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CB Media and Publishing Review of Movie Work Now Casting
Movie Work Now Casting

Movie Work Now Casting review: Scam 61

Author of the review
5:38 pm EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

The first thing that most people should consider when dealing with a casting agency is if the agency is a member of the screen actors guild/SAG. If a casting agency is not then do not bother because more than likely it is a scam. The second thing that people should know is that a reputable casting agency and or talent agency does not advertise and they do NOT charge people/talent/actors/ (thier potential employers) money because they will earn a percentage (10%) of what the talent makes. Their job is to get jobs for their talent so that they (the agent/agency) can get paid.
Movie work Now is a member of the BBB but they are not a member of the SAG union. Movie work Now makes money by requiring wanna be actors to take $300 head shots/ photo shoots. I had an appointment on Saturday Oct 4th and I was so excited during my interview with Barbara Capra. During the interview she did seem a little rehearsed becuase she kept repeating the same comments especially if I interrupted her with a comment of my own. She almost seemed like a recorded message. Her office had major motion movie production posters on the walls, she was wearing gaudy but dull jewlery that didn't even shine or twinkle at all, and she told me a story about how Moviework now provided two out of work men, who had no acting experience at all (like me), work in print as truk drivers. She then wanted to get started right away and knew of upcoming casting calls that I would be great for because my look was in demand. I was able to sneak out by telling her that I was going to call my husband to ask for the $300 picture shoot fee. This was after I told her that I had forgotten to bring my check book and that my husband was the one with the family credit/debit card. She asked about my husband's features and then told me to bring him in because Disney was looking to cast an inner racial family (and becuase that would be $900 versus $300 for my pictures alone). I have to admit I was disappointed. I had hoped that this place was legitimate especially since they are a member of the BBB. The point of this post is to tell people to do research before entering/trying to enter the Hollywood/acting/modeling/voice-over scene and keep your wits about you. Just becuase you can read and love Jonny Depp/Brad Pitt or any other fine actor doesn't make you the next "it gal/guy"
Take care,

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Daniel Peters
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Oct 14, 2008 1:24 pm EDT

I totally agree! Barbara is fake as can be. I drove about an hour from Tucson to meet her and I told her I wasn't going down there to pay a fee. She said no fee is required, she lied to me because when I got there she ended the interview with me needing to pay 300 dollars ! I told her I didn't come down to pay I just wanted to work. She made it seem that my profile application was gonna get filed in the trash.

Dave R
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Nov 01, 2008 2:10 pm EDT

I've run into a few people over the years with similar experiences.

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Feb 03, 2009 4:03 pm EST

Thank you so much for Posting Your Experiences Guys. If it werent for you, i wouldve joined this rediculous scam! Xoxo!

showlow, US
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Mar 11, 2009 12:47 pm EDT

Glad I checked up on this as Ms. Capra has called me for an interview.
#1- I dont have $300
2#- Scams piss me off
Thanks for this important information.

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Mar 19, 2009 1:39 am EDT

I just went in for one of those interviews today and got the same lines. I just had a bad feeling about it. How can you offer me a job but require me to pay $300 first...I dont' have a job. She even asked me that didnt' I bring my credit card? I found an excuse and got out of there. I said I'd give her a call and just like what she said to you "your look is in demand", that is what she said to me. Well, thank God for the internet and thank you guys for posting and preventing me from doing something I might forever regret!

Tempe, US
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May 22, 2009 6:39 pm EDT

Ugh...I feel so terrible for people who fall for this company. Literally the exact same thing happened with me except I wasn't lucky enough to be told they were a scam ahead of time. My freshman year of highschool they somehow got a hold of my mom, and she took me in to the interview.

Being young and my poor mother not knowing anything about the business. We went for the whole $300 dollar pitch. I have to admit I did get some pretty nice photos out of it however even looking back at those i realized we were scammed as well. We purchased prints (which were just as expensive) and she gave me some "addresses" to send the pictures out to, and also told me that they would put me in their data base and that I would get my own user name and password. I sent out a resume to every address and either got no reply or had them sent back to me and I tried logging into the data base and never was able to get in.

If you are contacted by them or anyone else remember these things:

1. A true casting agency or agent or manager of any kind in this business should not charge you a dime. These people do not get paid until you get paid, and once you do they take a percentage of your total pay and that's it. Run if you are asked to front money right away.

