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M.C.F.D review: Corruption & Abduction 6

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12:17 pm EDT
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I love the mother of my children when she happy she lights up a room and there not a sadistic bone in her body. she came from a start of two drug addicted parents who had a physical and mental abusive relationship. they seperate mom rats on dad keeps kids. dad sells drugs to fight mom in coart. becouse mom had rope in a rescued by a nice camp guy who worked all the time. years pass as her dad fought in coart to get rights to his daughters finaily he gets rights to his duaghters and one is scared of him wasn even 1 when seperated and the mother of my kids. she was his little angel and this created a strange reaction in her mother. her own duaghter became compition and her mother begins being mean nothing good enough saying shes fat cuasing duaghter to be annerexic by 10. dad dies a hot shot just after he gets out of rehab covored in bruises called suicide?. mother and duaghter fight until blowing point at 14 mother beats up her duaghter and throws her out in her underware then calls mcfd and says she ran away so they wont help her. they bring her back she gets beat up and chucked out again . she ends up with freindly hippy family for the next year and a bit. dad dies in hippy family every ones distrot and no place for her she bounces around for another year and a bit till she with abusive guy who knocks her up and uses kid as levrage so she cant run. i met her around the time of her getting pregnant i was doing security for a party a vaguely new the guy she was with. she became enamoured and she and the abusive boyfriend started coming over him borrowing money her to talk. she knew i thought her to young for me and terrified of boyfriend till he ditchs just before my oldest is born a year and a half to years passes and she a stay at home mom mcfd coudnt turn her away pregnant shes in colledge and she ran into a friend of mine she remembers how much she liked me and just before she turns nineteen she asked me out . we fall in love over the next 4 her sadistic mother calls in or gets other people not connected to us to call in 12 to fourteen times but always with fake allegations they come we luagh they look around and go apoligizing. I tried getting us away to another town and putting judgement aside job backfired ended up back in her home town and her mother started saying weird thing like she felt like she had are boys and its about her youngest is leaving. a social worker came by and was rude and insulting calleds us drug addicts for our priscribed meds i finally got angry told her to leave and reported the worker the mcfd said we wouldnt deal with her anymore. now a couple months later the worker came took my kids and gave them to her mother the one who conspired and lied. the worker seems to have unlimited power four weeks and i see my kids less than a lord of the rings flick. i need help thre complaints is a broken record they say i use drugs but have a security ticket and no drugs on file except once when i broke ribs and friend gave couple perkicets.


The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.

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Port Alberni, CA
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Jan 24, 2014 11:09 am EST

Mcfd will come into your home with second hand information, throw this at you and either bully or scare you into anything that cause your babies to be removed from your house hold. We have the right as parents to look at them and say "no you can not take my child" but in doing so they somehow manage to obtain our children, removing all rights to us and not allowing even a phone call. I don't understand how these people think these actions are the best desicion in our children's health. Everytime I see my daughter she begs me and cries to come home with mommy. She then acts up towards her temporary care takers and mcfd says it's because of my visits. Really? This town is run by mcfd and many very good parents suffer all because of one man, Laurie Money! We as a community need to be heard. Please help, post your stories so we can end this torcher to our children, our future.

Nanoose Bay, CA
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Jul 03, 2014 7:23 pm EDT

Alberni man faces charges after explosive device incident
XComments Closed by Wawmeesh G. Hamilton - Alberni Valley News
posted Jun 23, 2014 at 4:00 PM— updated Jun 24, 2014 at 8:42 AM*Updated to include suspect's name and exact charges

A 35-year old man is facing criminal charges after allegedly spraying residents in a home with bear spray then threatening to blow them up.

Dagan Briggs is facing nine charges including two explosives charges, three assault with weapon charges and unlawful confinement, Port Alberni provincial prosecutor Graham Merke said.

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Port Alberni RCMP responded to a residence at the 3900 block of Argyle Street shortly after midnight after a male told them he had been doused with bear spray by the suspect.

Briggs, who police found at the front door, was threatening to blow up the house with a device he claimed was explosive. Officers saw the device which they considered suspicious and evacuated the home's other occupants as well as others from neighbouring homes.

Police contained the residence then contacted Briggs with via telephone. Briggs subsequently surrendered himself to police at 2:15 a.m. The device was found to be inert, or rendered unable to explode.

