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CB Jewelry and Watches Review of Oliver's Jewelers
Oliver's Jewelers

Oliver's Jewelers review: Warning others! 43

Author of the review
9:22 pm EDT
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This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback.

I am suggesting to you that if you are looking to sell your jewelry, DO NOT deal with Oliver's Jewelers in Toronto. The man is a crook and a liar. He has got his shtick down to an art. He'll always low ball it. Okay, that's not surprising. Here's what is. I was comparison shopping . I first went to Jewelry Buyers in Toronto and they were going to give me $100.00 for my two rings. I felt I might be able to do better because Oliver's commercials say that he "guarantees" paying the highest price in the city.

Before I left the first place, the owner brought the price up to $130.00 and as I left said that if I came back he could go as high as $200.00. Having never sold my jewelry before, I thought I'd give Oliver's a try. To make a long story, short, I went to Oiver's and told him what I was offered. He offered less and said go back to the first place and if he doesn't give you the $200, I'll give you $180.00. I thought, "Why wouldn't he give me what he said her would?"

Back I went (the two places are close to each other) and the first place offered me far less saying he never told me $200.00. LIAR! As I left (I was beyond frustrated.) He told me I was "creedy" yet kept yelling out he'd give me $150.00 as I walked out the door. Now it was no longer about the money as much as the lack of principles these people have.

Here's the best part. I went back to our old friend Oliver's and he said he'd give me $110.00. I pointed out that he had just told me (20 minutes before) that if the first guy didn't give me $200.00, he'd give me $180.00. Yes I cried, not because I he wouldn't give me the money he promised, but because I couldn't believe he would do that to someone.

He told me that he was going to pay $180.00 when the other jeweler was going to pay $200.00. Again I say, WHAT? If the first guy paid me the $200.00 I wouldn't have come back like he told me to do. He claimed I was playing one against the other. I don't even know these guys, I just wanted to get what I could for my jewelry because I needed the cash. I wasn't playing them against each other, Oliver's was playing me. Mr. Oliver was so rude to me and didn't care what he had said, he saw desperation and took advantage of it. I know that running from one jeweler to another was silly, but I thought that's what you do.

My suggestion is to sell your jewelry on Craig's List or in the Buy and Sell or Cable Community Television if your city has it.
Don't support either Jewelry Buyers or Oliver's Jewelers. They are people that don't deserve our sentimental treasures for any amount of money.

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L Pearson
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Apr 06, 2008 10:33 am EDT

I've had a very similar experience with Mr. Russell and will strongly advise anyone, not to sell to him. He is very rude, inconsiderate and downright insultive. In my case he dropped the price from $200 to $120, all because I took about 20min to think about it. Yes I needed the cash, but really, when you are getting less than 10% of what you originally paid, well, you do really reconsider.

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May 05, 2008 8:52 pm EDT

Awwwwww, , i'm sorry. what else did u expect from that half-baked guy, he is nothing like his commercials.. im not a fan of his... well he is rude and inconsiderate,

ONE THING IS TRUE THOUGH: he does buy nearly everything (at the lowest price), he bought something of mine that nobody else would (even though he paid 10% of what i originally bought it - YES i know, but at least it paid for my ttc tickets. ), , i was able to get 20$ out of him for something i originally purchased (3 years ago) for 200$...

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May 19, 2008 5:26 pm EDT

Thanks for posting this, I was going to go to him with about 20 pieces of jewellery much of which is 18 k gold, bracelets and chains. I am not going to now, thanks for the heads up, and he will lose lots of customers.
I can't imagine anyone taking advantage of people like that - who are trying to get a fair price for their possessions.
He should move to Queen Street, and call it Oliver's Con Shop.
Stay away from this con man.

