Somebody contact with me by instagram and give phone number after added onthe whatsapp each other.
And than direct to me ouknm website and said about recharge this site for much more profit. I recharge 3 times about with wallet adress and transfer about 30,000 USD. When I need to money want to withdrawal and transfer my account , today i received email as this:::::: "Hello, dear Ouknm users
Your withdrawal request has been rejected by the blockchain node due to international
Financial anti-money laundering task force conducts investigation on exchange users
Spot check, your trading account is abnormal due to frequent cash withdrawals, suspected of assisting or own money laundering, your account [protected] has been temporarily frozen! Appraised by the Ministry of Justice of the exchange, you need to pay the account assets
100% of the verified funds unfreeze the account (30107.1*100%=30107.1USDT).
After the freeze is lifted, the verified funds will also be included in your account balance
Well, after the verification is passed, you can trade to buy coins, sell coins,
Withdrawal and other normal operations!
Please complete 100% verification of account assets before 24:00 on January 12
Unfrozen account with certificate funds, otherwise your account will be permanently frozen
Knot! If you have any questions, please contact online customer service. wish you life"""" Now this site request from me more 30107 USDT extra for unfrozen my account.
Her Contact number (She said about names: Sophia): [protected]
This girl always try to me recharge and fund to the site . when I rouble this situation didnt recharge and frooze my acoounts. If you want any documants I can send all the screenshots and correspondences on the whatsapp and ouknm help services. Could you help me please. Please help. Wait for reply best regards Seyit Ali YILMAZ [protected] [protected]
Desired outcome: I would like to froozen my account , refund my BTCTURK accounts
I Complain to crypto currency site. I membered about 25 december 2022. I met girl by instagram name sophia communicate whatsapp tel nr(+[protected]) directed to me for more profit . first I recharge to this site for try about 2000 USD. but everyday tried to me for more recharge and I funded 30107 USD. I tried to withdrawal my mone; When I suspect that girl. but no possible. I cant refund my money. I received message from help center:: Your withdrawal application has been rejected by the blockchain node, because the international financial anti-money laundering special working group conducts random checks on exchange users, your trading account is abnormal due to frequent withdrawals, suspected of assisting or own money laundering, your Account [protected] has been temporarily frozen! You need to recharge and pay 100% of the verification funds of the account assets to unfreeze the account (30107.1*100%=30107.1USDT).""" I dont have any money cant. and HELP ME PLEASE for this. thanks
Never solved my problem; i contact everyday but no, help pls, open all time help center by ouknm, , , actually tel nr +821082985263
Hello! Same issue happen to me. I need the way out. Please help.where can I contact you? I also have the screenshots
i have also the same issue as well, we might find the wayout how to get our money back?
Mbak Dhita,
Pak Agus Hermawan ada kirim nomor HP nya; saya akan buatkan group WA.
Nomor saya +62 [protected].
Kalo ada teman Indo lain yang baca, kita bikin egobrol di group WA yuk?
Saya juga salah satu korban OUKNM
Terima kasih
Sore, saya Ade apa bisa saya ikut bergabung karna kebetulan saya juga jadi korban, salam kenal, nomor hp saya: [protected]
i have the same issue, we could find out the wayout together.
Thank you
Hi, are you from Indonesia? Have you make a report to police?
I face also the same issue. Bisa minta nomor whatsapp nya? untuk koordinasi.
Mbak, bisa minta nomor WA nya, aku juga mengalami hal serupa nih
Halo mas Nyoman, ini saya komunikasi sama beberapa orang indo juga yang jadi korban. Lanjut komunikasi di wa aja ya. Berhubung wa disini diprotect bisa email dulu nadytha.zildjian @ gmail .com
Halo pak, kita pindah ke gmail saja,
Pak Nyoman, boleh minta emailnya pak, email saya Saya alami kasus yang sama juga.
Mbak Dhita,
Nomor HP/WA saya +62 [protected].
Bikin group WA yuk, Saya juga korban.
Saya sekarang lagi berhadapan dengan orang Korea selatan yang mengajak saya main di ouknm nama ig nya @seojun147852
Nomor wa saya kosong depalan lima tujuh lima lima delapan tiga empat dua tiga tiga
Salam kenal Mba Dytha, saya Ade yg juga korban, mohon di undang bergabung di grup wa, nomor saya di nol delapan satu sembilan, satu sembilan dua dua, nol tujuh delapan tujuh
They did this to me too. Their method of asking more money to alleviate money laundering suspicion is very suspicious in itself. Instead they should be asking for source of funds etc.
It happened to me too. A Korean lady contacted me for investment on cryptocurrencies.
Eventually, I cannot withdraw the fund.
She claimed as Grace Park Weiwei.