"During discussions between the police negotiator and the suspect the suspect potentially modified the device so it wouldn't explode, " Allan said. "It's unclear though if the device was in a different state than before we entered the home."

Experts from the Explosive Detection Unit were consulted on the file and are in Port Alberni today to examine the device.

Briggs remains in police custody. He is set to appear in Port Alberni Provincial Court on June 24.
Whoops, looks like maybe there was a reason for you to lose your kids. Well done proving everyone right idiot!

Port Alberni, CA
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Jun 03, 2015 1:49 am EDT

My children and I where the victims of this idiot! Dagan Briggs just lived up the road from me, Imdidnt really know him to well, he would help my son sometimes with his bike. Two days before (Wednesday, June 19th 2014) my children had a friend sleep over each, they all wanted to sleep in the ten in are front yard, so I put the tent up! I had my friend and her boyfriend over and they were helping me tidy up, The kids went into the tent around 8:30pm, around 10pm, my self, my friend and her boyfriend where sitting in the living room talking and cooling down the house (front door was open) when the first encounter with Dagan Briggs started! He just walked right in and was actually all weird, I ask him to leave but he wouldn't go, the I yelled and said "shut the ___ up and get the ____ out now"! He looked right at me with a smirk and said boom! then turn around and walked out I followed him out to make sure he wad gone, my friends boyfriend and I still had a uneasy feelen so I went to the tent to bring my kids into the house! I got the kids de back to sleep, and then went back out to get their things from the tent! As I Wes in the tent I see a shadow of a person walking around the tent, I started to panic! I remember saying who is there but didn't get a response, then all of a sudden some one started to take down the tent I frozen and didn't know what to do! about 1 min later I heard my friends boyfriend saying hey what's goin on? I couldnt say anything I was freaked out, the the tent door open, and it was my.friiends boyfriend asking me if I am all right, I ran into the house and we locked all the doors! I didn't know what to do, I ended up calling COPS! A officer showed up and I had told them what happened! The officer left to do talk to him, she came back about 10mins later and told me that she had spoken to him and told him to stay away! I told her that I am freaked right out and that I had two kids here plus two of there friends! I was told all they can do is drive by a just keep a look out! The officer said that she thought he was a little strange, and that said had asked him why he did this and if he may have thought that we had a relationship, he stated that relationship was not physical and never was! Any ways that was all that the cops would do for me regarding that! On Firday June 20 2014" I had to run to the store to grab some milk for the morning so my brother watched the kids as I went to the store! I returned home to find Dagan Briggs in my home. I am not gonna go into detail about my kids and my experience that night, expect for myself and my son where peppered sprayed and my daughter, my son and myself where held hostage for a good hour, ! Ever since then, almost a year june 21 2015 would be the anniversary of that. My children and I have been separated since then with very few supervised visits, I am not allowed to even take my kids for a walk nor go to any of there school funtions or sporting events with my mother with me or another ministry approved person! I miss my children, I have always been a good mother, never even really ever had a babysitter! I rarely have ever even been away from them! Mcfd just slole my children. This sistuation was completely out of my control, my children and I were held against our will! So yea thanks to this man I have the most devasting year and my children's life's and mine have been destroyed by this! I didn't desever to lose my kids exspecially since I found out that this man has been able to speak to his boys on the phone! Is that supposed to be justice? Is this supposed to be in the best interest of children? Wow I don't think so, this is totall volition of human rights and privacy!

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Oct 30, 2022 5:42 am EDT
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Ps, i have all the info, court documents and pics of goofboy dagan smoking meth to back all this up! look him up in the civil section of court services online, also the criminal section. Also can simply google him! all the proof is there!

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Oct 30, 2022 5:43 am EDT

See my comment below! Warn everyone you can about this disgusting twisted goof! He just got more sophisticated! Made it out like everyone was so horrible to him cuz they wouldnt let him see "his" kids BAWHAHWAHAWHAW !

The not bright person
Los Angeles, US
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Nov 28, 2022 9:20 am EST

I gave up on my wife and children because I don't like to go to court because at the end I am the one to be blamed after everyone talks nonsense to me and make it seems like my wife is having relationships with everyone that cross her path and it seems I deserve to have this done to me when all I do is help people and never try to get anything in return I am just moving to another country and let go