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CB Food and Beverages Review of Maruchan Inc.
Maruchan Inc.

Maruchan Inc. review: Worst service ever 61

Author of the review
11:19 am EST
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

The other night, I had my friend prepare a cup of noodles for me. The first thing I noticed, is there were no vegetables in it. I asked him, and he told me there were never any in there to begin with. Next, as I stirred the noodles, I found what ended up being a very disturbing discovery. It looked similar to an herb, but looked like a bug to me. Jokingly, I asked if he had put a bug in my food. As I looked closer, I realized how unfunny the situation was. I found what looked like several (dead) worm/maggot looking bugs in my cup of noodles. I looked under the light and realized that there were in fact tons of dead maggot/worms in my food. Luckily, I hadn't started eating it yet.

I have looked all over online and have found very little if any information on how to contact the company. The package contains no information on how to contact them, and the only information I could find was that they reside in Irvine, CA. I know this is a very cheap product, and I payed next to nothing for it, but never in my life have I discovered something so disgusting and upsetting in my food. I've been a ramen noodle fan for quite some time, but after that find, and seeing that they provide no contact whatsoever, I am very disappointed in the company. I can probably get over this experience and still consume the blocks of noodles, but never again will I trust another cup of noodles.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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jenni King
Indianapolis, US
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Feb 06, 2009 4:38 pm EST

i totally know what you mean, im running into the same problem...needless to say i've lost my appitite completely now...

i opened up a package of pork ramen noodles and went to put the noodles in a pot of boiling water and i lifted up the noodles only to find a dead dried up spider underneath the noodles, simply disgusting. i also wanted to file a complaint because i paid money for it and i know it wasnt much, but still, i got ripped off and i didnt pay for bugs to be in my food, its soo gross.

you'd think they would at least list a phone number or somthing. do they have dat many complaints that they prefer not to have contact information?

Karen Woods
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Feb 10, 2009 11:23 am EST

I am reading the nutrition facts on a package of cup of ramen noodles with dried vegetables with beef. The amount of sodium is 1, 140mg. I would like to have a quick and fast lunch for cheap. Without so much crap in the ingridients.

The ingredients list is toooooooo... long. They need to remove the MONSODIUM GLUTAMATE.

What's so funny to me is that the package post the 0 grams of trans fat in the right corner. Under that they say see nutrition facts for saturated fat and sodium info.

I will not buy any more until the ingredients list is shorter and there is no MSG.

Flint, US
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Feb 20, 2009 2:37 am EST

I'm having the same issue with the cups, but I've heard of people finding dead bugs in the bricks as well. Just now as a matter of fact I opened up 3 different cups of ramen to find each one had dead bugs inside of it. The vegetables eaten out, spider webs, small black and yellow worm like bugs.

I have 3 cups I have to toss, a 4th that looks to be in the same condition as the first three, and I've had several others in the past with these as well.

If maruchan wont step up, maybe we should start going to the newspapers. If it gets media attention maybe they'll take responsibility for their product.

Cherryl Harris
Dallas, US
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Feb 22, 2009 6:06 pm EST

Oh my goodness! I have just found the same thing! Yellow worm like bugs! My daughter and I were eating - she eating the ramen noodles and me eating the instant wonton - and though hers is fine I just found WORMS floating in mine - after eating some - and had to throw up because of the thought! Below is their main number and their address. The very nice person on the phone states that he doesn't have anyone there at this time but he will have his customer service rep contact me tomorrow. Needless to say I am very disgusted at this time and very unhappy. Checking out shelf life and trying to buy by sell dates doesn't work if the worms/bugs/nasties are there BEFORE the plastic goes on!

Maruchan Inc
15800 Laguna Canyon Rd, Irvine, CA [protected]
Contact Phone: [protected]

Cherryl Harris

Tomales, US
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Mar 15, 2009 9:34 pm EDT

Reading the above, I'm SO glad I didn't find a bug! But what I did find in eating my soup (the 'brick' variety) was a length of...sock fuzz? It looks like it had been processed in with a piece of noodle - it's the same width and color, but its definitely something similar to carpet fiber. I also have found it next to impossible to find their contact information. I would like to send them my carpet sock-string :-P

As for 'i won't eat it til the msg/sodium is gone'...ok, don't. *Shrug. I kind of thought we all knew it isn't that great for you. At least they list those things on the package. My brick-sleeve doesn't say anything about maggots, spiders, worms, or floor coverings. This IS pretty disgusting.