2. Head shots should be made to make you look natural. Make-up and lighting and all that jazz are of course still used. But true casting agents and those involved in movies and television want to see you as natural as possible, looking as true to your age as possible. If you are done up and made to look older these give casting directors a false perception of who you are. I'm currently 20 years old, they took my photos 6 years ago, and I am just now able to actually use them and look my age.

3. Recently with the strikes going on they will try to get you to believe that movies and directors are going directly through them to get to you, instead of the big named actors that normally appear in movies. This is incredibly false because in the industry if you're not SAG you're not in within reason strike or no strike.

One of thses days someone needs to go in and tell her this, I'd love to see the look on her face lol.

Phoenix, US
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Jun 08, 2009 3:26 pm EDT

Just for fun I filled out the MovieWork Now's online application last week with the expectation that they would call me someday if they ever needed movie extras. I don't have any interest in turning this into some kind of career...I just thought it would be fun expereince to be an extra in a movie. So imagine my surprise when they called me the next day and told me they wanted to "interview" me. I had no idea what to expect but thought I'd check it out so I agreed to come in on Saturday morning.

The office is very nice and professional and they their "client list" does seem pretty impressive. I met with Barbara and she gave me quite a spiel. She said that she was very interested in me because I looked so young and that they could cast me all the way down to 12 years old (I'm 30!). She talked on and on about AZ being a "right to work state" and how that meant they had tons of work opportunities. Of course she asked me to do the $300 photo shoot. I asked why that was needed just to be an extra in a movie and she said that the real money was commercials, etc. and that I needed professional photos to be considered for that kind of work. I said that I just wanted to do this for fun and she said "don't you want to make money?". I asked if she could guarantee that I would be cast in something and she said "I wouldn't ask you to do this if I didn't think you were marketable" and that "I don't ask everyone to do this."

When I said that I needed to talk to my fiance first before spening that kind of money she said that I was going to miss out because she was doing some casting on Monday and that I could get something right away. As I was leaving, I told the receptionist that I needed to think about it and might be back and she said, "Just so you know, when I started doing this I was cast in a commercial and a documentary right away and my son was cast in a movie."

I am ashamed to say that I almost fell for this this and I can see why others do to! They definitely exploit people's desire to be in a movie or commercial. You want to believe it's possible because it sounds so exciting. I am a bit naive when it comes to this kind of thing because it's hard for me to believe that people would lie to my face just to make a buck! But the more I thought about this the more I wondered if it wasn't a scam. You have be really wary of anyone that insists that you "must buy right now" or "buy something to get something" because they are probably slimy. Reputable, honest salespeople with a good product want you to make the best choice and do not pressure you.

I am so glad I came accross this and other sites that tell the truth about this palce...and grateful that I didn't give MovieWork Now a dime!

Chandler, US
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Jul 08, 2009 5:49 pm EDT

July 2009

Hi everyone,

I am so ashamed that I paid my money for this crap. Barbara was my talent coordinator as well (whatever the hell that means). She told me that as an African American female I was in high demand. She also told me about the same union stories and not to join SAG immediately. Before I knew it, I had paid $300 and didn't know what I was getting for my money. I called back to ask Barbara additional questions and she said the money was for my photo shoot. Since when do you have a photo shoot without a variety of clothing items and propts? I didn't even get my negatives, so what the hell did I really pay for. The photographer said she had only been taking professional pictures for 3 years! All the signs were there, but it was too late to get my money back.

When I went to view my photos, Barbara pulls out this pricing sheet and tells me that I get one 8 x 10 in my $300 and the rest I had to pay for. The package she selected was $420, an allegedly included 10 prints. She also said I would be a good candidate for Soap Operas and weekly sitcoms! Now how is that possible if I live in Phoenix. I can't get my money back, but I would encourage everyone to pursue their acting dreams the real way. Find a reputable acting coach, take classes, and seek out local talent agencies. I found some great information on that I plan to pursue in a few weeks--once I can save up the money I lost with Movie Now Networks Casting. Lesson learned the hardway.

Tempe, US
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Aug 03, 2009 9:27 pm EDT

I got a call last Wednesday for an "interview" today. The interview was actually for my daughter, I hate cameras but she shines when they come out. In any case by the end of the interview I felt like a peice of garlic bread all buttered up and ready to go in the oven. I have half a mind to call them on this and tell them that if they honestly think that a person coming to their "interviews" has real potential, then they should pay out of pocket for the photo shoots!

