28780 Shady Tree Lane
The street name should say it all. It isn't Cactus Lane.
Today was the 2nd time I had to confront this company about attempting to cut a big tree down that poses no immediate risk to power lines. They have also gone well beyond what previous tree cutters have done each year cutting other trees down not near power lines. To their credit they did reluctantly leave again after I told them to stop, took pictures, and threatened them with action if they continued, but their behavior suggests they may come back again. The trees are what make this neighborhood providing shade, anesthetics, wildlife habitat, etc. They aren't here to pad Mowbray wallet with billable man hours.
Desired outcome: Since they backed off again this morning I think that the desired outcome I want is that they don't get a contract to cut trees here again. Hire a company that better respects landowners and trees.