Jin Ming Fong
Richmond Hill, CA
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Jul 06, 2009 4:43 pm EDT

russel oliver is the man and own you all. He gave me big cash and makes great deal. loves chinease people ooooooooooooooo yeaaaaaaaaah

Toronto, CA
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Jul 16, 2009 5:40 am EDT

Biggest rip-off joint in Toronto is Oliver Jewelers, 366 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario, owned by Russell Oliver, the guy who says, "Oh, yahhhh!" on TV. I took a 22 karat ring, made in England in 1918, that had five "mint" marks on it denoting manufacturer, quality, etc.; a very high-quality piece of jewelery. The young guy, who is trained to skin you alive if he can get away with it, said, "It says 22 karat, but it's testing as 14 karat." I said, "I know what 22 karat gold is so don't try that game." Right away, I knew he that this is not a legitimate jeweler that builds its reputation on word-of-mouth recommendation. I told him I had researched the ring on the internet and that it would retail for $350. I said I followed the instructions on a web site that tells you how to measure the width of the band, the thickness and the diameter of the ring. He said, "You must have done something wrong." So I further decided that they treat their customers like cattle. He offered me $75. I took the ring, put it back in the box and started to walk away. He said, "I'll give you $100." I said, "I know it's worth $350 retail and I expect half that, $175. He said, "I'll give you $120." I said, "I expect people to be honest with me and give me what something is worth." I said I would go elsewhere to sell the ring. On my way out the door he said, "I'll give you $150 when you come back." I tried to get him to write that offer down on paper and sign it but he refused.

I went to another jeweler at 90 Eglinton Avenue East and the woman there offered me $100. I told her Oliver Jewelers said they would give me $150 when I returned. She said that she knew their game and that they would not give me $150 if I returned. "The price is $100", she said and she waved five twenty-dollar bills at me, but I said I would return to Oliver Jewelers to see if they would honour their verbal commitment. It turned out in the end that she was worse than Oliver's Jewelers, if you can believe it! When I returned to Oliver Jewelers and said I'll take the $150 he said he could only give me $120. I reminded him that he had offered $150 and he said that he had only really offered $120. I told him that where I live we do deals on a handshake and that our word is our honour. Even this reptile responded slightly to this value of mine and we finally settled at $140. I had tried to insist on getting the $150 that he had said, but he kept on repeating, three times, "Do you want the ring or the $140. You can't have both."

Unfortunately this world is full of people whose purpose in life is to worship money and treat people as objects. There are entire cultures of people who wake up every day to put their hand in your pocket, in a manner of speaking, and rob you. They don't see it as stealing. They would sell their own mothers' skin for ten bucks if they could. They are politely referred to as Parasites. They have a worldwide reputation that is justly earned.

Mississauga, CA
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Sep 12, 2009 6:57 pm EDT

I completly agree with what everyone is saying about him. I went in there today and could not be more taken aback by how rude he was!

I walked in and the guy at the counter seemed nice enough. He told me to have a seat. Then Oliver in all his glory came out and said "Who's next? The skinny legged girl?" I got up, went to the counter and said "I'm curious to see what this is worth" I'm going through a divorce, i'm already on the verge of bawling my eyes out as I'm giving up my wedding ring, my pendant I was given and a chain we had to replace for my pendant. I didn't have any clear cut ideas on what I wanted for them, I just knew I don't want to keep them as the memories are a little too painful to visit right now.
He said "I can give you 20 bucks!" i said "What for all three?" he said "Yeah... what do you want? 50, 100, 500.00? What are you crazy?!" and he turned to a few other customers who were shopping and twirled his finger beside his head and told them I was nuts. Then he turned back to me and said "I'm going back into my office now to do REAL work" and he walked off.
The other guy said he'd give me 100.00 but after dealing with Oliver I wanted nothing to do with the place. I just left and bawled my eyes out on the sidewalk out front. When you're going through something like a divorce, it doesn't take much to send you over the edge. I'm handing in my WEDDING RING that should have signaled something. Like "this might not have a lot of monetary value but it probably has a lot of personal value so maybe I should be nice to her" Nope. I will NEVER go back. [edited]

Toron, CA
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Nov 02, 2009 3:15 am EST