Also, did anyone notice that Barbara mostly took the male clients? And the other guy took primarily female clients. They try to appeal to the clients with flattery. How pathetic are they?

Phoenix, US
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Aug 06, 2009 1:34 pm EDT

I drove by the Movieworks office yesterday, called last night and got scheduled for an interview this morning... LOL

I had the gut feeling some of you had prior to going in and I googled "movieworks now casting" and got this site. I really enjoyed canceling my appointment by reading a few of these posts to 2 different people. Thanks guys!

My buddy works in LA and has been in over 50 movies from small speaking roles all the way up. He said he also tried to become an actor when he lived in AZ and it is possible but only if a film gets shot here. The majority of the time AZ only had indie stuff from local schools as well as some work from local marketing agencies (commercials, etc). He said you have to go where the work is and unfortunately the majority of the work is in L.A. and New York.

Unfortunately he does not know any real talent agencies out here but will inquire and let me know.

Buckeye, US
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Aug 10, 2009 10:05 am EDT

Wow! Lots of haters here. Sorry to put a damper on your parade, but I have had geat experiences with MWN. I signed up with them over 3 years ago and have worked on a National Commercial, 2 Feature Films, and 6 Local Commercials and a print job. Some of which have paid VERY good.

MovieWork Now isn't a scam at all. They get their talent work but YOU also have to work to get it. I have done a couple jobs that I didn't even have to audition for but alot of them I did. So it's up the Casting Director and Company doing the hiring if they pick you or not. MWN supplies the projects, YOU still need to do the work to book that project. Also, if you don't fit the look the Casting Director is seeking they don't even call you in for an audition. You all know that right?

Anyways, I'm not getting into a bunch of mumbo jumbo that you all don't understand.
Also, you don't HAVE to have them do your photos. But your headshot DOES have to be professional. You do pay to be in their database, just like all the other Casting Agencies in Phoenix. Getting into acting takes some personal investment. That's just how the business operates. MWN is a company that gives people who DON'T have a talent agent the chance to also work in the Entertainment Industry.

I am so happy for this company. I've been able to work on some very exciting projects. Any money I have ever paid to them was made back about 10x.

Too bad the last person who posted didn't keep their appointment. They just got hired to do the casting for a SAG film, Valley of the Sun. One of the films I worked on also was the Jamie Foxx film, The Kingdom.

It's not like we are LA folks. We're Phoenix, we don't have non-stop acting work here 24/7.

Buckeye, US
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Aug 10, 2009 10:17 am EDT

O, I forgot to add.
If you are looking for reputable Talent Agencies in Phoenix, the only ones are Leighton, Dani's, Robert Ford, and SIM. I have heard some bad things about Signature also, but they are SAG so maybe they will do okay for you. Don't be surprised if the Agencies also want you to retake your headshots with THEIR photographer. It will probably cost you $200-350. And these are the REPUTABLE ones.

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Aug 12, 2009 4:29 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

How obvious is it that only_ me is from the agency. There are complaints on [redacted] as well as this site. Barbara is mentioned over and over with her script. Professionals consistently say YOU DON'T PAY FOR CASTING SERVICES HUGE RED FLAG. GOOD TRY ONLY ME. IF YOU WERE LEGIT AND YOU HAVE HAD SUCCESS...WHERE IS THE PROOF. WHATS YOUR PROFESSIONAL NAME...GET A LIFE AND STOP SCAMMING PEOPLE

Bad Karma for Moviesworks
Phoenix, US
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Aug 25, 2009 2:48 pm EDT

Thanks people!...I was about ready to go to Movieworks...Like so many people a little extra cash never hurts...But this is Arizona...Home of the carpetbagger. $300 photo shoots. Glad I checked them out. Perhaps someone needs to contact someone like 3 on your side and see if they won't do a little a little candid investigation...Like send someone in with a hidden camera to expose this fraudulent crap. I sure all the employees at Movieworks took a class in business ethics...They failed the class but they took it lol.

not that gullible
Surprise, US
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Aug 26, 2009 3:24 pm EDT

I was just about to suggest 3 On Your Side! I just got back from my appointment. I spent about 45 minutes in Lance's office while he went through his emails, showing me all of the parts he filled and how perfect I would have been - but darn it all, he already filled that spot.

