I took the job from NEW last year, choosing a rather grueling schedule after being told that after three months I could change my schedule. Three months rolled around and I was told I could not, in fact, change my schedule. When my doctor signed off saying that I did, in fact, need a schedule change for health reasons, they still denied the changes, saying they did not feel it was necessary. This happened multiple times, even though none of the management at NEW has a medical degree.
The policies are constantly changing without much notice and then we, the representatives, are penalized for not meeting these changes. They told us over and over before hiring us and during training we would never be required to sell anything and yet as soon as training was over we were required to begin selling/offering various packages to customers.
In hiring us we are told about many benefits, including earning paid time off for time worked and for not calling off work. What they neglect to mention is that if you don't work a certain amount of hours you do not qualify for this. They don't even mention it when you reduce your hours. They wait until you have reduced the hours, inform you of this and tell you to change your schedule to increase hours and then when you begin the process of fighting to increase hours again they deny your changes every step of the way.
If you or a family member should become ill or injured and need hospital care, don't expect any sympathy from NEW. They will call and harass you and your family over and over claiming to not have received paperwork, even when it has been sent to them multiple times.
While working at home sounds like a great thing, I would look for another company. NEW management makes it abundantly clear that they do not care about their employees.
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I totally agree with you and it is just a shame that a company of this magnitude can treat there employees like trash, and get away with it. I was told I was part of a specialty team launching a new program, and then when the program launched successfully the whole team was told that they were not on a specialty team as was previously stated but were just the same as a regular CCR. We were all denied all the same benefits and rights of a CCR while on this specialty team and now that the program has been launched successfully we have been told we are no longer of use to this company and have been discarded like a piece of trash. This job had to have a resume submitted and all the required paperwork filled out and interviews conducted, and now this company is going to give the job to other CCR's cut our position out and put us on the phone for half of our time at work, and put CCR's on the job that we had to interview for and earned the right to have. This in turn I am sure will give none of the 20 people who are going to have to do this any kind of bonus or incentive at all. This company talks about Integrity but has no idea what the word means. They lie constantly for whatever situation they can to fit whatever it is that they want to do. It is a shame in America that someone can be treated so badly and does nothing about it. All the laws cover an Employer and never help an Employee that has been treated so unfairly. This company makes up there procedures and policies as they go along. When they are caught in a lie they cover it up by saying that things change, and you must adapt or you will be gone. I wish more people knew about this site and would complain, so that maybe something could be done about a company who has no Integrity and treats there empl0yees however they fell with no consequence at all to bear. This is criminal.
I also think that people that are dissatisfied with certain television services *wink wink* should read these complaints to see that they arent the only ones getting you know what in the you know where. :)
N.E.W. has a call center located at Crestview, Florida, about 45 miles east of Pensacola and is the worst micro-managed, smallest, most out of date call center I have ever worked at. I worked at an IT call center in 1999 in the Orlando area that was ten years more advanced back then than this call center is today in red neck country. The call center is located near Bob Sykes Airport, a very small and very long air strip. All N.E.W. did was lease the building and turned a hanger maintenance building into a Best Buy call center with three call center bays in it. At the time of this entry, the Leadership consists of a Peter Principled and incompetent female Operations Manager, an inexperienced, not too bright, female Customer Service Manager who takes employee relations matter personally rather than professionally, who are supported by cliqued, uneducated, pompous, or obese and salaried supervisors. Case in point, the call center Customer Service Manager (CSM), age early 30s and Hispanic, took a labor relations matter that took place at work and tried, unsuccessfully, to charge a former CCR employee--who resigned after 1.5 years, of the same work related issue in civil court. The case was dismissed because the CSM failed to provide proof of any wrong-doing by the former employee. Plus, the FORMER employee no longer worked there. The circuit judge was even confused as to why the CSM brought the labor matter to civil court on personal reasons to begin with. To the CSM dip-@#$%, don't expect to win a case when even the circuit judge is confused. If this call center is representative of N.E.W. and Best Buy, don't expect to get much done when it comes to your PSP/PRP. As with any typical call center, the waiting time to speak with a GeekSquad agent will piss you off. The CCRs and Leads will pass the buck because they are evaluated based on the numbers and stats, not the quality of actual customer service. This means short handle times, short hold times, short notes, dropped calls, and CCRs releasing your call. The Leadership at one time was trained to not give a damn about their actual client's customers and their very own CCRs. They are more interested in giving a CCR a bad performance review when Leadership is to blame for poor communication of the performance expectations at new hire orientation and give them points for termination. Feel cheap and expendable yet? You are when you work for N.E.W. and a thankless job. Don't count on HR because any internal investigation will be used against you to protect their own. Think twice before working for this company and buying a PSP/PRP from any retailer.