Chandlerville, US
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Mar 19, 2009 7:31 pm EDT

We used to eat this soup until we also found lots of unsavory things in our soup. Also there is so much salt in them anymore it burns your tongue. Thanks to Cherryl Harris for the phone number and address. They apparently know they have a very nasty product and thats why they don't put a phone number or address on the package. Won't eat that CRAP again.

Lizzie K
Kill Devil Hills, US
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Apr 19, 2009 2:47 pm EDT

Wow! I found this site after opening and eating my cup o noodles to find NO veggies or shrimp, just noodles. Now, after hearing all the bug complaints, I'm wondering if I should have looked closer at what WAS there. I hope nothing, yuck! I like how it says, "When writing us, please include code number stamped on package.", on the bottom of the package, but no address to write to!

Baton Rouge, US
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Jun 07, 2009 9:57 pm EDT

We 'often' find small dead insects in our bricks of noodles. My daughter eats Ramen because she won't eat animals and like sto eat the noodles. Now she is totally turned off by them! We just dumped them down the garbage disposal. Can they sell this product with all these bugs/maggots/worms/spiders that people are finding? How disgusting is their plant?
Should we alert the Health Dept?

Louise hardy
Chicago , US
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Jun 20, 2009 5:36 pm EDT

I've been eating this soup for about 30 years, and am feeling pretty lucky about not finding anything but soup in my soup (no bugs etc.).
My problem is that I'm a vegetarian (another reason I'm glad there are no bugs). The only soup you sell without at least meat flavoring is the mushroom. I can't find it anywhere what's up with that? I live in Chicago
any suggestions? 60615 is my zip code. Can I order mushroom soup that is direct?

Paulsboro, US
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Jul 11, 2009 1:32 am EDT

Luckily I haven't came across any of these bugs either. But I've also been looking for a contact email or number for this company because I was opening a package of the ramen and noticed some of the seasoning was already on the noodle brick. That made me look at the seasoning packet and saw that there was a piece of company tape wraped around it and one side of the packets wasn't even sealed closed. My boyfriend said not to eat it so I got another package and this seasoning packet had the tape on it too, but it was sealed closed.

Bugs in Maruchan Ramen
Jacksonville, US
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Sep 08, 2009 11:39 am EDT

We also found insects and worms in our sealed styrofoam container. My son advised he found worms in his one day. I did not believe him and advised my son that if I was to find anything in my sealed container, that I would give hime $1.00. I slowly open up the container removing the sealed factory plastic wrap and lid, and to my amazement, there were moths or some other insects (at least 5) on the top . I called the company and left a message. I still have others and may contact the health dept as this does not appear to be an isolated incident. I would let this fly if it wasnt for the sealed wrap. This means it was shipped this way and that the insects originated in the plant where it was manufactured. Stay away from this product - Maruchan Instant Lunch Chicken Flavor - Phone for them is [protected]

Fullerton, US
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Sep 10, 2009 4:05 pm EDT

You people seriously need to get a life! I had the same situation happen to me but hello.. look up flour beetles? Bugs can actually eat there way through stuff... the holes are microscopic sometimes. My daughter looked at the cup under the microcope and sure enought there was hole where a bug ate its way in... It could have even gone through the seal on top too. When I called Maruchan, the lady told me that the lid is not air tight sealed! So... DRAMA QUEENS... Get over it! I doubt they would still be in business if they had bugs in their factory morans! Think about it! Health departments go there all the time with complaints with stuff people complain about? They have been around since I was little so I doubt that is the case! I wont hold what happen against them because I love their product and stuff happens sometimes.

Pittsburgh, US
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Oct 01, 2009 12:05 pm EDT

I have been eating this soup for years! I literally was just in my kitchen and I was craving a cup of noodles right? So I took all the cardboard and plastic off the cup, opened the lid, and was about to put water in.. I looked down at the vegetables and noticed a dried up baby cricket looking thing! I thought I was nuts! So I called my boyfriend in to reassure myself I wasn't crazy and he said Yup, it's a freeze dried bug! I'm so disgusted and I can't find a phone number or a mailing address... wow. This is just weird and I wanted to throw up. Never again will I eat this stuff.