I don't know if Barbara used this same tactic or not, but if she did - did any of you happen to notice the dates on those emails? Some of them were from last year! Clearly, that is part of his sales pitch - save every email he's ever received and pull them up when he's got someone in his office. I was beginning to wonder how he knew which ones to click on while I was there. Maybe there's a secret code in the subject line or something. Or maybe he has separate folders for different demographics... Anyway, thanks for this complaint board. I left there without paying the $300, but made an appointment to come back for the photo shoot in three weeks. I figure if I am as fabulous as he says I am, my phone should be ringing off the hook with all of the jobs that I would be perfect for.

Scottsdale, US
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Sep 01, 2009 12:10 pm EDT

I was in the acting business Many years ago, had an interview with Barabara and the first thing I thought was rehersed . She told me instanly how marketable I was and how because of my past job knowledge I could be hired on as a military or law enforcement advisor for movies, then it got deeper she told me "Had I been plugged into the database when the Kingdom was filmed I could have had a starring role. Really? Barabara Really a starring role without a SAG card or portfolio or any speaking parts in over 22 years. Wow . Then the shoe dropped she needed $300.00 dollars for a photo shoot. Hmmmmm my look according to Barbara is perfect for Military, cop, biker, western roles which is true but wanted me to take pictures right then and there in a sport coat. The Last time I did contact sheets I did a few different looks. I brought with me some samples of the different characters types I fit, she had no interest at all. Oh and I was told I could possibly have a lead role in Valley of the Sun, once again really Barbara really? a lead without an audition? Amazing. Dont waste your gas folks.

Angel Vega Rolanda
Surprise, US
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Sep 03, 2009 2:06 pm EDT

I agree with all of you. I have been a professional model for over 21 years in the Chicago and Milwaukee area. I was just in Movie Works early last month just to check out the acting thing. Like many of you, I met with Barbara...who also told me that African American woman were rare in Phoenix. There was a role coming up very soon, and I fit the description of what they were looking for. She kept repeating over and over again how beautiful I was and that I did not look my age at all. I was told that I should immediately put my pictures in the data base for work. Thank God I had my fiance with me. He mentioned to her that I just took some new shots in February that I have not used yet. They were pretty awsome shots from a professional photographer out of L.A. It seems as though after speaking to me and just her knowing that I have been in the business for a while, she could not immediately get that 300.00 from me so quick. She told me that she would be right back to discuss it with someone else. She came back in and stated that if I could get my proofs over to her on disc that they could pull one shot off of the disc and use just one head shot for 150.00. I did agreed to doing this, because I just refused to pay a whole 300.00 on pictures when I already had my own. They ended up using my one picture on the data base. The funny part is, after I looked up my picture on the data base, I not only had one shot...but three different shots on there for the price of 150.00. So someone slipped up somewhere, because they were only going to put one shot on there. But oh well! That was exactly one month and a half ago. I haven't heard anything from them at all. Not even an audition! I am so glad I have a "real job."

Doug MAsters
Gilbert, US
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Oct 19, 2009 4:46 pm EDT

This is a scam, I applied on Craigslist and BAM the next day they call me for an interview. I went online to see if this was the same agency that tried to scam me out of $300 several years ago and looks like it is. I asked if I needed to bring head shots in and they said no. If it wasn't so far I would go in just to mess with them. That Barbra gets mad when you say you wont pay. I am surprised they haven't been shut down or had a news story done on them. REALLY IF YOU ARE STRUGGLING DON'T GO THEY WILL LIE TO GET YOUR MONEY. I myself have an interview tomorrow that will go unattended, they wanted me to go in today!

Phoenix, US
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Oct 21, 2009 10:59 am EDT