i am currently employed by NEW and work in the Directv department. i used to work for a call center in Oregon and have since transfered to the Work at Home department (still taking Directv calls). i was told that when i transfered to the W@H, that all of my benefits, senority, saved time off, 401k contribution would be the same and the only thing changing would be i would take calls from my home. less then a month after transfering into the W@H program, my bluecross/shield insurance was denied when i took my wife to the doctors for a health problem. come to find out, everything i had been promised was a lie. my insurance was terminated and because my wife had devloped the life long illness while on bluecross/shield, they had covered it. the new insurance agency (Aetna) considers this a pre-existing condition and will not cover it. i also found that in the center while i was contributing to my 401k with a 6% company match, this is not so with the W@H program. i am not even allowed to participate in it (even WITHOUT the company contribution). i no longer have the paid holidays i was promised (and given at the center), my senority (3 years at the center) was rolled to zero when i went into W@H, i no longer earn my extra paid day off during my "aniversary month", i am no longer allowed to "buy-up" extra time off and the time off i earned was reduced to less then half that of which i was earning at the center. and now to top it all, They have denied my FMLA paperwork because i do not have 50 employees living within 75 miles of me. i tried explaining to them that this is a government program, but they are insisting that i do not meet the requirments set forth by the W@H HR group and thus it is denied. i still have the emails from the head of the HR department personally telling me this. i recommend that nobody take out the "protection plan" or any other warranty coverage on any electrical equipment if it it through National Elecronics Warrenty. I WILL PARTAKE IN A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT AGAINST THIS COMPANY IF ONE ARRISES.
I was employed by NEW until I needed to change my schedule from full-time to part-time. During the hiring process, I was promised that if needed, I could easily switch to part-time. Ha! LIES are what their management and recruiting team are good at. DO NOT work for NEW.
I too used to work at the Crestview, Florida call center for N.E.W. The call center is full of kiss-[censor], brown nosers, managerial incompetence, and literally airborne illnesses. Management hides their incompetence by micro-managing. You don't even need a high school diploma to work at this call center. This makes sense due to Crestview being a small town where "everybody knows too much about somebody else". As far as the educated, the town centers off the high school. I know of the management Leadership one speaks of here. Their names: /name removed/-Customer Service Manager, /name removed/-Operations Manager, Melisa Dalrymple-Human Resource Manager, and David Richardson-a very obese and arrogant supervisor.
Further reasons are featured below involving N.E.W. and its arrogant and monopolistic retail client, Best
Buy and why not to work for N.E.W.:
• Supervisors who micro-manage by not listening to CCRS and display an unwillingness to think outside the box and follow a straight non-deviating path and brag about being in a supervisory position for several years in a very small call center environment is nothing to brag about
• The Leadership team from managers to supervisors to trainers is top heavy with the potential of running the call center into the ground with too many inexperienced chiefs and not enough indians to run and even expand call center operations by which management and the Leadership has become stagnant
• There are supervisors and managers at this call center who are literally incompetent in not being able to answer relevant and technical CCR operational questions, neglect their duties, literally roam the call center, and are anal about making issues on having CCR basic administrative & office tools and resources, having writing pens & paper, how to interior decorate call center cubicles, and enforcing a paranoia and ridiculous micro-managed “paperless” policy
• An Operations Manager and a Customer Service Manager have displayed poor inter-personal communication skills while they sit in their office and manage from the hip, not from their common sense intellect—in the form of impersonal e-mails, instructing supervisors to rewrite favorable performance appraisals as negative, unless employees are in the clique, do not fully disclose performance expectations at the initial hiring stage for reviews and constantly changes these expectations and productivity standards to set subordinate employees up for failure
• When a Customer Service Manager has blatantly displayed bias towards cliqued raises and promotions in selectively influencing employee performance appraisals in regard to fair labor practices is violating EEO and U.S. Labor Law
• N.E.W. management’s hypocritical policy towards solicitation in allowing cross-stitching by subordinate employees for auctioning their craft for the call center and to ask for money for Haiti relief to gain monetarily is in direct contradiction to the established N.E.W. solicitation hand book policy—hourly employees are being solicited by management for proceeds while on the production floor and working on the clock and not being paid for this extra labor
• Based on the experience thus far at this call center, Best Buy’s pending class-action litigation in its offering of Service and Replacement Plans, poor repair service and not honoring rebates is sound
• From listening to and observing the call center operations from other CCRS, Escalation Leads, Supervisors and Managers, this call center micro-manages the numbers, provides a disservice to customers and staff by avoiding to solve the issue or prolonging repair service by inept repair technicians—If It’s Broke Don’t Fix It—while passing the buck and only has the client business in mind, Best Buy, to pay towards the operating budget of N.E.W.