I have to agree with everyone. I though was not planning on selling, I heard some people say some really bad crap about the place and when my friend said she was going to bring her stuff in (she had no previous appraisal on any of it) I told her to let me go in first and see if he really was a rip off. I went in the first time, seen Russell, I have a 2 carat VVS1 diamond engagement ring (with 12 .5 carat diamonds on the band) at first he told me $250 and I told him no I knew what the diamond was and it was worth far more, he went up to $460 "final offer" after cleaning it. While he was looking at it he commented that it was good quality and full of life, of course I left with it in hand, told my friend not to bother with him. While since the economic slump I heard he was getting even worse, so I went back with the same ring, he asked what I wanted for it and I told him "what can you give me?" so he looks AT THE SAME RING and tells me it is "very poor quality and is lifeless, one of the worst he's seen" lol So I tell him that in the summer he offered me $460 for it, so with other customers in the store he asks me "While if you were offered that before why do you stand there like an idiot when I ask you what you wanted for it?" he then goes on to tell me it was NOT him who offered me the $460 for it that it was "the other guy" lol funny because the first time I went in he was asking my son if he seen him on TV. He would not budge from the $100 and said he was tempted to offer me less for "being an idiot" needless to say I walked out...and went online to the BBB to lodge a complaint, I suggest the rest of you do the same and try to prevent someone who really needs the cash from getting ripped off!

In the 15mins I was there I was called a blonde bimbo (I'm a dyed blond lol), idiot, ###, and stupid.

Miss, CA
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Dec 23, 2009 11:26 am EST

A number of years ago I took my grandmother's wedding band in to Oliver Jewellers to be changed to match my engagement ring. It was an 18 carat ring. I didn't notice at the time, but the 18 carat stamp on the inside was no longer there. Not too long ago I again took the ring to another jewellers to be sized. They told me the ring was 10 carat. Obviously, Oliver Jewellers switched rings. As a result, I have lost a cherished heirloom.

Toronto, CA
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Jan 31, 2010 7:05 pm EST

I have to agree with most of the complaints however if you consider that there really is no market for used jewellery one has to consider the value of a vendor or retailer who is interested in buying anyone's jewellery. Unfortunately people mistake their feelings with business. I have a business and people are always trying to negotiate with me. When I can make a little more money then so be it. I do not feel sorry for someone who is offered a price as he or she walks out the door and expects to return a short while later and ask that same person to honor the offer. I take offence to this because the fact you just came back means that no one else would offer that price, why should the consumer be allowed to shop around and hold a vendor's offer as they see fit. Take the offer or face the consequence that it may not be there 5 minutes later. When you purchase a home if you make an offer and it is not accepted the vendor cannot obligate you to make the same offer, even 5 minutes later.

Maybe if people wouldn't put themselves in such bad shape financially then they wouldn't have to deal with the Russell Olivers of the world. [edited]

Barrie, CA
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May 18, 2010 1:52 am EDT

The thing is he's not the man you see on television. He's rude and blunt, but this is done on purpose to throw you off guard. Then he low balls you and tells you that what you have to sell is crap and that no one will want it. His son does the same thing. Pawn shop owners always have to be tough, for the same reason that cops have to be.

People you have to understand that it's a business. If you don't want to get ripped off, don't go to a pawn shop.

4634gfdhf, CA
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Jun 05, 2010 6:45 pm EDT

agreed, doesn't matter if you're going through a divorce or this was given to you by King Henry the 1st. If the item has little value in today's market you won't get much out of it. Silver is pretty much worthless to jewellers, but people don't realize it.

hes obviously a jerk from dealing with too many people who expect too much out of their useless jewellery

Toronto, CA
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Jun 27, 2010 4:04 am EDT

Common guys, he's the Cashman, the Loan Arranger. But more importantly, he's a businessman. His objective is to increase his margins as much as possible. If you want more for your jewellery, don't go to a pawn shop, cause you know what's coming. You're much better off ebaying it, if you really want top dollar. And if it's just a gold piece like a chain or bangle, check on Kitco first, so at least you'll know what your gold's worth.

Mississauga, CA
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Aug 09, 2010 2:45 pm EDT

i had the same experience with oliver's services, i wouldn't send my worst enemy there. i was pregnant and desperate and i was willing to sell my engagement ring to buy myself some food. an $1800.00 ring was only worth $60 and then they felt bad and gave me an extra $2.00 for the bus to go home, how generous...