I posted this first on Rip-Off

OK, so I am here to set the record straight about Movie Work Now. I moved here in June of ’09 from back east. Degree in acting under my belt and what have you. I came to Phoenix, as I am unique to my market and I didn’t want to work as a waiter in LA making cents per hour and living in a rat infested bullet hole. I started straight away to fine the support network here, Durant Communications and Craigslist providing the bulk of work. My wife one day, pointed out that they were casting talent and extras for ‘Valley of the Sun’, so I called them and set up an appointment for that day, frankly I was so happy to get work, I went along.
I sat with my wife for a while in their lobby with all the pictures around. Those ARE legitimate believe it or not. Eventually, Lance Jarrel came out and saw me. We sat down and so the rehearsed speech and flattery began, then the bomb shell. $300 to start a portfolio. As it was marketed as a separate service I didn’t notice it. So we payed, as I needed headshots anyway and did it the following week. About 2 weeks from the intial interview, I had my photos, paying $25 each for 3 of my 4 and waited, got e-mails which I replyed to very regualry and still waited, nothing.
A few days ago, I signed with Ford/Robert Black, and have new headshots through Laura Durant (sorry, I know it’s a plug) and frankly I have put the whole mess behind me, and take it as a costly learning experience.
After asking various people in the acting field in Phoenix (Laura, Matthew Dearing), MWN is a two door system. They ARE legit. So if you have an agent and go to MWN they will process you in a very professional manner and they are experienced, they give you all the information at once, don’t back track and don’t waste your time. However, if you don’t have one then you get the pitch.
So, here are your options.
1. Do what I DIDN’T DO. RESEARCH, chances are if you are reading this, then you are either been touched by them or found them on Craigslist.
2. If you have no acting experience but want to be an actor, go to lessons for it, if you are in school, choose acting lessons as your electives, start now and be prepared to climb and be patient.
3. Do an amatuer play or student film, start building a resume.
4. Contact a SAG approved agency, you can find a list through and click on the Arizona branch.
5. Be professional and take your craft seriously.
If you want to be an extra, try Darlene Wyatt or Good Faith Casting.
Movie Work Now IS legit and their business practices are NOT illegal, so don’t try and sue them, you won’t have a legal leg to stand on. The pitch is their business model and it’s the classic hard sell.
But, for the love of everything that is holy, don’t ever think that you are going to be the next Brad Pitt or Scarlett Johannsen if you go with a casting agent, the most you would be is 3rd thug to the left or lady in big hat at racecourse!

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Oct 21, 2009 4:37 pm EDT

Im soooooooo glad i read this. I paid for the $300 to get my pics taken (I had a set already) Then when i went back Barbara told me that i had to pay $1, 372 for the of pics. Thats when i started my research. Came across this site. So thank you all for saving me from making a huge mistake.

Phoenix, US
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Oct 24, 2009 3:26 am EDT

I don't believe either of the people here saying that this company is legit or they have gotten work through them. I went in to the office with headshots and told them I had an agent. They told me they "don't work with agents" meaning people who have agents, and my headshots needed to be done by them, because the 15 year experienced professional photographer that actually has done print work & magazines I had was not good enough. I come to find out later the person taking their photos was only doing it for 3 years. Barbara the 200 year old bejeweled dinosaur was very rude at that point, told me she could not cast me because I have a bad attitude about this and asked me to leave. Check into them a little more and you will see their owner Patrice (not Barbara, Lance or any of the other hucksters who work there) biggest credit was extras casting assistant and they have cast for a grand total of 3 movies (1 that was not released in the US) and some local commercials, about a handful of people and they claim to have been in the business since 1990 (further researching will show you that they have only been in business since 1999 unless they previously operated under a different name - a hallmark of a fraud company) Barbara told me many lies, that she has personally cast people in movie roles, I would be perfect to do soap operas, model, etc. Exact same crap that is posted all over the net already. With the hundreds maybe even thousands of people they have scammed over the years, that is a very small number, too small to consider them legit. They should be put out of business. You can get your money back if you have been ripped off by them- they will resolve complaints with BBB (when I checked there has been 6 resolved so far and 2 [redacted]s confirming the company refunded them) call your credit card company and dispute charges; just be as persistent in getting your money back as they were with you while pitching this crap. If you want acting work, look elsewhere, preferably in L.A. or N.Y.
No legitimate company is going to ask you for money up front, aka advanced fee fraud. They will take a percent after they get you the work. If I ever had the misfortune of meeting these people again, I would like to point this out to them just to see their reaction (though I already know they know it.) I can't believe an old woman is conning people like this!

Phoeniz, US
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Oct 24, 2009 4:01 am EDT

ALL they want is to sell you a $300 photo shoot and charge you around $450 to get the pictures after they are taken. They have almost no work and have got about 5 people jobs in film since 2006.
BEWARE if I was you I would just fill the form out from them with a bunch of FAKE info SCAM them like they scammed me!
Here is the link
Waste their time like they wasted thousands of other people
And if you got the money SUE THEM THEY ARE NOT LEGIT!

Phoenix, US
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Nov 05, 2009 8:27 am EST

I just purchased a copy of Maricopa County's "The Slammer" newspaper, an amusing collection of recently arrested criminal's mugshots. Guess who I happened to find, charged with drug possession? One of the supposed success stories from Movie Work Now's website. I guess they lead her down the right road to become a movie star, huh?