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Oct 17, 2009 12:46 am EDT

I took the plastic off of the cup of my delicious hot and spicy beef flavored cup of noodles, sat down took some bites stirred the noodles and found maggots! To the guy that tells us we are being drama queens (in my case "king"), did you eat what you saw? I didn't think so! I feel completely discusted right now! And if we don't complain about this crap who will? They need to know that they can make the product a little better so bugs can't dig or sneak their way in. I don't care how cheap this food is. It is still food! If the lable said "noodles and maggots" it would be different! But it says Hot and Spicy Beef flavor. I was never expecting to find bugs in something I ate that was not out of date. I will probably buy again, I will just poor it out into a bowl and inspect it very well before eating it.

Santa Ana, US
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Nov 13, 2009 9:54 am EST

ami me salio una mosca en la sopa maruchan y estaba tapada ya llebaba la mitad y cuando la mire como diseca la mosca se mira bien asquerosa

Santa Ana, US
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Nov 13, 2009 9:55 am EST

ami me salio una mosca en mi sopa maruchan cuando me la estaba comiendo hasta se mira como vieja la mosca ahora me duele mi estomago

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Nov 30, 2009 12:50 am EST

hey everyone sorry if I'm a little shy I just had the same problem as most of you (minus the disgusting insects) did their Yakisoba Japanese Noodles are sssooo salty that they gave me a headache so bad it made me really dizzy and feel sick and nauseated to my stomach when I ate them on wednesday and I too have been a fan of their products for a long time being an almost 24 year old young lady I will NEVER eat their food again that did it for me I AM DONE WITH THEM FOR GOOD! I don't know about you see you around!, Midgie.

edgar hates maggots in his food
Sacramento, US
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Jan 10, 2010 10:21 am EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

hey reading this forum has been very helpful, thank you all for posting your thoughts and concern, especially the person who posted their number, i got a hold of them a couple of days ago, i reported them to the FDA, they gave me a call back and now lets see what happens, but i do encourage all of you to make a complaint about your expirience, its obviously happening quite often and there should be an end to this, they are violating health codes and they should be punished for it!

Rogers, US
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Jan 25, 2010 6:59 pm EST

I both a package of Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soups at my local walmart store around a week ago. Today [01-25-10], I was making a Shrimp flavor one, and to my surprise when I opened the plastic package hwere it comes in, there was no seasoning that came with it. I empty out the bag of all the noodles it had thinking that maybe it would be at the end of the bag, and NO my soup had no seasoning inside, I then looked for a customer service # and foun a # called that # and an agent said that they were going to send me a letter and some coupons to cover for my product, I'm not sure if this is going to be true or not, but I came across this page just today while in the search of their customer service phone #, I live in Rogers, Arkansas.

Joseph Rivelli
Jersey City, US
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Feb 01, 2010 12:35 pm EST

WOW! These types of findings are really eye opening. I guess I should consider myself fortunate. I migrated to this site in search of an email address to report that I had been shortchanged in a cup of Maruchan Roasted Chicken.
There were only half of the amount of noodles present that were supposed to be there. But after reading everyones dilemmas I can venture a guess as to what happened to the other half! I don't even want to think about it because I ate the soup anyway even though I was left with a load of broth at the end. Nevertheless I didn't see any bugs and I'm still standing but I can assure you that I with thoroughly inspect any further packages before I use them. If I in fact decide you use them at all. Regards, Joseph Rivelli Jersey City NJ

Boise, US
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Feb 04, 2010 8:08 pm EST

This product is absolutely disgusting. My boyfriend opened one of these and ate a quarter of it before locating two beetles and a maggot. We inspected it and it looked like the maggots were living inside the corn and eating the kernals. All of the corn kernals were empty. We opened up another box of Maruchan instant lunch and low and behold big old maggots and beetles with wings that had literally eaten away the insides of the corn. GROSS. This is disgusting and we will certainly complain, it is obvious this has happened many times before and must stop.
Jessica Vargas

Colorado Springs, US
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Jul 11, 2010 7:34 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was eating the instant cup noodle when I noticed the black car looking oil on the inside of the cup. I had already eaten 1/4 of it before I noticed it. Hopefully I won't get poisoned and die. I can't contact the company either. I am never purchasing anything from Maruchan ever ever again!

