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CB Dog Breeders Mistydays Keeshonds deceptive theft of my breeding stock
Mistydays Keeshonds

Mistydays Keeshonds review: deceptive theft of my breeding stock 6

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8:45 pm EST
Verified customer The reviewer confirmed their account using Facebook. Learn more
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
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Linda neal, of mistyday keeshond was a friend of mine for years. my first mistake. in the last 2 years myhealth went from bad to worse, seizures, then a heart attack, then a brain tumor and its removal, another heart attack, a stint, and angioplasty? then I was informed after two years of tears and immense pain I was told I had stage 3 cancer, I started treatment a week later, I was a walking mess, sadly id bred for a litter 3 days prior to my heart attack, then the cancer treatments begun and I got so sick, my pups were born, and I got them to 8 week.I produce beautiful healthy pups, always have. I don't breed for show, I don't like that crowd. I love the companion pups. well sadly that litter was looking poorly, I had trouble keeping up with my adults, I had ZERO help as my spouse was in the hospital most of the time while I got myself to treatments daily. but I had sickly lookin pups so I went to my only so called friend, and asked her help, who can I trust to handle my dogs.. im not liked I have a big mouth, there my dogs I raise them my way.. linda agreed to help and came 2 days later and took my pups which she was allowed to sell, as rescues. she picks good homes like I do. well she was supposed to return the female breeders, and if she did the health testing was permitted to breed for a litter to help add to her lines but I was to get first pick from the first two litters EACH to then she could have kept my stock, but had to give my lines back in the form of puppies or cash, she refuses to return them, has bred them, used another dogs papers to reg the litter and claims health testing..thats impossible, she had a litter of 11 puppies, thn linda bred her again for 10 pups.. it takes longer then this to allow the hips to go back into position before they can be properly looked at. she refused o give me my 2 picks, refuses to show me pictures, and wont return the females. told me tough im breeding them I need the cash. when I told my story to a few well known keeshod breeders they said oh god, we thought she turned herself around she was doing testing. I know mine weren't tested and worse she claims Emily was heartworm positive..funny my older girls are not. and she bred my sweet doll half way thru treatment risking her health and the puppies..she don't care they aren't heres so its no loss to her/ she took then june 30th, texted me she was home safe july 1st
my name is kevin Giessen, im on facebook,
I live in supply nc,

oh id like to also mention as part of her deception, she hacked my linkedin page, and removed my url and added hers for her web page, her NEW webpage. ive warned my clients to run if they see her. im warning everyone
I have tried dozens of times daily to get her to speak with me, email me or text.. but no replies. that tells me she is a thief an she helped only with the intention of getting my proven healthy foundation lines.

beware of this woman, she is a smooth talker, has worked in vets offices and knows what to say.. she has about 25 dogs plus cats all in the house and boosts about her wonderful vet? do you think that vets gonna say a thing against her with all the vet bills linda pays.. No..Don't count on it not in my opinion

