My name is Alfredo Morales Padilla, My address 342 Stevens Ave. Lancaster P. a 17602 my cell phone is [protected]. I look for a good company to do my roof and I found Matthew Quiñones Business / Tax #[protected] Tel. # [protected], his address 228 E. Willow st. Elizabethtown Pa 17022. ON 8/26/2022 he give me a good estimate for the job, and I like that estimate and I accepted. My roof is two seccion 1.20x20 he charge $2000.00, 2. 20x40 he charge $3500.00, he charge for gas $35.00, for demolition and Dump fee he charge $350.00. Total charge was 5885.00. On 08/27/2022 he start the job I ask him if he have a permit to do the job and he said yes. He done the job on 08/28/2022. I complain about the bad work on 08/29/2022, he came and to some repair but I no satisfy and I call city inspector on 09/05/2022, city inspector talk to him he have to do the job again. some of the reason he have to do job again is 1. He no have permit, 2. He do a bad work. On 10/07/2022 we have a meeting (city inspector, him and me). City inspector name is Adam Coleuran, TEL. [protected], in that meeting he said he goinG to charge me againg $3300.00, he said he no have any money for he finish my roof, I want he finish my roof and I talk him I pay for the material and you finish my roof and he agree. And we when to Homedepot to buy the material he order to much material and I ask him why he order that much, he said he know what he need, taht day he bring some material and storage on top of one of the roof, where he going to work on, the rest of material he left on Homedepot and he going to pickup later on that day. but he return that material and give the money (10/07/2022) Homedepot refund to him $676.14. On 10/16/2022 he cancel some material and Homedepot refund to him $281.72, Total refund to him for the material I buy $967.45. Matthew now he said he no going to finish the job and he left the roof on the wood show and the rain damadge more all wood. LOCATION WHERE THIS HAPPEN IS 19 SEYMOUR ST LANCASTER P. A 17603