I am suggesting to you that if you are looking to sell your jewelry, DO NOT deal with Oliver's Jewelers in Toronto. The man is a crook and a liar. He has got his shtick down to an art. He'll always low ball it. Okay, that's not surprising. Here's what is. I was comparison shopping . I first went to Jewelry Buyers in Toronto and they were going to give me $100.00 for my two rings. I felt I might be able to do better because Oliver's commercials say that he "guarantees" paying the highest price in the city.
Before I left the first place, the owner brought the price up to $130.00 and as I left said that if I came back he could go as high as $200.00. Having never sold my jewelry before, I thought I'd give Oliver's a try. To make a long story, short, I went to Oiver's and told him what I was offered. He offered less and said go back to the first place and if he doesn't give you the $200, I'll give you $180.00. I thought, "Why wouldn't he give me what he said her would?"
Back I went (the two places are close to each other) and the first place offered me far less saying he never told me $200.00. LIAR! As I left (I was beyond frustrated.) He told me I was "creedy" yet kept yelling out he'd give me $150.00 as I walked out the door. Now it was no longer about the money as much as the lack of principles these people have.
Here's the best part. I went back to our old friend Oliver's and he said he'd give me $110.00. I pointed out that he had just told me (20 minutes before) that if the first guy didn't give me $200.00, he'd give me $180.00. Yes I cried, not because I he wouldn't give me the money he promised, but because I couldn't believe he would do that to someone.
He told me that he was going to pay $180.00 when the other jeweler was going to pay $200.00. Again I say, WHAT? If the first guy paid me the $200.00 I wouldn't have come back like he told me to do. He claimed I was playing one against the other. I don't even know these guys, I just wanted to get what I could for my jewelry because I needed the cash. I wasn't playing them against each other, Oliver's was playing me. Mr. Oliver was so rude to me and didn't care what he had said, he saw desperation and took advantage of it. I know that running from one jeweler to another was silly, but I thought that's what you do.
My suggestion is to sell your jewelry on Craig's List or in the Buy and Sell or Cable Community Television if your city has it.
Don't support either Jewelry Buyers or Oliver's Jewelers. They are people that don't deserve our sentimental treasures for any amount of money.
He’s a total Fanny offered me $1500 for 18k of gold mounted sovereigns what a total wanker
He loves white girls too he pays this one prostitute to piggyback him around while he's naked. He's one messed up man