Wiser and Richer
Toronto, CA
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Jan 17, 2011 9:37 pm EST

There is a huge retail mark up on jewellry. Most people get ripped off when they first purchase something in a store. If Oliver wants to be in the retail business, he could stock a store with item on consignment, and not have to invest a cent in inventory. These guys are buying stuff for the scrap value of the gold and stones. A $1000 ring may have cost the store $250. It probably cost the manufacturer $125, material and labor. This unfortunately is the real value of the peice. If you want to sell for anything close to retail, try selling privately.

Toronto, CA
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Jun 19, 2011 12:50 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE avoid Russell Oliver's jewellery store on Eglinton Avenue West at all costs.

I think most of us understand how pawn shops work - i.e., they buy marketable pieces of jewellery at the lowest possible price and melt down the gold, and then in turn sell that gold at the highest going market value. They also, re-sell the gems, diamonds, and other stones that are extracted from the jewellery that they purchase. So, we all get that. I don't think anyone is surprised at the low prices that Oliver's offers.

What is ABSOLUTELY APPAULING is how he TREATS customers. He is insanely RUDE. And, so are his staff.

I went in there today to try to sell some jewellery that I had not worn in over 5 years. After I was buzzed in a man came out to speak with me and he spoke in a raised voice. When asked if he would kindly lower his voice he began to thunder at me with an even louder voice! UNBELIEVABLE.

I started to pack up my jewellery and head to the door as I could not imagine conducting ANY kind of business with them and the staff at the back all started to laugh -- then Russell Oliver, himself, came out and made mocking face at me! This was just out of this world. I felt as though I was transported to another universe and that this was all a dream.

As I headed for the door, they began to yell "LET THE DOG OUT". I yelled back, ""the internet comments are true - you are horrible and obnoxious, I should not have come".

When they buzzed me out they put on a voice recording that blared out on Eglinton Avenue - "GO HOME AND STAY HOME".

Readers, yes please believe this -- it is true and it happened to me about 2 hours ago -- today's date is June 18, 2011.

NEVER EVER EVER go to Russell Olivers jewellery on Eglinton Avenue West.

Toronto, CA
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Jul 11, 2012 8:07 pm EDT

A lot of people here are defending him saying he's a businessman, and that's how pawn shops work. This is very true, but my problem with him is he's incredibly rude to his customers. What kind of businessman is rude to their customers? [edited]

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Sep 03, 2012 11:06 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Just so you know, Russell Oliver now has a blog. You all might want to check it out: http://www.o;

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Sep 03, 2012 11:07 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Just so you know, Russell Oliver now has a blog. You all might want to check it out:

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Trenton, CA
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Feb 22, 2013 3:58 pm EST

He is a thief. Years ago when he had a store on Cumberland I stopped in to look at a watch, he noticed that my engagement ring needed cleaning and said he would clean it for me in and I could stop back in to get it in half an hour. The diamond was superb quality and 2 carats. Stupidly, I left and returned half an hour later to get the ring. It wasn't until a few months later when the stone came loose that I took it to the jeweler I bought it from. After looking at the ring he explained that the diamond was not the diamond he had sold me when the ring was purchased. The diamond had been switched with a cheap piece of stone. That's what Russel Oliver did. I should have had him arrested.

Joe joe joe joe
Toronto, CA
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Apr 20, 2013 2:03 am EDT

This is the first review I have ever written I feel the need to advise of the worst customer service EVER! I have jewelry that I rarely wear so decided to explore my options and maybe sell. I decided on Russell Oliver really because of his advertising, big mistake. I was given all of a couple of minutes of his time even though I was the only customer in the store. He was extremely rushed and rude, offering absolutely appalling customer service. He made an offer which I refused. He then walked to the back an left me standing there I didn't know that this was the end of our conversation. At which point a young lad who was on the phone and had nothing to do with our conversation shouted at me "NO ONE HERE WANTS YOUR GARBAGE" I was so shocked. In fact they did want my beautiful jewelry with a low offer of $800 considering how much the jewelry is worth I declined. I'm so glad I did, I would prefer to leave it in my safety deposit box from now until dooms day rather than this company making money on it. It seems to me as if they are used to dealing with desperate people who jump on their first offer. My advice stay far from Russell Oliver he is a thief and a fraud!