Colorado Springs, US
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Jul 11, 2010 7:44 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I was consuming a maruchan noodle cup when I noticed what looked like car oil on the inside of the cup. I had eaten about a 1/4 of it before I noticed it. I also can not contact the company, pretty shaddy. Did not know you could sell product without having any contact information. Well they won't get a dime from me EVER! Hopefully I won't get poisoned and die! I did take a picture of it and will post it!

View 0 more photos
Los Angeles, US
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Jul 13, 2010 1:21 pm EDT

I used to work there and I can tell you their QC is amongst the worst I have ever seen. The QC guy there, a little Japanese man who wears a yellow hat, is almost always sleeping there. There is also a "sump" disposal bunker there that emits the most foul smelling odor ever. They hardly change the rat traps around the facility and there are rodents living in the warehouse feasting on dried noodles. Plus they are very cheap with their employees and routinely hire illegal aliens to work intheir factory. I would spend your money on Nissin Top Ramen and forget Maruchan...your health is worth the change.

Bend, US
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Jul 31, 2010 4:27 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Wow, I just got online to find their contact information and, no, I did not find ANY bugs in my food... I was eating a Ramen Chicken Brick (in lack of better words) and I eat most all of it. Now before I go on, My house is SPOTLESS. Dishes CLEAN and we pay attention to details. Onto the story, I get through eating most of it and in the bottom of the bowl... I find a FINGERNAIL!

Bugs, Nasty, but explainable... but a fingernail? C'MON MARUCHAN! Step it up!

Needless to say, I will be calling tomorrow and letting them know, and write back about what they say

Muskegon, US
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Oct 11, 2010 9:58 am EDT

I mad emy son some ramen noodles last night and while we were helping him eat we noticed something in the soup and after digging it out and looking at it I foun that it was a maggot! That is f-in disgusting and I will be sure to give them a peice of my mind when if ever I can find some solid contact information! Clean your stupid factory becasue that is disgusting!

Needless to say I will never buy another package of ramen again!

Lolo, US
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Oct 25, 2010 6:28 pm EDT

I have become intolerant, or allergic to, red- pepper.. Gives me 2 or 3 days of hives and itching. So, I need to find out if a food has red pepper in it before I consume it. Any phone numbers at maruchan to call to get this info?

Lolo, US
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Oct 25, 2010 6:31 pm EDT

I have become allergic to red-pepper. It causes me to break out in hives for 3 or 4 days after consuming it. So, I need to find out if my food contains red-pepper before I consume it. Anybody know how to do that at maruchan?

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Nov 11, 2010 9:57 pm EST

There are half the noodles there should be in my cup! After reading some of these comments about the bugs, though, I am pretty grossed out. I also think it's messed up they don't put their contact info up. It only makes them more sketchy. GET IT TOGETHER MARUCHAN!

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Nov 17, 2010 4:08 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The Maruchan brand is absolutely disgusting. It is misfortunate that we have had to experience such horrible things in their products. I opened my Yakisoba Noodles today, only to find my packet sealed with a long strand of hair in it. I will definitely contact the company this afternoon to inform them of this, and I will also inform them of the horrible experiences that others have had. If anyone is interested in contacting this corporate office, the number is [protected]. It is located in Irvine, CA. I will never purchase products from this company again. I was so disgusted that I won't even accept a coupon for a free bowl of soup. I just want Maruchan to know how despicable their facilities must be.

abq, US
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Nov 19, 2010 12:29 am EST

first of all you all need to get your head out of your [censor]! Maruchan is the best Ramen out there and those little yellow bugs are called weevle larva and they get in there from either the store that you bought your them from or your house. Once one food gets contaminated the rest do they are paracites! stop being ignorant drama queens id like to see anyone else come out with something that is only 20 cents and can fill you up. yeah i dont like every flavor but im not stupid i buy what i like. I grew up on them and still eat them.

