NewMaxlineHater is Brian Coday. He purchased an electronic stringing machine from Mutual Power. We are Maxline Eagnas. We are not Mutual Power. We are not his vendor. We have no relationship with Brian Coday and Mutual Power. He shall complaint Mutual Power not carrying the spare parts for his machine. He has the severe logic problem.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
Victor Chu,
I'm actually Brian Coday. I'm not sure why you posted my name here but I'd like to refresh your memory.
I was the potential customer that called you for help BEFORE doing a quick google search of your company and you personally. Had I done that, I would have been able to save the both of us some serious frustration!
I called to order this part:
It IS listed on your site as a part that you sell but instead of selling it to me, you went a little crazy. I notice that you tend to do that from time to time. ( )
I was able to order a similar part elsewhere so all is good on this end and my Mutual Power stringing machine is working perfectly. Speaking of Mutual Power, you probably don't realize this but you are probably helping them sell even more machines when YOU post a complaint about Maxline on websites like this! In fact, every time you try to hurt someone by posting their personal information and your unintelligible side of the story, it only makes you look like the bad guy.
In America we have a saying "the customer is always right". I think you've interpreted that to mean "the customer always want fight". Big difference and I hope that one day soon, you'll figure that out.