• This Florida call center should not be surprised by any increase in employee turnover and under micro-management will become the norm as a reflection of poor leadership
• In general, call centers do not provide customer service by having customer issues fit nicely into parameters of a computer program and is reactive in nature rather than proactive to customer needs
I worked for NEW as well. My position was ccrII tech support for satellite provider . When I was hired I was told I would not do billing, sales or anything other then technical. Two years later I was doing it all at a little over a dollar more per hour.They have us doing 3 positions at one low wage. The turnover rate is so high we loyal agents pay for it with poor work applicaitons that cannot withold high call volumes and 8-10 hours of constant customer calls(complaints)s which effect are stats. Agents are so stressed that it is causing low attendance and serious health issues. The supervisors are who knows who and not who knows what are in no fear of losing their jobs. If you complain that your job is seriously being affected due to your sup, you are told nothing can be done and your stats seem to get lower and lower as they try to weed you out, . I was told of great oppurtunities of growth in this company and have seen 3 offers as such with hundreds of employees applying for one position. The quality analysts are quite comfortable in their positions as well, many mistakes are made at the agents expense. If you get a bad quality and your sup does nothing or even if they do and the qa dept. doesnt want to admit wrong doing, you can lose your position as ccrII that you worked so hard to get, your monthy incentive and your raise, but the qa tramples on. The aht(handle time) is nearly impossible to make with the amount of sales, horrendous extra steps in scripts and clicks of the mouse, so you do not get your monthly incentive or possibly your raise. This company is frightening with its tactics in employee treatment. If you have satellite tv(cant say who) and you have an issue you might as well get comfy cause your in for the ride of your life. Please know when you call in and your frustrated because the agent seems to be giving you the run that it is NOT what we want to do it is what we HAVE to do to keep our jobs. I recommend asking for a sup from the get go and place your rage with them. They dont have the scripts and whistles and bells as we agents do so you would be better off. I wish this company would be investigated, but until then BEWARE of this company. Im hoping someone sees this and does something about it, they are way too big for their britches..at employees expense. Help out if ya can, although i no longer work there(my choice) there are still alot of great people who I care about enduring this.
The following is a brief furnished copy with omissions of the judgment made against the above beforementioned N.E.W. CSM Case in Crestview, FL. This was a win for the Respondent, a former N.E.W. employee who has an MBA. N.E.W. lost their case:
/name removed/- National Electronics Warranty, Customer Service Manager - Call Center
Public Personal Address: /removed/
Case No.: 2010 1635
This matter came before the Court on MARCH31, 2010 on a Petition for Injunction...filed in this cause.
1. Petitioner has failed to allege in a petition for domestic violence that Respondent is a family or household member as that term is defined by Chapter 741, Florida Statutes.
2. Petitioner has used a petition form other than that which is approved by the Court and the form used lacks the statutorily rec1ui.red components.
3. Petitioner has failed to complete a mandatory portion of the petition.
4. Petitioner has failed to sign the petition.
XX 5. Petitioner has failed to allege facts sufficient to support the entry of an injunction...because:
6. Other:
It is therefore, ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the Petition is denied without prejudice to amend or supplement the petition to cure the above stated defects.
3. 31 . 10
Petitioner: XX by hand delivery in open Court XX Respondent
by U.S. mail
I CERTIFY the foregoing is a true copy of the original as it appears on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Okaloosa County, Florida, and that I have furnished copies of this order as indicated above.
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.980(b)(2), Order Denying Petition for Injunction...
Evidently this was a scanned official document. Scanning errors corrected of the following is a brief furnished copy with omissions of the judgment made against the above beforementioned N.E.W. CSM Case in Crestview, FL. This was a win for the Respondent, a former N.E.W. employee who has an MBA, a lot of retail experience, and worked for the federal government at one time. Simply stated, N.E.W. Asurion (sister partner company) lost their case:
/name removed/ - National Electronics Warranty, Customer Service Manager - Call Center
Public Personal Address: /address removed/
Case No.: 2010 1635
This matter came before the Court on MARCH 31, 2010 on a Petition for Injunction...filed in this cause.
1. Petitioner has failed to allege in a petition for domestic violence that Respondent is a family or household member as that term is defined by Chapter 741, Florida Statutes.
2. Petitioner has used a petition form other than that which is approved by the Court and the form used lacks the statutorily required components.
3. Petitioner has failed to complete a mandatory portion of the petition.
4. Petitioner has failed to sign the petition.
XX 5. Petitioner has failed to allege facts sufficient to support the entry of an injunction...because:
6. Other:
It is therefore, ORDERED AND ADJUDGED that the Petition is denied without prejudice to amend or supplement the petition to cure the above stated defects.
