Warning! I was represented by OTR and their attorney who failed to provide updates of traffic violation case and then ghosted me for nearly 3 months. Last notification from OTR and their attorney stated that speeding ticket was dismissed. Only to find out later that their lawyer never submitted successful drivers education class certificate to courts. Along with that, we had multiple communications from OTR directly stating that ticket was dismissed. We are now being assessed additional court fines and my insurance policy has now doubled in cost.
This should have never happened and now, due to their negligence of our case our Insurance Company will probably drop us because of OTRs negligence. I would be very diligent and suggest doing a background investigation of the OTR referred attorney before dealing with Off the Record. Beware when dealing with this Company and don't let this happen to you! Now I am in the process of hiring anattorney to clean up the mess that was made by this OTR and its hired attorney!
Make sure to submit a complaint against the lawyer for misconduct and negligence at their respective state bar association. As a result of their negligence, ask Off the Record to reimburse the additional legal expenses, fines, and increased insurance premiums. Take your complaint further to the consumer protection agency since their advertisement was false and they never completed the work. Gather all evidence showing you communicated with OTR and the lawyer, as it will help you build a stronger case.
Thanks L. Lowe! We have already brought civil cases against both OTR and their represented attorney!
I will update this platform with positive outcome hopefully!