The company MM2 Online Store/ mm2. is real fake, don’t order from them. I ordered one branded thing from them and paid about $1, 700. After two days, the seller informed me that they accidently sent 3 items. They asked me to pay the deposit in the amount of $2, 000. They told me that they would return it after I sent the wrong items back. After several weeks, I haven’t received my order and the seller vanished somewhere. I wonder if there are other people, who had the same experience. Let’s share views about this company.
That is not true I ordereed a corrupt and 2 days later it wa in my inventery what happened with you we were out of stock og the chromas at the time so its not a scam!
It is true man they scam. They even scammed me
Never got my products and they never answered my email or in the chat
I ordered four knifes from them and never gotten them also they never answered my chats with them so it is a big fake. That is my Chat with them and still haven't answered and it's been weeks.
Have you tried to contact us via discord? we are sometimes unable to answer via email or chat support
What is your discord. Because I can’t contact anyone and you guys blocked me on email. Which is not cool I paid money and you are scamming
something like this happened to me, I spent 48 dollars 2 days ago and haven't got my order yet! I do think its a scam and other people said to order of e bay. that seems unfair, i don't understand why we have to do so many things like call them and stuff, I used account method and I haven't got a friend request or anything I'm fiscally, friending the manger of it and ill take to him from there. its sad people scam like this on the internet I had a feeling It was a scam, I wish I went form my gut and I looked at this scam page form the start. please if your reading this and your thinking about buying from there, done.
Kendallcbanks1 is my username. I would like my 48 dollars worth of stuff or my money back thank you very much the account im using on the app is dwan banks I want my items.
How does it work how do they give you the item like do they know where you are or something.
I have ordered a candy set for $7.50 I have waited for 2 days and nobody said a word. I decided to go and find the seller user itself, he friended me on roblox but whenever I join his game he gave other people stuff and not me. He would just leave. Late thing I know he unfriended me. They suck man they use us
I have ordered 34 dollars worth of godlys and just realized my account email is verified and don't know what to do. They haven't contacted me about my account email being verified. I don't know if I just wasted my money it's been 3-4 days and nothing has happened. I understand it's a mistake on my part but I would've hoped they would contact me about the problem.
Why verifying would be your mistake? If they ask to verify the account in their e-mail, why wouldn't you do that? I did also. This seems to be the trickiest e-shop ever. Maybe they just hope, that we will give up.
It seems to be very difficult. So many steps, and no contact with a real human being. Why can't they just give the items which been paid? I've done the steps I can take, and I'm still waiting. I've never seen anything as difficult as this (when buying products in the Internet). Okay, paying was easy. Paying. But getting...
IDK if it worth to buy it bcs i never buy it idk who to trust ... :(