3. 31 . 10
Petitioner: XX by hand delivery in open Court XX Respondent
by U.S. mail
I CERTIFY the foregoing is a true copy of the original as it appears on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Okaloosa County, Florida, and that I have furnished copies of this order as indicated above.
Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.980(b)(2), Order Denying Petition for Injunction...
It's funny to me that the person complaining about not being able to advance (merc159) cannot form a single grammatically correct sentence.
excuse me, :(:(:(, not merc159
I have worked for NEW for several years now, and just like any other company, it has it's faults. Most of the complaints I've seen on this page are from people who do not check out facts about position changes before they decide to make them. And as they find out things don't work the same in different departments, (who would've thunk it), they want to point the finger at everyone else. In my position, I have witnessed the HR day one discussions in training over 20 times, and everything most people are complaining about are covered in that first day. It's not the companies fault you didn't pay attention. Grow up, actually read the employee handbook we show you on day one, and get over it. You screwed up, try accepting responsibility. As a general rule, don't sign anything you don't read, and if it's not in writting, it's not guaranteed. This rule applies from Burger King to the largest companies in the world.
And on a side note, again, just like any other company, there's a chain of command. If your sup won't help you with something, that's why you have a manager... But again, that's covered on day one so most of you probably missed it.
NEWSupporter541 ...That's comical that you bring up BURGER KING. Did you use to work there or something?
The chain of command works only when the leadership has a proven track record of competence, in this case, incompetence, in dealing with internal and external issues. Ask a N.E.W. manager or even the Human Resource manager a question relating to the "handbook" and the response will be a deer-in-the-headlights, knee-jerk response to where even these managers will have to refer to the handbook for the answer. This is an ineffective leadership team and chain of command. Unless you expect unknowing new hires to write copious notes on the first day of hire from the HR team the first day becomes a forgotten day the longer you stay with N.E.W. Plus, the HR team just hands new hires the Handbook, that's all. Primarily what HR does is lay down some simple ground rules and some policies and then discusses the benefits.
It is the company's fault (employees are instructed to not accept blame) called negligence when something goes wrong without ever going over something, lack of action and damages are incurred by the services provided by the Company whether internally or externally. Blame will be determined by the Courts and N.E.W.'s General Counsel. This privately owned company (no wonder there are problems), as well as its call center in Crestview, FL is certainly building itself up for MAJOR class-action lawsuit(s) by its clients as well as from those who work there. According to the information here, N.E.W. has lost a case already. Perhaps to the incompetency level of the female manager who brought the case to court for personal reasons and lost. Why don't you, NEWSupporter541, accept responsibilty for negligence and incompetent service. In early 2010 N.E.W. Corporation, Inc. received a B rating from the Better Business Bureau, BBB. As of October 2010 a C+ rating, and a BIG WHOPPER F rating for its SE Florida subsidiary N.E.W. of Florida, which is pretty horrible. You can view the BBB reports and research this company here: HQ: www.dc.bbb.org/report.html?national=Y&compid=13577 AND for SE Florida: www.bbb.org/south-east-florida/business-reviews/homeowner-insurance-and-warranty-services/national-electronics-warranty-corporation-of-florida-in-miami-gardens-fl-92018302#complaint
Have a wonderful day taking thos calls. Better yet, just send it to a Lead.
That's funny that the Operations Manager's name has been removed from the comments posted here, like she didn't want to be revealed.
As a result from the Public Record from the Okaloosa County Court Case posted here by the actions of MIRIAM EDITH HERRERA, the Crestview, FL N.E.W. call center customer service manager, this case sets precedent to information in the case to be disclosed to the public, that includes the following where the Petitioner works as stated in the Case Filing.
As a result of Public Record and legal action, the N.E.W. Customer Service Companies, Inc. Call Center operates, as disclosed in the Case Filing, at
5660 John Givens Rd
Crestview, FL [protected]
Phone: [protected]
Further inquires into the scope of the Case reveals that this call center is primarily a Best Buy call center and its leading officer at the time was the following:
Officer: Sue Vonderheide, Director of Operations at N.E.W.
Business type: Consumer Services
Location: Destin/Fort Walton Beach, Florida Area includes Crestview, FL
Status: Current Director at N.E.W.
Obtained Related Information:
Sue VonDerheide, Director at N Aerospace
Business type: Consumer Services
Location: Destin/Fort Walton Beach, Florida Area
Status: Current Director at N Aerospace
Perhaps Miss Herrera will think twice before creating a Public Record in the Courts because she herself will one day become the Responder if not the Defendant. Miss Herrera, as Petitioner, reports to the Director of Operations i.e. the Operations Manager, whom at the time was Sue Vonderheide.