Update by NCKeeshonds
Mar 16, 2019 11:16 pm EDT

account not hacked. complaint stands.. UNRESOLVED

Update by NCKeeshonds
Apr 18, 2019 12:15 am EDT

Rumors have it, Linda neal disposed of the stolen animals and their babies to a rescue, DUMPED at a rescue if you can imagine an honest breeder disposing of healthy animals this way, Destroying another's business because she can not sell her own pups on their merits and looks, she has to kill off the competition. According to Linda herself, she commonly { all too common with dishonest puppymill type breeders } breeds "rescue" dogs with her own then registers them to her own. I cant say its fact of course I wasnt there. However she did tell me this herself, to make money, " I have to do something dont I ?" Dont fall for her act folks, and it is an act. ASK to see the whelping area, ask to see the puppies holding pens.
I was told by Animal control she has pens in all the bedroom areas. one for every adult.. completely legal mind you, but if you google puppymills in Georgia, and see the horrors, you'll understand why you dont buy from anyone who keeps their "Family" dogs, in cages 90% of the day My bet is she will have some offhand excuse that sounds good? as to why you cant view ALL the dogs. and see where they sleep, she will offer to drive and meet you anywhere just to keep you away from the house, for safety? hardly, she lives off her father who is always home.. to save you money..hardly, she is already the highest paid dog breeder and its her sheer luck up till she screwed me over that she got to where she is, it isnt her quality. I'm entitled to my opinions, and to state things as facts as she told them to me or AC told to me.. by all means visit before making a deposit form your own opinions You can not go by references written on web pages, anyone can write those.. and just anyone did.. When I bred I allowed people to join my facebook page, and introduced new possible clients, and they were free to speak with anyone, get their experiences many made new friends and exchange photos.. Your first pick of breeders shouldnt be anywhere in GEORGIA...

Update by NCKeeshonds
Jan 12, 2020 5:35 pm EST

my darling fluffy friend, as a fellow cancer survivor, id have thought you were smarter. You failed to mention you bought one of the females, against my better judgement I let her go and the only reason very truthfully was.. at the time I was deathly sick, and my unsure status of health made it a possible nightmare if I met a demise who would care for them, and dogs are an excellent judge of people she loved you. I saw it, I loved your personality, but most important she loved you instantly.. and sadly she ended up with linda anyway...
id suggest if possible, you look into lindas past, no local breeders will sell to her either.. well till she turned now they are friends.. she still speaks ill of both Tenn breeders, ms C from jersey who oddly had the same lines... the only breeder she don't speak ill of, is ms H of penn, who is the only eastcoast breeder who did the actual work has her game on 24/7/365 and affords staff to ensure it remains spot on.. theres just no speaking ill of her.. my lines came from one breeder on the females side.. out of tenn, I would love to know what she was told, I never spoke ill of the lady, how could I? the only stock I kept were hers! but she speaks to me in tongues now.. I had to laugh and walk away, she claimed I cussed her... no never, claimed a lot of off the wall things I was like even I couldn't come up with this much less then do it to the lady who sold me healthy stock.
as for these multiple breeders? oh girl who are you kidding? I told linda everything.. she knew we had the same don't like list..or so we did. and my partner was indeed here when you came alone

Update by NCKeeshonds
Mar 03, 2020 2:44 am EST

its just interesting how one breeder is smeared and another sudden goes from black duck to gold and is able to buy lines she never could touch before.. but if you follow the names, it appeared linda neal was linked by dogs with cindy clingerman, if not linked, they had dogs from the same litter..

Update by NCKeeshonds
Apr 23, 2020 3:42 pm EDT

currently trying to run undetected under the name MD LOVECRAFT KEESHONDS IF your search for an HONEST breeder who is actually proven and noone can take down.. raised from her own stock actual Show quality, with awards to back if up? search PA keeshond breeder Colleen Hamm a highly respected breeder both of companion and show lines. You cant go wrong. She is the only real deal happening currently. An Honest Self Built Breeder, who took herself to Show, has won on her self built merits and you'll find NO complaints on her, no negativity what so ever...anywhere. Even the long time show breeder are green with envy.

Update by NCKeeshonds
Oct 16, 2020 11:03 am EDT

This to be clear was never resolved. Someone had hacked my accounts, this account was instantly resolved.. it was not. several other accounts were hacked and oddly links to Mistydays sites appeared! Hows that happen.. i deleted all the accounts, changed a few but this account continues, nothing resolved.

