They pull you in with a drawing to win a related item. Petal car fire truck placed in a restaurant. They have a woman call and say you won a free dinner for 4-6 all because your name was drawn and it will be placed back in to be drawn for the original prize. You arrive and are invited to eat and a scam artist scares you telling stories of death or near death fire related stories and a video. Bragging on their super special "affordable" fire/smoke detection equipment
At the end you are asked to write down a time to have scam man come and examine your home for fire safety. For 4 dectectors and a bed vibrator and bedside alarm it will cost you anywhere from $1, 500-$6000 dollars. ( SCAM MAN WILL NOT DISCUSS AT DINNER OR ANSWER QUESTIONS RELATED TO PRICE) . do not be duped by scam man bragging up their product. I hope you all aviod this scam, better yet eat their free dinner and walk no RUN away FAST!
attended a dinner and was very impressed with the fire safety education I received! this was valuable, and life-safing information! obviously if you are going to a free dinner there is product sales involved, but it is up to the individual to decide whether or not to purchase the product. Even if you never attend these dinner, i assure you, this one is well worth your time, on top of a free dinner. your family is worth it.
No no no... it is a swith on door to door sales. I have a friend who has a monitored system and was high pressured into purchasing a package she could not afford by Omni Sheild. You have to be firm and if you can't - excuse your self and call someone who will open up the barrels over the phone on the sales person. You have a right to say - yea - time for you to leave is Now!
It’s a good system. I have the water leak sensor detectors also. It alerts my phone so I can immediately tell and check, also alerts contacts to let u know so they can check if you aren’t home.
If don’t want it learn to say “no”! Don’t blame them for trying to sell.
People get so mad at a sales rep. for no reason.
I agree. I was a safety advisor and was on an appointment tonight and the customer told me that my manager called them because they won a raffle ticket to have a free home inspection by the fire department to insure their home was up to date with their equipment. I am not a firefighter. And the presentation is actually designed to scare people into buying our system. But the scare tactic is facts. Our equipment is not affordable by the average joe. And this family was quite pissed with the sales pitch and to be told basically that the items in their home are expired, which in fact they were, and they need to update. The one video sometimes has mother’s in tears because it’s about a fire where she lost her 4 kids because the alarm didn’t go off. Yes. We present the knowledge of the problem but we DO NOT offer an actual affordable way to fix it.
You sound like a really bad salesperson. Affordability of this product is displayed daily with its thousands of units sold. A 200 thousand dollar house, that’s affordable or people shouldn’t get it bc you think it’s too much? How about a monitored fire systems put in by an engineer that costs 5-12k in 10 years? Is that affordable? How about gas? Ashley, you seem disgruntled. I’ve reviewed and tested the products in question here for the better part of 20 years and they continue to beat almost everything out there. Also, this “non affordable” option you state also has to pay you if you mess up and sell something. Factually, the points you’re citing aren’t real solid, they’re opinions based on your own inadequacy I fear. American made is how I originally found these items. Sorry you’re upset, maybe find a job you’re good at and enjoy.
That’s most likely not true. I don’t know about the sales person, but I do know about cancellation policies in the United States and Canada. I also know how the world works. People leave when asked or you call the police. You don’t get pressured into spending more than $100. Then if your so called “friend can’t afford it” she can cancel checks, credit card charges, and a finance company verifies with her is she put it on payments. Almost 20 years ago I stumble upon this product while searching for American made products, with emphasis on fire protection. The engineering on these alarms is second only to a state of the art 20-150k thousand dollar plus system that you’d find in major industrial areas. Since that’s not affordable for me, I find these to be a wonderful substitute. I’ve look for decades for quality products and if you define quality like I do, these alarms you shade are dirt cheap. My advice for people is to protect yourself from fire by paying 2-5% of the value of your home. That’s also a recommendation from many state and federal agencies.
That doesn’t make any sense? The demo I had was informative. They taught me a lot about fire prevention and safety. And I never bought anything?
Well I had a demo as well and yes they teach you about fire safety. But the commenter above is right that they won’t tell you the price until they have fear mongered you enough so you can handle the price. Using people’s loved one to put fear into their mind to offer a product that makes you go into a 10 year contract is a very low way to talk to family and friends which is the first people the associates will sell to. I get that our family needs to be safe but can they protect your children then when they stay at grandmas, friends or cousins house? No they cannot! On top of that if you know how to do math they offer you a 10 year loan at ******* 40% interest. That’s worse than credit card companies. I guess it can always be worse. Honey, this companies product doesn’t cost that much to make but there is a long line of people waiting to get paid from just one sale. An honest product does not need to use sales tactics like that no matter how good the product. It’s slimy.
Obviously Sarah does not know how to say NO. What is the life of one of your family members worth? Are you a manufacturing specialist with competent knowledge to make the assessment of "it doesn't cost that much to make?" I doubt it, sounds more like you want low cost equipment, if so go to the store and buy 10 dollar smoke detectors that FAIL 55 percent of the time when a fire occurs.