Another reason why N.E.W. fails in Crestview, Florida...it operates like a machine that can't differentiate between private sector good business vs. military strict guidelines. Crestview is located next to Eglin Air Force Base and comprises mostly of residential communities. The population consists of people who know one way of doing something and that is following orders with military brass who knows little about the private sector and out-of-the-box thinking and talent for business. For the private sector, good talent is hard to come by in a tight job market in this area. Micro-managing fits for those who live and work in a silo-ed structure environment like the military, however, not good for overall civilian, non-governmental business, in this case, providing poor customer service and poorly managing people.
Demographically, N.E.W. - Crestview, Florida is a prisoner of its own self operation: People want out of Crestview.
"As of the census of 2000, there were 14, 766 people, 5, 297 households, and 3, 893 families residing in the city. The population density was 1, 153.7 people per square mile (445.4/km2). There were 5, 918 housing units at an average density of 462.4/sq mi (178.5/km2). The racial makeup of the city was 74.71% White, 18.41% African American, 0.60% Native American, 2.28% Asian, 0.15% Pacific Islander, 1.22% from other races, and 2.62% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 3.26% of the population. The population estimate for 2005 was 17, 707 people."
"There were 5, 297 households out of which 40.9% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 53.5% were married couples living together, 16.2% had a female householder with no husband present, and 26.5% were non-families. 22.7% of all households were made up of individuals and 8.3% had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. The average household size was 2.64 and the average family size was 3.09."
"In the city the population was spread out with 29.2% under the age of 18, 8.9% from 18 to 24, 32.5% from 25 to 44, 17.8% from 45 to 64, and 11.5% who were 65 years of age or older. The median age was 33 years. For every 100 females there were 93.4 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 91.5 males."
"The median income for a household in the city was $33, 122, and the median income for a family was $38, 824. Males had a median income of $30, 829 versus $19, 261 for females. The per capita income for the city was $15, 479. About 13.2% of families and 16.7% of the population were below the poverty line, including 25.2% of those under age 18 and 20.4% of those age 65 or over."
Thinking about working for N.E.W. or N.E.W. in the Crestview, Florida area?
You'll make more money in pizza service than you will sitting in a cubicle answering phone calls all day and working for [censored]head managers running the call center.
If I ever see any of these known managers I will personally beat their a$$.
I have worked for NEW in Russellville, Arkansas for 2 years and I find all of the complaints here do not apply to anything that I have experienced while employed for this company. They have been wonderful. I have used FMLA for personal reasons with the company helping me all the way through the process. The Human Resource Department is the best HR dept that I have ever had the pleasure to deal with. Yes, stats are an issue that the company focuses on, but most of that is because there are people holding on the phone who need assistance as well. Quality guidelines and well established and very much focused on. I will always buy a plan on any item that qualifys for it. I think NEW is a fantastic company and I amvery blessed to have the position that I have.
In reading some of the comments on this page, I am shocked and the things that are said. I have experienced none of this. The health insurance benefits are second to none. In fact, I previously worked for Arkansas Blue Cross, and my benefits are better with NEW than they were while working for the insurance company itself.
I hope that anyone needing a job will consider NEW. This is a great company to work for. I have to wonder what the motive is behind some of the people leaving the comments here. No company is perfect, but they try to make this job worthwhile.
I currently work for NEW WAH program and I agree with what all of you are saying. I am to the point where I just want to quit but only financial needs are keeping me with this stress that I go through every day that I sign on. I have work for three without taking vacation because every time I applied NEW denied because there is never time off available and yet when ever I call out sick it counts against me. The job is so stressful and even the supervisors and program specialist don't know how to answer sometimes and then they would give any answer to to get you off the phone or sometimes ignore you period, yea, I have had that many times with supervisors. There are so many sups and directors in the chat room and none can help when help is needed but if for some reason there is a mistake it goes toward coaching. I was hired for simple technical support now I am doing troubleshooting for internet, on demand and Multi-viewing, because they are telling there is no more internet department which means we are now internet, billing, technical support, customer service and who knows what else. This company is not fair at all supervisors and managers are always getting two and three weeks vacation and the agents are being deined.
Workers or Employees Don't Leave Companies, They Leave Their Boss
Here's why...and to the reason why things always go wrong whether you're a DEMOCRAT or Republican.
The following has been scientifically proven and is found in government to micro-managed businesses such as call centers and retailers and is discussed in business MBA programs.
