program to be the most comprehensive. It's the philosophy, the how to knowledge, but mainly the SYSTEMS that he has in place that make this much more than anything I've ever seen before. But the secret ingredient on any of these programs? It's me. You've got to do the work. And for all of you who wanted a series of letters or steps that you can then copy? You've missed the value here. I have gotten more expansive ideas out of this program than anything else I've seen out there. I bought my first house at 21 and had 5 by the age of 25...but that was the harder way to work for it. This time around, I'm doing it right.

Darlene East
Tualatin, US
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Apr 22, 2022 7:21 pm EDT

Sue, I just came in contact with Marko webinar. It was fascinating. I've been around real estate for over 35 years, everything made total sense to me. fascinating to put it all together. Very comprehensive, and compelling to give thought to not overwhelming oneself with the heavy expense

when there is a simple way to approach acquiring assets. Thank you for posting

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Jul 26, 2023 5:54 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Hi Sue, my name is Josh, and I feel that we have the same dream! I've been in Marko's programs before. I'm thinking to get back in again. I would really like to speak with you to hear your thoughts and your experiences with creative REI. Let me know if that's a possibility. Thank you!

Marrietta, US
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Aug 17, 2021 4:17 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

They are Liars and Thieves. DO NOT fall for their lies!

Hank Clements
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Jan 19, 2022 1:03 pm EST

Here is yet again another scheme to sell an expensive kit program!

I am fortunate enough to recognize another product that fares no one well in the end. Subscribers that have no real estate investing experience are hoping to have a chance to succeed with some inside secret to become wealthy through real estate! Well, I'm not falling for this!

Folks, please be aware there is no such system out there that will make your real estate investments magical! Buying expensive kits after kits will not take you there but only to the poor house with only losing more of your hard-earned money! These kits will never help you yield money, and the most you'll get is costly information through the process that constantly needs updating and is usually specific to its marketplace. It takes a skillset and the mindset to achieve your goals with actual hunger.

Successful entrepreneurs should offer free advice at least through Qs & A's and personally train those who can afford personal training. Look for these types of programs because they do exist.

The bottom line, real estate investing is a journey that you must walk. No one is going to hand over their journey to you; that just can't be done. Spend your money walking the walk, try getting free or little cost literature on the way and start your successful journey through your own experiences. Your success depends on you when you start by taking the first step. Before you know it, you'll be hitting the ground running!

There are no shortcuts in real estate investing; those are for dreamers.

Eric Phillips
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Feb 07, 2022 5:38 pm EST

The biggest problem I see with all of this is that the desperate people can't rationalize at that particular moment that although initially it's X price to get to the "EASY MONEY" it's going to cost you, more than they have!

Coppell, US
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Nov 10, 2021 10:59 pm EST

I paid $897 for the initial Marko Rubel, Foreclosure Deal package to see what it was all about, i was gonna ask for my $897 to be refunded, but unfortunately i had a salesman/biz development guy tell me to wait until the next monday to speak to him about cancelling and getting my money back, well he did not call me back as promised, so tuesday i call them, then loo & behold now he tells me it is too late to do so, , , , i was supposed to get a phone call from you yesterday, i said, and he said he got too busy, and it is now too late, since we're past the 30 days, okay so you promised to coach me until my 1st deal at no extra costs so let's get it done then i will get my money back by submitting a video testimonial, if that's what we have to do let's do it! so now week 6 and I have just been in the "7 points" call i was supposed to get in the 1st 30 days, but he was too busy to do for me then, and i got a long winded cheer leading call and then the ultimate get it now before the price goes up on the Profit Grabber software for only $3497 extra, and $500 yearly extra for the Deal finder 360, , to supposedly find all of the best local real estate deals out there, but no guarantee that they are all foreclosures, ?, sounds like a MLS listing backdoor to me, , sales pitch and then the guy says well we can split it into 2 payments a month apart for the profit grabber for only 2 times, $2098, i said wow that is a high penalty for splitting it over just 30 days, an he said do not worry about it you will get $3497 back as you submit the video testimonial after your 1st deal and with the number of foreclosures in your county you will get it really fast, , , okay if you say so, but i just told you that my credit card was maxxed out by doing the $897 with you already, so how could i put anymore on it now and still have any money to send out a bunch of postcards, and i had to repeat myself like 3 times saying i could not put anymore on my credit cards right now, so then he tells me i need to get into the next Marko Virtual seminar, to which i replied, but i thought you said and the advertisement you just sent out today said i had a free seat for 2 because i already paid $897, then he says no that is for the LIVE events with Marko not the virtual ones, so now he is asking to put $299 more on the card i said was maxxed out already, duh he is not listening to me, so i said i have to hit the pause button and see what the Marko System is fromm al of the training i have already paid $897 for before i spend another dime more, and he tells me i will be doing it the hard way not the smart way, and i say i cannot afford to make anymore mistakes by jumping in with both feet when i am reading all of these reviews about how others did not have success with your expensive software solutions here, and all i will be doing is what i already paid for and see if i get coaching for life, for free like i was promised out of my $897 and the initial "sales Funnel charges of about $6, so let's talk later, and see what time and day i can use the free Live event tickets you say i have and let me learn it all from that, and you gave me some places online to look for deals, (none of which are for foreclosures only)to get the names & addresses to send Marko's preprinted post cards to, which they will also expect me to pay for on my credit card, , , so as some have said here, if you got the money to go in with both feet and get the software working for you and then spend another $4000 on Marko's postcards & stamps getting them sent out, you might get your 1st deal, but how can you get your 1st deal if all you have done is make yourself broke by being pushed into the extra expensive stuff, with no more room to fund the mailer$? folks the truth is just find a local real estate investor group and go learn from them it is gonna be alot less than being told to do that after giving MArko $897+$6, up front, for them to turn around and tell you that is a good source for local support groups, and knowledge base, praying for us all is all i can do now, i am sharing because i am out the money & trying to tell the truth about what happened to me here now, i will see how it goes, since i am not able to afford the "dealgrabber" super software, if anyone out there knows, how to do the same stuff for less elsewhere please let me know, tyvm, & have a Blessed Life, and the saying is "happy spouse, happy house" btw, as always "it takes 2 baby, it just takes 2" verified customer here speaking the truths