Kimberly Carbajal - stand in for Jennifer Gardner on "The Kingdom" (they have been tooting their own horn about casting 2 people in that movie ever since it was being filmed. That's right, 2 whole people out of the tons of extras they had for the movie who were not cast by MWN - and out of the thousands Patrice Fournercator has scammed over the years. Here you can see what one of their lead star success stories is doing with her life!)

Phoenix, US
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Nov 05, 2009 8:32 am EST

Well the attach photo thing didn't work, so here it is on photobucket:

or if that one refuses to show up:

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Nov 29, 2009 10:45 am EST

Thanks for posting folks, I had an appointment for tomorrow and now see that this is just another AZ scam. I worked in New York, did my own marketing mailing and ended up working as a sub-contractor for about 28 different union/non-union agents & casting directors. The only company that charged me a fee to get me into their database was Central Casting, but I knew them already and the cost was only $25. They sent me TONS of work! I was on AMC & ATWT, SNL, 30Rock and tons of print, commercials, etc. - all legit - all agents who took their fees after the job - so this was really useful.

No legit agency in NY EVER complained or needed "new" photos from me, they loved my shots and I worked pretty much full-time while I was there for about 4 years. Any agency that is trying to push photography blah, blah, blah has another agenda.

BTW - Bruce Talbot did my pictures, both times I had them done, you can google his name - he does such an outstanding job - very professional and has been in this business for decades! I can't say enough good things about him.

Once again, I appreciate all the great responses and support to the acting community for unmasking these frauds. Cheers!

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Nov 29, 2009 10:48 am EST

yeah, the upload didn't work for me, either. Here is a link to a very legit site that I got TONS of work from while in NY

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Dec 16, 2009 2:07 pm EST

that kimberly carbajal has a forehead big enough to PLAY the kingdom on

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Dec 30, 2009 1:31 pm EST

Response to 'only_me', GOOD FAITH CASTING IS FREE! I was already in 2 films within 6 months of each other.

Tempe, US
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Feb 27, 2010 1:47 am EST

Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have all saved me from a huge mistake. I have/had an appointment tomorrow morning (saturday) w/ MWN...till I stumbled across this. Thank you world wide web! *Muah*

I will be more than happy to tell her where to shove it!

Chandler, US
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Mar 02, 2010 5:59 pm EST

I had been an extra before and thought it would be fun to do it again. I met with Barbara Capra back in June 2009. She went right into her scripted speech telling me "your look is in demand", "you look far younger than you really are!", "there are projects in the works now and I have to get you in front of the directors immediately!" BUT it was going to cost $300 AND I was going to need a bunch of pictures. It should have been a huge signal for me to walk out when my questions or comments made no dent in the "flow" of her script AND when she told me about the $300. She hardly took interest in anything I had to say EXCEPT after I stupidly paid that $300. Her phony compliments were pathetic!

A week or so after the photo shoot, I returned to go over the pictures. After spending the time to pick the ones to use, I was hit with the ridiculous price of $1, 200! The cost of the pictures is based on what she believes one's income is. Once I told her my husband is a general contractor and I didn't have to work, she nailed me with the high price tag. I've read other stories and have seen the price as low as $100. Until today I hadn't heard of anyone being charged anything close to the $1, 200 that I was going to be charged. And the nerve of Barbara to call and leave a voicemail asking when I'd be in to pay! What a fool... though not as foolish as I for falling for her BS.

I just finished watching Inside Edition today and they investigated a company called ACT, the Academy for Cinema and Television. . They're pulling pretty much the same stunt Movie Work Now Casting is and they too should be exposed! I'm considering contacting a few places like "3 On Your Side" and "Inside Edition". What do you think? I'll keep you posted!

Phoenix, US
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Mar 04, 2010 6:58 pm EST

