I contacted Passique Persians regarding a kitten. They got right back to me, very nice etc. I sent in a check for 2 Persian kittens. As soon as Megan and Pat got my money I didn't hear from them regarding a shipping date. I finally got in contact with them after weeks of trying. They date the kittens were to be shipped out. I get a phone call from Pat telling me the kittens didn't get their health clearence to fly because the kttens were infested with fleas and mites. Not what I expected to hear from a "caring and reputable " breeder. She offered no apologies wasn't even embarraessed about the ordeal.
Against my better judgement I went through with making another date to ship only this time the kittens couldn't fly due to heat and temperature restrictions. At least Pat called me to let me know before making the 1 1/2 hr trip to the airport. Well. the next flight date I called the airline the night before, they said all is good the kittens can be shipped. Drove 1 1/2 hrs with 4 kids, waiting another hour for the plane to unload only to find out...the kittens weren't shipped. I called Pat and she said she didn't send them...never called me to let me know and claimed it was to hot!
I told her that was it...since it was the end of June it will only be getting hotter here in NY and I am not waiting until fall for the kittens. It was her fault they were flea infested and couldn't fly out the first time and that I wanted my money back!
Well its been a full week and I haven't received my money back. I'm not even sure there were any kittens to send to begin with. DO NOT TRUST THIS SO CALLED BREEDER!
I have since received my money back...but I had to threaten to call the authoritues.
Please dont let this cat breeder get away with fraud contact the site called Stop Inhumane Cat Breeding at: http://sicb.info or Cat Breeders Complaints Info at: http://catbreeders-complaints.info
Good for you I am so happy you got your money back. You can go to these sites:
Stop Inhumane Cat Breeders http://sicb.ingo
Cat Breeders Complaints Info
To whom it may concern,
My name is Mark, I am Rose Marie Zizzo's cousin.
I feel the need to explain to everyone who has posted comments
blogs and words of hate about my cousin the reason she is the way
she is and to warn innocent people of potential misery.
Rose Marie was always a troubled child but trouble turned to
tragedy when she was 11 years old Rosemarie had always exhibited
signs of mental instability however when she was 11 years old, we
were just kids and my cousin, who had always been obsessed with
cat's, ruthlessly poured gasoline on the neighbor's cat, then lit
it with a lighter she stole from my mother, I ran screaming to my
mother Rosemarie stood and watched with fascination.
My mother quickly called 911 but it took them over 24 minutes to
get to our home and sadly it was too late for the little kitten, it
was at that time my cousin was taken from our home and placed in a
mental facility. She lived out the next several years there and
was stabilized on medication for her Schizophrenia disorder, she
appeared to be fine when they released here but then she began to
collect cats in her trailer until one day a someone reported her to
the authorities for having over 75 cats in her trailer many of
which were severely sick and deprived of human compassion.
As the investigation continued multiple cat bodies were found
stored in her freezer, it was at this time that our family
discovered that Rose Marie had stopped taking her medication, she
was once again hospitalized for week in 1/2 and released. Having
all of her cats taken from her she turned her mentally deranged
mind to the Internet where she began a marathon of stalking cat
breeders building what appeared to be cat breeder consumer sites.
Because of her ongoing harassment and defamation of reputable
breeders, tons of breeders began to complain about Rose Marie to
CFA, they banned her from ever registering cats.
She was now banned from the world's largest cat breeding registry
and all of her cats she once owned were taken from her. One would
have thought this would have been the end of her brutal online
attacks against pedigreed cat breeders, it would have been in a
sound and stable humans mind but that was not the case with Rose
Marie Zizzo. Going on and off of her medication made her medical
condition even worse. She had become fixated on a woman known as
Melanie Lowery. Melanie was a cat breeder who had sold her a cat,
my cousin began to post comments that the cat was ill and Melanie
was evil, after enduring two years of vicious attacks from Rose
Marie Melanie had finally had enough and filed a lawsuit she won
this lawsuit in the amount of $7500, my cousin was found guilty of
Internet cyber bulling and wrongful defamation of character our
family had to scrape together the money to pay Melanie for my
cousin's wrongful actions.
This slap on the hand did not faze my sister, she continued to
widen her selection of cat breeders primarily consisting of Persian
and Himalayan cat breeders then quickly turned on all other
pedigree cat breeders. At this point Rose Marie had been kicked
out of CFA, lost a lawsuit, had a judgment against her to silence
her online attacks and all of her cats were taken from her, these
events continued to deteriorate her mental illness, as our family
we did not know what to do for psychological disorder which
escalated around the world via the Internet so we began to distance
ourselves from her and remind her we would not be here to bail her
out financially again.
Her family support network had been exhausted by her controversial
behavior and outburst which occurred on a day to day basis, her
irritable moods could be triggered from a certain food, too little
or not enough sleep. The one thing we began to notice was how the
simple glance at even a feral cat launched her into another online
tirade and violent declamation. Her wild words pushed cat breeders
to form an alliance against her, while some fought back others
ignored her demagogue, vehement ways. To this day Rose Marie
continues to build multiple complaint sites in which she uses to
feed her perplexed and delusion state of mind.
These web sites are as dangerous as she is, with no family no cats
and no friends only a computer she learned the dangerous skill of
installing malicious spyware and tracking malware on her sights to
see how many people were reading her disoriented post about cat
The hazardous malware installed onto anyone's computer who dared to visit Rose Marie's complaint sites fell victim.
This became her new obsession. When people visited her site for any length of time her
websites installed invisible history tracking spyware, this
software enabled Rosemarie to track the future Internet surfing
history of people who visited her site, using this spyware she was
able to watch people go into their online banking and credit card
Unsuspecting cat breeders and everyday citizens reading her rants
fell victim to her watch full eye. Rose Marie was able to see the
login information and passwords breeders used to advertise their
cats for sale online. Breeders could not understand how personal
information stored only in their email boxes was being displayed on
Rosemary's websites. As Rose Marie read through the emails of any
and all who visited her web sites she posted personal information
such as income tax documents for the world to see, by this time
Rose Marie was no longer only targeting cat breeders, everyone was
a victim who was seeking phony complaints stored on her deceitful
websites. We as her family knew to never visit any of her sites
because she WILL obtain personal documents and private information
and post them on her website in hopes of getting a reaction from
Rose Marie has hundreds of complaint sites with various looks and
feels to them.
The only safe, accurate and authoritative consumer review sites are
The Attorney General's Office (Per state)
The FBI has now been notified of her illegal online treacherous
behavior. Under no conditions should anyone be so drama driven
that they feel the need to visit one of her many websites, doing so
WILL compromise your computer and financial records to this
seriously ill mind. As ashamed as we are of the fact that Rose
Marie continues to fail taking her medication I feel that the
obligation to intervene in hopes of saving another family from
suffering distress and torment by my cousin's ruthless actions.
I do hope this glimpse into the personal side of Rose Marie Zizzo
will help to explain the torment and torture to all who take
Mark Zizzo
We would like to know if this is the truth or a hoax. Please contact us Mark. We would like to know the rest.