Get a clue if you want to reach them they have an address! my little brother found the address when he was just in second grade. which makes me question every ones inteligence. I know the link to emial them but i would never give it to your angry [censor]s! I have emailed them before to let them know how awesome they are for making sure that there is cheap food out there for us less fortunate and obviously more greatful humans out there.

If you dont like the way they taste or they dont have vegtibles in them go and get some add to your flavors! To complain against something that cost 2 dimes is rediculous. There is litterally hundreds of ways to cook them. Next time you decide to hate on them ask a homeless guy or if your affriad of doing that ask a colledge studdent about Ramen Noodles. Maybe then you all will be able to get your heads out of your [censor].

Belleville, US
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Nov 21, 2010 7:12 pm EST

I love ramen noodles, but after finding little bugs in them I will most likely never eat them again. Granted they are cheap, but I will spend the extra dollar to never deal with that again. Yuck.

Maruchan Inc. P.R.
Irvine, US
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Dec 29, 2010 12:20 am EST

We here at Maruchan Incorporated, would like to re-assure our customers and users of our food products. Evidently, some of you have found foreign objects in your Instant Lunch(tm) and Ramen(tm) products. We sincerely DO APPOLOGIZE for this happening and assure you that our factories are cleaned and pass with the upmost of industry standards. You are MORE than welcome to inquire as to a tour of our plants by calling this number, [protected] and pressing ext:3 to speak with a customer service agent. Again, we truly appreciate your consumption of our products and would absolutely like to welcome you BACK to the Maruchan(R) family!

Maruchan Inc. P.R.
Irvine, US
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Dec 29, 2010 12:26 am EST

To the consumers of our Maruchan products; 12/28/2010

We here at Maruchan Inc. would like to extend our appologies to you for your cullinary "misfortunes". We invite you to call our customer service number ANYTIME at: [protected]. Request a personal tour of our facilities, they are clean and pass the inspections according to AND ABOVE industry standards. We would absolutely like to welcome you BACK to the Maruchan family and hope you would give our products a try in the near future!


John Reymondt
Maruchan Inc. P.R.

council bluffs, US
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Jan 13, 2011 10:46 pm EST

I opened my sealed package of shrimp flavored instant noodles and found it was full of spider webs! I've been eating their stuff for pretty much my whole 18 year life and never before has this happened! I'm sooooooo disgusted! will never ever be buying this again after what ive read here.

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Feb 15, 2011 1:36 am EST

Why the [censor] are all of you lying about this
If it's being sold it's for a reason
So quit making up stories just to bring down a company
And I dont eat this [censor] but I'm just frustrated wit all your pointless complains

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Feb 16, 2011 6:07 pm EST

I too just found a larvae in my Maruchan Ramen Noodle Soup Creamy Chicken Flavor (dont know if this matters but bar code number [protected] best by( 03 13 12) BV 01:05) I am pissed and still very hungry but scared to open another pack. I mean I already took a fork full of noodles before i saw the things damn eyes staring back at me. Never again will I eat this. and the worse thing is i couldn't even complain about it on their website.

Geneva, US
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Mar 08, 2011 10:48 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Whats there number so i can send a complain cause i found a bug in my noodles.>!

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Mar 23, 2011 6:10 pm EDT

Today I decided to have a Instant Lunch, Chicken flavor. I vented the lid, poured the hot water and waited 3 minutes. After the time was up I removed the lid, starting stirring, and found to my surprise a large chunck of styrapfoam. This was not from the cup I was about to consume, but probably from a cup before it it the production line. it was about a 3" by 2" piece of foam! That is not something you think you would find in your Ramen! And for all of those people who found bugs...I feel for you, that is one of the most disgusting things you could imagine! I placed a call to the number someone provided above and got no response. I did however leave a message in hopes they will contact me in the near future.

Adrian, US
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Apr 01, 2011 1:41 am EDT

Well, after not eating Ramen for a long period of time...I had just started eating mine when I saw something hard and black in the mist of my noodles...I pulled it out with my fork and while examining it...noticed a leg...yes, it is a BLACK, SMALL ROACH looking, please excuse me while I go vomit!