My son and I went there today for him to try out his talents and desires. We met with Barbara Capra, she was nice enough, although something felt "off" with and about her. She went through the whole process of how not only my son was marketable, but I was too, and for that matter my whole family, so ask my husband too...We listened all about the movie Kingdom and about SAG and allot about her distain for illegal immigrants and how she told Juan today to take a hike out of her office, and the many that come in without social security cards, she drills them and then berates them for her being tired of paying for them, that lasted about 10 minutes. She immedialty then turned to her computer with a bunch of 'head shots' of a young beautiful girl, and how you need head shots, and 8 by 10's and a video 'resume' and then onto O and that is all only for $525, something inside me told me right there in that moment to stop believing anything about this 'interview' except that she really wants my money, she repeats it several times and reached into her desk, I thought wow she has a credit card machine right in there in her drawer, but no, it was only the paper describing the great things we were getting for $525, when I questioned the $325 package, her face changed slightly, like how could even ask that. Well, she made sure I was aware that she takes visa, mastercard, money order or even ca$h. I told her we would go home and discuss this as a family, that ended the interview. Not one time did she ask what my son'd desires were, his experience, his goals, his talent, nothing. When we got in the car, my son was quiet, I asked why, he said nothing. A little later he said, you know mom, I don't trust that lady, something doesnt feel right. I agreed, but didnt say so, as I didnt want to dis courage him just yet. I got home, and googled this company. SO for all of you that took the time to post your experiences about what a scam this is, thank you, although we werent going to pay that money because it didnt feel right, sometimes we get coaxed into things with such high hopes, but becuase of the people who posted the scam, you for sure saved us the same fate. SO you did help, and I hope ours will help too...Peace

Phoenix, US
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Apr 07, 2010 12:08 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I agree with all these comments! I had the same situation happen to me a couple of days ago. Barbara is a "Snake" Her excuse for none SAG is "this is a right to work state" I lived in LA, I new right off the bat this was a scam!

Cadillac Eddie
Scottsdale, US
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Apr 14, 2010 5:43 am EDT

I went there also and dealt with Barbra Capra. The $300 is just to get you suckered in. Seems like it cost me over $1200 and I never got any work. After she got my money she told me actors spend years working free in school plays, etc. She basically told me I shouldn't expect anything with no experience. She seemed upset that I would question their methods. Last time I tried to log in to update my info I was locked out. I was unemployed at the time and this really hurt. She said it was the best time to do it because I'd have plenty of time for casting calls, etc. There were none. She told me a lot of Hollywood work was moving to AZ because it was too expensive to film in CA. I don't think that happened. This was about eight years ago.

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Apr 21, 2010 3:38 pm EDT

I applied online after viewing a newspaper ad and received a call the next day. I went in and she threw the flattery at me right away. She didn't vibe right to me and I was uncomfortable through the conversation. She gave me the 12 year old line and a few others mentioned here. She talked about how the SAG and the strike had made so much film work come to AZ because we are a right to work state. Said I wouldn't want to use an agent because the checks get mailed to them and you never know what the total is so they could be screwing you by taking out more than 20%. Blah blah blah. In less than 5 minutes she was asking me for --> $500!

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Jun 18, 2010 9:26 pm EDT

I should have searched this site first. I fell for it twice a way. I signed up for email updates over a year ago and one of their emails indicated they were casting model types for a swimsuit ad and I suggested that my friend go check it out to be an extra, because she is the model type and needed some extra $$. I told her if they ask her for money, it isn't legit. Well after her 'interview' she called me a told me they wanted money for a headshots...and I felt bad for sending her there. I must have forgotten because I registered with them this past Monday on the website, received a call on Tuesday saying they needed my type and age and to come in for an interview. Having done extra work and acting before when I lived in Cali, I asked, is there any cost to do extra work? And she said no, there is no fee to do extra work...I immediately thought awesome...So I drove 30 minutes to the interview, filled out the ap (which I already completed online) and met with Barbara, she went on and on about SAG and AZ being right to work state and how the industry is going to be huge in Arizona and how marketable I am and how much I can make from residuals...then she went on to say they had two packages to to choose from...WTF? Packages?!? I just want to do extra work...I explained to her that I am not ready to make that kind of commitment and just want to do extra work to see if that is an industry i'd still like to be part of and that $300 was not in the budget, much less $500...she continued on telling me how marketable I am and I will be really successful, blah blah blah...I just sat silent thinking '[censored] is crazy, does she think I'm stupid?' I informed her I had a resume and headshots and she was NOT interested in that...I worked for a casting company when I lived in Cali and I did not pay 1 red cent, I got 15 projects within a couple of years...and didn't have to pay a thing...This makes me sad that someone is so willing to lie straight to my face. Luckily becoming a movie star isn't my lifelong dream...oh and the kicker, when I told her the $ wasn't in the budget she told me to find a boyfriend for the night and bring him and his credit card to sign me up...Like I am going to [censored] myself out so they can make an extra $500...As I was leaving she gave me her card and the packages and told her to call her soon since they are starting casting my type immediately and I told her I just want to be an extra for now and she said (as she was folding my application and walking to the trash can) that I will be put in the extra's database...puhleese!