The breeding community is very dishonest, they will lie cheat and steal on each other. back stab, you name it. Ms Neal is still a dirty breeder with ugly stock. ugly puppies. oh i bet the papers are stunning, but baby your not walking papers, your not loving papers, your loving the dogs.. Her training skills might be ok? but I go by the beauty of the puppies produced, I had an unattractive female once she produced utter beauty and gentle soul pups.. ive seen stunning dogs produce Rocky horror ugly pups.. well all pups are kinda cute esp when you really want one. but they dont mature pretty mine did! I own that proof, someone followed their contract and returned their dog, I kept her, interesting she is opposite of her sweet mom, twice the size... but within standards, but stunning omg.. she will remain unbred. my choice.


account hacked This complaint still stands against this dishonest breeder. aside from keeping dogs that are not hers, and has no receipt for, she has bred said dogs, and is using her own dogs paperwork as the real ones giving the look of having health tested parents … This BS oh every dogs registered, and my vet oo laa laa has photos of each of my dogs each dog is micro chipped and { it proves on what info she feeds the vet and the chip company.. not reality. DNA of the mother proves who the mom is of the current litter she has hidden away selling quietly. yeah uhuh.. Check with Hall county animal control for the # of dogs she actually has in the house, AC says 23 plus 3 at this vets plus an unknown # of cats. ASK, rather demand before you deposit you be allowed to walk thru the homes interior, and view ALL the dogs, its a breeders home, the home will have an odor, anyones would with this many dogs, and birthing happening.. Bring a clean pair of socks, and offer to go in with just clean socks.. that takes away the suggestion you may carry something inside... I bet you wont get past the living room, according to her they are in every room down stairs, and AC confirms it so..

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Jun 30, 2019 10:34 am EDT

All of this has been proven to be false within the Keeshond breeding community.

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Jul 11, 2019 3:38 pm EDT
Replying to comment of stfuliar

Proven how?

keeshond parent
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Aug 10, 2019 12:57 am EDT
Replying to comment of stfuliar

I witnessed first hand the theft or deception if you prefer to call it that. Mr Giessen had cancer after a major heart attack. he had bred for a planned litter and had his attack just days after, then the cancer and treatments. he was very sick and weak. in good faith he allowed Ms neal to help him by removing some of the dogs with the promise she would vet, and health test the adults, and if she used any for breeding it wouldn't be until said proper testing was to occur. she bred Emily immediately for her 3rd litter back to back with NO testing. its impossible to test the hips directly after whelping, she lied when caught she registered them under her own dogs name but told Mr Giessen she used Emily. The deal was, and I was present for it, was if she spent the money to test, and decided to breed she could but only if she paid Mr Giessen 1200 for the first two pups, or give Mr Giessen his first 2 picks of the litter. and she could keep the breeding stock for her troubles, and Mr Giessen would have had his new stock, tested and then purchased a male from another line worthy of having. That is, if he decided he wanted to proceed with rebuilding his stock. since the females he wanted were just 8 weeksof age he had 2 years to test and heal and decided if he wanted to breed or simply retire with his girls. but keeping the bloodlines he had worked on for 10 years was important, she honestly figured Kevin would die of the cancer and she would do as she pleased.. well he lived. Ms neal is a thief in my opinion, she took advantage of a bad situation, made false accusations, then dumped all those puppies off to discard them fast when animal control put it in writing she had 28 dogs on site and some at the vets! Linda is a puppy mill, 28 dogs and large volume of cats and mixed breeds, all in the house...

Author of the review
Supply, US
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Oct 16, 2020 10:29 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of stfuliar

No it has not. actually Ms Neal said her vet claimed every animal taken to her was heart worm positive, I am saying out right the vet is lying or Ms neal is. I now have proof my oldest female treated the same as any other dog i the home. recently tested heart worm NEGATIVE. I was using an off brand of preventative, and thought maybe something was wrong. My oldest keisha developed a light cough, i ASSUMED of god, maybe she was right. I took her in and directly started with ok lets discuss trestments, and my /vet said, no we need to test first, if she is negative and we treat her its deadly, and surprise NO HEARTWORM in a 12 yr old female, a month later th cough persisted and we started tests, xrays, and the vet remarked no tumors, heart is strong, no signs of any infestations, but the lungs had a dirty look? and we started antibiotics. she is currently om medication. it has gotten better, but if it hasnt cleared by weds we;ll discuss lung cancer. and test for that. or follow the route the vet suggests.
so it strikes me as odd, the oldest dogs left here, remained negative, and the youngest were taken and shown positive.. ive seen no proof, and im thinking someones vet saw an opportunity to make cash on treatments.. remember Georgia is Capital of bad dog breeding and puppy mills Ms Neal may have been hood winked.

