Mirage Pools commenced work on installing our pool in June 2009 and is continuing to this date. They have never come back to finish the job despite numerous phone calls and faxes sent to their office.
Ken Broughton, Managing Director and founder of Mirage Pools refuses to answer any phone calls and is never in the office. When a phone call is made you only speak to admin staff and simply take a message. I would advise anyone in the state to be aware of this company. If this company is hired to install a pool at your home read the contract and beware that they are not responsible for any damage to your home or property. Also beware of the hidden costs. Mirage makes you to believe that all work is included in the price but you will need to pay for the plumber, electrician and landscaper separately. We were also led to believe that Mirage used the same workmen for each project, but later found out that the work is outsourced to contractors some of which they have never worked with before.
Do not under any circumstances make a payment until they are completely done. I made two large payments at the beginning to the foreman John. These were the only two times that I saw John. The work was never supervised. Mirage informed us they will oversee from start to finish which to this day never happened. They seem friendly in the beginning until they receive your money but they lie and deceive the public. They have also sold half of their business to Blue Haven, so beware that they do not go into receivership.
Mirage Pools delayed work from the beginning and will not take any responsibility. Do not rely on Ken Broughton to successfully install a pool. For someone who has been in the business for over 35 years needs to work on his customer service and delivery.
BEWARE! BEWARE! BEWARE! I wonder how many others have had their dream of owning a pool ruined by this one man - Ken Broughton - who is arrogant and rude and a law unto himself - despite what his website claims. He now works for Blue Haven Pools - give them a ring like I did and they will tell you that Blue Haven Pools own Mirage Pools (NSW) P/L. The other company which Ken Broughton owned is Mirage Pools P/L that has now gone belly-up and Ken Broughton has voluntarily appointed a liquidator to wind up the company. Make an enquiry of ASIC and find out for yourself. He has been ordered to repay money for his shonky work and doesn't want to pay it. I notice that Mirage Pools is still accepting enquiries for pool building and the Dept of Fair Trading licence check doesn't show the true status of the current postion of Mirage Pools. Ken Broughton and Mirage Pools - one and the same - the biggest shonk in the industry. BEWARE!
I can't comment on the above two stories, and I totally understand that sometimes business and deals go a little sour so I by no means wish to reference the above. I can however comment on my own experiences with the above mentioned company and in particular their builder/owner Ken Broughton, and I think I am a very worthy voice to sing their praises - Ken and Mirage have built my last two pools, my daughters first pool in Moorebank and I have even referred the company to two of my friends - admittedly one passed and the other is still 'thinking about it', but in saying that neither spoke negative of their experience or the way in which the company conducted themselves. My own experiences have been very professional and resulted in 'dream pools', I'm not going to embellish and say there wasn't any issues, but personally when you have machines and workers digging in the rain and trying to squeeze down tight side passages we were prepared for a few small hiccups - one in which the bobcat cracked a brick out of a corner wall (it was repaired immediately after completion of the job - no charge). And finally, as for Ken, we found him charming and unbelievably honest, in fact he was sometimes too honest, but hey maybe im a sucker or too naive. My comments are all related to Ken owning Mirage Pools, and I can not comment on The Blue Haven Pools connection. I'd recommend them to any homeowner.
Well.. Well.. Well.. There is someone else that shares the same opinion of Ken Broughton and Mirage Pools P/L (which went into liquidation and is now trading as Mirage Pools NSW P/L and has partly been bought by Blue haven pools). We started our pool in 2006 and have had nothing but problems (even to this day) with the construction of the pool, lack of communication with the supervisor, and hidden costs paid in cash for materials they never delivered or used. The pool has many problems, such as leaking, clogged spa jets, unfinished coping, the list goes on! These issues were addressed with Ken but he just keeps telling us he will send someone down to address the issues but it will cost us. We informed the Dept of Fair Trading of all our problems (which there is so many it would take too long to list) and they informed us that what ever work was done when the company was trading as Mirage Pools P/L is not warranted because this company has been liquidated, but anything done after the liquidation under Mirage Pools NSW P/L is covered. This means nearly 2/3 of the work done to the pool is not covered, leaving us with a leaky, unfinished pool which we will have to pay for ourselves. So if anyone is thinking of buying from or dealing with Ken Broughton, Mirage Pools NSW P/L or Blue Haven Pools I would strongly suggest that you buy a pool from someone else or even better don't buy one at all.
Sad stories all round. I don't know if anyone remembers but Blue Haven Pools went into receivership in 1990 and good old Ray Awadallah, now apparently ready to retire was at the helm then.
Yes, Ken is very dodgy. Just a bloody sales wolf. He left a trail of destructions at our pool.
I would like to advise everyone that Ken Broughton is no longer working nor affiliated in any way with Mirage Pools.
Keep well away from Mirage and Ken Broughton. I made the tragic mistake of using them to build my pool. The workmanship is appalling and the plumbing is now falling apart causing massive leaks. They never gave me what I ordered and did anything to cut corners and add extra charges. They were the most expensive but assured me that is because they don't charge any extras. After about $3000 in extras and weeks in court I managed to get a basic shell put in. The pump failed within 12 months and I thank God that the manufacturer (of the pump) covered it under warranty. I am still repairing new leaks in the plumbing and hope there are no leaks in the lower jet plumbing but it's hard to tell because they are deep underground. Keep well away from them.