“The Peter Principle is the principle that "In a Hierarchy Every Employee Tends to Rise to His or Her Level of Incompetence." While formulated by Dr. Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull in their 1968 book The Peter Principle, a humorous treatise which also introduced the "salutary science of Hierarchiology", "inadvertently founded" by Peter, the principle has real validity. It holds that in a hierarchy, members are promoted so long as they work competently. Sooner or later they are promoted to a position at which they are no longer competent (their "level of incompetence"), and there they remain, being unable to earn further promotions like call center work. Peter's Corollary states that "in time, every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out his or her duties" and adds that "work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence".”
“The Peter Principle is a special case of a ubiquitous observation: anything that works will be used in progressively more challenging applications until it fails. This is "The Generalized Peter Principle." It was observed by Dr. William R. Corcoran in his work on Corrective Action Programs at nuclear power plants. He observed it applied to hardware; e.g., vacuum cleaners as aspirators, and administrative devices such as the "Safety Evaluations" used for managing change. There is much temptation to use what has worked before, even when it may exceed its effective scope. Dr. Peter observed this about humans.
“In an organizational structure, the Peter Principle's practical application allows assessment of the potential of an employee for a promotion based on performance in the current job; i.e., members of a hierarchical organization eventually are promoted to their highest level of competence, after which further promotion raises them to incompetence. That level is the employee's "level of incompetence" where the employee has no chance of further promotion, thus reaching his or her career's ceiling in an organization.”
“The employee's incompetence is not necessarily exposed as a result of the higher-ranking position being more difficult — simply, that job is different from the job in which the employee previously excelled, and thus requires different work skills, which the employee usually does not possess. For example, a factory worker's excellence in his job can earn him promotion to manager, at which point the skills that earned him his promotion no longer apply to his job and now the manager is clueless or incompetent.”
“Where exceptions to this exist, the scenario switches to the "Septic Tank Principle" which is broadly similar but is usually described as "excrement rising to the top".”
“One way that organizations attempt to avoid this effect is to refrain from promoting a worker until he or she shows the skills and work habits needed to succeed at the next higher job. Thus, a worker is not promoted to managing others if he or she does not already display management abilities.”
• The first corollary is that employees who are dedicated to their current jobs should not be promoted for their efforts (like Dilbert Principle), for which they might, instead, receive a pay increase.
• The second corollary is that employees might be promoted only after being sufficiently trained to the new position. This places the burden of discovering individuals with poor managerial capabilities before (as opposed to after) they are promoted.
“Peter pointed out that a class, or caste (social stratification) system is more efficient at avoiding incompetence. Lower-level competent workers will not be promoted above their level of competence as the higher jobs are reserved for members of a higher class. "The prospect of starting near the top of the pyramid will attract to the hierarchy a group of brilliant [higher class] employees who would never have come there at all if they had been forced to start at the bottom". Thus the hierarchies "are more efficient than those of a classless or equalitarian society".”
“In a similar vein, some real-life organizations recognize that technical people may be very valuable for their skills, but poor managers, and so provide parallel career paths allowing a good technical person to acquire pay and status reserved for management in most organizations.”
“Along with the Peter Principle, Dr. Peter also coined "hierarchiology" as the social science concerned with the basic principles of hierarchically organized systems in the human society.”
“Having formulated the Principle, I discovered that I had inadvertently founded a new science, hierarchiology, the study of hierarchies. The term hierarchy was originally used to describe the system of church government by priests graded into ranks. The contemporary meaning includes any organization whose members or employees are arranged in order of rank, grade or class. Hierarchiology, although a relatively recent discipline, appears to have great applicability to the fields of public and private administration.”
—Dr. Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull, The Peter Principle: Why Things Always Go Wrong, 1968
For those N.E.W. employees current or past, if call center work is your niche, you may want to look into working for Convergys Corporation. I used to work for them but moved on to better opportunities and into management elsewhere. Convergys is publicly owned, not privately owned like N.E.W. Don't work for a cheap privately owned company like N.E.W. Convergys has call centers opened 24-hours a day with night differential pay, Employee Stock Purchase Plans and great benefits after a 90-day probationary period. The ESPP is great because you get to buy Convergys shares of common stock and become an owner of Convergys by reinvesting into the future of the company via payroll deductions. Plus, should you leave Convergys, you get to sell back the shares you bought at the current market value of the stock, as of 12/30/10, 13.20 per share. This is a nice way to give one take home pay in time of transition. New hires will also start at $9.00 / hr depending on experience. Technologically, you will jump way ahead, almost 20 years, of N.E.W. as Convergys has state-of-the-art computers, databases, and streamlined call centers for their customer service. This was my first job after graduating from college with my Master's. Looking back at my Convergys experience, it was pretty good compared to out-of-date, incompetent N.E.W.