Interest is 15.9 percent which is lower than most credit card companies. 12 month no interest so u have can pay off or go through ur own financing. No one will buy a system that works u less someone can share the value of the cost. The price is held by the demand of the consumers and is actually cheaper than the photoelectric prices at Lowes that includes a lifetime warranty and a lifetime service. Product is also made in USA with direct customer service. So take that! Lol
So, when the phone net and cable company call and use a bundle sales tactic or anothee company says... one month free like Pandora.. Timeshare company uses free 3 day 2 night vacation its all smily right? Or maybe just maybe its the basic foundation that all companies use to promote their business. Hmmm.😂
How did you get 15.9 ? Mine is 26% interest.
It's not fear mongering it's reality shhesh
Not true we just bought this system. And it's 4 years and the intrest rate is only 19% which is less than my credit cards interest rates
I was at my local county fair and entered a drawing to win a emergency kit and they called us while we was in Nashville for my husbands audition for The Voice and the lady told me that we had won and for us to set up a time for someone to come by and talk to both me and my husband "that both had to be there" about fire safety and so we did and now we bout to get out of it come later today May 14. We need to get the word out about these scammers.
I don’t understand why you feel its a scam. The customers receive lifetime of equipment, direct customer service and warranty. A scam is when people receive anything in return. is totally NOT a scam. My wife and I had Justin from Capital Fire Safety in Lansing Michigan come to our house on December 18th 2021 because we had received a free 180 piece emergency preparedness kit after filling out a survey. We felt absolutely no pressure at all! We also did not feel as if we were scared into buying. If anything our eyes were opened to the fact that older ionization style smoke detectors have a much higher failure rate v.s. the photoelectric style. We were involved in a fire that happened at our apartment building in 2015 and this system definitely gives us piece of mind! Expensive but absolutely worth it! We were able to finance it and it ended up being only 88 dollars a month.
We had the same spiel about winning a fire truck. Told the gentleman at the home and Garden show were not interested in a sales pitch. He said it to get the word out about fire safety. I'm an old fart who knew better but my wife loves free stuff so she signed us up.
The young lady showed up, not the person we spoke to at the fair, and I told her right after she got out of her car that I was not interested in a sales pitch. She was honest and said there would be one at the end but there wouldn't be any pressure.
My wife and I listened and asked a lot of question which the young lady was happy to answer. I wouldn't call it a scare tactic if it's true but she did bring up a lot of situations where every day smoke and CO2 detectors failed.
We did end up buying a large package because we have a 2 story house at right around 3000 SF. The clincher for the sales was that a sensor had to work from my shop across my property. About 130 feet away. It did and we signed the papers.
All in all I am extremely happy with the product. Was it expensive? Oh ya! Will it help to save my families life? I believe so.
I would like to make it clear that at no time were we pressured by the sales person. She was extremely friendly and laid back. The product was installed the next day without any major problems. Little stuff like needing a taller ladder so I couldn't complain.
Twice I've called the office to ask about the system and was immediately transferred to someone who could help and did.
We spoke with William at the Yelm WA Home and Garden Show.
Rebecca was the sales person who showed up at our home.
OHS was the company we bought it from out of Olympia WA.
We ended up with 33 devices. 16 of which are water detectors that go under sinks, toilets and stuff like that. We used them all!
As of today I am satisfied with the product and do not believe we were ripped off in anyway.
You were scammed they used to be named Master Guard...they just rebranded stuff and raised the prices.
We bought almost the same system you did, about the same time, our house is the same square footage and we live in Yelm! I was happy with everything till last year, when we tried to get in touch with OHS. How did you ever reach their office? I have not been able to at all, to this day! Their e-mail doesn't work and neither does the phone numbers. Even the names of the people I have are no good! Please, you say you are satisfied to this day, how do you get a hold of them?
I have the network. It saved me and my family approximately 30k when it told me we had a water leak in our basement. This network also saved my family's life when our fridge caught on fire and the hardwired alarms that came with my house never sounded at all. I'm trying to understand the negative comments here, but they seem weird and dont really make sense. My network was well worth it, factually the insurance discount and the free monitoring made it above and beyond.
My wife and I were subject to a friend giving us up... Lol. Shakti was our sales rep, and she was brutally awesome! While I do feel regret about spending $4600 on the system, it has more uses than just the norm. I worked swing shift and since we had the bed shaker, if something were to happen, i.e, tweakers breaking in, she could push the button on the bed unit and the whole system goes off in a frantic display of lights and noise, and EVERYONE on the alert list is now aware of it and will be calling, including myself.
I purchased a unit with the water sensors and i'm very happy that I did. I don't feel that I was scammed at all. I feel very protected when I fall asleep at bedtime. You get what you pay for and the one's that cost 10 bucks apiece to me don't offer much.
i was scammed by this company they were suppose t hook my units too the internet they tried to do this and screwed up my cumputer called them back to fix or renove come and tried at no avail said it was my cumputer and left . in the mean time had a fire in my microwave ove n the units didn't sound alarm but my old 29 dollar sounded i sure would like these pieces of sit remove and my money back units are still not hooked up on my internet
Who decides what is affordable? Their systems can cost less than what monitoring costs from other suppliers, and you end up with the system for life with no monthly monitoring fees. That, combined with the fact that these products work when others fail makes this a no-brainer.
already proven MLM scam
Sorry to inform you, there is no MLM there. You need a new hobby, lying looks great on you though!