Oshawa, CA
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May 09, 2013 1:18 pm EDT

I don't recommend Oliver jewellery to anyone!
Stay far away from this place there customer service is horrible & so disrespectful!
From the second we walked into the door the staff looked at us like what are we even doing in here and we were bothering them!
We asked to see a black diamond ring & the guy looks at us an says can u even afford a 2, 000 ring.
We drove from Oshawa to check this place out & that's the service that we get!
Completely unacceptable & ignorant!

Oshawa, CA
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May 09, 2013 1:22 pm EDT

I recommend nobody deals with Oliver jewelry!
Stay far away from this place!
The staff our rude & ignorant we were totally disrespectful!
We asked to see a diamond ring & the guy looks at us and says can u even afford
2, 000? It seemed like we were bothering them from the second we walked in the door!
We were completely disrespected!
We drove all the way from Oshawa to check out this store & this is the service we get totally unacceptable!

Guelph, CA
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Aug 12, 2013 10:16 am EDT

Despite all of his flashy (yet incredibly cheesy) commercials and the massive effort (and likely large cash dump) he put in to making his blog and articles in the Toronto Star look legit... he's still a slime ball.

A few years ago, we brought in some rings from a deceased family member and he said he'd pay $200 for the lot. He was the second jeweler/pawn shop we had visited that day, and we told him the prices other place had offered us. He claimed we were either lying or they were trying to scam us because they weren't worth that much. We knew what they were worth -- we had a certificate of appraisal. We are also well aware that we wouldn't get the appraisal value, but he offered us less than 20% of their value. A younger man came out of the backroom (his son perhaps?) and said "Do you want the $200 or not? Are you stupid?"

We left and went back to the other place, where we got what we were originally offered and received pleasant service. He claims in his blogs that he cannot possibly be as bad as everyone says since he's been in business for over forty years. It's not hard to stay in business if you are preying on the needy yet not doing anything illegal. Doesn't make you a good business.

I don't even know why we walked in there. There were kids hanging around out front and there was nothing in the store front. I'm assuming so we cannot compare value! Terrible man. Terrible place. Stay away.

Toronto, CA
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Sep 23, 2013 1:06 pm EDT

I like cash man. I am dealing with him for more than 13 years.He call me tamil lady.First he is a business man.I never had a problem with cashman.One of his son is little rude.But cash man is really good person.I always go there no matter what.Cash man rocks.

Kiyana jones
Toronto, CA
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Nov 18, 2013 2:43 pm EST
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Mr. Oliver is dishonest! Not impressed with his attitude. He quoted me two days ago one price and when I came back he offered $500 less! He said I should have taken his first offer! What a scam

Ottawa, CA
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Jul 18, 2014 3:26 am EDT

I had a horrible experience at Oliver's store in Oakville today. Both guys, I believe Oliver's sons, have no manners. They make you feel your gold is not worth much and if you do not agree with what they offer you, they become very rude and intimidating. They offered me a quote for my gold, and when I said I will take it but I am not happy and will not come back again, they retreated and said they will not take my stuff. When I said, I agree, and now that I said so, they felt oh yeah we got her now! They went lower than what they initially quoted me and had a middle man (a worker) going back and forth between us rather than coming out and talking to me. I ended up leaving without selling my Gold. The best decision I made. I would never expose myself to such experience again. There was a lady and her husband selling some silver and gold stuff when I was there, and one of the Oliver brothers seemed to like a braclett she had from her grandmother, she told him she just wants to get an estimate about its value and he kept pushing her to sell it and belittling why she wants to keep it in an unbelievable rude manner. The couple were very uncomfortable and left with their braclett - and all the other silver stuff they had after they were told it was worth almost nothing! Finally, I wish I would have read this thread before going today.

Oshawa, US
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Jun 15, 2023 12:21 pm EDT
Replying to comment of Ranaba

He's a crook. He took my diamond ring to the back to appraise it, it was'nt until the jeweller I brought it from looked at it and said that Oliver had exchanged the 2.5 carat diamond for a cheap one without me knowing.