Author of the review
Supply, US
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Oct 16, 2020 10:48 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more
Replying to comment of Ilyansa

Ms neals story is not proven.. new vet records show older dogs treated the same as the younger ones were negative for any infestation. seems odd dogs here 12-15 yrs remain negative, they werent treated for heartworm, and now making claims, claims made now are on untreated animals who have been here the whole time and are negative. I saw the tests! I thought just maybe I made a mistake I used a cheaper preventative.. I thought maybe I was wrong, but I have proved the remaining animals are negative, we can do court.. my records will stand. my vet has nothing to gain by lying, nor would he anyway. I no longer breed she destroyed my stock. her vet would stand to lose a great deal, as ms neal does do extensive testing which is very expensive and profitable. her vet hads a great deal to lose.. or ms neal made the entire story up.. and was made promises of being allowed to buy better stock.. odd she ruined my business, and suddenly the community loves the women they hated more then me? lol suddenly she has better stock? on paper maybe.. they still are not as lovely as what my girls produced. paper is just that paper.. the community hated the fact I refused to follow, I produced beautiful puppies, I placed them responsibly and I got top prices.. on the beauty. all ms neal has really achieved is allowing the breeders with crap stock to charge now. [protected] for what was a 500 puppy. the so called bad breeders are actually selling for far more then any of us! really a 500 puppy.. ive watched the sales sites.. thanks linda.. the crap breeders now make more then you. the amish breeders are selling for 2000 at times.. and getting it.. worse place to buy from and damn if they are not getting it.. why because we arent there with better programs.. ive had amish dogs.. they arent worth the time if you got them for free,

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Aug 25, 2019 12:09 pm EDT

I was there for the first pick up and I returned over a month later by myself to pick up more dogs.
The only people there the first time were myself, Ms. N and Mr. G., making this post/comment from a supposed witness who was there, also false.
The only truth in this version of the situation is that she/we did come get his dogs at his request.
Oh and he did say he had cancer.
These accusations started many months after the first pick up.
We were then told by multiple breeders that Mr Giessen has a decade long record of trying to blackmail reputable breeders into selling or giving him female puppies. When they won't do it he begins his smear campaign of spreading lies and accusations.
Though we know we saved the lives of 5 adults and 8 puppies and found them high quality forever homes, had we known about Mr.G's previous harassment of breeders we would have declined to help him.

Disappointed. buyer
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Jun 04, 2021 4:54 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I just had a bad experience with Linda Neal- let me pick out my puppy at 6 weeks. 20 min after I left- texted me that she had concern and would call me in a few days. Never called. Never answered my calls or texts. When I texted after 4 days saying it had been long enough, please tell me your concerns, she sent my deposit back without an explanation.

So I waited months, picked my pup and she takes it all away! BEWARE- this woman has no regard for contracts or people.

Author of the review
Supply, US
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Jun 04, 2021 6:40 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Be happy you didnt think she was a friend, I did AND SHE DESTROYED my breeding stock. That is one back stabbing woman. She is more common then trash, but talks a good talk. Many of the other breeders are evil in my opinion, but atleast when they say something and accept deposits they get their puppy. You never could have been sure who sired what litter she switches paperwork as common practice. Thanks for posting your experience

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Dec 27, 2021 12:27 pm EST

Looks like someone got busted sending someone to get them a puppy. Anyone can refuse to deal with anyone. SO glad you 2 got caught!

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