I was hired by Walter Farfan of MYPA with office address at Park House, 15-19 Greenhill Crescent, Watford WD18 8PH website link: http://www.my-pa.com/contact_us.html As a freelancer or remote worker online, I was given tasks and was doing it religiously, however, many of us were not paid even until todate. This is to warned other freelancers to be careful and not accept job offer from this company because, Mr. Walter Farfan only promised to pay us freelancers and he is not serious about his promises because, few of us were not paid yet. Fellow freelancers, please be careful with this scammer, pretending to be good but financially unable to pay our salaries, We worked 10 hours a day from Monday - Friday and received NOTHING.
Yes, the above are all true. There were about 3 more whom Walter Farfan failed to pay too. This man is a scammer and one of his alibis is to threaten us freelancers that we are hacking his website and getting data, which is A FALSE ACCUSATION and his only excuses so we Freelancers will stop asking our unpaid salaries and wages due to us. BE CAREFUL OF THIS SUPER SCAMMER, HIRING FILIPINOS AND PLENTY OF EXCUSES. Walter Farfar, pay me my $450 and the rest of the freelancers whom you until now YOU STILL FAILED TO PAY! I have t tohe transcripts of our chat conversations and everything show the truth of all of your LIES!
Now, this SCAMMER WALTER FARFAN is using another marketplace to fool Filipinos again. Registered at one site Philippine jobs using one of his staff who is living in Davao. FILIPINOS, be aware of this guy - DON'T BE A VICTIM!
agree with the statement. this guy always promise to pay us but full of excuses. and even acusses us that we hack his damn website. dont ever contact or apply with this person mention above
I worked for this SCAMMER for more than a month. Just like the others I was not able to get my salary. This guy is a BIG FAT LIAR! I also have our chat transcript that will prove how evil this man is! Beware my kababayan!
I am not normally someone to write reviews or give feedback of my personal experiences online (especially in a professional arena), however in this instance I felt it was absolutely required.
I can confirm and attest to all of the above. I was actually paid for several months by this man and know of others who were also, but had to beg for the wage for myself and co-workers which was paid in small increments, never for the full amount and never on time. He talks of generous performance based bonuses, but these NEVER materialize so do not be drawn in or tempted to accept a position with him for any spectacular promises. If only I had looked into his background more before I started working for him...
Since "parting ways" I have discovered information online that he already has document cases in Dubai and is now unable to register as a company director in Dubai due to the cases previously raised against him.This was years before he had employed me, (and I say employed because obviously positions are offered on a freelance basis in an attempt to avoid). I suppose what I am trying to say is, I know I was not the first and nore will I be the last. It sounds too good to be true and it is. All I and we can do is warn each other. DO NOT DO IT. You cannot rely on the wage. DO NOT WORK FOR HIM! Perhaps he has the best of intentions, but his word nore anything that resembles a contract can be relied upon if it comes from this man.
If you have worked for Walter Farfan ( www.facebook.com/walter.farfan.169 ) please leave your feedback. I would like to hope there is some positive out there so please some forward if there is and perhaps this can be turned around... Unfortunately, I believe the majority to all be in the same boat as I; over promised and severely, consequently under delivered.