Hallo, could you send me the pickture of this Person from korea ?
I had the same experience.
Thank you
Hello Mbak Dita,
I'm also facing the same issue.
Boleh minta nomor WA nya untuk berkoordinasi?
Halo. Diisni ga bisa share nomer wa langsung protected. Email aja ya. Ini udh komunikasi sama org yg kena juga. Ayo kita bikin grup sama2. nadytha.zildjian @
Halo pak, saya juga korban. nomor saya nol delapan sebelas delapan lima nol satu nol dua.
mbak mas... mau share .. saya maur kena juga walaupun masih awal.. alhamdulillah aman karena ngecek2 juga digoogle web ini .. saya ada foto orangnya semalam sempat video call... kalo butuh fotonya e-mail aja ke ...
Halo kak, kebetulan aku kena juga. boleh info no nya? buat kontakan?
Nomor WA nya tlg dishare… jangan pakai angka tp ditulis pakai huruf saja
nol delapan satu delapan nol lima lima dua tiga delapan empat delapan. ini ya kak
I am also victim. we make new group. my email adress:
hello agus, send m e mail pls .
we make group. I will join
I had the same issue with this Korean scammer. She claimed to be Grace Park lives in Seoul.
Not sure how to solve our issue.
Hari ini baru saja saya mengalami hal serupa,
Akun saya dibekukan dan saya diminta untuk menyetor 50% dari assets saya.
Saya juga mengalami kejadian yg sama, ikut donk cari solusi.
Hi, could you send me the pickture from Sophia? I have the same problem.
Thank you.
mağdurum ve birşeyler yapmamız gerek yardımlarınızı bekliyorum
These are scammers! They get acquainted through IG, then they communicate in WA. They gain confidence and offer to trade cryptocurrency. They ask you to register on the binance website, and then on the website. It's good that I immediately checked what kind of site it was. And thanks to your comments, I realized that I was being deceived.
Minta tolong di add, kosong delapam satu tiga delapan tujuh delapan tujuh empat tiga kosong satu
Halo, boleh di add juga saya, saya jg mengalami hal yang sama, saya WD namun hingga saat ini tak kunjung cair. Kosong delapan dua, dua tiga empat, enam tuju lima, enam tiga dua
Minta di add kosong delapan satu tiga dua lima enam kosong delapan tiga sembilan sembilan
Bisa di add email
Terima kasih
I have been also cheated , contacted via insta and taken whatsapp no. Then chat start with she want to visit my country ,she is in textile business , as well she is invester, I don't know about ABC of crypto, she told me to binance acc to open then she diverted to ouknm. Investment started with 200 isdt. Then we did transaction for a week then told me to increase assets total we added 12000 usdt , then she froce me to add upto total minimum 50000 usdt. So I can get more profit. Before more investment I try to withdraw 5000 usdt. Then my acc freeze. The lady contact me her name said Kim lives in Singapore. Binance must stop transaction this type of platform. Her contact no +[protected]
Я из Казахстана и я тоже жертва ouknm
Не ведитесь на легкие деньги чужие ссылки не заходите пожалуйста
Saya juga menjadi korban ouknm, total Deposit 2.500 USD
Saya juga kena, untung mereka minta tambah tidak saya tambahin, boleh saya gabung di group wa , no wa saya kosong delapan tujuh delapan tiga enam tiga lima oksong kosong satu
Saya juga korban penipuan Iblis ini , mereka adalah syndicate yg beroperasi bersama. Mereka membuat system trading crypto abal abal yg dikendalikan oleh host di suatu negara dan punya agen penipu juga di Indonesia dengan account Bank CIMB Niaga. Licik dan lihai dan Terlatih dengan baik. Sy rugi 1200 usd . Saya memancing dengan ingin mengajak teman ikut trading dalam jumlah besar. Namun mreka terlalu Licik... Kita akan teruskan ke portal Cybercrime Mabes Polri dan cybercrime BCA dan CIMB Niaga. Smoga ketemu terungkap dan dihukum mati semua.
Salam kenal mas, sy juga korban, mohon info apa ada perkembangan kasus ini
Bila ada yg mau diskusi mohon di add no saya kosong delapan sembilan lima dua lima satu dua empat sembilan satu tujuh... Yuukkita jebak diaa... Pasti bisa.
saya juga kena nih, ngakunya cewek korea dan akan mengajari saya trading crypto pakai platform ini, dan sama juga saya dapat email bahwa dana saya di bekukan sebesar 1.000 USDT
benar benar sindikat ini
Saya juga kena mas, apa ada perkembangan sampai saat ini, sy Ade
Sore mas, apa sudah ada perkembangan nya, sy kebetulan juga korban, salam kenal