You people are so funny. Be thankful that you have a job, plenty of Americans don't. It is YOUR responsibility to improve the position you are in whether its your personal life or work life. You all need to step back and evaluate yourselves. NEWSupporter541 hit it on the head, you need to take responsibility for your actions, obviously you were miserable at your job with NEW and most likely were fired rather than quit, so its something that YOU did, not NEW. Every company has EEO, ethics, rules and regulations and ways of reporting problems and issues. There are hundreds of other employees who work for NEW and they are not crying about being mistreated so its obviously something YOU did. Own up, accept responsibility for your failure, and get over it. Quit crying about it and posting your former bosses personal information on the internet. Grow up and stop acting like children.
Hey stopcryingalready...then stop crying about it then "stopcryingalready".
As far as former bosses personal information...Miriam Edith Herrera needs to blame herself for going to court and losing her case! She owes an apology to the Responder for the inconvenience. But like her and the NEW company she represents, inconvenience is their trademark. If she didn't want her NEW incompetence to show publicly she shouldn't have taken the issues so personally, evidently. What's posted is an actual legal public record. I'm surprised she hasn't been Tea-bagged for her stupidity.
Yes, I am SOOOO thankful for having a job NOT like yours at NEW or representing NEW. Thanks for speaking for me Miss Obamacare.
I have been working at NEW about a year now in the Russellville location and I haven't had a single problem described here. All my sups are more than willing to help and brief us often on changes. I really love working there and at Russellville the employees are treated wonderfully.
NEW is a horrible company to work for, I worked with them for a while, and I couldnt understand why they had such a high turnover rate until I worked for them. I worked under the DTV branch, and I honestly felt horrible for the way we had to treat our customers. They have a messed up system they expect people to follow, I don't know how DTV has so many customers, there are so many people who would take the $480 cancelation fee just so they didnt have to deal with it. Went I got sattelite TV through Dish I was never treated like that. And I honestly didnt last long because I couldnt handle treating customers that poorly, so I quit after about 7 months, that and a mandatory shift change was coming up, and everything was changing, when I first started and all through training we were told "oh no you won't have to sell anything" BS, when it's time for football season be prepared to sell NFL League Pass which is like rediculously overpriced to every person who calls in. And other sports packages based on the season. I would not recommend any body to work for this company, or even go through DTV because you have to deal with them, and you do have to be pretty heartless to handle the job.
I also work in the Directv program and many things that have been said on here are correct. We are told there are no high pressure sales yet if we do not offer the sports packages on certain calls we lose points on our quality scores. Also we must click on tags to try to convince customers to upgrade equipment on certain calls and if this is not done, we lose points on quality. Also we are required to answer billing questions and apply credits as well as troubleshoot. This is three jobs and yet we are only being paid for one.
The Directv program has the highest turnover in our center and we are constantly having to hire more staff because employees either quit or allow themselves to be fired because of the high stress level in this program.
Wow people. I've worked for a few companies over the years. NEW is a large corporation that has its good and bad points just like any other employer. It's all what you make it. I've worked a few call center jobs and this one is easier than most. All companies large enough to need call center customer care services require their representatives to follow strict guidelines. Most have a sales element to keep the customers informed of new products and services. Most only allow schedule changes when business needs dictate.
As for my experiences working for this company I am content. I like the people I work with. I enjoy talking to customers on the phone. I enjoy being able to help many of the customers by phone rather than needing to make them wait for service. The health benefits are some of the best I've had even as compared to state employee benefits. The company is always having some type of contest where they give away nice electronic prizes. There's quite a bit of overtime hours available.
Perfect place to work? No place is perfect. The saying that the grass isn't always greener is right. All grass is green but it all has weeds. In other words, quit griping and go to work already.
My biggest complaint in working for NEW comes from the fact that the supervisors do not seem to be appropriately trained. When asking questions (in increasingly larger chat rooms), the people answering are usually senior ccrs, not supervisors. When asking a supervisor, they ask you to "ask in chat." If you say you have -- most of us do and receive silence 85% of the time! -- they tell you to read the script. If I could resolve the issue by reading, I wouldn't ask a question! Ugh!
I fully agree with those who complain about having to be a "jack of all trades" especially since the company has various departments for a reason. I also believe we should not be penalized for transferring a call from the tech center to billing if we don't understand the customer's exact issue.
Climbing the ladder is generally squashed as many of the new hire supervisors/managers are outside hires. This also creates issues as they have no technical call experience and are not trained for such a role (yes, they are occasionally called upon to answer calls and end up asking us, the employees, for help!). As soon as I began grooming to be a supervisor with my team leader, I was moved to a new team and my supervisory training stopped. My new team leader refuses to restart the training.
