This breeder sold me a puppy with parvo and is unwilling to refund money.
I drove to meet Miguel away from his place of business and I should have known something was not right. I'm making this complaint so that hopefully no one else makes the same mistake. I'm listing Ardmore but not sure of the physical address of the business. He posts on Craigslist and sometimes also posts on out of state Craigslist boards. Do not do business with this breeder.
AKA Tom Coleman
As usual there is two sides to every story what Mr Jimenzez fails to tell the public is he bought this puppy from me on a Monday night and on Wednesday afternoon he text me demanding a refund? I had no idea who he was or what he was talking about I sold three puppies on Monday and he never even said his name in the text just demanded money. At first he refused to tell me what was going on so I pressed him and he said I quote " we took the puppy to the vet it was diagnosed with parvo we made the decision to put it down because we couldn't " afford" to treat it"!? Who in gods name would kill a puppy with a very treatable disease especially without even calling the breeder first to see what I would do? I can tell you I would have taken the puppy back given him his money and immediately taken him to my vet this was a big robust strong puppy and for his convenience he just killed it so as not to be bothered? My vet said she has an 89-90% success rate in treating these puppies especially when caught right away and considering the puppy was a strong robust 9 week old puppy weighing 8 lbs! Mr Jimenez is very disingenuous at best and should be ashamed to have done such an evil thing to this helpless puppy and then to lie about what happened, trying to make it appear that he just took the puppy to the vet and it died?! In several states if he refused to treat this puppy he would be arrested and charged with animal cruelty apparently this is the attitude of people in Oklahoma I will certainly be very careful whom I sell puppies to in the future! When making complaints about people I believe it would be best to tell the whole truth! If anyone is interested I have all the text messages from him and I will be glad to forward them as proof! Outrageous
Hello, I have to say I purchased a puppy from Mr. Delgado in February 2019. We are now in August and my dog is the happiest most playful little thing ever! She has never been sick! If Mr. Delgado’s dog did in fact carry parvo, every dog there after more than likely would have caught the disease as well! Also I can tell you that shots for a puppy that age are about $45 give or take depending on the vet of your choosing. I can also tell you that it is not “free” to have a dog put to sleep! It’s actually a bit more than having the proper shots administered. I have a hard time believing this story in general because of those reasons. You couldn’t afford a parvo vaccine but could afford to have the dog put down? Sounds sketchy to me! I can also say that the dog I purchased from Mr. Delgado had shot records pricing she had been to a vet. Also had papers with Mr. Delgado’s breeder registration number, phone number and address. He’s a good man and was very upfront and honest with me and feel that’s its people like you who run good peoples name through the mud for their own selfish reasons! I would recommend this breeder (in fact I have many times) to anyone in search of a puppy in good health!