so i was trying to find lyrics for that usher song OMG cuz its an awesome song and instead came across this OMG Talent site (….does anyone know about it? it looks like its some kind of site for models. i have always been interested in modeling but never took it seriously…what is this site all about?
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Hi! I have heard a little bit about this site and it is indeed for modeling and for prospective models and talent scouts. I think this site is just starting out so not a whole lot of information is available on it just yet…
OMG! What is omg talent?!
OMG talent is for ppl who want to become models – i think you have to go on there n sign up n then if u r good lookin enough ppl will see ur pic on there n then contact u for shoots n stuff like that
My daughter is 13 years old and she is always saying OMG this and OMG that. Since I am so far out of the loop (we don’t even have TV in our house!) I asked her “what is OMG?” She wouldn’t tell me! All she said was “OMG mom you’re so lame!” So I looked up OMG and found out that it obviously means “oh my god” (I feel dumb!) but I also came across this OMG Talent site…Does anybody know what this is? What kind of talent? It looks like models. My daughter is not only obsessed with talking in code, she is also obsessed with becoming a model. I would like to know more about it. Anybody? What is OMG Talent?
dont u think ur daughter is too young to begin modeling? 13 is not that old! u dont want her ending up like paris hilton!
Like Paris Hilton? If you ask me, yeah she had her wild years but a lot of us did and she has turned out to be a very successful and accomplished independent woman. It just seems worse because she was famous and had the camera on her all the time and so you saw everything as well as having money to do whatever she pretty much wanted to do. I know plenty of women who were worse than her and they didn't have the money and access she had. 13 is not too young for modeling too. They can be models as young as newborns. It's not the job that does things to people but people who do things to people like parent incorrectly and show their kids to make the right decisions on their own. Catch them doing stuff right, and praise them for it, not constantly trying to catch them doing something wrong and berate them for it. It can be done at any age and still come out being a well rounded, moral and making great decisions.
You should be so luck to have a daughter that is what Paris Hilton has turned out to be.
I don’t think any age is really too young to start modeling – just because someone wants to model doesn’t mean that they are going to end up on the dark side of that industry doing drugs or being slutty or whatever. I think if your daughter really has a passion for it, then let her do it – just make sure that you are involved in it and keep her out of trouble!
OMG Talent is a modeling website for anyone who wants to become a model or scout people who want to become models. i know that they do have requirements for people that are under ages 14 and/or 18 and some amount of parental involvement is required for minors.
It's just a game on Facebook. You play this game “become a model” – its kind of like farmville except instead of growing a farm you are growing your own modeling agency.
Facebook has games?
You obviously haven't signed up for Facebook. yeah, there's games. They're like the text based games from a hundred years ago, not like the first person shooters on XBox. But they are highly addictive.
I already got mad talent! OMG talent hook it up!
my sister has been tryin to get in the modeling biz for like everrrr! shes dealt with shady agents n people who wont call her back n photo shoots that dont pay n she is soooo done with it! is this OMG thing for real? on facebook? is it a facebook company? does anyone know?
These games on facebook are crazy! Everybody I know plays Farmville! Most are addicted. There should be FVA (Farmville Anonymous).
OMG Talent is a way to find new models out there who want to be discovered and don’t want to have to wait to be discovered...and you don’t have to travel all over the country to go to photo shoots and stuff like can send your picture all online.
Facebook games can be highly addictive, but you have to be careful not to annoy your friends. Every game has a component that asks you to invite friends to get you new points. The trick is that you don't invite everyone, you just invite the friends you already know play games. Like, if you've been playing with a friend on Mafia Wars, then it's reasonable to assume they might want to play Farmville. But don't invite a friend to play until you know they want to play a game...otherwise you may lose a friend.
OMG whats OMG? lol whats OMG?
I already started playing the OMG talent game on Facebook and I already have an entourage!
I love Farmville. It's TOOOOOOO addictive though. I have to sneak it in at work.
I don't understand those Facebook games. Please don't "suggest" it to me.
I have a friend that signed up on omg talent and she has already got like 250 different fans or friends or whatever and she has to get a whole lot more! The more who play the game, the more modeling jobs she can get!
Omg is a scam to get and sell your information Dont download it