I also want to address the issue of "following the chain of command." If you have a problem with your supervisor, you are to go to their manager and so on. A friend of mine had ongoing issues. She discussed it with both her current and past supervisors in an attempt at a resolution. She then contacted the manager and ended up having to write to the VP himself! The chain of command was NOT broken. She followed the path to the letter and she ended up being asked to leave. I read the letters she wrote. They were professional and polite. The problem wasn't her. It was the fact that no one listened and no one cared.
I like helping people. On the average day, I even like my job. What I don't like is knowing my supervisors/managers could care less about me even on the rare chance I become ill. I missed 3 days due to a severe upper respiratory illness and was treated like a liar! I had no voice and had to have family call in every day, then had to fill out 10 pages of forms and not one but TWO affidavits from my doctor confirming I had lost my voice.
I do not recommend anyone work for NEW. This is a company that does not keep the promises made to its employees.
IN THE COURT OF CHANCERY OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE (State of Incorporation), N.E.W. was successfully sued in 2011. In March 2010, N.E.W. unsuccessfully tried to get a DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INJUNCTION on a former employee in Crestview, Florida. The Circuit Court of the First Judicial Circuit in and for Okaloosa County, Florida DISMISSED the case brought forth by the Petitioner, an arrogant and incompetent female N.E.W. Customer Service Call Center Manager. The Respondent in the Crestview case will name the Petitioner in a lawsuit related to damages received as a result of her and N.E.W.'s actions. The Circuit Court of the First Judicial Circuit in and for Okaloosa County, Florida DOES NOT have jurisdiction over the content matter of Facebook and consumer complaints websites.
This company has the reputation of being a horrible company from its business practices to the treatment of employees.
Additional Information
Business started: 01/19/1983 in VA
Business incorporated: 08/12/1997 in DE
Type of Entity: Corporation
Business Management:
Mr. Anthony P Nader III, President /CEO
Mr. Fredrick D Schaufeld, Chairman
Ms. Kristin Shaughnessy, Paralegal
Principal: Mr. Anthony P Nader III, President /CEO
Related Businesses:
Guardian Products Incorporated Sam's Club Service Agreements
Business Category:
Alternate Business Names:
- AAFES-Keep It New (Army & Air Force Exchange Service)
- AIG Warranty Guard
- AIG Warranty Guard, Inc.
- Best Buy Performance Service Plan Renewals
- Brandsource Extra Protection
- Jewelry Plus/Jewelry Protection Plan
- K-Mart Smart Plan
- Keyguard
- Maxassurance
- N.E.W.
- N.E.W. (National Electronics Warranty)
- N.E.W. Homes Warranty Services
- N.E.W. Service Companies, Inc.
- National Electronic Warranty
- National Electronics Corporation
- National Electronics Warranty
- National Electronics Warranty Company, LLC
- National Electronics Warranty Corporation
- National Electronics Warranty Corporation of Florida
- NEW Customer Service Companies, Inc.
- Newcorp
- Pioneer Performance Guarantee preferred new product protection
- Service Contract Program
- Toshiba America Consumer Products Extended Warranty
- Toys-R-Us Buyer Protection Plan
- Visa Enhancements
- Walmart Product Product Care Plan
Just say no to these extended service plan/product replacement plan agreement contracts! Think twice before wasting your money on any retailer's Product Replacement Plan (PRP), Performance Service Plan (PSP), or working for N.E.W unless the consumer assumes the retailer is going to sell defective or lemon products or services to go out of business. N.E.W. - National Electronics Warranty company is NOT a reputable company. If you have a problem and no one else can help and you have a consumer or business complaint? The following links will help:
CONSUMER AFFAIRS WEBSITE: (Plenty of complaints for lawsuits!)
Don't be fooled! Based upon PUBLIC data, the N.E.W. Crestview, Florida call center building is now officially an ASURION call center building which is still N.E.W. as shown on its publicly viewable building. N.E.W. has gone from suck to blow due to mismanagement and financial problems which was forced to merge with ASURION in 2008.
ASURION on Facebook:
Merged with N.E.W. Customer Service Companies, Inc. (2008)
NATIONAL ELECTRONICS WARRANTY CORP (N.E.W.), CUSTOMER SERVICE COMPANIES, INC. (NEW) / ASURION - Crestview, Florida, Call Center Operations, currently a DirecTV call center, formerly a Best Buy call center.
Contact Information:
5660 John Givens Road
Crestview, Florida 32539
PH: [protected]
ASURION consumer complaints: Complaints Board
ASURION consumer complaints: Consumer Affairs
ASURION consumer complaints: Better Business Bureau
Worst companies to work for in 2013...
Among the least happy with their workplace were low-paid workers whose jobs required them to interact with customers -- notably, sales representatives, customer-service agents and technicians...
- Asurion
- National Electronics Warranty, NEW, N.E.W.
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