Lenene Harper
Mossley, CA
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Jul 27, 2014 10:11 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

The tv ads are enough to drive you crazy. I have to turn the channel every time it comes on it is so annoying.

Dissappointed Oh Yah
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Dec 15, 2014 11:18 pm EST

My Husband and I went to Oliver Jewellery today in Oakville I have to say the two men who looked at our 18kt white Gold Ring with three diamonds were pleasant but their offer was insulting, They were never rude we just couldn't come to an agreement on what they wanted to give us. We had an Appraisal of $2, 530.00 on our 1/2 Carat Diamond ring, They asked us what we wanted we told them $900.00 expected to go lower that's bargaining we did not expect to get Appraisal price for it. It had been cleaned and was very shiny and had been very well cared for. He offered us only $400.00 about 15 % of its Appraisal value. Their sign says they would give up to 35% on pieces value over $1, 000.00 I would have been Happy with 30% So needles to say his commercial that states they pay the highest prices for your jewellery would have to be an astounding OH NO OOOOOOOOO! So it you don't want to give away your jewellery I wouldn't waste your time going to Oliver Jewellers in Oakville.

toronto, CA
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Apr 09, 2015 11:17 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Ok guys, I see were you are all coming for. Let's say a rare coin has 1oz of pure gold out of a total of 2oz, meaning the coin is 12kt and in it and costs 2000$ retail. However let's say the 1oz of gold value is 1400$. A jeweler offering 1375$ is a fair businessman. Now lets say the jewler offers only 800, then he's and needs to get ripped off.

yakov Lvovski
Vaughan, CA
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Apr 11, 2015 12:45 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I'm Yakov Lvovski came to Oliver Rasel store on Eglinton Ave to sell gold chain. Which left after my mother died. I didn't now any think about jewllery. Was very warm atmosphere in a store. Tall gay l belive his name was Mark explain me value of the gold and prices. Two days before l went to Oren on Duffrin str. South of Finch. My gold chain was 37g of 14k. Gay in Open place gave me $500.00 without any explanation. I decided to go to difference place to check. And in Oliver place Mark explain me that real value of gold is about 1000 and for company to make money and to pay all expense was worse to pay me 890. He was very polite. It was nice. And money was more. I wish more places like Oliver should be in Toronto.

Cobourg, CA
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Jun 09, 2015 12:24 pm EDT

I went to the Pickering store about a month ago. I had an appraisal for the ring I was selling. Almost $9, 500 in value. I was offered $700. I understand the store needs to make a profit, but that's crazy low balling. The "gentleman " there suggested I drive to the other site. Russel himself might give me more. I went home and gave it some thought. I decided I would accept the $700. This time, the same man said he can't give me $700, said he wouldn't have given it to me before either. I asked why. If you offer that amount and the item is the same and same condition, why? Rudely told me if I had accepted the amount the first time, he then would have explained that he would have told me he could only offer less as he needs to make a profit. I get the profit aspect, but this was crazy. I began to talk and he cut me off. Never allowed me to get a word in. Rudely said if I wanted more money I should have gone in to see Russel. I can't drive in the city die to a visual disability. Not that it was any of his business, but he then suggested I was crazy. I never raised my voice or was disrespectful, but he wasn't the same. It's thesame fellow that is in the Pickering commercial with Russel. Very disappointed that a business man could be so rude and act as though he is so much enter ten everyone messed.

Kitchener, CA
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Jul 13, 2015 4:49 pm EDT

When I first moved to Toronto, I took notice of Oliver's advertisements! I had a lot of 18k and 24k that I inhereted.
Not to believe anything I see on t.v., I researched him. GLAD I DID!

after reading all the negative comments, I am very pleased with my current jewellery (Jar Jewellers) in Kitchener. I HATE TORONTO!


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Aug 19, 2015 8:45 pm EDT

Thank you for posting this, I was going to bring my rings, necklaces and bracelets to Oliver jewlery. Not a chance after reading this! Much appreciated.

