We got this letter in the mail from Northrup, Winslow and Partners from Commack, NY. They keep asking for money for "Cash & Prize Accounting Documentation/Entry Directives". It's "signed" by "Nathan Lazar" and comes from the "Payments Pending Division" of the company. They ask for $20 in cash, check or money order made payable to NWP. Don't fall for this crap if you get this letter! They only want your money and you will not win any cash or prizes. I encourage anyone who has ever
The complaint has been investigated and resolved to the customer’s satisfaction.
I just got the same letter in the mail and decided to check it out. This review confirms what I originally thought.
i just got the letter but mine is signed Benjamin cresran and it is for the amount of $2, 297, 671.00 i almost did it but my husband told me to check it out i was hoping it was real because i am in college and that would have paid my $60, 000.00 loans off, and i live in a bad neighborhood where i do not feel safe i was going to get a place out in the country and our car is taring up on us i was going to get us two new cars. and with the rest help my family members who needed it and put some in the bank for the future. i wish people would not do this to good people that really need it that is sad and wrong they shouldn't even be aloud to do this how would they feel if they got took for everything they had. i am glad i didn't because all i have is $40.00 to my name and they would have gotten half and not thought twice about who they hurt!
Just received a similar letter..."100% guaranteed"
My mom, an 82 year old widow with mild cognitive dysfunction, is being plagued with these letters. She has spent over $1500.00 since October. She too got this letter today. I don't know how many more she has received. However, today's mail contained 30+ scam letters of this type. Would someone who knows how to handle this please advise the best way to go?
I also recieved the same letter just yesterday and it stated that i need to send 20.00 for processing ect *YEA OK* I have never heard of these people/company before so i knew it was a scam Please folks ..never fall for such crap especially if you never entered such a thing..Mine actually had a smudge on there so called seal..ha ha
I also got a letter promising $2, 500, 000.00 upon filing out a few questions. I must be on a list they mail to other places as this one, because on any given day I receive as many as 20 letters telling me of money I have won. I am a widow and could use the money
helping others and paying a few bills. I don't know how to stop this garbage, some days my mail box is so full it sticks out both front and back. If anyone has a suggestion to stopping this please let me know. I also had sent some money to causes in the government, such as trying to save the Panama Canal, after stupid Carter gave it to Red China. Sooo, I now get letters asking me to help solve problems stupid politicians have created. God is the only way to solve the problems in Washington D.C. Waiting for an answer, PLEASE!, Tussell
I too have received the "Account Award Notification". This one is for 2, 500, 000 and yes, they want $20 which immediately throws up the big red flag. Here is my thing, they state point blank that you have won this money. That makes it mail fraud. I am really tired of these people getting away with mail fraud. I am seriously considering either leveling a law suit or at least notifying the AG and seeing if my local city newspaper would be interested. This is absolutely MAIL FRAUD and it is against the law here in the U.S. anyway.
Chances are good their either completely phony or an LLC with no assets. However, I, like you are so tired of people being cheated out of their hard earned money that I am willing to risk some time and a bit of money and go after these pric_s. If anyone would like to talk about this concept, email me at peshelton@comcast.net. I have no idea how many people actually send them the $20, but I'm guessing a significant number. You don't often get anything so blatantly fraudulent and good people don't expect it, especially if they don't know to check things out online. It's just wrong, I'm pissed off and not going to take it anymore!
Patricia Shelton
I ran spell check on this and have no idea why this is so screwed up. I'm with comcast if anyone wants to talk to me. The the ' is confusing .. in the middle of a word.
I have received 2 of these notifications stating I have won $2, 500, 000 and all I need to do is send $20 and answer a few questions. I am in desperate need of this money to pay off all my bills and buy me a car, I live in a rural area and have no help getting around to Dr. appointments and such. I think this scam is horrible to do on anyone but why do these devils prey on the poor. Yes, if all of us send $20 dollars to these fools then they are the ones that really win in the end but I am so glad for this web site so I could check out how others feel, Thanks a lot.
we got one here in florida look it up and guess what fraud just like all our politicians and presidents we vote for imagine that but yet we continue to vote them in and get screwed. think some day maybe people will stand and clean house maybe civil war wouldnt hurt us none. oh wait were a minority now whats up with that. be glad when 2012 ends in december maybe planet clean itself.
This is a damn shame. we just got one today! I thought it was real for a minute, then I decided to check the internet and found it was only a scam! It looks like this company has been around for awhile. I think this is foolish that they haven't been charged with anything and not in jail! People please be careful and don't send them any money
I received my letter on yesterday. I mailed my letter back to them and told them to take
the 20.00 processing fee out of my winning and mail me the rest. I guest I will never hear
from them again. It feels good to turn the tabs back on crookes and theives.
My mom got the same letter today in the mail an I told her to let me look it up an I'm glad I did . It's a shame that these people could do this an nothing happens to them I think everyone that got a letter should be able to sue this company for doing people like this I think we all should be able to do this because they said we won the money I'm gone check in to it an see if my mom can sue
I just got my second letter from these crooks. I would never send them a penny and the law should stop them from doing this only I don't know how to go about it. I called my state and they said to just tear it up. What about scams they talk about all the time on TV. Who do you call?
I just go a letter in the mail stating I've won 2, 997, 500.00. Thank you for this website because I had the envlope sealed with my $20 ready to be mailed. Something told me to check it out. I really need this money, these medical bills are bankrupting me, and I am scheduled for my electricity to be disconnected today. I am with anyone who wants to sue or do whatever to put a stop to this scam and make this company pay.
I just received my winning letter today.Send in $20.00 and receive $2, 997, 500.00 as soon as I return everything. I got a ph# for the address and it is a UPS Service Center. If we have all the info, there should be someone to follow up and deal with theses crooks. Thank God my daughter told me not to do it and to look it up. I was really very happy and ready to send $20 that I really didn't have. I am ready to join in and see if we can do something about it. Gladys Wilder.
If I could see then in person I would KICK THE ### out of them! Taking money from people who need it in live !