Evelyn Bonds James of NTI Financial & Consulting Service, Inc now has her daughter writing this pack of lies about good and decent people! It is so astounding to read the ghetto trash comments of Evelyn Bonds James and "family owned business" staff members! WOW! This would make anyone reading this garbage and scream "RUN FORREST RUN" Run far away as fast as you can from Evelyn Lorayne Lorraine Bonds James Bonds Irck Williams (talk about whos ya daddy in all of dat?) & God only knows what other names this career white collar criminal goes by or will go by in the future!? OMG Evelyn, daughter, and family owned business associates and criminal accomplices of NTI FINANCIAL & CONSULTING SERVICE, INC you're missing out on MILLIONS OF DOLLARS on TV! Why -you could even have your very own "DESPERATE & HOMELESS CON-ARTIST OF DC, MD & VA" TV SERIES! LOL "A FAMILY THAT COMMITS CRIMES TOGETHER- STAYS JAILED TOGETHER!" How touching! EVELYN LORRAINE BONDS JAMES & NTI FINANCIAL & CONSULTING SERVICES, INC IS SUCH A JOKE!- JUST STAY AWAY- FAR AWAY AND PROTECT YOUR CHURCH, CHURCH MEMBERS, FAMILY, FRIENDS, ASSOCIATES AND P R O T E C T YOUR M O N E Y FROM THIS CON-ARTIST FELON & HER *"FAMILY OWNED BUSINESS"! *(Her written quote online, not mine.) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!