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CB Plastic Surgery Review of Miss J Facial Plastic Surgery Forum Miss J Facial Plastic Surgery Forum Miss J Facial Plastic Surgery Forum review: miss j vs plasticsurgeryspot : plastic surgery message board (w/ miss j's correspondence/ evidence) 6

Author of the review
2:45 pm EDT
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After my surgery with a particular doctor I was really devastated for the outcome. I was angry for the surgeon as well because I did not feel that he was ethical in his approaches.

In November 2010, there was a hot debate on a particular message board (forum) about another plastic surgery message board (PlasticSurgerySpot messageboard) I used to frequent. Both this message board having this hot debate about PlasticSurgerySpot and PlasticSurgerySpot are competitors.

During this hot debate on this particular message board criticising PlasticSurgerySpot message board MissJ emailed me and told me that PlasticSurgerySpot message board uploaded a video clip on youtube which was created by Fox News. This clip by Fox News called, “Nose-Job do-overs”, featured three doctors: Dr. Paul Nassif who was my surgeon who left me unhappy, Dr. Dean Toriumi and Dr. Jack Gunther. -

MissJ made it clear, in BOLD, that Fox News labelled the clip “Nose-Job do-overs” ; and PlasticSurgerySpot uploaded the same clip under the title: “Revision Rhinoplasty Nosejob W/ Dr. 90210 Paul Nassif”.

MissJ commented: “they would elect to call that news clip "Revision Rhinoplasty Nosejo w/Dr 9021 Paul Nassif". I mean the clip itself is from Fox News and called: 'Nose Job do-overs' and it shows a number of docs, is NOT solely about Nassif and that's not the real name of the clip.”

Why would MissJ (MissJ is not a patient like me but a message board administrator of her own) give me this information:
1-Exactly when she knew that I passting through a bad periaod due to the surgery with my doctor-Dr. Nassif,
2-When she knew that I like frequenting PlasticSurgerySpot
3-And when there was a hot debate about PlasticSurgerySpot on another competing message board

MissJ was aware that I was in a devastated state after my surgery with Dr. Nassif and she was aware that I would have reacted to her message. Unfortunately for her, I did not criticise or backstabbed PlasticSurgerySpot message board.

PlasticSurgerySpot is one of the best and highly patient oriented message boards I ever came across.

Click on the following images to see enlarged and full detailed evidence/Miss J's correspondence:

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Mar 31, 2011 2:55 pm EDT

Hi folks.

The above complaint is from the Multple ID user from Malta. He is an ASTROTURFER who plasters the web with whining complaints under hundreds of different screen names trying to give appearance of many people with the same complaint.

He is not that bright. He thinks that if he uses 100 different screen names (which he does to lodge his whining complaints about Nassif), all the people reading them will be as DUMB as he is not to notice they are all coming from the same person, him.

He abuses message boards by signing up with multiple screen names to give the appearance he is 'many people' all with the same whining complaint about Nassif. Like one name will be used to drop a link to his complaints. Another will be used to comment on how he's not a patient of Nassif but he would not go there. Then other names are used to complain that posts of "other people" complaining about Nassif were removed. Then maybe 3 of his other names will get on to talk to themselves about Nassif. All of the complaints are from the SAME person from MALTA. He also has TONS of complaints here about Nassif or Miss J; all under multiple screen names.

His screen name on Plastic Surgery Spot is "Rskull". He had other ones there but the admin smartened up and totally NOTICED that he was using a lot of multi- IDs as to pretend to be 'other people' defaming Nassif and had to delete a good thread on who are the Best Docs in addition to removing some of his screen names.

His screen names on MMH are: "Cantooth25", "wellness", "tonycas", "Sharp96", "Georgette84", "Venushine", "Meltr", "Brsk", "Melanin". He uses them all to call attention to his Nassif complaint. MMH has also cracked down on his board ABUSE using multi-IDs

He was all over Rate MDs. With each review of Nassif, he got on with many screen names to leave nasty comments. Even the mod from rate MDs banned his many screen names and deleted many of his comments. A guy posting from MALTA under a gazillion IDs, all gravitating to Nassif with the same 'voice' and mode of expression has to be really stupid to expect the webmaster would not notice all was coming from IP from MALTA and from same person.

The ONLY board he WONT go on is Miss J's. He is a member there but he knows Miss J's board is where the smart patients are. With smart posters, he would not have a chance to try to DUPE them as he does to other posters with his multi-ids. Besides Miss J 'outs' people engaging in willful misrepresentation.

