I bought a kitten from Marian Gooding at the end of 2016 and in October of 2017 my kitten started to show signs of FIP. It first started with the eyes, my kittens right eye got extremely cloudy and the ophthalmologist had no idea what it could be. My kitten was put on multiple eye drops and slowly the cloudiness began to dissipate over the next few weeks. After my kittens right eye finally started to look better, the second and third symptom began to appear. My kitten was suddenly lethargic and had a high fever. My vet did blood work and told me that she suspected FIP. My kitten stayed at the vet overnight and the next day I held my kitten in my arms crying because neurological symptoms had appeared. My kitten could barely stand due to weakness and nystagmus (rapid eye movement back and fourth). My kitten was brought home with antibiotics and lots of prednisone. The prednisone worked wonders by eliminating the nystagmus, which put me in denial about FIP.
I took my kitten to the vet more times than I can count on my hands in the last couple months of 2017. My kitten went through handfuls of blood tests, medications, and vitamins just to figure out what was wrong (my kitten had also lost almost 2 pounds at this point and was also very anemic). My vet always listed dry FIP as her number one diagnosis during every visit (she couldn't give me a 100% diagnosis because FIP can only be diagnosed after mortaility, but my kitten had every dry FIP symptom). Heading towards the middle of December, my kitten ran out of prednisone, but I was full of hope because my kitten began to eat better, walk better, and hadn't gotten a fever since the overnight stay at the vets.
At about 4 a.m., two days before Christmas, my kitten began to have seizures. The nystagmus came back and the seizures started to get longer and longer. I rushed my kitten to the pet hospital where I waited and waited, just to receive more bad news. They couldn't do anything for my kitten and strongly suggested euthanasia. I followed through because I knew that I could not watch my kitten suffer any longer.
At this point, I know you might be thinking that my kitten could have gotten the coronavirus at my home. My kitten was never around another cat after leaving Marian's home. My kitten was the first cat I had ever owned in my life and the first cat to ever enter my home. I never let Marian know what happened to my kitten. When I stumbled upon these complaints I decided that I did not want to be accused of killing my kitten, who was the love of my life. I tried everything I could. I poured thousands of dollars into my kittens health and I was constantly told that I could not do anything else. I tried the best I could, but sometimes I still blame myself. I still cry when I think about my kitten and I don't know when I'll be able to feel better again. The purpose of this post is to inform future Devon Rex owners who are looking into buying a kitten from Marian. I hope you do not have to go through what I did.
Also, please educate yourself on FIP before you bring your new fur baby home. It doesn't feel good to have to learn about it in a vets office.
That is so sad. Your first pet is supposed to bring you happiness. I am also very sorry for your loss. I lost two kitties recently; I know how you feel.
This is almost the exact story I experienced with my kitten from her.. including holding my kitten and crying nonstop as he slowly died. Just like you, I never contacted her because I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle that sick woman accusing me of killing my baby.