PLEASE BEWARE! DO NOT BUY FROM or They are selling sick, unhealthy puppies & ripping people off!
Beware of myspoiled it is Joe Lozano & Sylvia Guerra of They use the name Jr., a different phone number, & a different email address to try to trick people into buying a puppy from them, but it is Joe & Sylvia of adorablepetz. If you search the internet about adorablepetz or adorable petz you will find lots of complaints about them selling sick puppies & ripping people off! They started this website with a different name & phone number because they could not sell enough puppies on their adorablepetz website since so many people complained about them. You can also check how many complaints have been made to the Better Business Bureau about them under the adorablepetz name.
Someone gave information on a complaint that I posted on /link removed/ about Sylvia Guerra of adorablepetz being linked to I called the number on the my spoiled puppy website & it was Joe Lozano talking on the voicemail. I posted this information on the internet to warn people that it was them then they changed the voicemail so people would not recognize Joe's voice on the recording.
I had a horrible experience with Joe & Sylvia myself, before they were My Spoiled Puppy they were Adorable Petz but when they screwed so many people over that their name (Adorable Petz) was run into the dirt they had to change it to My Spoiled Puppy. They are awful people...they are killing innocent puppies & hurting innocent people...its so sad. -Catrina [protected]
DO NOT BUY A PUPPY FROM MYSPOILEDPUPPY.COM! Please, please, please do not put yourself through the pain and vet bills we have endured. Joe Lozano and Sylvia Guerra run and puppy mill and sell VERY sick puppies. Like everyone else, after paying more than $1, 000 in vet bills, my little baby puppy died. This happened only 4 days after getting her. Check the Better Business Bureau, call the Castroville police, the san antonio police, or the many people posting on this website and they will all tell you the same thing: DO NOT BUY ANY PUPPIES FROM THESE PEOPLE!
I had a friend recently buy a pup from them. Got him on a Thursday, died from Parvo on Saturday. How are Joe & Sylvia still in business!?!?
I want to thank EVERYONE who has posted a review over these people because I was actually going to put a deposit on one of their puppies today & am thankful you guys saved me the heartache I would have probably gone through because of these heartless people. I hope something gets done about them producing and selling sick puppies. I'm disgusted with how some people can live with themselves after doing this over and over again to so many people especially when the owners email's signature says "God Bless".
Thanks again,
Myra Cantu
Houston, Texas
Thank for your comments. I knew something was fishy when they did not reply to questions about the puppy's parents, or even where their exact location was. I was going to drive 3 hrs to San Antonio to pick a puppy...and they never gave me any info on where they were located. I was told by Joe, "Give me a call then you get here and I will arrange for someone to meet you."
We really need to get word out there that these people are not what they seem to be.
Houston, TX
I just bought a puppy from them (without reading any complaints or anything) and we've had him about a month now. He's a healthy, happy little puppy with a great attitude and plays well with my toddlers. We drove out to Castroville from San Antonio to their residence and they were a great family with kids themselves. The puppies were indoors and were very clean and well taken care of. Joe was a very nice guy and we will probably be getting another puppy from him because we are so happy with our puppy and his pleasant business. IDK what the deal is with all this bad gossip going around about them, thinking its just a couple disgruntled people that didnt take care of their puppy.
After visiting the home, I would not recommend anyone buy one of these pups! The place was filthy and the puppy's parents are a mystery! Theres no telling where these dogs come from. They claim that their inlaws have some of the parents. And have several litters of puppies that look to small to have left the mom. The puppies are filthy . These people are not breeders. They dont even have any of the parents. I wish I had read these reviews!
These people are not breeders! Dont buy a sick dog and waste your money! Visit for yourself and you will find tiny dirty pups that should still be with the mother ! This is a sad operation. This place should have been shut down but Texas laws havent arrived as of yet. The humane society knows all about them ! BEWARE!
I have purchased two puppies from Joe and Sylvia and I can't understand what these complaints are about. I bought a pomeranian in 2007 and a maltipoo last month. Both of my puppies are in great health and have awesome temperaments. They are lovable. I took the time care for them, keep them in a sanitary environment, and have trained them myself. I guess most people take the time to write complaints and most people that are happy with their purchase just go on without writing good reviews.
Unfortunately, we are first-time puppy buyers and only Googled "maltipoo Texas." We drove 5 hours to Castroville to buy a pup from this lying sack of sh_t. The puppies were very small and the one we bought had sores on her bottom and under her tail from having feces stuck there for a long time. Having never owned or purchased a puppy before, we believed his lies about the parents of the puppies living with his in-laws in Baytown, TX and not on-site, as well as all his other lies. Supposedly the in-laws didn't want to bother selling or raising this accidental litter of puppies so he was doing them a favor by selling them for them. We brought our puppy home, took her to the vet, and he said the pup looked fine, but that the burns on her bottom were from poor care. She was an incredibly sweet, vivacious darling and we all fell deeply head-over-heels in love with her. Tragically, with no warning whatsoever, she died of pulmonary edema, and although the vet did all she could, our beloved baby suffered. We had her for about a month, and at the time of her death (if his paperwork is accurate), she died at the age of 3 months, 10 days old. This has been a sick, horrible ordeal, and we are all absolutely devastated, plus we are left with hundreds and hundreds of dollars in vet bills. In hindsight, I wish I had taken a moment to Google this guy's email address BEFORE putting money in his wallet. I realize now that we bought a sick puppy from him. I don't know at this point what I'm going to do, but I pray that anyone considering purchasing a puppy from him is smarter than I was and finds this information before putting themselves through this kind of heartbreak. The others are right: his house is a filthy dump, he lies through his teeth, and the puppies are kept in very poor conditions. I hope someone is able to shut him down.
I bought my maltipoo from then almost a year ago and she is healthy no thanks to Joe. My vet bills totaled around 1000 dollars to get her healthy again. Maddi was taken away from her mother too early, didn't have all her teeth, was being starved and had to be put on an IV. Maddi was given special food to gain weight and on medication. Luckily my baby was saved but I will never purchase from Joe again it was awful what Maddi went through and myself. I'm just blessed we were able to save her.
thank you all for your comments! I was thinking about purchasing one of these pups because of how affordable they are. I had emailed him asking when the next litter would come and he just said "When you are ready for a puppy call me." I thought it was weird that they have puppies available whenever I am ready.. I am glad I did my research and found this among other websites full of complaints. I don't understand how the website is still up and running..
I almost had a nervous breakdown from these Mexicans!
They promised ma a puppy ant NEVER sent it!
I contacted all the 4 Vets in there city in Texas... they all say that Joe injects the puppies himself and kills them. He buys the injections on the net.
They claim they did not send my dog because they did not like me.
They claim they lost my email address and then found it, and sent me the paper to fill out the DAY
the dog was supposed to be picked up and they said since I did not fill it out on time, it was too late.
They are running a puppy mill and killing innocent dogs.
I have noticed that a lot of "Reputable Breeders" love to use God's name. Gimmick - sad one at it. I don't get that.
People who do not take care of their animals properly will be eventually judged by God.