The clincher is that the guy is so dumb, he's totally clueless as to how any moderator of a board can tell it's all coming from the SAME person ABUSING the board with multi-IDs. Get this--he thinks 'Nassif made them do it'. How stupid can you get to think the doctor 'pays' the mods to remove his posts or the lawyer 'threatens' them to do so. Like is he that stupid to not realize that using multiple screen names with the intent to MISREPRESENT as 'many people' is a TOS violation of any self respecting webmaster. Seriously, the guy does not even realize THATS WHY his crap gets deleted and screen names banned even on Rate MDs.

The guy SPAMMED Miss J's private e-mail with his whining complaint somehow expecting private time and attention and expert advice for free. He was told that private time and attention to his cosmetic issues and in his case additional access to legal advice (lawyers from Harvard Berkman center of internet law) was not a "free" service but a fee based one. He was not invited to e-mail Miss J and certainly not to SOLICIT her for free private consulting. Let him solicit a PS for free services and see where that gets him.

Miss J freely volunteers her time and knowledge on public message boards but makes very clear on every post she makes: "No Private Mail Please. Private time and focus towards your specific problem is not an extension of my participation here." It is so people DON'T solicit Miss J for free private consulting (off the boards).

Only a ### from MALTA would not understand that and instead think it as an 'invitation' to e-mail Miss J for private access to free consulting services.

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La Jolla, US
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Apr 14, 2011 4:14 pm EDT

This is the link when PlasticSurgerySpot was crticised on a board in November 2010:

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Apr 15, 2011 6:46 am EDT

By the way, the man from MALTA who posted the complaint crossed out his e-mail. It's :


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Apr 15, 2011 7:20 am EDT

How many STUPID complaints can you plaster the web with under multi-IDs.
You are a pathetic whiner. By the way folks this patient from MALTA is persona non grata on MANY message boards for using multiple IDs to pretend he is a zillion 'different people' all of whom have a complaint about Nassif. Even Rate MDs banned a lot of his screen names he was abusing their boards with. He is an ASTROTURFER

Dude. Are you that stupid not to realize that Plastic Surgery Spot deleted a lot of your multiple IDs BECAUSE you were using them all to complain and defame Nassif. You've got to be stupid not to realize that. They even announced they had to delete a whole thread in part due to a patient using multi-ids on it to defame a doctor. They don't want ASTROTURFERS on their board. You knew they were referring to you or are you that stupid not to realize that?

Not even a CLUE given to you, 'clue' meaning mention that PSS titled a video clip about a number of doctors 'Nassif' even clued you in that they might not be too receptive to multiple complaints from multiple ids (of yours) about Nassif.

You know how stupid that sounds to be complaining about someone who tried to give you a CLUE that your actions on there might not be welcome by the admin.

Imagine that, Miss J tries to give you a CLUE that PSS might not be to receptive in housing multiple ID complaints from you pretending to be different people griping about Nassif (by pointing out they selected to rename a video about many doctors; 'Nassif').

Did you actually think PSS condoned misrepresentation by multiple ID use because you must be 'special' ASTROTURFER and therefore 'entitled' to use many IDs to complain about him. Probably so. But surprise surprise. They don't. None of the PS boards do.

Why don't you just lodge a complaint about ALL the message board owners because all of them have ALL banned your multi-IDS and deleted some of your content for your BOARD ABUSE. Why don't you just whine to the world under 1000 MORE multi-IDs and tell them how terrible it is that message board owners won't let you on with zillion different IDs to pretend to be a zillion different people all complaining about Nassif (or Miss J).

Oh and for the record, your e-mail (which you crossed out ) is:


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Apr 15, 2011 7:25 am EDT

As to your link of PSS being criticized:

Your an idiot. The link you gave on MMH about Robyn the mod for PSS has nothing to do with Miss J who did not participate on it. But you did under the screen names; "Rhinovise" and "wellness". The discussion involves YOU and one of your screen names FREAKING OUT a MMH member by privately writing to her through the MMH system to solicit her to join PSS.

Guess what? Robyn QUIT even being a mod after that thread and you, the coward, member 'Rskull' on her board, had to make up 2 new screen names to say anything on it.

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Apr 15, 2012 7:05 am EDT

Honestly, I didn't even had to read Miss J comment to figure out that this person is full of [censored] and is only trying to undermine Miss J for whatever psychological reasons he has, I never worked with Miss J before, so I'm not trying to get on her side for the sake of it, but reading this so-called "complaint" has fraud written all over it.

Miss J, you're a knowledgeable honest and hardworking person who have helped countless people, don't let idiots like those get to you, at the end of the day it's was you really did that counts, not what some pathetic loser would falsely say about you.