I recieved an sms informing me, that my mobile number has awarded 1. 000. 000. 00 US dollars from int' Mobile Draw True Move Company Thailand.In the sms is written: to claim email your NAME and country to [protected]@truemovelimited.com How much true is this? My mobile number is
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
my number is [protected]
i recieved an sms informing me, that my mobile number has awarded 1000 000, 00/us dollars from int'mobile draw true move company thailand.in the sms is written;to claim email your name and country to claims@truemovelimited.com.how much thue is this?
i receive massage my phone and there write... ( your number phone has awarded [protected] US.) i want understan if what company ?. my number is [protected] and i waiting your massage. my e-mail is afxazavamariami@yahoo.com
i receive massage my phone .my mobile number has award pounds.from t.m.c.l my number is [protected] and i waiting your massage
i receive your message that my mob no win 500, 000 pounds, is it true ?
i recieved an sms informing me, that my mobile number has awarded 500.00 from int'mobile draw true move company thailand.in the sms is written;to claim email your name and country to claims @truemovelimited.com.how much true is this? my E mail number is sarfrazriaz@yahoo.com
my number [protected].pakistan
u fool i know
i recieved an sms informing me, that mobile number has awarded 500.00 pounds from int"mobile draw true movelimited company.in this sms is wriitten to claim email your name and country to claims@truemovelimited.com how much true is this? my email number is alirajaaa@hotmail.com [protected].
my num [protected] pakistan
i recieved an sms in that inform me that your mobile number has awarded 500.00 pounds from int"mobile draw true move limited company.in this you asking my name and email and country.
my name is irfan abbas khokhar and email address is irfanabbas1192@gmail.com
and i m from pakistan
i recieved an sms from truemove company that i have won 500000 pounds how much true it is and how can i nconfirm this my mob no is [protected], my name is Muhammad Amin and email is adeel_125@yahoo.com
I recieved an sms from truemove company that i have won 500.00 pounds how much true . my mobile no is [protected] and my name is Muhammad Bilawal Saeed, and email is moongee471@ymail.com in pakistan
i recived a sms from truemove company that i have won some pounds.is it true?
I, Don Gabriel, of Papua New Guuinea was informed of True Move Thailand INTL Mobile Draw win of $3, 000, 000.00 USD this year 2012. I need further details on necessary arrangement to have my money transferred to my Bank Account in Papua New Guinea. I can be contacted on Mobile phone No. +[protected], or landline +[protected]. I take this opportunity to thank the Thailand INTL Mobile Draw company and officials for this great win. Cheers.
i got award from your company.
my number is ;[protected]
palpa nepal.
i received an sms in that inform me that your mobile number has awarded US from intl draw true move limited company how much true it and how can confirm this my mobile number [protected], my name is rajesh subedi and my e-mail address rjshsubedi@yahoo.com
i received an sms in that inform me that your mobile number has awarded US 3000, 000 from intl draw true move limited company, how much true it and how can confirm this my mobile number [protected], my name is rajesh subedi and my e-mail address rjshsubedi@yahoo.com
I recieved an sms informing me, that my mobile number has awarded 3, 000, 000. 00 US dollars from int' Mobile Draw True Move Company Thailand.In the sms is written: to claim email us on info@truemovelimited.com. I don't know what to do, please suggest me.
My name : Pawan Gupta.
My no. : +[protected]
My email id. : pawan_gupta49@yahoo.com
i received an sms informing that i was awarded US$300000 in this year from true move thai limited.so i want another better reply.hoping to get your good reply.
i have received same sms from true move intel company award
i have received a lottery of $3000000 and my number is +[protected]
i have receive your message that i have won $3, 000, 000 in this year intl that my mobile no.is awarded... i want to know that it is true or fake?i m mukesh from nepal and my cell no is +[protected]
How many of have receive the money after receiving the message from true move company? This will sort out how true it is.
Any commen this company has good but the award payment is delay immidetly why paid
I got text about claiming the award from your company.how much true is this? Prajwol kc [protected]
I got a text regarding the claim of the award from truemove Thai ...how far is it true ?prajwol kc [protected] kathmandu nepal
My name is Vikash Singh Today i got the call from true.move@live.com .They told me u won [protected] hundred thousand pounds but They want 25000 thousands registration fees.I want to know is it true please tell me. My mob no is [protected] and id - vikashsingh937@gmail.com
i got award from your company.
Name: Rupesh shrestha
email: antynomous@hotmail.com
i too got sms frmur company..is it ture...
I received an SMS in the inform that, from INTEL mobile draw true move Company limited Thailand, that my mobile number has
awarded USD$ 3, 000, 000. in this you are asking my mobile number and country.
my name is Ashok kumar Mandal and email=mandal.anm80@yahoo.com
I received an sms from INTL mobile draw true move compamy limited Thailand, that my mobile number has been awarded USD$ 3, 000, 000. As you have asked my name and email address.. I am Niranjan Rajbhandari from Nepal and my email address is niranjanrajbhandari@gmail.com
i got awarded from true move company.My mobile no.is +[protected] and email :- Prakash_tig2000@yahoo.com
I got sms from INTL mobile draw true move company limited Thailand, that my mobile number.i.e. +[protected] has been awarded USD$3, 000, 000 as you have asked I am Niranjan Rajbhandari and my email add is niranjanrajbhandari@gmail.com and I am from Nepal
i recieved an sms informing me, that my mobile number has awarded 1, 000, 000 us dollars from int'mobile draw true move Thai .In the sms is written;to claim email your name At tmcldraw@live.com.How much true is this? my telefone number is +[protected]
I received an sms from True Move thai stating that my mobile number has been awarded USD $3000, 000, in this year INTL draw. Is this true? You've asked my name and email in sms. My name's Ajara Karki and my email is Karkiajara60@gmail.com. I hope for you quick response.
i recieved an sms informing me, that my mobile number has awarded USD$1, 000, 000 from int'mobile draw true move company thailand.in the sms is written;to claim email your name and email to claims at tmcldraw@live.com how much true is this? my E mail number is prem.tulsipur@gmail.com and my name is Prem Prakash Giri from Nepal and my number is +[protected]
i received an sms in the inform that, from intl mobile draw true move company limited thailand, that my mobile number has awarded usd$3, 000, 000.in this you are asking my mobile number and email.
my name is sudip pokharel, mobile no [protected], email adress is pokharelsudip51@yahoo.com.thank u
i am Siddhartha chaudhary and i am from Nepal and my email id: happy_sad29@yahoo.com
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