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Jun 23, 2010 7:57 pm EDT

In every business there are barriers to entry. I too have gone to MWN and got the pitch. I did not expect to become an overnight star or make thousands of dollars a year. I wanted the cheapest quickest way to get in this business as a hobby and a way to make contacts in the business. I have been through many "pitches" in my 45 years and the MWN pitch had all the same qualities. But understanding its a business I paid the $300 dollars for the photos. I have access to the website where my headshot is posted. There are many areas on the website to point out what my skills are, to post my resume, and other information. I get the the casting emails as they come out and I apply to the ones that I fit. In the last 6 months I have been an extra in a SuperBowl commercial, a Stand In on a film shot here in Arizona, and an extra in another major commercial. I have no acting experience or acting school in my background, and I am not particularly good looking. But I do know how to show up on time and work. I am not a member of SAG. The only way I would have gotten the work is through MWN. They are a casting agency, and they develop a database of talent to offer production companies. I do not know the requirements, but each project I worked on allowed for a certain percentage of non-SAG talent which each production did its best to reach-after all it is a business.

I am not an overnight star but I have already made over $2, 000 on just three projects. I have met several people on these projects who were hired through MWN and they have similar stories as mine. As I read the above comments I understand that we all have been caught in scams and caution is always important, but all those above who did not get the photos and access to the website by investing $300 have nothing still. I have also run into people that have been hired by a production and quickly let go because they demanded certain food for lunch, or showed up late, or couldn't be found when needed.

I guess the best thing I can say is you get what you pay for. If you pay nothing to get in this business, at any level, you will get nothing. In this case, with MWN, I paid $300, got over 7 times my money back, and have seen how commercials and a movies are produced. I might have paid anyone the $2000 just for the experience. I have also made connections with other folks in the industry here in Arizona. Even though the pitch was a bit "pitchy" and $300 is, well . . . $300, MWN has already exceeded my expectations.

m@d as h3ll
Avondale, US
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Jul 29, 2010 12:59 am EDT

man these fools got my money 2 but it's all good i got something 4 them can u say take these suckers to court man them pics i took was not worth no 3oo dollars i could have taken my own pics and keepted my dog on 300 dollars can u say walgreens

saved trip
Chandler, US
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Jul 30, 2010 12:14 am EDT

Thank You all for posting your comments on this site. You have stopped me from wasting my time. A little reserch is a smart thing. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

saved trip
Chandler, US
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Jul 30, 2010 12:32 am EDT

Is 300light for real? Of course not. What Commericals, what movie? If anyone had sucess in getting work, they would want everyone to know who they are and what they did. MWN watches this site and likes to post crap like this. Come on its common sense. They lie to our face and they lie here. Good try stupid. I'm still have my $300.

Scottsdale, US
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Aug 03, 2010 6:42 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

My brother, mother, and I went to this "company", because I want to act for a living, and I am passionate about it. and I thought I had finally found a non-scammer in Arizona, because they're all scammers... because she said she wanted to interview me. INTERVIEW. I thought, "Wow, already? An interview!? Great!". So, I take time to perfect a résumé, a cover lettre, and even took a headshot. I spent a lot of time on those things. So the "big day", At 11, she makes me fill out a form, and I meet "BEARD-BARA", and she asks me 2 questions. Two! And not that important... My AGE, and my HEIGHT... WOW, it's on the form...
She gets into this banter right away about how they've apparently done movies... mhmm, and how they cast for movies, and she even used Disney Studios's name... THAT desperate?! She smiles the "sweet smile" when she talks, and talks like she's talking to a baby when she talks about how "the company lost alot of money, 'millions of dollars'" Euheuu, boohoo, oh no!, and then she talks about getting my headshot... my voice... and... can't she ask for the stuff that I have right here...? "Here's the headshots, how we do them... "... Let me translate what she's saying to me..."GIVE ME YOU MONEY".
The headshot of the typical fake-o blondie she showed me? It's not even a professional headshot! You have her leaning over with her knees in the picture, as we like to say, "look, I'm a mermaid!"... not supposed to have lower than a torso in a HEADSHOT! It's for acting! I do research!
My Mom says, we don't want to do the headshots yet...The lady closes the interview, "Ok, well thank you for coming..."
"No money? Get out".