It is a MLM scam they used to be named Master Guard and did the same thing.
The Products are amazing and it save us from potential 13k flood damage when my daughter's sink upstairs burst. Good thing we have this Omnishield that wake us up and solved the incident before it gets worst and it really give us peace of mind. What amazing job.
Most of these comments are geared towards home owners. I'm actually a renter that ended up with a 26% interest rate on this. I'm currently trying to cancel and am feeling extreme anxiety over this.
Interesting to see people’s definition of “scam”. I didn’t like the presentation, so it’s a scam. I don’t want to pay their price, so it’s a scam. I didn’t want to win a draw, so it’s a scam. They told me real situations that are unpleasant, so it’s a scam. As a home fire survivor, where my equipment didn’t work and we lost everything, I am happy to spend extra money on safety and detection equipment I can count on, just in case!
The company told me they hope I never have to use it, but if I ever do it’ll be well worth the investment!
"OMNISHIELD IS NOT A SCAM" I really hope people take the time to read all the reviews. Just because you say "SCAM" BIG AND BOLD ALL CAPS does NOT MAKE IT ONE. Your review is over 6 years old and if it was a scam the company would have shut down years ago.There are literally thousands and thousands of satisfied customers including myself. OMNISHIELD saved our family from a fire incident and several water leaks detected. Our old cheap alarm that went off when cooking DID NOT go off when we needed it to for a close call with our toaster oven. If you read reviews for some of the top Insurance companies their reviews are horrible and anybody reading them would think they are a scam,yet they have been around 100+ years. And what is sad most reviews are from the 1% of people that had a bad experience and only a handful of the other 99% that are satisfied will write a review. Is Omnishield expensive yes, but not when you need it. You get what you pay for in life.
Bob, your full of crap and they have done ropes you into their scheme.
1. If this system was as good as they make it out to be they wouldn't try to force you to sign up the same day saying you'll lose the first day visit offer.
2. If it was this good fire departments world wide would know about these systems and recommend them. Contact your local fire stations and ask about this overpriced system. ABC 15 did a test with the fire department back in 2013 and these were the very last detectors to go off. Go search up Master Guard and find out why they changed names and moved right down the road.
3. Again if this overpriced paperweight actually worked there would be testing videos from the manufacturer and fire departments alike testing these unit out showing how awesome they are. Instead you will find NOTHING to prove the claimed "
I am with you it’s a scam! They fraudulently got my loan approved and I only found out once the system started malfunctioning and tried to cancel. They refused to remove the items from my home and the finance company, after a month of me bothering them, finally sees I was telling the truth. They still haven’t resolved this and my system is still malfunctioning and the distributor is not answering the phone🤬 so I have a system that keeps going off in my home scaring the crap out of me and my kids and I’m expected to pay for it because the distributor received the funds and now it’s my problem. The distributor needs to be paying it back and shut down.
IM laughing out loud at all these comments about this system being a scam. Seems all these peiple have never bought the system or they have never had the system save them from an issue. I went through their bull speal and made my own decision to buy the system. GUESS WHAT. It works. At 3am the water alarm in the kitchen went off. I couldnt find any leak so i dried it and put it back. 5 am it goes off again. This time i really investigate and i find that the wood countertop that my sink is in is rotting at the taps to the point its leaking slowly. Would have never known if not for this system.
So let me get the story right. You were ignorant enough to buy their overpriced piece of junk, and you try to justify it with a story of how it detected a leak?
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but other companies make moisture alarms for a whole lot less that would have done the same thing. If these detectors where "as good as they say" fire departments would rave about them...yet they don't and to top it off the fire department tested this overpriced paperweight and found it actually alarmed much longer after the regular smoke detectors.
Stupid multilevel marketing, I pray you never need to rely on those smoke heads.
Source? The Same company made these, after they were called out about their lies they moved down the road a few blocks and renamed themself.
hi all, Can I cancel my payment after none of my alarms worked? A few nights ago, when fire and smoke started in my kitchen when I got distracted while cooking, I did not get any notification on my phone. Even a physical alarm did not work either.
After checking the app, I found out that it was no longer connected to my phone. The app is there but no longer connected to any detection unit I got.
I called Omni-Shield CS, they said it was impossible, and instead of a kind and polite answer, I got a rude response saying, "That's impossible.". I also called the salesman who used to be my friend, but he only said, "Sorry to hear that, but call the local office and not the CS". I expect him to do more for me than that. I was calling the local office phone in our city, but no one was responding.
Does anyone have experience cutting the payment? I also reported this to the BBB.
I would like to stop paying the remaining balance after the incident, as it was very traumatic. I don't mind returning there garbage sensors to them.
All advice is much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.