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Sep 23, 2015 4:30 am EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

I just went in today to sell my ex husbands platinum wedding. A warning to all customers their tactics is to bring the jewelry at the back and if they see that it has a real good value they would give you the lowest price possible. I didn't agree to the first price so the man that was helping me went to the back. He said that he is going to double check. He came back with the money that he said that he is going to pay. I didn't say that I agreed with the price. Since I was selling 2 jewelries. The guys was distracting me with the 2nd ring that I was selling. He said that it has no value but would offer me $140. I was bargaining with him I said I want $150 for it. He wouldn't give. So I said give me the 1st ring back. All of a sudden he said that the transaction was final. He wouldn't return my ring which cost more the $2, 000 and he just offered $500. I keep insisting to give it back. He said I said "YES" replied to him I never said yes. He said you want to check the tapes. I said go ahead check the tape. Then a big guy came out and started yelling. Me a petite girl got scared. I had no choice but to leave with the money. I should have called the police. But I know they are used to harassing people and the cops are not going to do anything.

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Dec 03, 2015 3:13 pm EST

He is a theif and a liar. I had a few steriling silver and gold coins when a very rude obxinous man served me staying that he would be back with a quote. I told him to also clean and valudate my wedding ring which was custom designed by my cousin who works with Birks. 45 minutes later, I refused his offer which was too low. He quoted me my wedding ring at $1, 300, when my ring had diamonds and aqua marines. I went to Birks and asked my cousin to evaluate my ring for me again that's when he noticed that the diamonds had been removed and the aqua marines stones. I totally freaked out. He came with me to Oliver and everyone denied I was ever there. Unfortunatley I only had a business card with ther rude man who served me name. I was told that he no longer worked there. So Oliver is a THEIF and should be charged for theft.

t p
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Apr 13, 2016 10:41 am EDT

Never believed a place that been around so long that are nothing but abunch of weasles .Fast talking b.s .Completely verbal thievery!

Bill Coppens
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Oct 21, 2016 8:40 pm EDT

I went to Russell in Toronto about 5 years ago to see if he was interested in buying 4 1 to 3 carat round black diamonds. After going through the front door you feel like a prisoner because your in a 3 by 3 foot cage. When my eye's finally adjusted to the darkness in the place the first thing that I noticed was all the display cases were empty. I mean completely. Then I saw 2 pretty big guy's in suit's without ties at the end of the display cases. They asked me what I wanted and I told them that I had some diamonds to sell, One of the guy's spoke up and said we don't by that kind of crap here. I answered back well the commercials say you do. Then the other guy say's are you hard of hearing he just told you that we don't buy diamonds, And with that I left the store and got back to my car pretty quickly. I wasn't taking any chances with these 2 guy's because I expected them to come out the back of the shop and hold us up. These guy's literally looked like they were mobbed up and I wasn't taking any chances.

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Jul 20, 2017 12:30 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Any problems with mortgages

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Jul 20, 2017 12:33 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Has anyone had dealings with Oliver regarding mortgages

Ee t
Richmond Hill, CA
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Apr 23, 2021 3:30 pm EDT
Verified customer This complaint was posted by a verified customer. Learn more

Sent some of my jewelry in for quote by mail. Received a voice message which asked me to return call. I did but then was told the person I should talk to was busy and expected call back. Nobody called back for likely a full day.

I called again the next day. Again was told the person I should talk to was busy. I was then being told the items I sent would likely worth a few hundred dollars. I asked for estimate and was told around $500 which was okay.

The same person called back then told me $120, jaw dropped. I reminded him “you said a few hundred dollar”, he then claimed he said between $100-200. I laughed if you’ve told me that amount I would have instantly told to just send everything back to me.

He then non-stop saying bad things about the jewelry brands I’m selling, how big discount he has to give customers and there’s more ppl to sell then buy from them... blah blah blah. I don’t need to hear all that, just send those items back to me.

He kept asking if i would accept $120 and how low I would accept. What was my expected selling price? Did I wear my jewelry? Etc. I insisted to have my items returned instead. He then said they will be sitting in my drawer for years, I told him ya but then since they are precious metal they will definitely worth more than $120 down the road.

No one called or emailed to let me know when or did they send my items back. I had to hunt them down for tracking info. Bottom line, i just have too many jewelry and wasn’t in a rush to sell but I learned the fact this company would never be the place to sell or buy anything.